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January 16, 1932 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-16

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"LL___ __ _..__ __ __ __ __ _

Michigan Debate Squad Opposes
Methodist Women in ,
Practice Meet.
Discussing the question of wheth-
er the inter-allied war debts owed
to the United States should be can-
celled or not, a negative team from
the university composed of: Lois
Benson, '32, Frances Johnson, '33,
and Alice Gilbert, '33, debated
against a group from Adrian Col-
leg9 yesterday afternoon.
contending that the debtor na-
tions were able to pay and that it
was impossible for the United
States to assume such an added tax
burden, the negative urged that
I cancellation was impracticable. The
affitmative showed that certain
economic conditions h a d been
brought about by the debts and
that cancellation would relieve the'
depression. ..
During the coming week prac-
tices are to be held on the Indian
question with Michigan State Nor-
mal College and Detroit City Col-,
lege. The debate with Detroit is to'
be held in Ann Arbor on Thursday
Afternoon at four o'clock in the
Athena room on the fourth floor
of Angell hall. The women to parti-
cipate in this discussion are:
Gladys Baker, '33, Dorothy Daniels,
'32, and Jean Hagaman, '33.
A practice debate with Michi-
gan State Normal College on the
question of war debts is being held
in Ann Arbor on Tuesday after-.
noon in which Elizabeth McDowell,
'32, Dorothy Peck, '32, and Alva
Pascoe, '32, will speak for the uni-
Purd e Women Form
New Tumbling Class
1 novation on the Purdue campus was
installed when tumbling classes for
women were introduced, in the wo-
men's athletic carnival last year.
A tumbling team will be picked
from the class.

Alumnae House Couzens Hall are holding another
About a hundred guests will of their fireside poetry hours. Dr.
enjoy the hospitality of Alumnae Earl L. Griggs of the English de-
House this evening at the annual partment, and Mrs. Griggs will be
faculty reception given by the resi-
dents of the dormitory. the guests attending.
Mrs. Charles Sink will greet the Dr. Griggs will talk on the poetry
guests at the entrance to the draw- of H. D. and Edna St Vincent Mil-
ing rooms and will introduce them lay. After the discussion an in-
to Leah Reisbig, '32, president of formal hour will follow and refresh-
the house. Miss Reisbig will lead the ments will be served.
receiving line con'sisting of Miss Next Thursday evening Professor
Alice Lloyd, dean of womeh; Mrs. Howard Jones of the English de-
Frederick C. Morgan of Detroit, partment will lecture on "Reading"
chairman of the Board of Gover- to the student group of the entire
nors, and Miss Edith A. Barnard, school of nursing.
social director of the dormitory. Martha Cook
Receiving also in the living rooms Residents of Martha Cook dormi-
there will be other members of the tory are planning a theatre party
Board of Governors and the resi- for next Wednesday evening. About
dents of the house. thirty-six of the residents will go
The rooms will be attractively in to Detroit by special bus %to see
decorated with ferns, cut flowers, the play "Tomorrow and Tomor-.
and lighted tapers. row," by Philip Barry. Miss Mar-
The table in-the dining room will garet Smith, social director of the
bey covered with a lace cloth and house, is in charge of all arrange-
will be centered with a bowl of pink ments for the affair.
roses surrounded by pink candles in Mosher-Jordan
crystal holders. The color scheme Mosher seniors will. entertain
of pink and white will be carried faculty members at the second of
out in the refreshments. a series of informal faculty supp rs
Those who will assist Mrs. Hugh Sunday evening. The first of this
Keeler in the dining room at vari- series was kiven before vacation
ous times during the evening will and the graduate residents of Jor-
be Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mrs. John P. dan then entertained a number of
Effinger, Mrs. A. D. Moore, Mrs. J. faculty members and their wives.
L. Brumm, Mrs. Gerritt Diekema,
Mrs. Beach Conger, Mrs. A. J. Rous-
seau, V iss Rose Anderson, Mrs. A.
H. White, and Mrs. Walter B. Pills-
Mrs. Florence Tousey will be as-
sisted in the coffee room by Mrs.
Carleton Wells, Miss Eunice Van
Camp, Miss Helen Bradley, Miss
Sara W. Lutes, and Miss Kathleen



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