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January 27, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-27

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Published every morning exeept Monday during the UnIversity year
Oy the Board in Control of Student Publications.
1iemher of the Western Conference Editorial Assopiation.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
Isbilcation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
gieiited i this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
~slss matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mal, $4.."
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Buildingi Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
IChigan. Phinne5: Editorial, 49Y5; Ausinesg, 21214.

Telephone 4925
Editor .................................Cari Forsythe
rfal Director .............................Beach Conger, Jr.
Ed'tor ........... ......David M. Nichol
tP Editor .............................Sheldon O. Fullerton
en' Editor..........................Margaret M. Thompson
tant News. Editor.. ..................Robert L. Pierce


lem of which persons are or are not filted to
go on beyond high school.
' be apphcation of the principle of free
and equal" has filled our colleges wi h )0both
capable and ullcapable students. The latter
are a serious lhandicap to the efficiency of the
institutions. Several colleges such as the Uni-
versity of Chicago and the University of North
Carolina are conducting experiments in an
effort to solve this problen, and the results are
being watched with considerable interest by
the more conservative colleges of the country.
Sooner or later this conception of the principle
of democracy must be eliminated from our
educational system, Only then can the insti-
tutes of higher learning b devoted to an
extensive training of the persons who are
suited to get the best results from their educa-
Letters published in this column should not be construed as
expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants
will, however, he regarded as confidential upon request. Contrib-
utors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than Soo
Words if possible.
Are Student Movie-Goers Morons?


13. Gilbreth J.""C
SA. Goodruian
K~arl kelNext

AL. Cross

If you write, we have it.
Correspondence Statnexy,
Fountain Iens, Ink, etc.
'typewriters all makes.
Greeting Cards for evebod.

'llen- Kernn


nedy James Inglis
Jerry E. 1Koaeuthal
George A. :tauter"

(Editor's note: This is the tenthl
of a series of articles on outstand-
ing members of the University fac-
ulty. Another in the series will ap-
pear the next week of publication.
The information contained in each
article is furnished by colleagues
and friends ;of the subject, -not by
the individual concerned.)
By E. Jerome Pettit
At one time Prof. Richard Hud-
son was head of the history depart-
ment of the University. His brother
left him a sum of money with
which he decided to endow a chair
for a professor in English History.
In 1916, the, fund was established
and -the Board of Regents selected
Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross as Richard
Hudson Professbr of English His-
So today Professor Cross still
holds one of the two privately en-
dowed professorships of the Uni-
versity, the other being held by
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, who is W. W.
Cook Professor of American Insti-
tutions. /
Professor Cross first came to'
Michigan in 1899, to accept a posi-
tion as instructor in history. His
rise was somewhat phenomenal and
he received his full professorship
twelve years later.
Before coming here he had been
an assistant in history at Harvard,
his Alma Mater, where he earnedI
three degrees. He had also been a

bur J. Myers
ln Jones

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas

leigh W. Arnhcimn Fred A. Huber
son E. *iecaer Norman Kraft
rd C. Campbell R~oland Martin
Willims Carpenter ry MAeyer
nas Conneliau Albert H Newman
dee hayden E. Jerome Pettit
thy Brockman Georgia Gelman
am Carver Alice Gilbert
rice Collinas Martha Littleton
se Crandall Elizabeth Lonig
SFeldman FrancesiM hester
fence Poster Elizabethi Mann

John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
0. Hart S(Ihaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Rarden
Dorothy Rundell
Ehna Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhame

3I7 State St., Ann Arbr,'

Sample titles of new books
just added to the shelves
The Printed Page
Rental Library
Mexico-Stuart Chase
The Greek-Tiffany Shayer
Love Goes Past--Usural Parrot
Judith Paris-Hugh Walpole
No- membe rshipE fee.
No minimum charge.
French translations. New Fiction
Stenotypy N
Typewriting /
Hamilton Business
State and William Streets
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Phone 7831

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We Deliver

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50c, 70c and 85C
the pound.
In the Arcade"

Telephone 21214
RLES T. Klitne ... ................Business Manager
RIS P. JOHNSON.....................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
rtising ............................... .Vernon Bishop
i-Uising contracts.... ... ..... ..Hiarry .ft. Beglcey
xtising Service ............. .. ...yron C. Vedder
cations ............. .... .. . . Wi lliam T. Brown
nts.......'''.... ...Richard Strateneir
fen's Business Managtlr ..... .... .........Ann W. VernerI

P Aronon
Cr E.Burgey
n ClrkY
ert Finn
na Becker
ha Jane Cimael
vieve Field
Ine Fischgrund
Gall meyer
y Barriman

Join ieyser
Arthur F. Kohn
James Lowe
Anne Harsha
Ratharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia McComb
Carolin Mosher
Helen Olsen

Grafton W, Sharp
l onulo A. Johnston II
D)on Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare E tnge
Mary Elizabeth Watts



TpWENTIETH century educational standards
have resulted in this nation being\ equipped
vith colleges and universities theoretically
itted to educate anyone and everyone. Under
.ystems designed to satisfy these standards,
merous difficutlies have arisen which can-,
lot be ignored. The editorial columns. of col-
ege newspapers throughout the country are
iving evidence of a feeling of dissatisfaction
vith the existing order. Somehow, colleges are
lot living up to the exI)ectations of the sti-,
The problem goes back to the formation of
ur govermnent and the ideas set forth in the
)eclaration of Independence. One of the fun-
lamental principles of our gdvernment is that
t is based upon deinocracy. We Americans
)elieve, and rightly, that every man is born
ree and equal. But free and elual should-not
)e applied to education. For too long it has
Teen taken for granted that every person
hould have a high scholastic training, that
weing free and equal every person can have'
his training. But this is not the case. Every
ndividual is not suited to a higher education.,
lhe difficulties encountered utnder the pres t
ystem arise from the fact that higher educa-.
ional institutes are still trying- to educate
housands who are not capable cf college work.
In "order to instill a certain amount of
:nowledge into these unsuited persons, colleges
lave found it absolutely necessary to make
1umerous restricting regulations and to offer
1ncouraging rewards. Students are forced to,
attend classes ly restricting the 'cuts', and they
ire encouraged to work harder by offering the
nagic 'A' as reward for their efforts. But this
:urrent idea of trying to make everyone be-
tome highly educated is cramping the whole
cholastic system. Why try to force learning-
upon an in(Iivi(ual entirely unfitted for it? We
Jo not try to force a square peg into a round
iole. Neither do we expect an ordinary pass-
nger car to carry the load of a truck. But
although the peg will not fit the. round hole
md the car will not carry a truck load, they
are by no means valueless. Each has a duty
:o .perfornm which it alone is suited for. Why
:hen do Re still try to force a higher education
,)n a person incompetent to receive it? There
Ire many (Aher occupations at which such an
ndividual can more profitably . employ his
Allowing a person to go through college
when he is not capable of the work may be
snore injurious than beneficial to him. A per-
son who for four years has realized himself to
be inferior to his associates is very apt to de-
velop an inferiority complex that will be detri-
nental to hinl throughout life. A man who
never could be a doctor inight easily becompe
i highly successful salesman or merchant; but
if he were to begin in business with a feeling
>f his inferiority, his chances for success would
be greatly diminished.
Of course, students are not actually forced

'To The Editor:
It has been stated that "A namn's intelligence is
expressed most clearly in his. appreciation of his
pleasures." If this statement is true, we begin to
wonder as to the intelligence of quite a percentage
of the students of the University. Considering the
theatres in Ann Arbor as one of the pleasure haunts,
we see that some of the students do not know how
to react to this pleasure.
Whether the picture being shown is serious, or
even classical or comedy, about fifty per cent of the
audience think it in order to snicker or sigh at the
slightest provocation throughout the entire program,
taking away the effect of the scene. This sort of.
expression is expected of the few morons who remark
aloud, but is not expected of the majority of the
audience. In other cities, the theatre audience is
absolutely silent during a serious picture, and yet it
cannot be s.id that this audience does not enjoy the
picture because it does not giggle at every movement
of the character. Why then is this fool's expression
of pleasure shown in this "City of Learning"? "
In the recent motion picture production "Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," a serious, well cast and class-
ical drama, some of the most beautiful and serious
scenes were ruined by this giggling and snickering.
There were very few parts which aroused humor and
yet this disgusting wave of laughter swept the audi-
ence several times. In the love scenes, which were
beautifully and naturally acted, considering the
period of the drama, and in some of the other dra-
matic scenes this false and self-centered expression
was shown. A tremendous amount of energy and
money was expended to make those scenes realistic
and those who are "intelligent" derive the true pleas-
ure, not by laughing with those about him but by
silently acting the part.
The purpose of a comedy or comic scenes is to
make the audience laugh; all other drama should be
appreciated silently, if not for one's own pleasure,
at least through courtesy to those about him. Here
we find that some laugh with the same expression
at a woman's knees or at the antics of a renowned
comedian. ,
It should be the duty of the University to educate
this large group, not through the use of books but by
social training, and it should be the duty of the
theatre management to "throw out" these individual
morons who thrive on their ability to "wise-crack"
at the wrong time and at the wrong place, the
theatre. F. W. H. C.
A Protest Against Illinois Riot Orders>
To The Editor: - .
The Illinois National Guard has been given official
orders on how to kill rioters. Here are a few excerpts
from their 104 page pamphlet "Emergency Plans for
Domestic Disturbances."
"Troops should never be ordered on riot duty
without an adequate supply of ball ammunition.
Blank cartridges should never be fired at a mob ---
When troops of the Illinois National Guard are or-
dered on active duty to suppress domestic disorders
under no circumstances will blank ammunition be
issued to them.
"Never fire over the heads of the rioters; the aim
should be low . . . Riot shotguns with buckshot am-
munition are effective for close range . . . Crowds
should not be allowed to form. Everyone should be
kept moving constantly and small groups broken up.
"Rioters should not be allowed to throw missiles
at the troops even though they should be of such
nature that they cause no serious injury.
"When necessary a few sharpshooters or expert
riflemen may be placed on roofs or in high windows
to fire over the heads of the crowd and break up the
rear. Sharpshooters so placed are also very efficient
in breaking up the practice of throwing stones or
other missiles at the troops from the rear of the'
crowd, as sharpshooters from such a point of view
can pick off the individuals who so offend."
This is what we can expect. The military are pre-
pared to meet th'e demands for food with bullets and
poison gas.'
"When a gas attack is launched against a mob.
a heavy concentration should be released along the
windward flank.",a
This is the best that working class America can
expect from a capitalist controlled government. A
return to chattel slavery would be an advance, for
then men and women were worth something. Under
the recurring crises, of which we have had eighteen
since 1804, you are expected to starve and keep quiet
Organize your comrades in a protest demonstration
and they will shoot you and put you in jail.
Stewart Way.

Professor Levi Lists Some Readings
To The Editor:
I note in The Daily of today, page one, an article:
President's Naval Policy is Attacked.

,t Y
1 , .4-
-a. - -


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-Photo by Rentschler
student at Berlin and Freiburg, in
Germany, for a period of two years.
So he bi-ought with him a wide
experience and a profound knowl-
edge in the field of history, a fact
which has been more than borne
out by his later achievements.
He immediately established his
residence at one of the fapulty
'bachelor" clubs and proceeded to
devote his time to ark intensive
study of history. This he succeeded
in doing so well because of his sys-
tematic methods. He set aside a
yertain time of each day for work
knd a certain time for play. So
many hours were to be spent study-
ng, so many in reading indirect
'out related material, and so much
o1 so-calleg. recreational activities.
Due to his remarkable will-power
de was capable of living up to the
standards of his "time budget";
aever letting anything interfere
with the periods which he had
olanned to devote to some parti-
3ular project.
When the Cutting apartments
were constructed on South State
street, Professor Cross became one
)f the first occupants and has re-
mained there ever since. About the
same 'time as this change of ad-
iress he published one of his first
books, a local history on St. An-
drew's Church.
His next publication was his fa-
mous, "History of England and
Greater Britain," which has since
'een followed with his "Shorter'
History of England and Greater
3ritain." This proved to be a great
I ntribution to the field of Eng-
ish history, since, unlike so many
;exts, it dealt with the matter in
an alive, humanistic fashion, which
.eld the interest of students.
While writing his complete books
and since then, he has been a reg-
ular contributor to the American
Historical Review and other publi-
cations. He seems to always have
some piece of work on hand which
he treats with the most profound
Professor Cross has never mar-
ried. His huge library in his apart-
ment, occupying most of three1
rooms, seems to be his greatest in-,
terest and serves as practically a
domestic companion.
, His library, each volume of which
contains a bookplate made from
an etching by one of his former
Istudents, Wilfred B. Shaw, Direc-.


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