Ai4 l
41 flu
An attack on the Democratic
party for finding fault with the
Republican administration with-
out offering any program for eco-
nomic betterment and a charge to
voters of the state of Michigan
to re-elect Herbert Hoover to the
presidency because of his own
record and the record of the Re-
publican party, were made last
night by Ernest Lee Jahncke,
Assistant Secretary of the Navy,
speaking at the fourth of the
series of public addresses spon
sored by the Union, which was
held in the main assembly room.
"During the worst economic crisis
in history," Jahncke stated, "the
Democratic party has proved itsel
to be nothing but a crying void.
Their leaders have publicly admit-
ted that they must promulgate a
constructive program of sufficient
merit to earn the support of the
nation. So far, however, this pro-
gram has not been forthcoming."
Torn With Dissention.
He stated that 'the Democratic
party was so torn with dissention
on many important issues that
there would be no stand taken on
these during the coming campaign
Anti-protectionists will be sent
to attack the tariff where this is
expedient and the stringency of our
immigration laws will be denoune-
: ed where foreign populations are
extremely large, Jahncke said.
"Other subjects on which -there
is no party unanimity will be dis-
cussed, where it is convenient, by
those holding views similar to the
citizens of the localities," he said.
On the other hand, Jahncke be-
lieves that the Republican party
offers to the electorate:
"Its record in the past 70 years.
54 of which have been years of Re-
publican administration, during
which the United States emerged
from a minor position in the affairs
of the world to become the greatest
power on earth.
"Magnificent Ability."
"Its candidate, a man who, with
magnificent ability, splendid cour-
age, and unfailing energy is guid-
ing our nation through one of the
most troubled periods the world has
ever known, Herbert Hoover."
He stated that his friends of the
opposition would join hands and
sing in chorus about one totem pole,
the depression. This is the one
ground where all Democrats tread
"Their campaign will be waged
almost exclusively on the theory
that because we have suffered eco-
nomic reverses, the people will turn
against the party in power," he
"I am confident," Jahncke said
in closing, "that when the citizens
of this country make their choice
between the record of the Repub-
licans and that of our opponents,
the result will be the overwhelming
re-election of Herbert Hoover as
president of the United States."
Stal Dulleins
(By the Associated Press)
Tuesday, March 15.
KALAMAZOO.-Two children of
Mr. and Mrs. Claus K. Laning died
today from an unidentified gas
which overcame the entire family
of nine in their home during the
early morning hours. Four other
children and the parents had not
regained consciousness tonight.
ST. JOSEPH.-Five former Ber-
rien county road commission offi-
ials completed 30 days jail terms
todaye sentences for accepting
bribes. The officials are Loren
Snyder, James Hampton, Clarence
Renbarger, Silas Merritt and Claude
Baker. They have paid fines and
nnf nmyic tln nnn
Charles Weinfeld and Lois Meyer
to Lead March at Freshman Dance
-0 -
Charles Weinfeld, '35E, and Lois Meyer, of Detroit, will lead the
Frosh Frolic which will be held from 9 to 2 o'clock, Friday night, in the
Union ballroom.
At the present time more than 200 tickets for the affair have been
sold and the last bloc placed on sale. Beginning today, the remaining
tickets will be gathered in and may be obtained at the main desk in
the Union lobby.
Favors for the dance are genuine
pounded silver jewel cases, lined
secured at Balfour's tomorrow upon
presentation of the favor stub,
GnI ruiriwhich is attached to the ticket. The
cases have been made specially for
heFrolic and are designed so that
the satin may be removed and the
Michigan to Do Homage as Part cases used for cigarette humidors.
of Ntionl Yer fo Decorations will be furnished by
of National Year for the University Florists and will con-
German Genius. sist of evergreens, potted plants,
and spring flowers. It is believed
The entire year 1932 is the Goethe that these wil be very attractive
year and the United States will when lighted by the unique multi-
take a prominent part in doing colored lamps of the Union ball-
homage to the memory of one of room.
the greatest geniuses of human Henry Busse and his 17-piece
kind, according to Prof. John W. Netherlands-Plaza orchestra of ra-
Eaton of the German department. dio and recording fame will furnish
Elaborate preparations for the the music for the affair. Busse
Goethe Centenary have been made played for two years at the Castle
throughout the entire U n it e d Farm road house in Cincinnati be-
States. Like the Washington cere- fore his engagement at the hotel
monies they will last throughout where he is now employed. He has
the year, coming at different times the reputation of being the best
in different communities. 3 jazz trumpeter in the world.
The German department pro-
gram, to be given at 8:15 next
Tuesday night in Hill auditorium, is U.
the contribution of the University.
of Michigan towards celebrating the
memory of the great German
writer. R SIM P O U T
The chair will be taken by Presi-
dent Ruthven. Several of Goethe's
lyrics will be sung by Miss Thelma Mills Tells Oddie Present Laws
Lewis of the School of Music; the Make Restrictive Measures
University Symphony orchestra, Impossible to Attain.
under the direction of Prof. David
Mattern, will play the Egmont WASHINGTON, March 15.-(')-
overture; and there will be an ad-SMills
drsson"Goethe as a Guide to Secretary of the Treasury Mil
dress on"yoessEatun. held today that under present laws
Living" by Professor Eaton.
The program, which will be giv- the Government is powerless to im-
en in English except for the songs, pose a general ban against importa-
will be open to students, faculty, tion of Russian products.
and townspeople. This was his answer to a delega..
tion headed by Senator Oddie, Ne-
Ann Arbor Road Seeks vada Republican, which asked that
,,soviet products be excluded.
Aid of United. States More than 100 representatives of
business, labor and civic organiza-
WASHINGTON, March 15.-WI tions went with Oddie to the
-Receivers for the Ann Arbor Rail- Treasury Department to present a
road Co. asked the Interstate Com-petition saying Russian laws made
merce Commission today to author- labor compulsory.
ize the Reconstruction Finance It added that "imports produced
Corp. to loan it $764,657 for three under the conditions of virtual
years. slavery which exist in the Soviet
The money would be used to pay Union are a serious menace to
bills overdue, totaling $229,269; in- many branches of industry and
terest on bonds, $279,880; principal agriculture in the United States."
and interest on equipment trusts, Secretary Mills said that if Con-
$51,783; interest on improvement gress intended to place a general
and extension bonds, $129,900, and ban against Russian goods, it must
principal and interest on floating( provide more specific legislation
equipment bonds of the Ann Arbor before the Treasury could take
Boat Co., totaling $73,825. such action.
Bursley, Lambrecht, Bohnsack
to Have Backing of Entire
State Street Faction.
Washtenaw Group Will Support
Stevenson, Schafer, Briggs,
and Howard.
Campus politicians spent the en-
tire day yesterday campaigning for
their candidates for membership to
the Student Council in preparation
for the all-campus election which
will be held today.
Although both parties held cau-
cuses of the leaders of the factions,
neither would release any further
news as to vote-getting procedure.
'Piquot" Bursley, State Street
politician of the sophomore class
and candidate for the Student
Council stated last night that al-
though all six of the candidates
from his party would be on the bal-
lot that the support of the entire
For the first time in the history
of University of Michigan elections,'
an automatic voting machine will
be used when the student body
goes to the polls tomorrow. The
machine has been installed in An-
gell hall and will be used by all
students voting there; the usual
ballot system will be employed in
the envineering- school and Union.
Campus Vote Today
to Show Sentiment
on Next President
An all campus straw vote to de-
termine the possible outcome of
the presidcnuial election of 1932 will
be held today from 9 to 12 o'clock
in the morning and from 1 to 5
o'clock in the afternoon, sponsored
by the Union and "What to Do," a
publication circulated w e e k 1 y
among students and faculty mem-
There are to be two questions on
the ballot. The first is. "Who is
your choice for president?" and the
second, "What man in the other
party do you favor?"
This question will indicate cam-
pus opinion concerning the lead-
ing man in each party and will
also show the ratio between Dem-
ocrats and Republicans of the cam-
pus, acocrding to Donald Tobey,
'3313.A. editor of "What to Do."
Six votingbooths will be placed
)n the diagonal, one in the Union,
mne in the League and one in An-
;ell Hail. Sponsors of the vote be-
lieve that more than 5000 ballots
will be cast.
Anyone connected in any way
with the University will be allowed
to take part in the election, it was
announced. This will include pro-
cessors, custodians, building and
grounds men, as well as students.
Results of the voting will be an-
nounced in The Daily Friday morn-
ing and also in "What to Do."
Tompkins, Reid Star as Michigan
Sextet Is Defeated
in Last Game.j
The machine has been loaned to By John W. Thomas
the University by the Automatic Johna. T homds.
Voting Machine corporation o f Captain Tompkins worked over-'
Jamestown, N. Y., to be used for in- time last night to keep Chatham's
structional purposes. fast-skating sextet within bounds,
Although its use tomorrow will be 1-0, but his teammates could not
confined to those participating inscragitth
the Student council elections it will score against the poke-checkingj
ordinarily be at the disposal of any specialists from Canada. The iron-i
student desiring to familiarize him- man Michigan star goalie culmin-
self with its operation. ated his great hockey record, last
night on the Coliseum, of continu-
party would be for the three chos- ous service without a second of rest
en at the caucus last night. These or relief for three full years of
are Bursley, W. F. Bohnsack, and goal-tending.
George J. Lambrecht. The All-American goalie pushed
Howard Gould, Washtenaw boss. aside all shots in the first and third
announced that his party had periods but Chester Dawson lobbed
swung many of the professional a high one in the second session
fraternities to vote for his faction. that bounced off Tompkin's chest
He said that they would not pick into the net. Jack tried to hit it
three men to support from the four aside while it was in the air but
from their party that are nominat- missed and it fell into the cage foi
ed. The men are Richard Briggs, the only tally of the exciting 60-
Frederic Schafer, Robert Howard, minutes of hockey.
and Hugh Stevenson. Reid Carries Attack.
Emmy :"' d duplicated his exhi-
bition in the last Chatham game
last week, by carrying the brunt of
WIL INS O Kthe attack. He was the fastest mar
on the team and with his speed he
was able to out-maneuver the
Chatham defense but Peardon car-
ON Pried the horseshoes with him and
Professor Hobbs Will Introduce held Michigan scoreless with spec-
tacular net-tending and lots of
Speaker Tonight; To Show luck. He admitted after the match
Noted Photographs. that he was more than fortunate in
some of his stops but added that he
Sir Hubert Wilkins, noted polar had had a long run of bad luck and
explorer, will describe his subma- this only makes up for it in part,
rine trip under the ice in the Nau- Once in the first period Cross-
tilus by word and picture in a ulec- man, who was playing with injured
ture on the Oratorical association legs, tended the goal after Tomp-
series ath:15.o'lockatoighsstiHi kins had been spilled and was out
series at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Hill of position. Keith stopped the puck
He will be introduced by Prof. and then skated all the way
William H. Hobbs, head of the ge- through thebChatham team only tc
ology department, who has termed be stopped by goalie Peardon.
the pictures taken by Sir Hubert Chatham Saves Sensational.
as "the best of their kind he has Michigan had several chances to
SIscore in the first two periods but
ever seen."J
The lecture will be followed by ,sensational saves kept them score-
the final talk on the series, that of less. In the last session Chatham
George W. Wickersham, former at- ;opened up with a five-man offense.
or gen.Wkerhad ,presiert-of' All of the men were sent down the
President Hoover's law enforcement ice in an effort to raise the score
sfor the Maroons and the goalie
commission, on March 30. skated merrily around his own red-
line, about 20 feet from the net.
Comedy Club Tryouts However, Chatham always recov-
ered their position in time to stop
the fast-skating Reid but the rad-
Comedy club membership tryouts ical play gave the Wolverines sev-
will be held this afternoon from 3 eral additional chances to score.
'Important Lead' Thought Found1
in Kidnapping as Mystery
Prisoner Confesses.
JERSEY CITY, N. J., March 15.1
-(P)-A lead in the two-week-old
L-indbergh kidnapping case, de-
scribed as "important enough to be
taken seriously," was being tracked
down tonight by detectives, as they
investigated the story of an old
plot to steal the famous flier's son
The importance of the clew wa.s
stressed by Joseph Fishman, dep-
uty commissioner of corrections of
New York city, after he had
brought a prisoner from the Tombs
Prison in New York city to Jer-
sey City to confront two persons
he charged with being in on the
The prisoner,' who has been a
mysterious figure in the case for
days, and was interviewed in the
Tombs by a confidential represen-
tative of Col. Lindbergh last week
was identified today as John Smith.
It was learned, however, his real
name is Charles Fitzgerald.
Present at the conference of
Tersey City and Newark police of-
ficials were William Gleason and v
woman, identified as Mrs. Cather-
ine Danusek. They were taken
'nto custody for questioning yester-
Fitzgerald's story is that he
3leason, Mrs. Danusek and two
ethers planned to kidnap the Lind-
bergh boy months ago, that Mrs
Danusek was to take care of the
baby after he had been abducted.
mut that he (Fitzgerald) was ar-
rested and jailed before the plan
Herwas equoted as saying one
'contact" had been made with
3etty Gow, the Lindbergh child's
State Police at Hopewell, how-
ver, a short time before, had re-
terated an almost daily statement
that "so far nothing has been dis-
:;overed that would connect Betty
-row with this crime."
House Manager Blames
Deferred Rushing
for Situation.
Is First Fraternity to
Succumb to New
The first fraternity to fall vic-
tim to deferred rushing made an
announcement last night it would
officially close its doors tomor-
The local chapter of Sigma
Zeta, general national fraternity,
which was established here in
1920, found it impractical to con-
tinue operating since they ob-
tained no pledges this semester,
acording to Edward J. Pomorski,
'33A, house manager.
"We have found it unprofitable
to run the kitchen, and with noth-
ing to hold the members together
have decided to close up," Pomor-
ski said. The house is located at
314 North Ingalls street.
Several Move Out.
Fourteen men are listed in a
fraternity handbook as belonging
to the fraternity, but members re-
fused last night to tell how many
have been living there this semes-
ter. Several have already move
out, however, they said.
Pomorski attributed the action
to the failure to get pledges, and
'Aamed the situation on deferred
rushing. He inferred that if Sigma
Zeta had obtained even a small
number of pledges they could
have survived the present crisis.
Sigma Zeta has four chapters.
it was founded in 1926, the local
1 house joining it six years after
ts own establishment as a local
Despite the general outcry of
fraternities on the announcement
of the pledging list, and their
statements that they were being
orced into bankruptcy, this is
the first instance in which the
seared denouement has come
Pioneer Manufacturer of Kodaks
Receives National Homage
at Last Rites.
Putting off the day when our oil if wells were driven here and there
resources will be exhausted by a in an oil field, and water forced
method of "flooding" millions of1 down them, that this water would
force some of the oil held by cap-
gallons from abandoned or low pro- illary action as well as a little of
clucing wells, is the cheerful pros- that held by adsorption away in
pect held out to the oil industry of the direction of the oil pockets
the country as the result of a pro- where it could be pumped out.
cedure perfected by Prof. F. E. Bar- Results by this means were slight
tell and Dr. F. L. Miller of the l at best, since plain water soon
chemistry department. ' slowed up in its action, until Bar-
Flowing wells, gushers or pumped tell and Miller found by dissolving
wells give up but a small share of certain common chemical salts in
the oil available beneath the sur- the water pumped down the wells
face, occasionally 40 per cent, usu- that the action of flooding the oil
ally much less, so that ordinary toward the pockets was greatly in-
operations fail to get from 60 to 80 creased and prolonged.
ROCHESTER, N. ,Y., March 15.--
(/P)-The whole world paid its trib-
ute today to George Eastman, man-
OPPOSITIONturer, inventor and philan-
thropist whose far-flung benefac-
tions during his lifetime reached
theO $100,000,000 mark. This was
five times the money, the titan of
industry could call his own when
Representatives Mix Discussion he shot himself to death at his
of Tariff, Prohibition home here yesterday, leaving a
With Main Issue. terse message that his work was
WASHINGTON, March .-(P While friends of the modest and
The question of balancing the bud- shy organizer of the $200,000,000
Te quston ofw baxanci n theu- Eastman Kodak Co. were planning
get through new taxes again re- a public funeral service in St.
ceived attention in the House to- Paul's Episcopal Church h exrc
Jay while a variety of subjects Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock,
were before the Senate, foreign messages containing recognition of
loans, governmental economy and Eastman as one of the greatest
relief for western Indians. philanthropists of all times poured
Opposition to the proposed 2.25 in from the most remote corners
per cent manufacturers sales tax ! of the earth.
began to coalesce as concerted ef- President Hoover called him "one
forts were begun among both par- of the most generous and most
ties in the House to fight it. constructive philanthropists of all
Rep. Doughton of North Caro- history."
lina and Rankin of Mississippi
palled a meeting for tomorrow
night to form a Democratic anti- Here's, a Way Out
sales tax bloc and Republican in- Are you in need of a
dependents have similar plans. tuxr ouldntee ta
Prohibition and tariff mixed in .u? Wouldc the rental
the tax discussion by House mem-. hand one interest you?
bers. Rep. Cullen, (D., N.Y.) said he
would offer an amendment to tax Then try
beer. ,L',rafA.Ar
to 5 o'clock in the Lydia Mendels:-
sohn theatre, it was announced
yesterday by Robert MacDonald, Michigan
'32, president. Each individual Tompkins
should present a memorized two- Chapman
minute selection, he said. Williams
_rossman U. Hinnegan
Tinsis lue O te rct mt. nese* 1eic L.W W.teanj
per cent of the supply.
The remaining oil is held in two j
ways, according to Professor Bar-
tell. Much is held by capillary ac-
tion in the tiny grains of sand, and
the rest is held by "adsorption"
to the individual grains of sand
which it wets.
This is due to the fact that these . H Reid L.W. W.Stevens I
solutions possess an adhesion ten- D . Turner, Historian.. Frumkes R.W. A.Stevens
sion or wetting power much great- Dies of Heart Michigan Spares: David, Artz. ---__
tion proceeds to exercise its wet- Chatham: Murrell, Roubell, Daw- Robson Will Discuss
er than that of the oil. The solu~ PASADENA, Calif., March 15.- son.
ting power, literally pushing the (6P)-Dr. Frederick Jackson Turner, j First Period- No scoring; Penal- Parliamentary Crisis
oil from off the sand grains. Find-:71, historian, died at his home ty, Curren; Saves, Michigan 9,
ing nothing to which to stick, the C Mrnnd of a h ert atkoir rhatham ?'_"The Crisis in Parliamentar
Classified Directory
Or perhaps you have
a tuxedo to rent. Then
vn rtn !shouldl etthe