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CHV 66i -S t11'rcY~J2SctaooK5 STL+.(TEP A4tisJ I~bT, 13GIE -HMET LL
PLP \JJ E GOT LOT ,4 D)iG.I( EN .T - t 60 A E~,c~(Z.ETS E tGHT9j A ( 7 pt12.
Ar TM-'FE SNAZK tSHAIC< - .EL L) r(f =LOT E LI7E2 wctE c
FE EZ C~t-EpLt t
1 ° _r I-s
~ GP~e
- ° - --- -LOST-A small, rectangular, wite1
Eve rhardus Seems Sure of Halfback Berth gold Gruen wrist watch, attach- ,hI
' as Veterans Fail to Reach His Standard having on the back the mono- CLM
-gram J. E. C. Call 509. Reward. LOSES
By John Thomas come to Michigan in many year s 135 A M
Akicker, a passer, and a fastI He played three years at Ka eta, w ted and a-n
ope fle d r nne , H r m a E v rha - m zoo C en ral tw at endand one L O S T R ed C how dog. L iberal re-
at fullback. Upon entering Michi- wadMc . aiy. Bx 2
dus is stepping in his first year of gan, however, he was made into a10
Varsity football, into the starting halfback. He weighs about 177 - _____________ ATTENTION FAT
left half position. pounds and is six feet tall. His psesd6ro
The winner of the Chicago Alum- speed in the open field and his na- forsese, neara
ni trophy last sprin~g distinguished tural ability of shifting his hipsVadrekr
himself in early season practice this determined the coaches to revamp NEWV FALLVndrrer
fall with his shifty open field run- him._______
ning and clinched the backfield po- While going at full speed he can MAEALS SERVED t
sition. swing his hips away from the out- STYILS en students at
Sophs Win Berths, stretched hands of a would-be '~--- minutes from c,
Bill Heston, Charles DeBaker and tackler, sometimes by more than a rates by meal,
Harry Eastman saw service for foot. This elusiveness and his strong Phone 22346.
Michigan last year in the backfield stiff-arm will make him a brilliant Fl r h i ANY itellige p+
but have been benched to make open field artist. 1 iz I e n good income c
room for the sophomore twins, Ev- newspapers; all
erhardus and Fay. Fisher Drills Men 0 no canvasing; si
Herman Everhardus will have to While most of the freshman foot-le;tlshwR
compete with Newman, Tessmer, ball squad continued to be shock let; te lls hufaow.
Hewitt, and Petoskey for the pass- troops for the Varsity yesterdayFO
ing assignment. Although he is not afternoon, Coach Fisher drilled the FOR______
expected to -beat Newman nor Tess- remainder of his squad on funda- FRRN-is
mer as a passer, he will be available metasFThOwaterwaRmchw T-oistn.
mpoitoe hn itas ee fa r w st his ewNwithcoime.l3
for surprise passes, mixing up the more suitable for the gridiron game $10.0 Syle
When Everhardus is-called back and the players ,showed much more'RO MT tos
in punt formation he can be used $9.00nd ROOMMATEeretoore
either as a runner, passer, or kicker. ___________________________
He boots the ball upwards of .50 Henderson. Phca
yards when his kicks are right but $1100 and $1200Washington.
he frequently makes poor kicks that t EN AVANT eer forward A 120 TWO APARTMEN
are not right. Under Kipke's tute- Stye Now ei n private bath a
lage, however, he is expected to im- AA.Jyes .~ obl om t
prove into a first-class kicker. diable 8544. 422
One of Best Backs. Dil 54.A2
Last year the triple threat fresh- At _________
man was considered one of the out- Burr, Patterson & Auld CO. SIX ROOM HOUS
standing all-around backs -that has Ma Mi fac uri ng ra tWile r iiJtwOntario in fine residence
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