Varsity Fencing Team defeats Michigan State, 12 to
Coach Ruby Has Two Cousins, are Champaign brothers who have'L ~IH ~IIJHIU I on Hardwood Court il fl I
Six Brothers on This made good on the Illin team. Nor- UI' UII I I
val, a junior, plays forward, while
Year's Squad. his brother, a sophomore, is guard. Taken as a whole one-third of State Captain Wi
CNaThey tower six feet and weigh Lowrey Is ,Driving Team Hard the Big Ten basketball ,games on te apta Le
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Jan. 16.-UP')- about 170 pounds each. for First Conference Tilt this season's schedule have been Fially, Lose
Coach Craig Ruby has a brotherly Became Captain, . in Sabre
Illinois basketball team in Big Ten Elbert B. Kamp and Robert L. at Minneapolis. played, but because of the mid-
competition this season. Kamp, first cousins from Mt. Car- Althogh the games year examinations which fall on By Al Ni
In fact, when Ruby picks tmel, Ill., came to Illinois three A Wthoughtpe tisconsingek different dates the individual cards Michigan's varsi
fo ratc, ecn i rohryears ago from a successful high wr postponed frti eked do not hold true for this greneral- wonis sndvics
for practice, he can pit brother school squad. Now E. B., or "Babe," Michigan's Varsity hockey team has on. ees r won its second vic
lagainst broter and create some is captain ofRuby's team and Rob- had the benefit of several hard .tnsecutive nights by 1
i ively competiyion. ert is a regular guardm Monday n ight's card contains ure of Michigan S
There are six brothers and two inter-squad scrimmages in the last only three games with the Michi-
cousins on this season's Illini squad. . few practices. Coach Lowrey is driv- gan-Iglinois encounter toppingthe
Two of the brothers are twins. -. ThnCdads Show Class ing his team hard in an effort to list. Northwestern journeys to Mad- swordsmen took s
Two Sixs-Footers. nneinte ois
Ter C. x-madtred in Initial Time Trials round them out for the first West- fison forthetrn eneyn th four in the sabre
Albert C. Kamm and Alfred J. ison for a return engagement with urnth br
Kamm, guard and center respec- Initial time trials of the season ern Conference game at Minnesota the Badgers and Iowa encounters Captain Stonex o
tively, are the twins. Al C. weighs t"Chuck" s next Thursday and Friday nights. Indiana at Bloomington. was the outstandi
210 pounds and is six feet three in- yesterday for Coach"Hoyt'sLast week the Gopher team sur- In the first meeting of the North- of the match. He
ches tall. Al J. weighs 175 pounds Varsity track team demonstrated prised Eastern hockey fans by hold- western and Wisconsin teams the the foils and the
and is six feet one inch tall. that when the regular season rolls ing Harvard's sextet to a 7 to 6 Badgers, considered to have no the three bouts sec
Fred and George Fencl of Cicero, around the Wolverines will be right score. Coach Frank Pon)d's team chance against the Wildcats, forced in the foils, and t
Ill., are brothers at forward. George in there with the best the Confer- made four goals in the last six them into over-time, outscored two of his sabre
is a senior and Fred is a sophomore. minutes against the Crimson. them from the field and lost only Michigan sophami
Norval D.. and Nolan N. Hodges ence has to offer. Minnesota has had the benefit of by a single point in the closing sec- State .tar in the
-- - -------- With the possible exception of twelve pre-conference games aAd onds of the extra period. In spite the evening by a se
the mile run, which was won by has a large winning column for the of the good showing of the Badgers last sabre bout of I
BOXER HAS COPY iEWolfe, all of the performances total tames. Michigan's pick of in this first encounter, the Power- ing the score 9-5 1:
were fairly creditable Don Ren- amateur hockey stars met defeat ful Wildcat quinte, is favored to gan, and thus co
RADIO SPEECH weefarat the hands of the Gophers in tlie take the game without much diffi- ring point.
wick and Jack Campbell distin- pre-Olympic trials recently and re-Iculty- Complete Summa
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 16..-' guished themselves in the sprints, ported that Coach Ponds had joine T he Bloomington engagement (M)-- , Glass (S)--
(P)-In these days of radio broad- while Captain Russell and Allen of the smoothest playing teams in will close the card for the first se- 5, Mayer (M)--4;
casting a good pugilist must be ran a nice quarter mile. Egleston Minnesota's hockey history. mester for the Iowa five. Coach Murphy (S)-4;
rough and ready with his speech-- Leave Wednesday. Rollie Williams of the Hawkeyes Glass (S) -1; S tor
or else be prepared in advance.little touble capturing th Michigan will practice Monday will place his hopes for victory over low (M)-4, Lovell
So confident was Ray Tranzblie,'high.and low hurdle events. and Tuesday night on the Coliseum the Hoosiers on his scoring star, (S)-1; Barlow (n
Rockford, Ill., middleweight, that Turner, Lemon, Debaker, and rink and entrain for Minnesota Moffitt. Indiana will enter the tilt -3; Stonex (S)-
he would defeat Sammy "Kid" Ecknovich all ran the half mile in Wednesday afternoon. Minnesota without the services of Tucker, who Mayer (M)-5, Mu
Slaughter of Terre Haute,Indianarespectable time, while "Doc" has an indoor rink so warm weather is still layed up with an injury re- BRE: Stonex (S
h pnh h prepared atim'whwill not again cancel the matches ceived in the Illinois clash a week (M)-2; Little (M
speech in advance of the bout in Howell performed brilliantly to cap- as it has in the last two weeks. ago. 4; De Stefano (M
Indianapolis. ture the two mile race. Michigan's yearling squad is ex- 2; Little '(M)-5
Tramblie won easily, wen't to his Booker Brooks, giant Negro star pected to furnish some of the op- Michigan will defent her Na- EPEE: Winig (M)
corner, received the typewritten turned in the best shot putting per- position for the Varsity Monday tional swiming title in her home Nahrgang (M)-2
copy from his manager, then pro- formance while Humphrey out- night, but an inter-squad scrim- pol. If Coach Matt Mann can re- -0; Cash (S)-2;
ceeded to give the fans a little ex- jumped the rest of the pole-vault- mage will be on the cards for the peat, he will make tank history for 1; Winig (M)-2,
tra via the microphone. ers. following practice. ) Michigan. 0.
Not only this week but every day of \
every week plan to set aside a fair share
apply for a position, and negotiate business transac-
fns *eii. fi I'u3*pi 11I may hp a h t eac try tnp~r