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March 16, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-16

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tinouncement Will Be Embod-
ied in 1932.33 Catalog, to
Be Issued in May.
c4shnen. Entering Next Fall to
Be First to Be Affected
by New Ruling.


QMIO FOLOWEC'Initiation Secrets-
V1rlBe Laid Bare
T F. _V1Ohio State Houses to Reveal.
Fitito Give Individual States! to light. Ncver again will the fate
Control Is iHeavily of pledges be a dark chapter of the
Defeted.fraternities. The entire roiitine of
Defeated.dealing with pledges in nova on file
in the office of the seretary of fra-
C§M MENTS ARE MADE ternity affairs.
A pledge relations censuis was
Bot Sties Find Encouragemnent "ubmnitted to each member of the
ratcrnity Presidents' council a-
ai Result of Vote the last meeting, asking questions
in House. that cc~ to the ver lhe art of the in-

FTDNEDAY , :MAR"'I 'G, 1932

The faculty of the Literary Col- !;T . !:- rgini' l )
lee has approved the copy em- 11"x711, HIINGON Ma.rch Y 5 .-Con-
bodying the announcement of the I irs claims [rem both sides
niew "Michigan Plan," the detailed ' xr .:l t:l the test of strength in the
information of which will be print- is use Monzday on_ submnitting pro-
ed in the 1932-33 catalog in May. I iaib xrition to the iucople once again.
Under the new plan, which re-: 'Ille result - A 227 to 187 vote
quires students entering the Uni- asv. Wvs:i ziem<"Al z'7adlsTi ALrray of Oki--ahOna, ey',:Mhile canc Li- :against considering a resolution
versify on and after September, date for -fe D ncatc er u t o tle ; ;.'uy, is .s cwn Y4 ovci proosing, to amend the constitu-

timate affius, of the. Greeks.
"How, do yotu discipline your'
freshmen? Hov are your pled-ge
meetings conducted? Whit worx=
do .you require your freshen tc
do? Do you have psychole y tesc~s.
radio parties, etiquette emnphasi,
or card parties?"
An inspection of the files might
reveal answers like these:!
"We use the honor system in dis-
ciplining our pledges,". says one
fraternity. "We say, 'Sm-eythe, old
,fellow, you don't want to be called
incorrigible, do you?

Sp--ak at llMiL"h"iantAcademiy
Meeting Thutrsday.
1-, of. Robert 11. L;.i.1rfe
of .'.n.thropology +at theUiriy
o' alf 'na will cLIi .5
F-amIily as a s oci2 .41
1'.aliScience auirim 2j 2 a
E andhe pttbw1ii ft iC;1!i1e01'1.a
a nd. i st i ; o' tdi t ies, h e cvin,4 in nt :.
pehitin t~Go siLnLe: o ~,a
thn ascae(oao.leh:

, Ixsociatcd PrCSN Photo

1831 to prepare themselves to {enter UUiVeGt~t;"1I Ii i A WVIk'? VOii LneU ciU~.tRV en an ZI t:111i
aI field of concentration, certain sekn oratrasprto fsvrlyas
prerequisites which students must! r IIARA C
complete during the first two years bl I I
i of remidence have been approved fL 11 UH ADS vETCTE
by thAieayfcly n lh~i The. annual Military Ball will be
The copy for the announcement Eii ~ ' I I
includes the graduation require'- II1UJ L li IU U held this year on Friday, April 19,
ments which are made mandatory --__ at the Union, by the Michigan
R. O.T.C. department. 'William J.
on all students affected by the new Only Needy Students Will Be id 3E hsbe apond
plan. They are: Conisidered in Awards, chimnotebalom tee
1. No student will be accepted as Officials Declare. The committeemien are Charles
a candidate for a degree until she ?_.Clyooe_'2,GalndCMs-
-has received at least 60 hours credl- A scholarship loan fund to be Clpoe,'2,Grad.Mi-
'it,. and unless the average of all; utilized for the winners of Michi-! ner, '32E, Edward C. Spaulding, '33,
his. work is of C grade or better. IPu .Frig 3,Gle 1E
2. No student will be granted a ;gan Alumni Undergraduate schol- BPuleyJ.'FirrindArthur Gilb
.degree until he has received at arships from Ann Arbor has been
least 60 hours credit after admis- inaugurated at a recent meeting of: son, '35.
sion to candidacy, and unless the th lmicu fAnAbr The first commitee mefltiing will
average of all his work, after such' The fund is to be* built up by be. held at 5 o'clock today tn th
admission to candidacy, is of C taigfo;h ue fec en R.O.T.C. building. Although no
grade or better. be r of the local club 715 cents yearly.; orchestra has been decided upon as
3. Each student, upon becoming The money is to be used to makeyeoetaisqul ultyo
g E othezr years is promised. Price of
a. candidate for a degree, must se-: loans to those winners of the schol-'icessnostldatpen.
lecit either a department or a di- arships who can demonstrate to the tcesi o ete tpeet
vision of concentration, loan committee that they really
4. Each student's credit for grad- need the support. The scholarship R-C-Search Club to coli
uation (comprising his e nt i re itself-only pays the tuition of the M ach ct Today,
course) must include not less than1 winner.
30 hours in his department of con-; The fund will probably be ad- The March meeting of the Uni-
entration (or 30 hours as required 'ministered like that of the Dear- versity Research club, at which
by his department of concentra- born alumni club who recently time three illustrated reports will
tion) or nor -less than 60 hours in; started a similar project for the tie given, will be held at 3 o'clock
his division of' concentration (or dinners of the scholarships from tonight in roorm 2523 East; Medical
60 hours as required by his division Dearborn. That is, the money w~ill !,tilidingDean Kratis, presicdent of
of concentration). be turned over to the office of theshe.lu,'anucdysedy
Under the fourth item, the de- Dean of Men where a committeec At tonight's meeting of the: club,
tails have been made broad enough will decide whether the applicants Prof. Campbell ilonn'r will t4alk on
to permit a student to take other' for aid from the fund are really, "The Constellatioii Ophiuchus on a
courses. which co-ordinate his field !deserving. Gnostic Amulet"' and i ':'le Univer-
of specialization. The members of the scholarship' sity's Share in a Great Find of
The detailed announcement will~ committee of the Ann Arbor alumnii Ecclesiastical Manusrcrpt. Prof.
be madle in May, at the time stu- ! club, whose function is to suggest A. E. White will ds s "Creep;
dents mnake their elections for next i a list; of names to the University' Cllarac tc-ii . of Mfeta at Ele-
fall.I from wlhich the winner is picked. t 'ateci Tempcratu':es."
are Herbert M. Slusson, Dean James Plans are being mad~e by the re-
JUtI-IV N -T TALKr B. Edmonson of the School of Edri- s earch clubs of the Unive r:_tyini-
AT M L A K E cation, Milo Oliphant, Mrs. Carl G. eluding.i addition to the main
AT IL A E l HberandMrs.ThephilKlin grup he tuinior and women's
Man. cufrteana fmra
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven will The annual banquet of the local nclub , obetheldanal emoialu
be the principal speaker at the an- alumni group is' to be held on April baillroom April 99: At that time ,
nual banquet of the University of 21. the clubs will honer einent men
Michngan club of Milwaukee next of science and letters. Th,,is year
Saturday, it was announced yester- CoptV~IA des ISnzaDrhpioohr n
day by the Alumni association of-!euvnoi uthp~~ooiJ
fl-.French Group Today wil>ehoord
Among t he. other prominent -ib onrd
speakers at the banquet will be Dr. John Cloup et, of the RomanceI 2"axion,.,hscol -idns
Hon~. Marvin B. Rosenberry, chief Languages department, will speak Inam0.,inhasnhool buildings
courxt, eand Emory Hyden director of o'clock todayhin raoom 103 ain 4; ih ly W- ibn c
the fifth alumnni distr-ict. The toast- Romance Languages building. Ti xe ~
master of the meeting will be Dr., talk, which will bo delivered in
Carl G. Ebrbach, '116, who was a French, will be thie fifth in tie'1
miember of the faculty-of the School, 1931-1932 sei es of 'the Cercie Fran-
of Medicine here for several years. cais.$ Now 2:{0, V-Y.0 70), 9 0
Michigan music will be furnished'-Dr. Cloppet has stated that lieBRE h
'the banquet, tobe held at the Uni- i does not believe the French to "BA ANM'I
versity club in Milwaukee. by grad- imperialistically minded, and has
uates of the School of Music, voiced his_ opinion ti-at even the
--- -sii fntoaimi aig 41Translated into English, t he Fiance. In his lecture this after-
naeof theShknmasi - noon he will indicate events n
the Japanese navy, mean s shp'waves modern. history which he_ believes
chasing each other," uphold his proposition. -~

t .l IJY Z;I~ll, nu stuC iu IVIUUAlt A
control over liquor--was hailed by
(wets' and modificationists as pres-
aging victory next time. The drys
claimed. the result proved their

Charles 11. Shet-rill (aha-:e) of
N~w ITork w as ap~uJn1ed United
States amhassador tA) 'iTarkay by
President ~hn;eer. H~ succcld5 Jo-
seph Crc w~ u-ho was ren .ed ambas-
sador to Japan.,

lines, strong, though some conceded NeaiIeaigTamMesM~ ,
a gaini to thei' foes. N g tv b ti'T a t

HeIre is some of the comment
from the wet side:-
Representative Linthicum (D.,
Md.) leader of the wet bloc: "The
eight is all but won. All we need
is one more election."


reparations, armamepnts, their good wil toward us and themir
r good will, and trade bal-. financial stability whideh we ari[


.h U lFlI H U . i J


* See Victory Next Time.- Tuesday night at the Mendelssohn ment.
Representative Beck, Pennsyl- J theatre as the affirmative i"- Wolverines Are l n )ressi ve.
vania, Republican leader on the quiette university debating squad' Most impressive aruetswr
same sde: "Tday's ote maes it met the Michigan negative teamn. put forward by tn ihga.Le
plain that if the Republican party1matr ,rh ne C tlat
ad'optsa dry platform in June it Debating the subject of whether btr h oieieirn h
willcout diastr."America and the foreign nations debt, should not be cAncell.ed wev
wil curt i Canresdnt's should cancel the war debts and the war debays wer :entracte
ro~tio Aaint te rohbitonreparations, the Marquette team Legally; the re~paratt1ons _ire pey
Amilendmenlt: "Congress is catch-I was composed of Ray P. Forstermrtfravr ~'lCdmg
ing uip with the people. Next time 'Arnold P. Miller, and 1-no E. 1--' infliC. ed oan life and ro'{''ty ;-
- w wil nt t oer. Iman. Michigan was represented ini ig the w ar the F rnch govrnment;
Rufus S. Lusk, of the Crusaders: the debate by Jacob I. Weissmian. cta5y ass da esluir i.'
"Meore than one member is sitting '34, Samuel L. Travis, '34, arid Leon- qlitesing the Unxite._, c cryi
incnrs o h attmb-ard L. Kimball, 33. not to conside r oTein rance ,,
"n c o g r ss f o t e as t m e b -g ift o f m 7 y e '~ " y pe n t
ca use he missed his chance today. Marqluette Has Ed-c. hstio ycu irtctepr te
Nex t session will see a wvet; ma-, Although the contest was of of any rfinixmea are ar-
jr 1 Ity." no decision variety, it was generally ranged onl such l ofgtr~thttS
FThe Congressional Districts Mod-! agreed that the Marquette repre- will fco ege Telnetse ettvshdteeg vrenot seriously n _, g;: he ti-
if c toye geeT e o g s t p s n a iv s h d t e e g rth e 7 nanc Y 1. s tue'. r'-'SxoAfii
ctmade toward the -modification local team with regard to the fine'r grTea t portions oi the 'ony>>nt
of the present prohibition laws." 1 points of forensic technique, but y teUie ts n t,) se b
What the D~rys 'Say. that they lacked arguments in sup- t ,he ifrea .Mirnains for ce --nsciat1
~-ow hear the dry side: port of their contention and fa"cts purposes; trance even uased ag'eat
Representative Cooper (R.,Ohio) : with which to refute the arguments portion of her 1-anto -Gay off old
"The -E.ets seem to have made con- of their Wolverine opponents. old debts to \tr~l strt: , x te con1-
siderable gain since last year. But heMruto h arAeiahlt a
t iss a long ays from the two - CheIolit aeb
I ueteteam arguing for the side France for t'gane, r loo.d,
Representative B3lan ton (.D., cancelled were: average cost of The high: sr ,, of' ie debate from--
Tex. : "Th.e best thing that ever cancelling debts to the individual ianiratrcl-tnpoi astr
hapn(othe drys}ca-use. to Theyn American tax payer would be sixty-+ final e xtemporaneous rcbutal of
(tedy)wliset tta six cents. The United States pro-i Kimball who demotnstrated logical
n ryvts orrpel otoco-fited greatly from the war; the argumentation w ith d ra in-a tie fre
t gross." money we lent the allied nations in awa wichwa nt seninth
Se-nator ofShe E ard t. exn.),wa just as much an instrument in; debate' prior to that l~t,
co-utor f he ig ht e thlighting the common enemy as the Tie chairma n of Ilc affair wras
am~enldmen t: "I am vecry muchgustakadtopwicve'JmsD.M re,32
g ratiftied at the showing. us akadtop nc eJmsD or,'2
____'_ g___ sent over; the European nations'
are not able to pay the debts; they
-Rutwen Will Speak ';will not pay them; and our foreign9
Befre lu r, "/~~ trade and prosperity depends on.




I'I SITIO: N l - - Nant healf A Ju 1n ew-
several mct ~l . ne e
to M. Cratl , -. t PI. A ,,
13ox 472, Ws~ .C 1
WANTED-Gil to wo.e kfocron
TYPING Grdtlsoe jm.
Itt.2. VIfitsuf' T'
I WAsTL'-Stuc~atand who to
help: with I awr necag
'f or board adro.ttae~u~
fications fill.2x - . . 51
furnish edin whic :)iao rc2ah
time during da.:'31
Finnrce (.o{in1 m.ny for
Cy(11 . i U at adiscout. I nvest1?igat.7.
1311 W. Huron. Phone '20.2
F OR RENT--Two furni shed par
mecnts, also a snl om ta
heat, showier,gage
Dial 8544. 422 F}..Wsditn
FOU.ND -- La dc s grcen Schae ff'cr
fountain pend Mon. Apply Box
1000 care of Michigan Daily. 533
LOST --Watt's tasainDon
QuixYote of Cmvnc o.2fer
Grad Room ' o. ?2i. idrx~~t
LO'IAF Bl'ac.k pvre:lo"' rN. S.,
at 22112 Rewrd.520


Presidei-t Ruthven will address
the annual banquet of the New
York Alumni club oil April 7, andI
the banquet oif the Philadelphia
club on April 8. He will be accom-
panied on the trip by T. Hawley'
Tapping, general secretary of the'4
Almni association.

516 East Williamn St.
DINNERS .......35cLand 50c
I.UNCHrI-EONS . -.2.c. .3.., ScC
We o cffer a Spe'cial 50c DSrmer.

301', z L.'stow Si.
j N ".'a to r n ,
t /s."'Dm" t

.... } .-t4Y.r}


1 - F ,t
s . ~r,

three solvent banks in the town The average invested capital of
La~lata, Mo, merged voluntar-; retail druggists in the. United States
resulting in an increase in total- is estimated by the department of
posits. commerce to be $7,500.

. . r

rous .An





Music by

mxen, genc-
kinds of m,


e. rsT i II
- - With
Miriar i Hopkins
Phillips Holmes
W ynne Gibson, Stuart Erwin
1 Ilrvin.: Pichcl

and His 17-Piece O ichsia

;x P


r .:
f; .
f :'
1 .;


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