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January 29, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-29

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blieation in the Buliitin is constructive notice to all members!
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
e President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.


FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 19 2 No. 92

To the Heads of Departments: It is requested that, beginning Feb. 1,
following procedure in submitting requisitions for equipment be fol-
1. The department will list items of equipment on separate requi-
ons from items of Current Expense, consulting the Purchasing Agent
cases of doubt.
2. All requisitions for equipment will be sent to the Dean or other
per administrative officer and if approved by him he will transmit
m to the Business Office with an endorsed or attached brief explana-
R of the unavoidable present necessity for the item requested.
3. The requisition will be ch'ecked in the Business Office to ascer-
n other costs which may be entailed by the proposed purchase, such
expenses incident to installation, required service lines, alteration of]
iding or rearrangement of fixed equipment, necessary added labor orF
er expense for using the proposed new equipment, etc.-
Alexander G. 14uthven.-
University Women and Househeads: House rules are in force during
examination period. Closing hours Are as prescribed in House Rules1
tion C. Girls may obtain out-of-town permission from their house-
ids when they have finished all their examinations. Permission to be
ent from Ann Arbor before that time should be obtained from the1
ce of the Dean of Women. Alice C. Lloyd.
University Women: Out of respect to those who are studying for]
iminations, all women students are requested not to move until the
ekend of Feb. 12 to 15. Alice C. Lloyd.
University .Women: Will all eligible University Women who would,
to obtain a League activity point by working in the League Candy
oth the second semester please get in touch with May Seefried or
ne Macintyre, at 22591?t
School of Education-Second Semester Registration: Students who
planning to enter the School of Education for the second semester.
y register on Feb. 11, 12, 13 ('8 to 121:30 only), and 15. Blanks may be
ured from the Recorder of the School of Education, Room 1437, Uni-
'sity Elementary School.
Students who plan to transfer to the School of Education at the
inning of the second semester will be required to present at least a{
yvisional transcript from the school from which they are transferring.
School of Education-February Seniors: All students completing re-
rements for degrees and Teachers' Certificates at the end of the pre-
t semester should pay their fees for diplomas and Certificates by Feb.
Blanks may be secured at the Recorder's Office of the School of
ication, Room 1437, University Elementary School.
Candidates for Teachers' Certificates: Blanks for the payment of the
chers' Certificate fee may now be secured at the Recorder's Office of
School of Education, Room 1437, University Elementary School. All
dents who expect to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate
the end of the present semester should pay their fees and return their
eipts to the Recorder, School of Education, by Feb. 13.
Elizabeth B. Clark, Recorder.
Elections in Speech 43: Students Who elected this course (Interpre-
ive Reading, MWF at 3, in 302 Mason Hall, Professor Hollister) with-
having the prerequisite, Speech 32, given in ,the College Announce-
nt, must drop the course. This prerequisite will be strictly enforced.
y statements to the contrary are inaccurate and unauthorized. Any
dent who wishes to present reasons for being excused from this re-
rement must see me personally. .J. M. O'Neill.
Notice to Candidates Who Expect to Receive the M.A. Degree in
tory in June, 1932: Please consult with Professor Aiton concerning
language requirement for this. degree.
Permits for J-Hop House Parties may be secured at the side desk of
Union until Feb. 9, 1932. All permits are to be issuld under the rules
he 1933 J-Hop Committee and the Interfraternit Council.

teenth century. This course will meet Saturday mornings. Two hours
credit. Open only to graduates. Students wishing to elect this course
are urged to consult the instructor, C. A. Knudson, before the beginning
of the semester.
University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
The Bureau has the following calls for teachers from Fairbanks, Alaska:
Elementary-4th grade. Elemen3tary--6th grade. (Requirements: degree,
special training, and four years experience). Junior Senior High School:
Woman for English, speech, and Spanish. Man for physi(s (major) and
mathematics (minor). Man for manual training, mechanical drawing,
band and orchestra. (Requirements: 12 semester hours of graduate work,
two years experience, and 15 semester hours in Education).
Women should be between twenty-five and thirty-five years of age;
men, 23 to 28. Applicants must be single. For further information and
application blanks, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
Voice Recital: Kate Keith Field, Senior vocal student in the School
of Music, will give a program in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 4:15 o'clock.
Accompaniments will be played by Louise Nelson.
Room Schedule, Examination in Eng. I and II, Feb. 1, p.m.: 25 A.H.,
Helm, Butchart; 35 A.H., Hoag; 231 A.H., Abbot, Weimer; 1025 A.H.,
Baker, Ott; 1035 ASH., Everett; 2003 A.H., Walter and Schenk; 2023 A:H.,
Stevens'; 2225 A.H., Wells, Davis, Curtis; 205, M.H., Hornberger, Wetzel,
Bebout; 103 R.L., Binkley, Morris Tenney; Natural Science Aud., Bader,
Swain, Bliss, M. Williams, Rowe, Proctor, Peterson.
English 35, Mr. Bebout: Final examination, Saturday, Feb. 6, P.M.,
Room 18 A.H.
Education A1: The examination in Education Al will be held in
Room 25 Angell Hall, Thursday P.M., February 4. Prof. Jackson.
Education B20: The examination in Education B20 will be held on
Monday, P.M., Feb. 1, in the following rooms:
'Section I, Room 2435 U. E. S., Stephenson.
Section II, Room 2436 U. E. S., Davis.
Section III, Room 2431, U. E. S., Johnson.
Section IV, Room 2432 U. E. S., Edmonson. C. 0. Davis.
German-Room Schedule for Final Examinations, Feb. 4, p. m.:
Course 1: Eaton, Wild Willey, Gaiss, Van Duren, Graf, Stillman, in Na-
tural Science Auditorfium; Stearns, Van de Luyster, 1025 Angell Hall;
Diamond, 1035 Angell Hall; Reichart, 231 Angell Hall.
Course 2: Stearns, Van de Luyster, 1025 Angell Hall.
Course 31: Diamond, Van Duren, 231 Angell Hall; Graf, Reichart,
Stillman, 2225 Angell Hall.
Geology 31: Room Schedule for final examination, Feb. 1, A.M.
/ A-M inclusive in Room 25 A.H.
N-Z inclusive in Room 2082 N.S., the Mineralogical Lecture Room.
Geology 121: Room Schedule for final examination, Feb. 5, A.M.
Room 2082 N.S., the Mineralogical Lecture Room.
Final Examinations: Geography 1, Feb. 8, 1932, 2-5. Prof. James'
section in Room 1035 A.H. Mr. Kendall's sections in Room 25 A.H. Mr.
Guthe's sections 'in' Room 25 A.H. Mr. Davis' sections in Room 25 A.H.

Geography 2, Feb. 8, 1932, 2-5, in
Room 35 A.H.
Geography 31, 10 o'clock section,
Feb. 9, 1932, 9-12, in Room 18 A.H.
Geograhpy 31, 11 o'clock section,
Feb. 1, 1932, 9-12, in Room 18 A.H.
Geography 165, Feb. 9, 1932, 2-5,
Room 18 A.H.
Examinations in all other courses{
will be held in the rooms in which
the classes meet and at the time
shown on Examination Schedule.
History 11-Lecture Section I:
Final examination Wednesday, Feb.
3, 9-12. Mr. Long's sections will meet
in 231 A.H. Mr. Slosson's and Mr.
Scott's sections will meet in N.S.
Mathematics 1, 3, 5, and 7: Final
examinations for first semester,
1931-1932, will be held Thursday,
Feb. 11, 9-12, according to the fol-
lowing schedule: Abernethy 231
A.H., Anning 1035 A.H., Baten 25
A.H., Coe 25 A.H., Copeland 1025
A.H., .P.Field 1025 A.H., S. E. Field
1035 A.H., Fulton 35 A.H., Menge
231 A. H., Raiford 35 A.H., Van
Engen 1025 A.H., Wagner 25 A.H.
Mechanical Engineering 32: The
final examinations will be given as
follows: Sec. I, Saturday, Feb. 6, in
Room 223. Sec. II, Monday, Feb. 1,
Room 222. Call at W. E. Lay's office
Saturday for copy of review ques-
University Loan Committee meets
at 1:30 p. in., in Room 2, University
Hall. Students who have filed appli-
cations with the Office of the Dean
of Students should call at that
office for an appointment with the
Woman's Research Club: Meeting
Monday, Feb. 1, at 7:30 p. in., in
Room 3024 Museums building. Dr.
Hazel Losh will speak on "Spectro-
scopy and its Astronomical Appli-
Varsity Glee Club and Women's
Glee Club: Due to the lack of suffi-
cient time for rehearsal of music
for "Robin Hood," it-is necessary to
have three rehearsals during the
examination period. No further
notice will be given:
Saturday, Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m.,' at
School of Music Auditorium.
Wednesday, Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m.,,at
School of Music Aud.

Saturday, Feb. 13, 1:30 p.m., at
School of Music Aud.
Lecture on Rock Gardens and Al-
pine Plants: Mrs. Edith Banghart,
Member of The Woman's National
Farm and Garden Association and
of the Royal Horticultural Society
of Great Britain will give an illu-
strated lecture on the general sub-
ject of Rock Gardens and Alpine
Plants in the Natural Science Aludi-
torium on Tuesday evening, Feb. 2,
at 8 o'clock. The lecture is before,
the Ann Arbor Garden Club, the
Garden Section of the Faculty Wo-
man's Club and the Department of
Landscape Design but all members

Independents and Freshnei
tending J-Ilop: Meeting on F
Feb. 5, 7:15 p. m., intsRoom 3
the 'Union. Final booth arr
ments will be announced.
your ticket number,
Zion and Trinity Lutheran
will meet as usual on the Su:
of Jan. 31 and Feb. 7. Sunday u
ing, Jan. 31, Rev. Henry O. '
of Portland, Ind., will preach
sermon at Trinity church, cor
Williams and Fifth Ave. This s
be of interest to club member

of the Univ
public are c





_k; R _. _ _, , _



(Three for two Dollars)
1932 World-Telegrami Almanac, 60c












Recital: Mabel Ross Rhead,
e Professor of Piano, in the
of Music, will give the fol-
program, Sunday afternoon,
in Hill Auditorium at 4:15
to which the general public
e exception of small chil-
2lssohn: Prelude an. Fugue
Schumann:Fantasie Op. 17;
a marchande d'eau fraiche;'
e': Etude Op. 42, No. 7;
Alborado del gracioso;
3alade Op. 24 (Variations on
gian theme).
offered in sceond semester
h 160,yFrench Romanticism:
survey of the origins of the
is movement, followed by a
theprincipal French writ-
he first half of' the nine-

I i



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This popular band has become a favorite with college
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