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March 20, 1932 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-20

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Sororities 1E
et O'Brien ]I
et O'rien]Jean Berridge Breaks Record
the first to use the visiting delegateB.
system. It started the first frater- in Back Stroke by Almost
nity endowment fund, of $50,000, Two Seconds.
and was the first fraternity to put
out a history of its first fifty years. Twelve women competed for time
The group has also been prom- in the intercollegiate telegraphic
inent in national Panhellic work. It
was an Alpha Phi from the Theta swimming meet with 18 other col-'
chapter on this campus, Margaret leges held at 10 o'clock yesterday
Marian Whitney, who was then na- morning in the Union pool.
tional president, who called the Four events were entered, the 40-
first national assembly of sororities, yd. crawl, back, and breast, and
known as the Inter-sorority con-
vention. In 1911, the group became the 100-yd. free style. The women
known as Panhellenic, and now in- who competed were Jean Berridge,
cludes twenty-one members. °33, Jean Botsford, '33, Virginia
!Among the prominent Alpha Phi ',,,T ^ nlzoT v'2drv

Lmuuswr ure's. aCbLacNv~iiaavaaiaara iui , '5, Caroi .1De Boos; 34, Cor-
The fraternity is an international alumnae, Katherine Barker is par-F '34,F'34,
organization, having three chap- ticularly distinctive. She is the only neries, '3, Fl y Eby '34
ters in Canada, and is divided into woman ever to receive the Four- I ooh al 3,SlyKn,'4
six districts. It has twenty-six ragere decoration from the French Ruth Kurtz, '34, Josephine McCaus-
alumnae groups in the principal government for rendering distinc- ey, '34, Katherine McMurray, '32,
cities of the country, and there are tiv service during the war, and she and Elizabeth Talcott, '35.
also several smaller organizations. ' was also awarded the Croix de In the 40-yd. crawl, Dorothy Hall
The government is in the hands of Guerre. Hallie Stiles has made a took first, Jean Botsford second,
a convention, a general board, and name for herself in grand opera, and Betty Talcott third. Dorothy
a board of governors. and Gertrude Buck was head of theHalstm wa245ecn.
English department at Vassar for Hall's time was 24.5 seconds.
The national offices of the fra- many years. In the 40-yd. back Jean Berridge
ternity are located in the Eatonmayers
toery road it is from WinifredGoodsmith Long is pres- won first place and Carol De Boos
tower in Detroit, and it is from ident of the board of trustees at won second. Jean Berridge's time
here that the Alpha Phi Quarterly Northwestern, and was dean of was 28.75 seconds. She broke last
is issued. The fraternity also pub- women there for many years. Ellen year's record by almost 2 seconds.
lishes a history, a directory, and a Van Valkenberg Browne, with her In the 40-yd. breast Ruth Kurtz
song book. husband, organized the first Little took first, Corinne Fries second.
The Alpha Phi badge is a plain Theatre in Chicago. Martha Foote and Florence Eby third. The best
gold Alpha superimposed on a Phi. Crowe has edited several books of time was 34 seconds.
Jewelled pins may only be worn on poetry, while Clara Bradley Bur- Jean Berridge also took first in
formal occasions, or by alumnae. dette has written some important the 100-yd. free style. Jean Bots-
The pledge pin is a silver ivy leaf works on political science theses, ford took second, and Katherine
with the fraternity monogram. The and is a member of the National McMurray took third.' Jean Ber-
flowers are the forget-me-not and Republican committee. Frances ridge's time was 1 min. 16.75 sec-
the lily-of-the-valley, and the col- Willard has been prominently iden- onds.
ors are bordeaux and silver. The tified with the temperance move- The former records are as fol-
open motto is "Union hand in ment. lows: 40-yd. crawl-Redding, In-
hand." --diana, 22.5, 1930; 40-yd. back -
The altruistic projects include WOMEN MEET DENISON Brenker, Illinois, 30.6, 1931; 40-yd.
Martha Foote Crowe fund, which is breast - Davidson, Nebraska, 29.4,
used for scholarships, aid to chap- D931:; 100-yd. free style - Nejdl, Il-
ters, and a student loan fund.slinois,1:16.4,1931.
Alpha Phi holds the distinction women's debate team from the Uni- eies, 1:16.4h 1931.
Besides breaking the record for
of having initiated many of the versity of Michigan last night on the back Jean Berridge came with-
present customs in the fraternity the question of whether war debts in 3 of a second from tying for
world. It was the first women's should be cancelled. Michigan had the 100-yd. free style. The results
fraternity to build and occupy its the negative side of the question.' for this year will be given out by
own chapter house, its first house The women who debated were: Al- Wisconsin after April 1. The meet
being at Syracuse, and it was also va Pasco, '32, Marabel Smith, '34, wa quite weli attended.
beingatyracuseandit____also_ and Bernice Drukendrod, '34. This -a
is the last debate of the season us-
PERMANENT WAVES ing the war debt proposition. -COFFEES - ROASTED ]
Take advantage of If you wite, we have ite McIntosh
our low end-of- season Correspondence Stationery, -
special prices. All Fowntean Pews, Ink, etc* R eys Almond
waves complete, with Trpwriters seTHE
shampoo and set at GreetgECrs-T E ROAST
no extra chiarze. - D. ORR IL


l .State St.,9 Ann Arbr*







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