- ~ ~
Published every morning except Monday during the Universty ye
by the Board in Control of Student Publications. !
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
u+rdited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Erntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
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Postmaster General
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.69
Office: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
%:-higan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925}
City F'ddltor. . ........... ......... .....Carl Forsythe
1kitorial Zlreotor ...............................Beach Congor, ,Jr.
Ndews Ed!tor .................................David M. NIcholI
Sports Editor ..... ...Shelq ,rdon 0. Fullerton
Woe's Editor......................4. .argat M. Thompson
Assistant News Editor..........................Robert L. Pierce
(Daily Illini)
Two letters, which appear in the Others' Opinions
column on this page, give two views on the $3.50
ticket charges contemplated for the Military ball. It
has been generally felt that many of the University
dance committees are not quite aware of the mean-
ing of high priced dance tickets to many of the stu-
dents who buy them. Committee members receive
their tickets, their cab fare, and their dinners with-
out any pangs of the pocketbook. The student must
dig down in his jeans for the money, and sometimes
it hurts if it is only 50 cents or $1 more than he ex-
pects to pay.
Dance committees, for the most part, earn their
way to the dance. The affair depends upon them
and they work for it and are deserving of some recog-
nition. Committee work gives members an experience
which is worth a good deal in itself, for the executive
tasks involved in meeting people, carrying on the
work in a businesslike manner and putting the dance
over without a hitch.
The Military ball committee of this year has done
well in keeping down expenses, but some other oppor-
tunities still exist which will facilitate the lowering
of ticket prices. A consideration of their budget given
below might indicate a method by which the $3.50
frrak B. i brath
Roland a A. Corlrean
Earl tiefeurt
. Culen Kennedy Thitne"Inglis
Jerry K.Rorenthal
George A. Stauster
Wilbur J. lyers
Brian Joues
Stanley W. Arnheihn
Lawson H. 1Becker
Fdward C. Camnpbell
C. Willians Carpenter
Thomas Connelflau
Dorothy Brockman
Mdiriam Carver
Beatrice Colin
Louise Crandall
lE t eldrman
P'rudence Fostei
Sports Assistants
John W. Thoinas
Fred A. Huber
Norman Kraft
Poland Martin
Ifenry Meyer
Albert H. iewman
E. Jerome Pettit
Ceorgia Geisman
Elizabeth Long
Frabces MDch ester
Elizabeth Mann
John S. Townsend
rlharles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renilhan
C. hart SchA;If
Brackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Rtrden
Dorothy Rndell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams
Oscar the Wonder Horse swore,
three weeks ago, that he had gone
into Detroit for the last time this
semester, but yesterday Mr. George
Dusenbury, a very fine ex-colleague,
came around and offered him a
ride; so what was there to do? One
cannot refuse George Dusenbury.
To make it even more dificult,
Johnny C h u c k is still he ribly
drunk. And here am I with no Rolls
column and nothing to do but tell
you about some of the funny things
that happen in the Daily office and
appear in Daily print, every new
and then.
On January 5, the business
staff found itself in a dilemma
due to the fact that "Sammy
Squirt," which was necessarily
discontinued over vacation, had
to include several pre-Christ-
mas strips in order to catch' up
when publication was resumed.
o n e of these included the
quaint January query, "Gosh,
Christmas almost here and me
broke," an assertion that so
befuddled t h e business staff
genii that they decided to can-
cel it for the rest of the year.
Which was more or less of a
good thing anyway.
On the Women's page, January
9, there appeared the lucid head-
line "TO USE TIN CANS." I shall
give my kingdom and half my
daughter if you guess what story
that came from!
M1*1estol-les of P
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Fr L
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CIVILIZA TIN devel~ped the Cler-
nont, and in due course of time, the
giant Leviathan, on which is published a
daily newspaper for tran&-Atlantic passen-
gers. Today we have also the aeroplane,
which carries the priited word from Coast
to c
Tlephone 21214
HARLES T. Kiine............................Business Manager
NORRIS P. JOHNSON.........................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
dvertising-.......-...........-....--.Vernon ishop
dvertising Contracts ...... ... ............harry It. Begley
dvertising Service... ...... ............. ...Byron C. Vedder
ublications..... . .. . . ... Vlliam T. Brow n
cconts ...................................Richard Stratemeir
Alomen's Business Manager........ ..........Ann W. Verner
ticket price could be reduced.
Band (Ted Weems) ........................ $
D ecorations ................................
Programs (Souvenirs)..................
University. labor and materials .......... .
Checking.............. .
R en tal ....................................
Illio pages...........................
Pictures and cuts .......... .............
Piano rental...... .......... ....
Dinner for committee ................ ... .
Cabs for committee..................... .
Shoulder cords and favors for committee... .
Punch ..............................
Union booth renta ...................
Military detail........................
Postage, telephones, etc................
Tickets.. ......................
Committee expense ....... ............
Maid service .........................
Overhead and bond....................
Miscellaneous......... ...............
great iews-gathering system developed by
the Asseciated Press. Imagaine the dull-
ness of a ay wi.o t the latest news! News
of the world is served to you constantly by
East in three days. In truth, these are
stones of progress.
A-other milestone -of progress is the
Orvi) Aronson
Gilbert E. Buraley
Allen Clark
Robert Finn
.liohn Ieyser
Arthur F,. Kohn
James Lowe
Grafton W. Sharp
Donalo A.. Johnston H
Don Lyon
Bernard H. good
i Becker Anne liarsha
a Jane Cissel .Katharine Jackson
ieve Field Dorothy Layin
e Fischgrund Virginia McComb
Gallmeyer Carolin Mosher
Harriman Helen Osen
Wry Seefried
Minnie Seng
Ielen Spencer
lathryn Stork
Ciare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts
Totals ............... ................... 2,102:50
SUNpAY, JANUARY J7, 1932 The sale of-J50 tickets at $3.50 each and 100 bal-
cony seats at $1 each will amount to $2,375, or a sur-
phis .of $272.50 in excess of all expense'. Possible
e sk a Fair reductions of the committee dinner, cab, shoulder
cords and favors, and punch items would increase the
Z te nd M eters surplus. The Military ball last year had a surplus
of $300, which might even be used to offset any deficit,
NCE more we come to a discussion of the taxi- which might follow economics in the present budget.
cab situation. Last week saw students paying The miscellaneous allowance of the budget is large
he lowest rates they have been charged since the enough to be used as a contingent fund.
:hoal year began, as well- as the highest. And The Daily Ullni believes that tickets might be re-
nless same drastic action is taken soon, the evi- duced to $3, if 25 additional tickets would be placed
ent ?power of the cab companies, in their ability on sale. The income from 675 tickets at $3 each, and
> cooperate to 'ix rates, will soon see the users 100 balcony tickets at, $1 each, would net $2,125. o
E taxicabs paying more exorbitant, rates than ever $22.50 in excess of the budget. In view of the excel-
tlence of the orchestra, it is possible that more than .
* * *
Which reminds me of a boner
this same Women's page pulled
earlier in the year. (I shouldn't
have said boner. It was merely
a piece of smart journalism.)
Mrs. Roosevelt was supposed to
christen a boat and there was
no picture of Mrs. Roosevelt in
the Daily fhles. The Women's
staff .decided that Mrs. Hoover
would do just as well because
Mrs. Hoover was in the cut
;morgue; so Mrs. Hoover's pic-
ture was run with the cut lines,
"who recently christened the
new S. S. 'Manhattan.'"
'The AssociatedPress
Whose Dispatches Appear in
frl~i~m nzztg
There are two solutions to the question. Under
the present city ordinance, the cab companies, pro-
vided they can agree, have license to raise their
rates as high as 35c_ for the first passenger, and:
25c for each passenger for the first mile. So the
change must come through amendment of the city
ordinance in one of two ways. These two are by
a low maximum flat rate charge, or by installation
of taximeters, both systems to be put into use re-
gardless of the number of passengers carried on
one trip. o n
Earlier this year,, when the taximeter project
was first advanced, students could not agree. Many
saw visions of a permanent 35c- flat rate charge,
and were .unwilling to assent to the proposed
change. Now, however, most of them have seen
how these so-called flat rates can change overnight,
and are willing to adopt some other system.
A new 35c maximum flat rate charge,.embodied
in a city ordinance, would be unfair from two
points of view. As concerns the consumer, the
passenger who rides from the Union to the Kappa
Sigma house and pays 35c is being undercharged
as compared with the passenger who rides from
the Union to the Phi Kappa Psi house and who
also pays 35c. Either that is the case, or else the
latter is being undercharged. From the standpoint
of the driver, he is in one case rendering more
service for the same ambunt of money and is there-
e btelieve that taxicab charges should be
made on the basis of distance traveled, and not on
the number of passengers carried. For the pro-
tection of both passengers and drivers, the installa-
tion of meters is necessary. This system has been
proposed to the Common Council of the City of
Ann Arbor in two identical resolutions presented
by The Daily and the Student Council. The maxi-
mum rates provided are 200 for the first half mile
and 5c for each additional quarter mile, with no
charge for extra passengers. This rate establishes
a mean between the 25c flat rate which existed for
two days last week, and the present 35-50-60-701
sliding scale arrangement, .which is obviously too
This new system would clearly benefit those
students living some distance from the campus
who find it necessary to use cabs to reach thei
classes; especially fraternity and sorority groups
which are charged enormous rates under the pre-
sent scale. Students on dates, who at present are
charged 50c for the shortest possible ride, could go
two miles for the same amount. And few are the
co-eds who live more' than two miles from the,
Union or the League. Furthermore, the cab com-
panies would benefit. They would make a fair
profit, students would not be charged too high a
rate, business would be divided more evenly be-
tween all companies, the drivers would all be em-
ployed and things could be adjusted to a normal
a npaefn ae
100 balcony seats will 'be sold.
These calculations are not to be taken as reflec-
tion on the Military ball committee. That committee"
has pared its budget items to a low figure. Ted
Weems' orchestra usually plays for $1,000 on all out-
side engagements, and for $900, he is by far a better
buy than Tweet Hogan who plays for the Sophomore
cotillion tonight at $650. The ball committee is also{
buying its ,own corsages, an exceptional thing for a
big dance committee,
The Military ball can be put on for less than $2
In the interests of student ticket buyers, we do not
see why they should pay a higher price.
(Indiana Daily Student)
Wherever over-emphasis of intercollegiate ath-
letics is being discussed, the sister subject of an ultra
intramural athletic program is certain to have its
ardent followers. At a recent meeting of Western
conference physical education directors in Chicago.
a subject accorded a major share in debate was the
substitution of intramural athletics for the inter-
collegiate contests.
"Since the latter type of competition is receiving
condemnation or approbation in every newspaper ani
magazine throughout the country, why not follow
the swing of the pendulum and dethrone the expen-
sive, dangerous intercollege contests?" asked onE
representative. This, however, seems to be altogethei
too revolutionary a measure to apply in this case
The followers of a "sane" intramural athletic pro-
gram would not race the pendulum to the farthest
extremity, but rather would linfit intercollegiate ath-
letics somewhat, while at the same time expand the
intramural system which is in force at the present
The exponents of intramural sports do not wisl'
to prohibit Conference sport, which they believe car-
ries with it a wholesome measure of individual initi-
ative and healthful activity. These men do not place
intramural sports on a pinnacle, because they know
that such competition will, at best, be a matter for
individual decision. "Shall I or shall I not engage in
a contest with a rival campus organization?" The
reactionary group might go so far as to do away with
a broad program of campus athletics. But this course
would necessarily push intramural activities into a
position that, in some respects, it could never satis-
factorily fill.
In the first place, the individual player transposes
group activity in the highest sense of the word. Ii.
is easily seen that team performance would soon be
placed at a discount: Also the physical benefit of
raining and physical condition required in a first-
class intercollegiate team would be unnecessary. Any
one can play an intramural contest without'previous
conditioning or practice. Secondly, the men who are
especially skillful in some branch of physical activity
undoubtedly find a major enjoyment in a measure
of personal honor and'glory accruing from such con-
It is an unknown but perfectly
true fact that the picture of "Scapa
Flaw," with Earl Sande up, has
been used as the winner of the
Kentucky derby for the past five
years. A New York paper, whose
reputation had been established
long before the present Daily edi-
tors were born, once went so far
as to run a picture of the "blanket
finish" in the 1928 race which had
been sent "speciaJ to they**via air-
1iane." 'Tne picaure was, of course,
las year's finish-but who could
tell the difference, and, what's
more, who cares?
Another g r e a t headline in
last week's Daily was on the
Wisconsin-Michigan basketball
game story of Saturday.
"Daniels to Start at Center
Post; Changes in Lineup
Possible, However."
Last November, Maude Adams,
famous actress, came out of a re-
tirement of 13 years to act on the
stage again. 'The Daily ran her
picture with the following caption:
"Maude Adams, a leading ac-
tress almost a century ago, at
the age of 59 has ended a re-
tirement of 13 years to return
to the stage as Portia in Otis
Skinner's "Merchant of
Just about the silliest error
.that ever occurred was ipublish-
ed several years ago in cne of
our leading state newspapers.
Governor Green's daughter had
eloped and the A.'P. had. sent
a two column, four-inch pic-
ture of her. The Illinois relay
t e a m h a d, simultaneously,
broken a record or something,
and the A. P. picture service
also included a two column,
four-inch cut of two of the run-
ners exchanging the 'b a to n.
The headlines were mixed up,
somehow, so that over this
beautiful picture of two run-
ners in a tense, crouching posi-
tion ran the caption "Gov.
Green's Daughter Elopes." Over
the portrait of Miss Green, who
wreated nlidlv in aair.
GAS heat is the preferred heat for die-casting. It is adaptable to the nth degree;
it puts the heat where it is needed; it is economical its application is simple. The new
illustrated book "Gas Heat in Industry" tolls the story. Send for your copy (it's free) toddy.