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VOL. XLII No. 124
Report Soviet Soldiers
in Battle With
Martial Law Enforced
in Two-Kilormeter
BUCHAREST, Roumania, March
21,-(P)-Reports of Soviet soldiers
shooting down rebellious peasants
in the Ukraine, among them women
defending their churches against
wreckers, came today from Rou-
manian villages on the Ukranian
An uprising in the Ukraine was
reported. The dispatches said mar-
tial law had been established over
a two-kilometer zone on the Rus-
sian side of the Dniester river tc
prevent a further escape of peas-
ants into Roumania.
Soviet church-wrecking activities
in the Ukranian village of Taslak
resulted in a "bloody Sunday," said
alleged eye witness accounts from
Kitzani, Roumania, across the riv-
er. Soviet soldiers, attempting t
destroy a church in Russia's anti-
religious campaign, were faced by
300 women, the reports said, the
soldiers killing and wounding sev-
eral with machine gun fire.
Persons at the Roumanian mili-
tary post at Mihaiviteazu said the
Soviet soldiers were seen shooting
down 15 peasants who tried to de-
fend a cross in the village square
at Ruturaja.
Falcone Says Band, Glee Clubs
Are Too Busy for Annual
Joint Affair.
Elimination of the annual Easte
concert by the Varsity band am
the Men's and Girls' Glee Club
was announced yesterday by Nich-
olas D. Falcone, director of the
band. "Robin Hood" rehearsals fo]
the latter two organizations an
conflict with the separate sprint
concert by the band were given a
the reasons.
Both glee clubs had been con-
centrating all efforts on the opers
and the work in preparing for ar
Easter concert was thought to hav
been too great and thus necessi-
tated their elimination from th
Since the band's annual sprint
concert is scheduled to take placc
April 5, it was decided that, sirc
neither glee club would be able t
participate, the entire Easter event
would be eliminated for the year.1
For the past five years the con.
certs in which the three organiza-
tions participate have proved popu-
lar and interest in them has fre-
quently provided large audiences
The concerts, however, are not per-
manently abolished, it was stated7
but will be resumed again next
Three Cars, Motorbus
Crash, Eight Injured
BATTLE CREEK, March 21.-(A')
-A collision between three auto-
mobiles and a motorbus on US-12.
six miles east of here, this morning
resulted in injury to eight persons.
two of whom maydie.
The cars piled up at the top of
an incline shortly after 7 a.m. when
a blinding snowstorm prevented the
driver of one of the cars from see-
i ng the bus as he attempted to pass
mother car. The third car crashed
into the wreckage of the others.
Dale Foster, 30, of near Kalama-
zoo, driver of the bus, suffered
chest and internal injuries. Mrs.
George Kelfer, 27, of Marshall,
driver of one of the cars, also suf-
fered serious head injuries.
Engineering Teacher
Dies After Operation
By James H. Inglis
The growing tendency on the
part of the University to meddle in
the affairs of fraternities received
a severe indictment yesterday when
Col. Henry W. Miller, professor in
the Engineering school, stated in
an interview, "I doubt if the Uni-
versity should either assume or
accept the authority or the right
to any further supervision than the
right of inspection and the right to
determine which students should
and should not remain in the Uni-
Prof. Miller is a member of Uni-
versity senate committee on stu-
dent affairs and has been in close
touch with deferred rushing devel-
opments during the current year.
In reference to the way the de-
ferred rushing system has worked
out professor Miller indicated that
the need for a system of regula-
Caps, Gowns, Canes, Invitations
Cannot Be Secured Without
Proper Receipt.
No invitations, canes, or caps and
;owns will be distributed to the
members of the senior literary
-lass this year without the presen-
uation of a receipt for class dues,
David M. Nichol, '32, president of
she class, said last night after a
meeting of the committee chairmen
A the school. Collection of the dues
will be made today, tomorrow and
rhursday in the lobby of Angell
Arrangement has also been made
or the collection of dues in the
Women's League building from 2
to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The
dues have been set this year at
two dollars a person.
The decision as to the amount to
be collected from the members of
%he class was reached only after
t review of recent class history.
ren dollar charges have not been
anknown in the past and the usual
imount has been at least five dol-
.ars. The cut was made in the
amount charged this year because
f the unusual economic conditions.
Actual collection will be under
he direction of John H. Denler,
X2, class treasurer. Dues may be
>aid from 9 to 12 o'clock each
norning of the three-day drive and
,ollections will also be made in the
Plans for the senior activities
'uch as Class day and the tradi-
dional Swingout were also discussed
it the meeting yesterday. Definite
announcement of these will be
made in the near future.
Track Title Goes to
Alpha Kappa Lambda
Alpha Kappa Lambda captured
the annual Interfraternty track
meet last night by scoring 21 and
one-quarter points to nose out
Theta Xi, runners-up, who amassed
18 scores.
In the semi-finals of the Intra-
mural basketball tournament, Al-
pha Sigma and Beta Theta Pi ad-
vanced in class 'A' by identical
scores, defeating Delta Kappa Epsi-
Ion and Theta Chi 11-4.
In class 'B', Delta Upsilon beat
Delta Tau Delta 20 to 12, while the
Phi Psis trounced Kappa Nu 23-4.
In the Independent division the
Falcons took the Ramblers 14-8 and
Physical Eds beat the Aces 38-22.
tions which would delay the pledg-
ing of freshmen had never been
seriously needed. "It seems to me,"
he states, "that the rule agreed to
by fraternities some years ago to
the effect that students would not
be initiated unless they had com-
pleted eleven hours of work with
a grade of '"C'' has been accepted
as a good one. I have seen no evi-
dence to indicate that the rule was
not adequate."
Expanding upon his contention
that the relation of the university
to the fraternity should be the
same as its relation to any other
distinctly p r i v a t e organization,
Professor Miller said, "I have al-
ways regarded a fraternity, includ-
ing its possession of a house and
land, with the debts or obligations
thereon and the difficulties of fi-
nancing, as an essentially private
enterprise. I am sure this univer-
(Continued on Page 2, Col. 4)
Hearing on Bank Bill
to Begin Wednesday
WASHINGTON, March 21.-(P)-
Over the protest of its sponsors, the
Glass Banking Reform Bill is to be
the subject of hearing by the Sen-
ate Banking Committee.
The Committee today voted 10 to
6 forsuch procedure.The hearings
will begin Wednesday with repre-I
sentatives of the American Bank-
ers' Association and the Investment
Bankers Association invited as the
first witnesses.
The inquiry was requested by
these organizations and there are
signs of some opposition from the
Banking group.
Journalism Professor Believes
Competition Defeats
Professor Brumm, of the Journal-
ism department and a member of
the board of judges of the current
events contest sponsored by the
New York Times, stated, in an in-
terview yesterday, that the annual
contests' defeats its own real pur-
pose, in his belief.
"The current events contest does
not command the interest that it
deserves," said Mr. Brumm, "in that
the contestants 'cram' for the ex-
amination and feel that the work
is not worth while unless they win
one of the prizes.
Few Outstanding.
"This contest, which is carried on
in twenty universities throughout
the country, can only be well writ-
ten by students of journalism, soci-
ology, and political science." Mr.
Brumm said. "In every contest
there has been only two or three
people who were outstanding, while
the others were just mediocre," he'
In order to create more interest
in the contest, Professor Brumm
suggests that a course in this line
should be given by the University
which would require consistent, in-
telligent reading of newspapers.
Under the present plan by which
the contest is run, the average stu-
dent, who is busy with school, can-
not become interested enough to
read the newspapers thoroughly,
Mr. Brumm stated.
Date Should be Unknown.
Moreover, the fact that the date
of the examination is known ahead
of time makes it possible for the
contestant to "cram" by reading
almanacs. In order to correct this,
Mr. Brumm said that the date of
the contest should be unknown so
that theecontestant would be pre-
pared at all times.
Physician, Rushing to Bedside
of Ill Daughter, Perishes
When Ship Falls.
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio, March 21.
-(P)-The bodies of Dr. Carol S.
Cole, woman physician, of St. Louis,
and Hal George, airplane pilot of
Columbus, were recovered from a
wrecked mail passenger plane in
the Ohio River at Brown's Island
six miles north of here late today.
George was manager of the Co-
lumbus branch oc the Transconti-
nental air Lines and an executive
of the Airline Pilots Association.
He was 32 years old and a graduate
of the University of Kansas. He
moved to Columbus a year ago
after living in Detroit for eight
Two years ago he married Mar-
ion M. Kroha, formerly of 225 Cov-
ington Road.
Two tug boats, summoned to the
scene when the wreckage of the
Transcontinental Western Airways
plane was discovered in the water,
pulled the wrecked ship to the
shore of the island.
The bodies were removed and
taken to Weirton, W. Va., across
the river from here. Those who;
participated in the salvage work
said they believed Dr. Cole and
Pilot George met death by drown-
ing. The plane was completely sub-
merged in the river about 20 feet
off shore.
The ship, eastbound with Dr.
Cole as a passenger for Newark,
N. J., to which point she was
hastened to be at the bedside of
her daughter, who is ill, disappear-
ed in bad weather over this section
at 3 o'clock today. The plane left
Columbus shortly after 1 o'clock.
The ship was badly wrecked and
many sections were missing.
Independent Taxicab
Drivers Break Pact
Independent taxicab owners
were charging students 35 cents
a person Sunday and last night,
it was learned yesterday. This
rate is contrary to the one
agreed upon by the cab com-
panies, which charge 50 cents
for two passengers.
These independent cabs carry
tickets in their windows similar
to those carried by cars charging
the agreed rates it was learned.
No actual rate card, however, is
displayed as in other cabs, and
the full maximum rate of 35
cents a passenger is charged.
One driver, Martin Welch,
stated that he was charging the
full rate upon orders of a Mr.
Carl D. Marsh, and said that he
was an independent operator.
Regular companies, however,
which display their rate cards,
are asking only the agreed 50
cents for two passengers.
City to Select Board of Seven
Members to Delve Into
Apopintment of a committee to
investigate collection of delinquentl
personal taxes and distribution of
assessments, proposed last week at
a meeting of the committee of the
whole, was approved last night by
Election of Sophomore
Councilmen Postponed
New Evidence on the fradu-
lent Student Council election
last Wednesday caused the nom-
inating committee of this body
which met Sunday night to post-
pone indefinitely the naming of
the men to run on the new bal.
lot and consequently to put off
the electionsto some date in the
future, it was anounced last
Athough the nature of the
evidence was not revealed it was
stated by Edward J. McCormick,
'32, president, that decided prog.
ress was being made in the sec-
ret investigation conducted by
the Council.
When the committee renom-
inates, McCormick promised, the
names of all of the men on the
original ballot will be discarded
and a new ballot formed. No
man's name will reappear on this
ticket unless the committee is
reasonably sure that he had noth-
ing to do with the election fraud.
Dead Numbered at 43 as Storms Raze Towns
Confirmation of Reported Casualties
Would Almost Double Total.
(By The Associated Press)
Tornadoes'in Alabama and Kentucky took a heavy toll of
life late Monday, the number of known dead reaching 43 with
many communities still shut off from communication as a result
of the storm in Alabama. Confirmation of reported casualties
in isolated sections would almost double the list of dead. Esti-
mates of the number of injured ran into the hundreds, and hun-
dreds of families were made homeless.
The Kentucky storm struck at Uniontown, destroying the
Pilland Hotel and killing A. H. Pilland, 80, and John Shank, 60.
Mrs. Arnold Livers, 55, was seriously hurt.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 21. - () - At least 41 persons
were killed, an undetermined number injured and hundreds of others
made homeless by tornadoes in the western and central parts of Ala-
bama late today.
The known dead were placed at 41 as a minimum by the Birrri-
ingham Age-Herald and in addition to this total, Harry Gordon,
a Columbiana merchant, said between 25 and 30 were killed. Gordon
took this news of Calera, 12 miles from Columbiana, which was cut
First Journalist Issue
Will Come Out Today,
Townspeople, Faculty Members, The Journalist, a weekly news-
Students to Comemorate paper published by the journalism
classes of the University, enters its
Death of Poet. fifth year with its initial issue ap-
pearing today.
Tribute to the memory of Johann Written with the intention of
Wolfgang von Goethe, German giving the students practical exper-
lyric poet, will be paid tonight by ience in writing for newspapers, the
paper contains news articles and
townspeople, faculty members, and editorials concerning the Univer-
students when a banquet and eve- j sity.
ning program will commemorate I
the centenary of the poet's death.
A celebration dinner at 6:30
o'clock at the Michigan League will - N ORIEN
open the program. The dinner will
be followed by exercises at 8:15 in kI'NI
Hill auditorium at which the Ger-
man department, with the co-op er-
ation of the School of Music, will Three More Troop Transports
present a program in English'p
Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven will Are Called Home by
act as chairman of the program
and Prof. J.W.aEaton, chairman ofJp
the German department, will SHANGHAI, March 21. - (/P) ---
liver the principal address of the After long parleys here Chinese and
evening. Thes80-piece University Japanese negotiations offered a ba--
symphony orchestra will play the sis for peace today to the League
overture from Egmont, and Miss of Nation's Commission of Inquiry.
Thelma Lewis will sing some of which returned, grimy and weary,1
Goethe's lyrics. ,from an all-day tour of the battle-
Fritz Hailer, German, vice consul fields. They found the rival dis-
at Detroit, will be present. putants ready for a formal peace
This week the German depart- confernce, scheduled t o b e g i n
ment is also utilizing the Univer- Wednesday.
sity's broadcasting station to deliver All the inspectors saw were ruins.
several addresses on Goethe. The but a Japanese officer who served
talks wil be given this week every as guide vividly described the bat-
day at 2 p.m. The speakers will be tle scenes. While they were atI
Dr. Wahr, Dr. Diekhoff, Dr. Hildner, Kiangwan, where a little band of
Dr. Reichart, and Prof. Wild. Chinese long held out, a courier
There will be no admission charge dashed up with word that three
for the program tonight, which will Chinese snipers had just wounded
be given entirely in English except a Japanese major.
for the songs. Those desiring to at- While the party was out, three
tend the preliminary banquet are more transports sailed for home
asked to communicate with the from Shanghai and Woosung with
office of the German department. part of the Japanese 11th Division.
TOKIO, March 21.-(P)-A non-
Prof. Verner W Craepartisan "National" Government.
Speaks on Washington similar to the cabinet of Prime
Minister Ramsay MacDonald in
"Washington in the West" will be Great Britain, was seen today asF
the topic of a talk to be delivered the likeliest way out of difflcultie
by Prof. Verner W. Crane, professor threatening the administration of
of American history at 7:30 tonight Premier Tsuyoshi Inukai.
before members of Adelphi in the( Political observers said there was
Adelphi room of Angell hall, ac- little prospect of a Fascist coup, as
cording t o J. Edmund Glavin, hasebeen rumored. They suggested
speaker. instead that the strongest men of
The meeting will be open to the Japan's two major parties might
public, which is cordially invited to be invited into the Government at
attend, Glavin says. the closing of the Diet on March 25.
off when all lines of communica-
tion went out.
The Birmingham city commission
received a call for doctors, nurses
and ambulances at Columbiana.
Three companies of the national
guard were ordered by Gov. B. M.
Miller to Northport, across the
Warrior river from Tuscaloosa,
where the known dead were 18 and
heavy property damage was re-
Red Cross officers said that they
feared the list of dead would grow
when the ruins were searched.
TUSCALOOSA, Ala., March 21.--
(A')-An undetermined number of
persons were killed and injured by
a tornado that struck Northport,
six miles south of here, late today.
Fire broke out after the storm.
Reports received here said three
bodies had been taken from the
wreckage of homes and buildings.
Search was being made of the de-
bris to determine if more were
killed. Ambulances brought scores
of injured to the Druid City Hos-
1 pital here, and all physicians and
nurses were pressed into service to
care for the injured.
The tornado struck about 4:15
p.m., and leveled a number of the
homes and buildings.
Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Dixon were reported killed at Lin-
den late today in a storm. Six per-
sons were reported seriously injured
and 15 others were reported less
seriously hurt. Between 50 and 75
4 homes were blown down.
Deaths were reported at Demo-
polis, as well as considerable dam-
age to homes and other property.
Much Mail Flows Into Lindbergh
Home as Authorities Seek
HOPEWELL, N. J., March 21.-(A)
--As the twentieth day since the
kidnapping of Charles Augustus
Lindbergh, Jr., drew to a close to-
night, an announcement came from
the flier's hilltop home that Feder-
al officers throughout the country
were co-operating diligently in the
hunt that has spread from coast
Io coast.
Thousands of pieces of mail and
hundreds of telegrams containing
tis continued to pour in to the
Lindbergh home. Col. H. Norman
Schwarzkopf, State police head, in
explaining the offers of co-opera-
tion from Federal agents, said many
of these communications w c r e
coming from Department of Justice
agents around the country.
Hugh Chamberlain Burr, pastor
of the First Baptist Church of De-
troit, will speak to students at 12:30
o'clock today on "His Last Jour-
ney," at the Congregational church.
These daily services are being spon-
sored by the S.C.A., in celebration
of Holy Week.
Reverend Burr took his degree
from Princeton in 1911, and served
as graduate secretary of the stu-
dent Y.M.C.A., for one year. In 1915
he attended the Union Theological
Seminary, and received his master's
degree in Sociologv from Columbia
the Common Council. A
There will be seven members,' R GI E E'IS
one named by the aldermen of '
each ward, on the committee, which WEATHER ARR
will endeavor to find a way out of ___
the financial difficulties the city Springis here!
has been placed in by the failure hinng
to collect these taxes. Somewhere the sun was shining,
The city treasurer has been un- somewhere the birds sang, some-
able to press collection because of where students went.to their class-
the inability of many merchants es in sweaters and in some far place
and private individuals to pay golf and tennis were the order of
without going into bankruptcy or the day, but in Ann Arbor the first
being placed in an acute financial day of spring came and went with
condition. one of the heaviest snowfalls of
Action was delayed on an ordi- the year.
nance to prohibit installation or Students awoke yesterday morn-
repairs on drains and sewers by ing to greet a two-inch blanket of
other than contractors locally li- snow and hauled out galoshes and
sensed or householders. Several old shoes to trudge down to cam-
members of the council objected to pus. Skiis, which had been care-
too precipitate a decision on the fully laid away for summer, were
measure. brought from their resting places
way down to eight and nine o'clocks
were common events on the diag-
onal and the Health Service report-
ed not a few cases of bumped knee
caps and sprained ankles, along
with various other bruises.
The pink pills and green medi-
Spring began one day earlier
this year because of the extra
day in February. Contrary to
the common belief, the season
of sunshine and flowers was
not ushered in with Monday's
snowfall, but had been here a
day already. At 1:53:10.73 Sun-
day afternoon, to be precise,
Well, What Are You
Going to Do About It.
-There is no use mak-
ing a big fuss. It doesn't
do any good. Some seem