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January 30, 1932 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-30

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y age Team Ties Purdue for ThirdPlac
Another Champion DY I 'TAA[(T Dougovito to Return Jack Riley, Wildcat 'M'KEC HNIE MUST REBUILD INFIELD
to Wrestling Lineup Tackle, Will Annoy
W TnTerSTC SnConference Matmen Chief Will Count on Art Shires infield; and the club must nit
WleieCtanPoie1Uto Play First Base; Akers er and more consistently, th
More Action for Mat Fans- decided. He says he'll get rei
h eg mpn e s eain Meets of Coming Season. CHICAGO, Jan. 29.-(')- West- to Be at Second. he has to tear the entire
George____psn__eemsCer____ ern Conference ends who tried to apart.
of Place on 220-Yard Dash; By John Townsend "box" Tackle Jack Riley last fall are PITTSBURGH, Jan. 29.- P) McKechnie admits he's
Wrestlny hopHuwles.tglad they aren't in the wrestling When big chief Bill McKechnie on Arthur Shires, one-time
Wrestling hopes will take a step business calls his Boston Braves from their boy" of the game. Shires W
t C (OLtr ews SerOhio O forward with the inauguration of . winter wigwams, many a warrior first base and put up a "pe
COLUMBUS, Ohio--Ohio Stat hhe For the burley Northwestern Un- who returned from the pennant
Uy- taeteth send seeste both f the versity lnesman is just about as hunt last autumn will be missing.a gaus Publicity.
t University track and field athletes standpoint of the team and f the annoyg on the wrestling mat as For last year's hunt was not suc- a
- are expected to play predominant fans. Captain Carl Dougovito will on the football field, where heI cesful and the Wlkin sburg medi- th Crazytteublicy B hlusd
parts when the curtain opens this be back in the ring. gained an all-Conference berth and tine man thinks he has found the res knows his friends
June to present Olympic conten- "Dug" was ineligible for scholas- some all-American mention, tonic to raise the tribe into a high- fited by his mistakes, and
ed aders for berths on the team to rep- tic reasons the first term but he With no prep school wrestling ex- er position in the National league. watch him next summer.
resent the United States in the has been spending perence, Riley dabbled at the grunt First of all, he must rebuild the "Akers, obtained from
ix Olympic Games scheduled for Los time on tne boois and should pull and groan game as a sophomore City, will be on second and I
at Angeles. through with flying colors and once and then, last witer, stepped out Seattle sparkler, will cover
At least twelve past and present more be available for competition n theBign heav eigt Od Wins Title with Walters ready to jum
1 Scarlet and Gray athletes will be on the mat, where he has been title.in the un e whelwashiisineeded.lte s kThen, siltheres
outstanding candidates. for Uncle something of a whirlwind. il h nmtdwih s. for Glemb s' Eleven ile. Bill's kindly smile br
Cooutstam. Indidaes forge of wach Orion Stuteville, to whom to a grin as he pondered "t:
aSam's team. In the dashes George Riley attributes most of the art- it.
es Simpson, Jess Fazekas, and Don For two seasons the Wolver- istry which he combines with his Joe Gembis, former Michigan it.
Bennett should be prominent; Ru- the leader was champion in the 220 pounds and 6 feet, 2 inches of fuliback, remembers his training Likes Maranville.
an o rw n 15pudcas"He's pud n ee,2ice fbeen one of the r
pert Beetham and Bob Brown i 165-pound class of the Western bulk, was a member of the United on the Maize and Blue eleven. Hn
to the middle distance events; Jack Conference. Last year besides Je, who is now head football Bill asserted, and you can
ad ; YStates squad in 924 as a heavy- owoi o edfobl rmm esgtmn o
Keller, John Black, and Dick Rock- taking the Big Ten title he wafrom me he's got many esgoh
te yin the hurdles events; Harold went to the finals in the Na- weight. porshat hisateak wo te- ball game in him yet. If I
c- Kennedy in the steeple chase; Pete tional intercollegiate c h a m- ports that his team won the ti- hold out he'll be there, ar
Rasmus in the discuss throwing pionships finishng as the run- GOLF INSTRUCTION t c from eleven other squads in if not, there's Urbanski.
is- event; Joe Ujhelyi in the hammer ner-up in his weight. Dougo- WILL START S O a local league this season, and "Berger has learned to ke
rk throwing event, and John Wonso- " vito is one of the best grap- WILL STA RT SO N then capped the climax by beat- from bad balls," Bill saic
ly . witz in the pole vault. pers that Coach Cliff Kenn ing the highest scoring schoolshld hit hrerth
of George Simpson, who has as has ever had on his team since Coach Courtright to Commence team of West Virginia. course he'll hold down one+
much claim on the title of "world's he took over the reigns at Classes After Exams. The chief scoring weapon was
he___"Odf8"temus Examinctrckpost. Worthington, Schu
n s fastest human" as Wykoff or Tolan, Michigan and this is saying a pi"Old 83" famous olverintrick and Eckhardt, obtained fr
seems certain of a place on the great deal as Keen has de- Registration was opened yester- play. This a hs bStatue ofa Missions, will fight it out
team. Although Simpson is recog- veloped some remarkable men day, according to intramural' of- Liberty" play has been used all other two garden jobs."
AscociatedPressPhoto nized by the National Collegiate here at Ann Arbor. season by the Chesapeake squad
te Association as the joint holder of ficials, for a course in golf instruc- and was used to score the win- Betts Heads Pitcher
Gorrilla Jones of Memphis, Tenn., the world's record for the J00-yard Dougovito has always been a fav- tion to begin after the examination ning. touchdown. in .the. four .Spohrer, Hargrave, obtain
and Akron, 'Ohio, won recognition dash along with Wykoff of South- orite with the fans and the an- period. The -course will be given by hardest games of the season. nBaltimore, and Benson, a
1es as world middleweight champion ern California, -his best event is nucmn fhsieiiii a youngster, will do the backs
CSa ol ideegtcapo m Clfrihsbs vn snouncement of his ineligibility was Coach Courtright, of the varsity Betts, late of St. Paul in th(
te by a technical knockout over Od- the 220-yard dash, and it is ex- received with great regret by the i a oiat. look ik t
nr done Piazza of Italy in their recent pected that he will represent the I student followers of the mat sport, squad, and only a limited number icn Associationg rs like t
h Milwaukee fight. United States in that event. as there is no one whom they would of pupils will be taken. The in- Tabulation of lhe contestants in of the pitching recruits, 2
rather see in action than the Wol- struction will be free, and at the t Lake lacid, Fb 41 hed She ieb ranhu,
of NEW YORK RANGERS CLINCH PLACE verine captain. end of a three-weeks' course, an- that seventeen nations, represen- ninghar, Cantwell and Bra
ne IN PLAYOFFS OF NATIONAL LEAGUE similar series of lessons will ed by 354 athletes, will take part keep most of the youngste
POLthat he will win. His form in the Instruction will begin on Mon- the games. winning a job this year.
With the teams of the National son, secured from New York are rtg is something which is very he Fnsruty wi, bg on o- McKechnie said a smalle
rigissmthn wihisvr day, February 15, at 3:30 for st- ber of rookies will be take:
At Hockey league swinging into the turning in good work. Boston has rare n college wrestling. He give dents, and at 430 for a faculty ser sof thakis custa
at final stretch only one team has fallen to the cellar position and the fans what they want-colon class. The Monday classes will also this seaso thanis customa
ek cinched its position in the playoffs. doesnit seem to be able to click. coupled with wrestling ability, meet on each Wednesday at the SALE OF DRESS
'nTi same time in the afternoon. Two SIT
enThis single club is the New York Several new forwards have been Th smetm inheaeno.Tw SHIRTS
singe cub s te Ne Yok Sverl nw fowars hve een This year he will again go to other sections for students and fac-
nd Rangers, pace-setters in the Ameri- imported from the Eastern league the National meet and in addi- uthe il met on esd s and HTa-
can Division. Lester .Patrick's sex- in an effort to bolster the stand- tion will make abid aforthe- udly will meet Tuesdayss and$2.45 Hand Twille
n, tet,'with his grea forward l ine of ings. inw aeabd o h Thursdays. The student class will
Frank Boucher and the brothers f In the International division the United S s Oic eam be held at 4:30, and the faculty will
Cook is functioning .better than Toronto Maple Leafs are still on . and present Michigan grap- Imeet at 3:30 andad$4.00.dko e
ever before. Dillon, rookie forward top of the heap and bid fair to re- paeds. In tMh ganglyp It was also made known yester-tma ud
pler. InthelastOlymicsDress Shoes $5.15
r as well as Murdock,- Somers and main in that position. Joe Primeau Michigan had two men yDon ada ts iltiesuwil be kest By Ssarton
IFeeling on the. reserve line have is out to set a new league record George and Bob Hewtt, on the in oation dinth e e p By Spanr-n
all shown a fine- brand of hockey. for assists while Charlie Conacher United States team. i operio or the esamst-
e The Chicago Black Hawks are and Harvey Jackson, his teammat, ein operiondrintheupexaf -
clinging safely to second place and ed on the front wall are dead shots. C tledents and faculty who desire ex- S LU I JNiVE
I will presumably rate a place in the The defending Montreal Cana- Captain Dougovito will wrestle in ercise during that difficult period 5
Sselect trio. Chuck Gardiner's work diens have pulled into second place his first match of season i the
goal has been nothing short of in close competition with Eddie ofthe Bi en chedule on
phenomenal while Tom Cook, Low- Gerrard's 'spangled athletes. The lid off the Big Ten schedule on Tux Shirt ... .h.a.r.uY2
xtrey and Gottsellig have done the champions have not reached last February 15 i Yost Field house. Stud' Sets.. $1.00, $1
most effective work -for the front season's form at any time. Howie
e liners. Morenz and Aurel Joliat. are notscarfs. . FOOTBALL I..NAGERS.
A determined band of Detroit the 'flashy forwards of a year ago. AlG Suspendersfotalm. .".-.oth
rs Falcons, with the smallest rQster in As for New York the team is shaky. All-efootball managers of the
the circuit, has wormed its way in- The offense in uncertain and the I past season -will have their pic- Eat at We have Ttixe
~ to third place and has a very fair defense definitely weak. Bert Mc- tures taken at Dey's studio at Rentals.
chance of holding the position. Eb- I Inenly and Tommy Filmore, late of 2:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
bie Goodfellow has finally regain- the Falcons are helping out how- A N E' A L LV ERIN Walk A Few Steps a
rt ed his old form and he has had ever. As for the last place Mon- Se oa
able aid from Kilrae and Aurie, treal Maroons, they have a team s
while Hap Emms and Frank 'Car- and that is all. (the choicest of wholesome foods)
NOON LUNCHEONS.............30c
I DINNERS . ....... . ...... . . . .50c Young Men's ClotI
$5.50 MEAL TICKETS.......h...$4.75 Sop
Jw ra i . " " "-1-1 .."..$4,51East Liberty Stree

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