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January 30, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-30

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Published every morning except Monday during the Uniteidity yeaf
he Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-,
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ted in this paper and the local news published herein.
ntered, a the 'Post Office at Ann Arbor, Miciga'n, 'a* eoid
! matter. Special rate of postage grante by Third Aatant
toaster General.,
lubscription by carrier, $4.00; b mail, *$4.
)Mlc'ea: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
igan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Buiiness, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor................................ .Car; Forsythe
Sant Diretor.......... ...................Beach Congr. Jr.
Edtr .........................David M. Nichol
LP Editor .............................Sheldon 0. Fulleton
e'S Editor.. ......................Margaret M. Thompson

Fetters published in this column should not be construed as
expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily, Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants
will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contrib-
utors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible.
Mr. Huggett's Successor Arrives
To the Editor:
As a lover of the fine arts and as one who cher-
ishes Michigan traditions, the writer is taking it upon
himself to say a word about the Ilichiganensian. This
yearbook, once highly regarded because of the care
that went into its makeup, has degenerated in recent
years until it is now only an object of childish experi-
mentation by an immature and moronic staff whose

>sitant Flews E ior ...................... ... ot ert i. htere
. incompetence seems abysmal.
ink I Gilhretb J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis After that crude and hastily thrown together book
land A. (toodran ,or Jerre 1. ro.nthaI last year with its cheap canvas cover (no doubt net-
hallrl lPrt George A. ,tauter,
Sport, Assistants ting handsome profits to those who could get their
ilbur J. Myers John W. Thotnas John S. Townsend fingers in the pie), the student body had a right to
rakn Jones 0harlem A. Sanford expect something better. But no, the cover of the
REPORTERS 1932 'Ensian will be a hodge-podge of shi\iy, black
inlcigh W. Arnheim Fred A. Tber John W. Pritchard oilcloth which shows every finger print, a blotch of
wson E. Becker Norman Kraft Joseph Reniha~n
ward C. Campbell Roland Martin C. Hart S(haaf red paint, a scattering of meaningless lines, some
Williams Carpenter Henry Meyer Brackley Shaw
omas Connellan Albeit 1. Newman Parker R. Snyder pseudo-impressionistic lettering, and a back binding
irenlce Jinydeil E. Jerome Pettit ' . R. Winters of an exceedingly endurable, rubberized fabric of a
nothy Brockman Georgia Geisman Margaret O'Brien nauseating green color-the whole thing being the
ri1am Carver A lice Gilbert Hillary Harden
atrice Collins Martha Littleton Dorothy Rundenl 1acme of bad taste and unrefinement. This cover is
iise Crandall J.sabeth Long Elma Wadsworth no doubt an abortive attempt at "modernism," but
ie Feldman Frances Manchester Josephine Woodhamem
udence Foste Elizabeth Mann the attempt pathetic. This monstrosity of a cover,
BUSINESS STAFF is only worthy, perhaps, of publications such as
Telephone 21214 Ballyhoo or Hooey.
AR-ES T. Klne .. ........................Bsinssmanager The 'Ensan staff is, no doubt, doing the best it
)fRIS P. 11OIINSOU .. .... .................Assistant Manager Th Esa &afinodutdigtebett
Department Managers j can, but its best is not good enough, it seems. Why,
ve'tising ........................ ... Vernon Bishop if conditions continue the way they are, have an
vertising Contracts.. .................... harry R. Begley 'Ensian at all? Its existence in its present state is
vertising; Servicec................Hyron C. Vedder
licatioins. .............. illiamT. Brown not justified. Let the University publish an annual
co:nts ............ .. .....Richard Strntemeir_
oie's Business Manager......................Anm WVerner catalog with the names and pictures of the graduat-
Assistants ing class. The job could be done, no doubt, by the
vi Aronson .obn iKeyser Orafton W. Sharp University Press, let us say, and could be done far
en CrkJburmley rur F on na o . Johnston IT better than it is done now by a staff of the calibre
bert Finn Bernard H. Good of the present encumbents. S. H. '32.


Anne Harsha
Katharine Jacksoln
Dorothy Layin
Virginia AMcombl
Carolin Mosher
Helen Olsen

Mdy Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
W ary Elizsabeth Wat's

We sincerely believe that those who take their
'Ensian covers so seriously could accomplish much
more had they shown their interest by working on
the publication. T h The Editors.

If anyone but Oscar writes this
col mn, tradition has it that he
who writes it must make suitable
apologies for the guy that was sup-
posed to write it as if anyone who
read the column cared, or as if
anyone read the column. For those
who are interested, however, Oscar
the wonder horse has been en-;
tangled in the depths of the Cun-
stitutional History of England for
days, and so have we, for that mat-
ter. And while we are speaking of
apologies, the last gent who made,
apologies for us got us into a lot
of embarassment. Quote from a
Daily of a week or so ago: "Oscar
the Wonder Horse has gone for the
week-end and Johnny Chuck is ,
still drunk so-and so on," (un-
quote, quote, and unquote). We ;
wish to make a public statement
here and now that we were at
home that week-end and not drunk
at all, and we wish a lot of people
would get this straight.
* *: * *
Yesterday and today are the
glorious days of closing out
classes, and of the accompany-
ing applause, which tries to
convince the professor t h a t
everyone has heartily enjoyed
the course and that in the re-
sulting spirit'.of good fellow-
ship everyone should get an A.
This handelapping never does
any good, because if the ac-
claim is sincere the professor
knows it anyway, and if it is
insincere it falls fearfully flat,
which is worse than anything
we oan thing of. We are going
to embark on a policy of pas-
sive resistance to this custom.
We will be blowing our nose or
s o m e th i n g when the time
comes to tap hands.
* * . .
When Oscar gave us the privilege
of writing the column thi morn-,
ing he turned over a lot of corres-
pondence that had come in, and1
we th ink it only fair to give the
newer writers a chance.
The first is from the Coca-Cola
Twins (two dopes) whom we sus-
pect as being only one twin if a
twin at all. He, or they, sends, or
send, the following jingle about '
the Interfraternity Council:
1Rere's to the Council, stewed1
and strong,
The Great Big Boss of the
student throng.
Vou are good men, staunch and
true, .
Here's our salute, "Pots off
to you!"
It's a fine woild after all.7
The second is a lovely combina-
sion burlesque and satire which isl
nodelled a f t e r the well-known1
"Here's to dear old Boston," etc.I
!If you want the entire original9
rend an addressed, self-stamped
Heie's to dear old A rm Arbor,
e home of the sots and the
Whee Btrrsley speaks only to
And l ngreys speaks only
to fh riks
That was written by "Snookums"
knd we hope she won't feel hurt
when we only printed part of her
letter. (Personal to Snookums: We

'et that Oscar returns your love.
There is somettring wrong with


Indigirant Landlady Protests

To the Editor:

1932 and

A LTI-IOUGH Republicalns hav e blamed theirI
Congressional losses on the fact that, while'
the constituents in the upset districts were
strong Republicans, but pv efer ed to vote for
anli-prohibilion candidates, and while Demo-
crats claim that prohihition had nothing to do
witliitheir gains, bUt thait the administration of
the R ep ublican 1 )r v w as responsible, the
(juestion of how large an issue looms oni the
1932 horizon in the form of prohibition still
occu Is.
Prolibition1 will undoubtedly1) 66 an issue,
hbt second in im-portance to reconstruction,
measures; these will probably .he preceeded
hb pIienT of l)olitical ianeuvering on both
sides, disguised with the usual fan-fare and
hat-waving. Prohibition, whcn it comes up
as a dominant issue, may assmne many differ-,
ent forms, such as repeal of the 18th amend-
men t, a national referendum, state control,
and aiiv of a dozen other methods proposed all
over the United States.'
,Nevertheless, regardless of what form it
takes, the fact that prohibition will he an issue
is an interesting example of the reaction cif the
Ainerican citizens at present to the 18th amend-
men t. Never, in the history of the lnited
States, has it been necessary for proponents of
a provision of the Constitution, to he forced
for more than decade to maintain offices and
organize societies to spread propaganda in
favor of the provision after its passage. This
fact alone shows that there is considerable dis'-
content with the law. To get to the heart of
the situation, it shows that the 18th amend-
ment is not really constitutional natter, but-
nothing more than ordinary legislation, some-
thing which our forefathers tried to keep outl
of the Constitution.
Prohibition has given the Democrats an ad-
vantage over the Republicans. While the Anti-
Saloon League, meeting in Washingto'n, re-
fused to support anti-prohibition candidates in
the Democratic fold, which includes almost
all, the party goes ahead winning Congres-
sional seats from the G.O.P., Usually on an
ati-prob ii lion p-Iatf om - Wien tle (dry South
protests, they point to Jefferson's conception of
government as their guide--that a government
should not be made to foist the ideas of the
one gelleration upon the next.
Reactionary Republicanism is, unfortunate-
ly, comimittedt to the iaintenance of the 18th
Amendment. But what support the Demo-
cratic parity wil get wvith a wet plank, and
either a straddler or prohibition candidate, will
colisti lute an imterestinug state of aff airs'.

As a life-long friend of the University of Michigan
and a tax payer in the city, I want to voice my indig-
nation at the way The Michigan fDaily has fallen
under the influence of 'the 'Wet interests.
This partian and one-sided attitude on the part
of a newspaper that should stand for higher ideal,
and point out the clean life to its student readers hiE
evidence that some smart aleck influence is at work
among your staff which is lowering the prestige of
your publication.
The way in which your news columns are used
to favor the liquor interests is clear evidence that
a type of degrading newspaper ethics all too corimo-
in the big cities is having its insidious effect among
college students. Your paper has given many writ(
ups supporting the so-called Crusaders. This .organ-
ization which has taken such a sanctimonious nam(
for itself is well known to have started by a smal
group of wealthy society people who have financia'
interests at stake on the wet side.
Ann Arbor boasts numerous organizations devoted
to temperance, sobriety and respect for the clean life
but does The Michigan Daily give them the headline:
and the banners which they so gullibly devote to the
speeches of cheap .spinelesh politicians who use the
press and its weakness for the sensational to line
their own pockets? When the meeting of dry advo-~
cates was held recently at the Michigan League. and
numerous prominent University people and civic
leaders voiced their faith in the American people to
uphold what has been duly enacted in the constitu-
tion of the United States, The Daily slurred over the
important points of the speeches and played up what
was obviously a minor consideration in an obvious
effort to avoid facing the facts.
Little does the present generation of University
students know about conditions in Ann Arbor during'
the dreadful days of Joe Parker's and the Orient
when hundreds of students staggered home from
these resorts every Saturday night having squandered
the hard earned money that their parents sent them.
from home. Oh no, your smart cracking sophisti-
cated college boy of today can't tell ie anything
about drinking in the old days. I have seen too many
lives wrecked and too many characters blighted to
take your immature opinions on something so vital
to the welfare of our community.
An Indignant Landlady.

Editorial Comment
(Detroit Free Press)
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the
Unixersity of Michigan, was in a
truly lugubrious mood when he
visited Detroit the other evening.
Not even the pleasant ride in from
Ann Arbor had been able to bright-
en his spirits. Things were as bad
as possible, if not worse. But what
bothered the Professor most, so he
said, was "the lack of fight being
shown by the American people" in
"this difficult period."
"I would feel much better about
it even if the millions of-men out
of work would stage a few real
riots," 1 a m e n t e d the Professor.
"That would be preferable to apa-
thy. But the great mass of Amer-
icans seem to be content to turn
on the radio, lean back and listen."
We suggest to Prof. Reed that he.
stop and inquire of himself wheth-
er what he considers apathy and
lack of fight among the people of
the United States may not really
be manifestations of mental and
emotional maturity.
Doubtless the country is, for the
moment, in an uncomfortable spot
economically; and a generation ago
the strain it has been undergoing
might have caused disorders and
lamentations, with w a i li n g and
gnashing of teeth. But the Nation
has matured some since then. It
has found out that nothing is to
be gained in time of discomfort by
whining and running about smash-
ing things to bits in fits of hysteria
or temper. That sort of thing is
childish. With nations such con-
duct is what brings on real disaster
and induces dictatorships and the
other unpleasant things Dr. Reed
fears Americans k n o w enough
about noker to know thatfthe thing
to do is to "sit tight" when the
cards don't run as nicely as they
The people of this Country also
have acquired some valuable spe-
cial knowledge about deprepsions,
their nature, and their habits. They
have found out that while lean
times may be painful experiences,
they have a habit of fading away
after running their course, and
that the best method for shorten-
ing a visitation is tolkeep healthy
minded and play the game with a
stiff upper lip and a mouth that
declines to quit smiling.
In this land of Liberty and Op-
portunity the Sun always returns
after the rain; and the towns, the
fields and the laws quickly become
wellkept and prosperous, if mean-
while nobody has gone about de-
facing things, salting the furro rs
mcid kicking up the sod with hob
niled boots; and if the land has
refrained from running after false
gods. ncidentally, Bishop Herman
Page, of the Protestant Episcopal
Diocese of Michigan, who also has
become violently pessimistic, may
be able to cheer himself up a little
if he will remember this.
Again, another lesson the people
of the United States have learned
of late, and which they now ale
wisely applying, apparently to the
mystification of Prof. Reed, is the
lesson of co-operation. Employers,
workers, urbanites a n d farmers
have acquired an understanding
that though they may not always
see eye to eye in everything, at
bottom they are bound together
in a great community of interest,
and are dspendent upon one an-
other. And more and more they

realize that when things become
cofficult is the time to draw closest
together. So capital today confers
with labor, and labor confers with
capital. The industrial world con-
siders the needs of the agricultural
world, and agriculture the needs
of industry. These see that they"
must unite and work together be-
cause, to use a Biblical expression,
they are all members of one body.
They need one another. Realiza-
tion of this community of interest.I
leaves no room for riots and tu-
mults. Those may be left to peo-
ples and countries which suffer
from backward social conditions
and cherish primitive prejudices.
What Prof._Reed considers lack
of fight is nothing of the sort. It
is a quiet born of knowledge that
those in places of responsibility are
everywhere trying to do all that
can be done to get things to going
as they ought to go and that the
way for the rest of us to help most
is to just "keep digging." The "apa-
thy" the Professor sees is in his
own imagination. What actually
exist are patience, commonsense,
faith ,and confidence.
The University of North Carolina
is 138 years old.

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Electrochef electric range means better-tasting meals. Meats and
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a'' E









It has been long since the last good detective story
film, and "Charlie Chan's Chance," though by no

Does Mr. Bker

means an outstanding example of its type, has an
appeal not to be denied. Both Warner Oland and H.
B. Warner contribute greatly to the entertainment
value of the show by giving their usual good per-
formances, although the latter is less striking than
Without doubt the ,great weakness of the produc-
tion lies in poor technical work. At times ,one feels
a sudden break in the continuity of action, and ai.
the end the audience is not sure just how everything
did develop. Part of the fault lies in the fact that
essential elements in the succession of events are
not brought out with sufficient force to indicate their
importance in the story.
The plot itself is based rather loosely on Earl Derr
Biggers' "Behind That Curtain," and, though little
of the original story remains, it preserves intact the
character about whom the action revolves, Charlie
Chan, Chinese detective of the Honolulu police. That

''heeditor of this dirty sheet has
been trying to tell us that although
Willie Kamm batted .290 for Cleve-
land last year, he never batted that
well at any time he was with the
White Sox. We are pretty sure that
Willie was doing better than .300
a few years ago and was batting
fourth or fifth, or something phe-
nomenal like that, but we aren't
sure enoughto convince an Irish-
man. If any Cleveland or Chicago
fanatics can offer us proof we'd,
be glad to have it, but you'd better
hurry up because pretty soon we
are going to get sore and look it
up in the Record book.
Every time we find out how fil-
thy-minded the women on this
zampus are we get more disguested.
Yesterday the word got passed
around some how or other that
Professor Oscar Campbell was go-
ing to give a nifty lecture on Eu-
gene O'Neill, Strange Interlude, and
what not, and the lecture room was
swamped with women who wanted
to sit in on it. There was even a
big blonde woman in our seat and
we had to go and sit in the back



Januay Sa1




t I,.


Want to Be President?
N E"TON ).BAKER'S recent statements in
New Y ork in regard to the League of Na-
tions have indicated that that gentleman is not
so far from the presidential li1melight as lie
miay have led people to believe. This week,.





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