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March 20, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-20

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ublished every morning except Monday during the University
>y the Board in Control of Student Publications.
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Editor ................................... David M. Nichol
ditor ..................... ..............Carl Forsythe
al Director..........................Beach Conger, Jr.
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mt News Editor ................ .......Robert L. Piercej

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Bernard it. Good


Goethe's Ideas on Education
By M. Levi, Professor Emeritus
Goethe died in the year 1832. The significance
of the period in which Goethe lived may be inferred
from a passage by Taine, famous French critic, his-
torian and philosopher: "From 1780 to 1830" writes
Taine, "Germany has produced all the ideas of our
historic age; and for half a century still, perhaps for
a whole century, our great work will be to think
them over again." The same writer called "Faust"
the greatest poem of the age and dwelling upon the1
importance of Goethe in general he remarked: "The
human mind found its pattern in the great Goethe,
who by his 'Tasso,' 'Iphigenie,' 'Divan,' and his second
part of 'Faust' became a citizen of all nations and
a contemporary of all ages."
Goethe is the greatest genius Germany has pro-
duced, and, by common consent, is the equal of the
most famous poets and thinkers of the world: Homer,
Dante, and Shakespeare. In a recent book on Goethe,
Henry W. Nevinson characterizes the drama of
"Faust" as follows: "Goethe himself described the
whole drama as incommensurable, and, indeed, like
life itself, it surpasses the measure of logical under-
standing. He tells us it is vain to seek one clue or
central idea in so vast a drama of human existence."
As was but natural in the case of so universal a
mind, Goethe was interested in almost every subject
in the world; "no department of culture, no sphere
of activity, of which he has not something to tell us."
To what extent Goethe was gifted with prophetic
vision is indicated in a passage of Spengler's remark-
able book, "The Decline of the West": "Goethe be-
sides being a model executive," writes Spengler, "was
interested in the Suez and Panama Canals, the dates
of which he foresaw with accuracy and their effects
on the economy of the world, and he busied himself
again and again with the question of American eco-
nomic life and its reactions on the Old World, and
with that of the dawning era of machine industry."
What distinguishes Goethe in the midst of his
numerous interests is that he devoted himself
throughout his life to the study of men and women.
He considered this study most fascinating and valu-
able, everything else being either an element in
which man is living or a tool for man's use. Now,
in view of the fact that every human being presents
a problem and since the growth and development of
such being was of particular attraction to him,
Goethe's interest in the education of the young is
not surprising. It is worth mentioning in this con-
nection that Goethe was not the only German poet
to write on education. Lessing wrote "Erziehung des
Menschengeschlechts"; to Schiller we owe "Aeste-
tische Erziehung des Menschen"; Jean Paul is the
author of "Levana oder Erziehungslehre." GoetheI
did not write a regular treatise on education. He
himself said that it was not in his line as a poet to
embody anything abstract. Hence his ideas on edu-
cation are scattered through a large part of his
works, more especially in "Wilhelm Meister," "Wahl
verwandschaften," and "Wahrheit und Dichtung."
Since what constitutes a liberal education is still
one of our unsolved problems, it may be interesting
to examine what Goethe thought on the subject.
The Bible
And first of all we note that Goethe laid great
stress upon the study of the Bible. This book re-
mained his favorite reading throughout life. In the
poet's "Autobiography" occurs the folowing: "For my
part, I loved and valued the Bible, for to it alone I
owed my moral growth." But it was not so much
religion-in religion Goethe was a disciple of Spinoza
-that made Goethe love the Bible. It was its literary
excellence, its simplicity and naturalness, its gran-
deur and poetic beauty. "The reason why the Bible
has such an unceasing influence," writes Goethe, "is
because no one, as long as the world endures, wil
ever arise and say: I grasp the work as a whole, and
understand it in all its parts. But we say humbly:
as a whole let us respect it, and in its parts apply it."
On another occasion he said: "I am convinced that
the Bible will always appear more beautiful the more
we understand it." Goethe was so saturated with
the language of the Bible that a study of his style
reveals hundreds of turns and expressions which may
be traced directly to the "book of books.'

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ii non Specneor
IK1lmbryn Speiicer
Iathryn Stork
11auy Elizab~eth W\atts

SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1932

aping The Council
)ut of Politics

O date, the Student Council investigation
appears to have produced nothing concrete in
matter of the election frauds last Wednesday.
be sure, it is limited in several respects, but#
ly through its own fault.
In the first place, although the election of the
>homore members was part of a reorganization
>gram of the Council in an attempt to make it
re truly a student government organization,1
:ording to statements of President McCormick,j
lack of men to handle the polling places kept)
n from keeping an adequate check on the num-
s of ballots he handed out. It also forced thel
uncil to use even candidates to watch the polls,
nd out ballots, and check names. Such negli-
ice on the part of a Council which is allegedly.
ing to make itself worthy of greater responsi-s
ities and powers is inexcusable.
Secondly, the secret investigation, which the
esident, who wishes to exonerate the Council
this matter, should logically head, is handi-I
>ped at the very outset by Mr. McCormick. HeI
s been put in a rather untenable position by the
t that he knows seven of the guilty parties by
me, and at the same time is President of the
uncil which is trying to find out the culprits.
s action is not a credit to his position in author-
Obviously, those who perpetrated the fraud
rit punishment of one kind or another. Political
>bation has been customarily imposed on similar
sons. The mere publication of their names
uld be sufficient. Yet, without a check on who
I what ballots when and where, a knowledge
.ich has always been obtained at all other elec-
ns this year, the members of the Council who
iously intend to do their utmost to find out the
ren face an almost impossible task.
Naturally President McCormick, as a member
the nominating committee, can keep the guilty
rsons from being renominated. This action
uld be equivalent to giving out the names, as
as any of the candidates are involved. For
tah seven men implicated, it seems logical that
th candidates and their supporters are guilty.
this should disturb Mr. McCormick's conscience
regards his promise he might keep innocent
rties off the ballot. Yet this is so obviously'
fair to the innocent parties that the committee
>uld, not for a minute, consider this supposed
nedy for the situation. The only remaining
.ution is to name an entirely new slate of eight
mn or else make the names of the guilty parties
own so that, should innocent men be left off
e nomination lists, they would not be under any
adow of suspicion. We believe this is the only
r thing to do.
In conclusion, we remark that the Council is
ring to make itself bigger than politics. How,
n this be possible when four members attend
ucuses? The names of candidates ought to be

(The second and concluding part of this article
will appear Tuesday morning in The Daily.)
The meeting of Eugene O'Neill and Gerhart
Hauptmann, psychological and realistic dramatists,
seems to have been a success. Could someone intro-
duce Herbert Hoover and Huey Long?
"Business and Pleasure"
Though the business is mostly monkey business
and the pleasure empty, the Fox film across the
street has one large redeeming feature . . . Will
Rogers. There are those wha don't believe in Will's
portrayal of the 100 per cent American, and then
again. . . . At any rate the Oklahoman does a nice
job this time, though Tarkington's lines don't seem
to fit his temperament so well as Will's own.
Business dealings with an Arab whom Will calls
"Abie the Agent" provide the best humor sequence;
unless it is Will's impersonation of an Eastern psy-
chic, by means of which he fools the vampire, his
wife, and himself.
The story concerns the trip of the razor blade
tycoon and his wife and daughter to Damascus, in
search of the steel secret. Jetta Goudal, as the al-
mond-eyed, ivory-skinned siren, in league with
business competitors of Will, intervenes.
It is possible to work up quite an interest in all
this and enjoy narts of it immensely, all except the

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