4. tl
XLII. No. 121
Academy Meeting
Present Lectures
Lectures Are Given oni
Anthropology and
More Than 200 Talks
Will Be Presented
in Three Days.
By Karl Seiffert
With more than 200 papers to be7
read in three days, the opening ses-t
sions of the Michigan Academy of
Science, Arts, and Letters, which
began its thirty-seventh annualt
meeting here yesterday, saw an-1
thropology and forestry discussiont
meetings sharing the highlights of
the first day of convention. Meet-
ings will continue through today
and tomorrow.
Among t h e prominent m e n
brought here by the convention aret
Prof. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, of the
University of Chicago, who i st
known as a leader in British-Aus-
tralian anthropology; Prof. Fay
Cooper-Cole, also of Chicago uni-
versity, and an archeologist of na-
tional note; Dr. H. C. Shetrone and
Dr. Emerson F. Greenman, both of
the Ohio State Historical museum
.t Columbus; Dr. M. J. Herskovits,
of Northwestern university; Prof.
Ralph Linton, of Wisconsin univer-
sity; and Prof. Paul H. Nesbit, of
Logan Memorial museum, Beloit,
Dr. Field Gives Paper.
The opening meetings in anthro-
pology were sponsored by the cen-
tral section of the American An-
thropological Association as guests
of the Michigan Academy sectiona
of anthropology. Chief among the
day's papers on this subject was
"The Antiquity of Man in South-
western Asia," by Dr. Henry Field,
assistant director of the Field mu-
seum in Chicago.
Dr. Field declared that in his be-;
lief the great Arabian desert, bar-
ren and dry now and inhabitated
only by Beduins, was once well-
watered and the home of a large
population of pre-historic men.
"I have found stone implements,"
said Dr. Field, "that show conclus-
ively that pre-historic men once;
lived in the now desert area." The
speaker's theory is that the stone
age men of the desert or their des-
cendants scattered to other parts
of Asia and into Africa, so the
Arabian desert may be considered
one of the cradles of mankind.
"Whether it was 10,000 or 100,-
000 years ago that they lived there
no one knows," he said.
Support for his belief that the
desert has not always been as vir-
tually devoid of water as it is today,
he:found in the fact that a huge
cistern, built by the Romans, some
1,500 years ago, Is said to have held
more water at even that compara-
tively recent time than now. Dr.
Field also pointed to the fact that
the existence of dry river beds of
considerable width a n d depth
proves that at the time they were
cut there must have been abundant
Prof. Graham Addresses Section.
Despite the importance of com-
paratively recent discoveries, Dr.
Field pointed out that "a great
deal remains to be learned about
southwestern Asia as the home of
pre-historic man."
One of the leaders of the con-
servation forces in the battle being
waged against the spruce budworm
over the pine forest areas of the
state, Samuel A. Graham, professor
of economic zoology, addressed the
forestry section of the Michigan
academy yesterday afternoon, and
told of the progress that has been
0. J. Campbell Asks
More English Work
for All Students
That there should be an irreduc-
ible minimum of studies in English
literature to serve as a basic Eng-
lish course for all college students
is the opinion of Prof. Oscar J.
Campbell of the English depart-
ment, as set forth in an article in
the current issue of the English
The article, which was first read
last November before a meeting of
the National Council of Teachers of
English, of which Professor Camp-
bell is vice-president, is entitled
"English Majors and Others."
"One of our first aims will be to
discover whether there is not some
service that English literature
should perform for every student,"
writes Professor Campbell. He fur-
ther discusses the objective of such
study, means of study, and falla-
cies in the present methods of
teaching it.
It is the aim of the survey com-
mittee "to keep courses and all
paraphenalia of academic machin-
ery subordinate to the ends to be
achieved and the processes of de-
velopment in the minds of the
students," P r o f e s s o r Campbell
writes in conclusion.
Presidential Poll
IBrings Big Vote;
Hoover Favored
The fact that students of the
United States do not take a defi-
nite interest in national politics
was disproved last night when the
results of the all-campus straw
vote, held here Wednesday under
the auspices of "What to Do," and
the Union, revealed that more than!
2000 persons went to the pollsand
named everyone f r o m Herbert
Hoover to Lydia Pinkham as their
choice for president.
Hoover received more than three!
times as many votes as his near-
est competitor, Franklin D. Roose-
velt. 89 more Republicans than
Democrats voted, although a little
difficulty was experienced by the
ballot counters in deciding what
party such people as the Lindbergh
Baby and Mahatma Gandhi were
supported by .
Fifth on the list, with a student
vote of 111 was William Z. Foster,
in 1928 candidate for president on
the communist ticket. Following
Foster were Ritchie, Garner, Mur-
ray, Borah and Young. Foster was
recently indicted for criminal syn-
dicalism in Michigan after leading
the Ford factory riot in Detroit in1
which four workers were killed.
A total number of 2089 votes were
cast. 951 of these were definitely
Republican, 862 were Democrat,
and 276 were either Socialist, Pro-
gressive, or Doubtful. Joseph A.
Bursley and Prof. Paul CuncannonI
were listed among the doubtful.
In answer to the question, "Who
is your first choice for President,"
793 named Hoover, 231 Roosevelt,
192 Baker, 140 Smith, 111 Foster, 98
Ritchie, 97 Thomas, 59 Garner, 35
Cantor, 51 Murray, 20 Rogers, 17
Borah, 12 Young, 12 Cuncannon, 6
Bursley, 5 Dawes, and 4 Ruthven.
The second question, "What man
of the other party do you favor,"
Hoover received 372 votes, Roose-
velt 343, Baker 221, Ritchie 91, Gar-
ner 82, Thomas 67, Smith 64, Can-
tor 36, Young 35, Murray 26, Borah
26, Dawes 14, and Foster 13.
The following names also ap-
peared on the ballots: Railroad
Jack, Hitler, Mussolini, Sheriff Far-
ley, Edward Kuhn, Howard Gould,
Boss McCormick, Al Capone, Lin-
coln, John Huss, Clarence C. Little,
Andy Gump, Ben Turpin, Prof.
James K. Pollock, Coxey, Mooney,
George Jessel, Zilch, and Jefferson.
Hurley Predicts
More Liberal Stand on
Practical Joker
M'Cormiok Say!
He Knows Guilt
in Ballot Forger3
All-Campus Election for New Sophomo
Student Council Members to Be
Conference Question Upheld
Travis, Kimball, and
URBANA, March 17. - (Special)
-Meeting the University of Illinois
in its only decision debate of the
semester, the Varsity negative de-
bating team was defeated by the
Illinois affirmative team last night
it Urbana, Illinois. Samuel L. Tra-
vis, '34, Leonard L. Kimball, '33, and
Jacob I. Weissman, '34, debated for
This debate, one of the two West-
3rn Conference Debating League
debates scheduled for Michigan this
season, was on the Conference
question: Resolved: that all world
war intergovernmental debts and
reparations should be cancelled.
Professor Allan H. Monroe, of the
Department of Speech at Purdue,
was judge of the debate. Professor
W. P. Sandfore, head of the Divi-
sion of Public Speaking at the
University of Illinois, acted as the
Statement Coincides With That
of Cleveland's Maurice
WASHINGTON, March 17.-()-
The prohibition question marched
forward abruptly today into polit-
ical speculation with three of the
Republican party's high command
talking of possible liberalization,
while supporters of Franklin D.
Roosevelt boomed his sweep of
North Dakota's preference vote.
Secretary Hurley, in Chicago, ex-
pressed a belief the Republican na-
tional convention in June will adopt
a "more liberal" stand on the liquor
"A great many people are going
to look for the wet candidates on
the ballots next November," the
secretary of war said in an inter-
view. "Eventually I think the pro-
hibition question will be settled on
the basis of states-rights."
Convention to Face Test.
That the party's convention will
face its biggest test on prohibition
since adoption of the Eighteenth
Amendment was predicted by Ralph
E. Williams, of Oregon.
This coincided with a statement
in Cleveland by Maurice Maschke,
national committeeman, that a
majority of the Ohio delegation to
the Chicago Republican gathering
would be made up of men favoring
a change or a referendum.
Ohio has always sent dry delega-
tions to the quadrennial conclaves.
The New Jersey delegation al-
ready has been urged by the Re-
publican state committee to work
for a repeal plank and the action
has been laid formally before
President Hoover, who has adopted
an atitude of complete silence on
the question.
Hint Hoover Approval.
Asked if Mr. Hoover would run
on a "damp plank" if the conven-
tion asserted one in the platform,
Williams replied:
"I have never seen a President
yet who, after serving four years,
did not accept the renomination
when it was offered to him."
The statement at Columbus by
Gov. George White of Ohio that he
favored a referendum on the
Eighteenth Amendment lifted some
eyebrows in Democratic circles but
brought no comment.
Henry Busse to Provide Music
for Annual Class
I -
Featuring Henry Busse and his
17-piece orchestra, the Frosh Frol-
ic, traditional campus class dance,
will be held tonight in the ballroom
of the Union. Charles Weinfeld,
'35E, chairman of the affair, and
Lois Meyer, of Detroit, will lead
Ithe dance which lasts from 9 to
2 o'clock.
More than 250 tickets have been
' sold and the few tickets that re-
main will be on sale at the main
desk in the Union today.
Potted plants, evergreens, and
spring flowers, furnished by the
University florists, have been chos-
en for the decoration of the ball-
room. It is reported that the effect
of the decorations in the uniquely
lighted Union room is very attrac-
tive and unusual.
Favors of genuine silver pounded
jewel cases have been selected as
favors for the dance. These cases,
which have been made spcially for
the Frosh Frolic, may be obtained
at Balfour's jewelry shop upon the
presentation of the favor stub, at-
tached to the ticket.
Dr. Ruthven to Sneak
Associated Press Photo1
Pre-Easter Meetings to Be
Every Day at Noon.
Marion Shepherd, '35, who defied
tradition by entering the Uniont
through the front door Mondayt
night, faces disciplinary action-
from the Dean of Women's office,-
it was learned yesterday. In an in-
terview with Dean Alice Lloyd, she
was severely critiized for her prank,
which was termed by the Dean as
not funny and very foolish, it was-
Governmental Salaries Need tot
Be Cut, Says Democratic t
Floor Leader,
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(/P)-
With the tide of opposition rising
and falling, the House moved slow-
ly today toward a vote on the man-
ufacturers sales tax and heard the
Democratic floor speaker empha-
size governmental salary cuts were
The Senate, in the meantime,
heard a brief but fiery flareup over
whether Ambassador Mellon was to
discuss reduction in British debts
owned to the United States soon
after he takes his post. t
After Democratic spokesmen had
referred to a newspaper article in-
timating that such instructions had<
been given Mellon, Sen. Reed (R.
Pa.) spoke directly for President
Hoover in denial that this question,
had been discussed with the new
As debate rolled on in the House
over the sales tax, Rep. Rainey of
Illinois, the Democratic leader who<
is supporting it, added this warn-
"We've got to cut our salaries
that's coming and we've got to cut1
other salaries than our own."
Paralleling this statement, theI
bi-partisan economy committee set
up in the House agreed on the
broad outlines of a bill to cut over,
$50,000,000 from the pay of govern-~
ment workers, excluding probably
only those near the foot of the list.
New Method to Foil
Kidnappers Advanced
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(P)-
As another safeguard against pos-
sible kidnapping, the taking of foot
prints and hand prints of all ba-
bies is advocated by the U. S. Chil-
dren's Bureau of the Department
of Labor.
This procedure, along with other
simple rules outlined, in the opin-
ion of bureau officials, might pre-
vent many kidnappings such as
that of Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr.
School Board Makes
Drastic Cut in Budget
A $25,000 cut in the Ann Arbor
city school budget was decided
upon Wednesday night at a special
meeting of the school board.
During the past two years there
have been numerous drastic cuts
in the budget. There will be no re-
duction in teachers' salaries, how-
ever, as the savings will be made
ii) other ways.
Held Wednesday, March
Seven men have confessed to Edward J. McCormick, '32, presi-
dent of the Student Council, that they cast fraudulent ballots in the
Council elections Wednesday, McCormick stated last night. Mc-
Cormick did not reveal their names, however, stating that he had,
been bound to secrecy before he could learn the facts, and hence,
could not divulge their identity.
The seven men who perpetrated only one of the frauds, obtained
their ballots from the men at the voting booths and cast them during
the elections, McCormick stated. Student Councilmen were not, at
' all times, in 'charge of the various
polling places, he said.
Kissing at M. S. C. Investigation in Progress.
- In lieu of McCormick's refusal to
May Be Curtailed disclose the names of the men in-
volved, a secret investigation is
Students at Michigan State are being carried on by the Council as
finding it hard to decide whether a body to determine all of those
or not it is absolutely necesary to actually involved in the election
protect themselves against the rav- frauds.
The re-election of sophomores to
ages of a cold epidemic which is the Student Council will be held on
sweeping the campus there at pre- Wednesday, Mar. 23, it was decided
sent. at theConimetnlatig.
Dr. Canuteson, director of stu- Council meeting last nght.
dent health and chief of staff at All of the names on the original
the ichganStae stden hopi-ballot will be thrown out and the
the Michigan State student hospi- nominating committee will choose
tal, lays the blame for the epidemic a new list of candidates.
to indiscriminate kissing between Names of men originally appear-
d aing on the ballot will not be barred
from renomination, it was explain-
T T IM r fl m~nfl~ed.
One-Third of Returns Counted,
in Primary Balloting of
North Dakota.
FARGO, N.D., March 17.-(P)-
The delegates pledged to President
Hoover and Governor Franklin D.
Roosevelt led the field on the Re-
publican and Demoratic tickets in
tabulations tonight of returns castl
in Tuesday's North Dakota primary.
About one-third of the state's dele-
gate returns have been tabulated.j
For the 11 Republican delegate
seats, 10 Hoover candidates and
one uninstructed anti-Hoover can-
didate topped the list of the 22
candidates. On the Democratic
ballot, the nine Roosevelt pledged
Democrats and one pledged to Gov.
William Murray of Oklahoma led
the slate of 22 candidates for the
10 seats in the national convention.
Pre-Easter services celebrating
Holy Week will be held at 12:30 o'-
clock every day from Monday until
Friday i n t h e Congregational
church by the S. C. A. J. A. Holm-I
huber, district superintendent of
Methodist churches, the m o s t
prominent pastor to speak here,
will conclude the series of half hour
Preachers from Detroit, Flint and
Ypsilanti have accepted invitations
to give short, non-sectarian, talks
to students who wish to meditate
a few minutes each day in obser-
vation of Lent. Speakers secured
are: Monday, Hazen Werner,
Methodist of Flint; Tuesday, Hugh
Burr, Baptist of Detroit; Wednes-
day, A. J. MacKenzie, Congrega-
tional of Detroit; Thursday, Ben-
jamin J. Bush, Presbyterian of De-
troit, and Friday, J. A. Holmhuber,
Methodist of Ypsilanti.
Ann Arbor High Wins
First Basketball Game
Ann Arbor High School defeated
Greston High School of Grand
Rapids last night 30 to 20. If Ann
Arbor wins today, the team will en-
ter the semi-final rounds. In class
B, Niles defeated Catholic Central
of Detroit 24 to 12. St. Anthony's
team of Detroit won from Grand
Haven 24 to 18.
Alumni Club Chooses
New Board Members
Three new members of the board
of governors of the Ann Arbor
alumni club were named yesterday
after the counting of ballots mailed
by the members of the club, T.
vnai iLin rLuI
Raid on Fascist Headquarters
Brings to Light Scheme
for Civil War.
BERLIN, March 17.-(iP)-Head-
quarters of Adolph Hitler's Nation-
al Socialist Party throughoutPrus-
sia were raided today by police,
acting on orders to smash what
Prussian officials declared was a
plot to plunge Germany into civil
war and seize power by force.
In adidtion to visiting the offices
of the party, police searched the
homes of many Nazi leaders. They
confiscated numerous files of corre-
spondence and membership lists.
Prussian officials declared they
had established that 500,000 Hitler
"storm troops," including automo-
bile and motorcycle detachments,
had been made ready for mobiliza-
Code Planned.
A code message - "Grandmother
Dead" - was t o b e broadcast
throughout Prussia, these officials
said, and it was to be the signal
for each unit to march upon the
nearest large city.
Hitler tonight acknowledged that
a concentration order had gone out
to his men, as 40 of his comrades
had been killed and thousands
wounded in the last few weeks by
"Red savages."
German political police a n d
espionage investigators, it was
learned, have been working se-
cretly for some time to obtain the
plans of the Nazis, and recently
they have uncovered stores of arms
and ammunition declared by them
to be the property of the Hitler
Politics Involved.
Hitler ran a poor second to
President Paul von Hindenburg in
the indecisive election last Sunday.
He already has announced that he
will stand against the President in
the "run off" election to be held
April 10.
Officials of his party declared
that the raids were political ma-
neuvers to strengthen the hand of
the von Hindenburg supporters in
the April 10 balloting.
Today's raids were believed to be
the largest concerted action ever
taken b y Republican Germany
against any party.
The Federal Government denied
that it had any hand in the raids.
The raids were declared in some
Republican circles to be the fore-
Names to Be Posted.
The conmittee will meet some-
time in the near future and the
names of the men selected posted.
on the Union bulletin board before
I o'clock Sunday night.
Sophomores not among the list
of nominees may have their names
placed on the ballot by circulating
petitions and obtaining the en-
dorsement of at least 100 male
students. The four petitions with
the most names will be the only
ones considered, it was announced.
All lists must be turned into the
Council offices at the Union by
Iuesday noon.
It was decided that no one could
xithdraw his name from the ballot
after he had decided to run.
Dramatic Organization Selects
Freshmen, Sophomores From
Group of Tryouts.
As a result of tryouts held during
the first part of the week Comedy
club revealed last night the names
of eight freshmen and sophomores
who were admitted to membership.
A larger number of tryouts re-
ported this year than have appear-
ed at any competition within the
past few years, it was stated. How-
ever, members of the organization
who heard the tryouts in the Men-
delssohn theatre were apparently in
a critical mood, as only eight were
Those taken in include: Veneta
Cook, '34, Robert Shaw, '34, George
Rademaker, '34, Virginia Roberts,
'35, Sarah Pierce. '34, Jay Pozz '34,
Mary Snyder, '34, and Kathleen
Carpenter, '3.
You can't reach
day of
people a s the
reaches every
the week except
Anthropologist Talks.
Most aborigines would regard the
nand of the civilized man that
children presented him by his
e to be his own as a bit of ludi-
wsly irrelevant occidental pedan-
Monday. Save your vo-
cal cords and seek a po-
Representatives of the newly
formed taxpayers' league submitted
n - Ii" ?* nAk 1ACin 'ali fnr
sition, a lost
complete a
through the
article or