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October 03, 1931 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-03

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ver, Idaho Senator Engage
in Informal Luncheon

.. ... . .. . ... .. .. .

flsrmainent Problems Relative{
tGeneva Conference
Spoken of.-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.-(P)-Sen.
Bbrah, of Idaho, urged President
Hbover today to call an anterna-
tibrfal monetary conference to con-
sier adoption of bimetallism by
the leading nations.-
In luncheon conference with
Vhe President, the Idaho Senator,
d ssd a wide range of subjects
I ding bimetallism, political con-
and disarmament problems
/ particular reference to the
Geneva conference next February.
.He painted a dark picture to the;
resident of political conditions in.
h West, particularly as a result
of the farm situation and reiterated
his belief in the export debenture'
plan for agricultural aid.
Prohbition was -a-so talked about
fnd Borah, an outstanding sup-
porter of the 18th Amendment, said
hie, butnc'- his views generally in
ageefgent with the President's.
Following the conference, "Borah
expressed hope for the calling of
an international monetary confer-
ence, but gave no indication that
the Prestdent had given him any
Yiental Immigration
Ouoa InCrease Asked
WASHINGTON, O c t. 2-()-
Extension of the immigration quo-
ta to Japan and China was recom-
mended to directors of the United
States Chamber of Commerce to-
Oay by its committee on immigra-
The report was filed by Asa G.
riggs, of St. Paul, who said it had
fhe unanimous approval of his
wrrill Succeeds Eddy
o ° U. . erve Board
W A 1 I N G T 1N, Oct. 2-AP)-
Chester Morrill, secret ry and gen-
eral counsel of the Far Loan But-
eau, has been gppointed secretary
of ti Federa Resee Board, suc-
ceeding Walter L. Eddy.
RuWTVen Upolds Name
xf American Colleges
(Continued From Page 2)
our system of education should in-
struct our youth in the gentle art
'f behaving as human beings
' should."
The President disagreed with the
oontention that the automobile is
ati "evil" of the colleges, classing
At. rther as a problem demanding
of the educational institutions ade-
quate instruction in solution; he
voleed a belief that bans would be
unnecessary if parents and students
would co-operate with college au-
thorities in checking abuses.
"Even though educators do not
4rove of prohibitions in theory,
r best solution must continue to
resItrietlon of the use of cars
&ntiI the novilty has worn off, and
rp bility 'can be placed where
it Iiengs, President Ruthven said.
Ctncedlng that an effective way
of abrogating a law is to ignore it,
the President declared with refer-
enei to prohibition that "college
students should be encouraged to
have their own opinions as to the
wisdom of the law and to work for
its continuance or repeal, but it is
a monstrous thought that they
should be taught, or even permitted,
to disregard it while it exists."

Kunz Addresses
Large Audience
On Hindu India
"Hindu Philosophy and Western
Science" was the title of an address
delivered yesterday afternoon in
N a t u r a 1 Science Auditorium by
Fritz Kunz, nationally known lec-
turer and scholar.
Before a large audience Dr. Kunz
discussed the difference between
Hindu philosophy and the philoso-
phy of the West. Six Hindu systems
were contrasted to numerous west-
ern systems, caused by continual
argument and disunion in western
methods and logic, which produces
as many philosophies as the West
has philosophers.
American propounders of logic are
able to satisfy only themselves
whereas Hindu philosophy actively
motivates and affects life of each
individual Indian soul. It is only
this higher knowledge of what life
is and what there is to be gained I
from it that enables the Hindu to
carry on as he has through hun-
dreds of years of hardship, stark,
poverty and want. Conditions which
would have overwhelmed the aver-
age man in the western world have
no effect upon the Son of India
who, through meditation, concen-
tration, and inward serenity has
mastered his body, his feelings and
"The Hindu is just as shocked at
the incredibly unaesthetic app ear-
ance of the clothes of western peo-
ple as we are of Indian clothes and
manners," stated Dr. Kunz. "The
native of India," he continued,
"would rather eat from his hands
than use a knife or fork which oth-
ers had used before him."
In conclusion Dr. Kunz showed
the great possibilities for the devel-
opment of India. He claimed that
this mystic country of the East has
wisdom and philosophy to which
the World will some day listen, and
which is capable of producing men
of the high calibre of the leader

(Continued From Pale )
out the game, Hallahah's wildness
frequently put him in hot water.
His final jam was in the ninth, and
"Wild Bill'" needed all his courage
to pull safely through a situation
that threatened to bust up the ball
game. He had turned back his foes
in the fifth with the bases filled
and one out as Earnshaw hit into
a double play.
-Wilon Ahmost Made Goat.
Foxx walked at the start of the
ninth. Dykes also received a pass,
Hallahan's seventh free ticket of'
the game, after Miller flied to
Hafey. Dib Williams, young and
over-anxious to come through in
the pinch, struck out as he lunged
for a bad ball and ,then Connie
Mack sent Jim Moore up to hit for
There was a wild yell as Moore
also swung and missed the third
strik. The Cardinals and the
crowd thought the game was over.
Catcher Jimmy Wilson had picked
the ball up from the dirt and
thrown to third base in a spirit of
triumph, but the A's were kept alert
by their sideline captain, Eddie Col-
lins, and Moore raced to first base
safely, to fill the bags.
Cramer's Brother Goes
To Seek Missing Ffler
ABERDEEN, Oct. 2.-(P)--William
Cramer, brother of the American
flier, Parker Cramer, who was lost
on a trip from Detroit to Copen-
hagen, left today for the Orkney
and the Shetland Islands to join in
the search for traces of the expedi-
tion. He said he felt that Cramer
and his radio operator, Oliver Pac-
quette, were stir aive and that he
intended to search uninhabited
islands in that vicinity in a small
fishing vessel.

I .
Annual Ro in to Take Place in
Palmer Field House; First
Social Event of Year.
Members o the Freshman Ren-
dezvous will officially open the Uni-
versity social season with the first
annual Romp Friday, Oct. 16, in
Palmer Field house.
President Alexander Ruthven and
Mrs. Ruthven and deans of the Uni-
vcrsity schools and colleges have
been invited to act as patrons.
Members of the rendezvous, who
met several days before Orientation
week at Patterson Lake, and fresh-
man friends, will attend the dance.
Catherine Heeson, '32 chairman
of the social committee of the Mich-
igan League, and William Kearns,
'32, president of the Student Christ-
ian association, are co-operating in
making arrangements for the fresh-
men. -
William Nicolls, '35, of Pontiac, is
chairman of the dance. Other mem-
bers of the committee are Merrett
Bailey, Jack Kreger, James Weber,


CHICAGO, Oct. 2.-(/P)-A re-
port was printed by the Chicago
Tribune today that the Alphonse
Capone syndicate has virtually put
the saloons and roadhouses of
Cook county on a chain store basis
for everything from beer to pret-
Even towels and table linen must
be purchased from a Capone com-
pany and laundered by a Capone
laundry, according to the revela-
tions which the newspaper said
had been made. Ginger ale, soda
pop and carbonated vater must be
brought through the Capone syndi-
cate. Thus Capone collects a pro-
fit from the pretzels which the
customer munches with the beer
he gulps.
Two men, the paper said, recent-
ly entered a Chicago saloon. The
bartender paled and whispered to
a customer, "syndicate men-you
know, Capone."
"We're using your beer," the bar-
tender stammered to the pair.
"We know that," said the taller
of the two. "But whose ginger ale
have you got?"
"Why, the standard kind," re-

plied the bartender, pointing to a
case back of the bar.
The shorter of the two strode to
the case, pulled a pipe wrench
from his pocket and smashed the
"We.re moving in six cases of
our gi-ger cL" the two informed
the bartender. "And you'll buy,
our ginger ale from now on."
One of the mn dumped a bowl
of pretzels on the floor, advising
the bartender he would buy the!
Capone brand in the future.
The Tribune said that similar in-
cidents occurred in most of the
saloons and roadhouses of the
Organization Plans Active Year;
A. H. White Addresses
Opening Meeting.
The Student Branch of the Na-




tichard Shoupe, and George van
Vleck. ,omas it en, Famous tional
Cup Contender, Dead ers
first t
-*(Continued From Page' i)
Screen Ee lections mony at city hall. cusse
' This is a different reception 'than dress
At The Michigan when I landed here as an immi- Earni
Joe Brown scampers to the Mich- grant years ago," he said. "Now I'm Engin
igan screen this week in a produc- getting to be a devil of a fellow." the f
tion built largely about his antics, He had retired as chairman of the the 1
which, as usual, are chiefly oral. board of Thomas J. Lipton, Ltd., featu
"Broadminded" brings, in addi- but was elected honorary life presi- week]
tion to Mr. Brown, Ona Munson, dent and retained active control of Pre=
William Collier, Jr., and Marjorie the American branch. ducte
Wihite, all of whom occupy positions He was admitted just last May first
decidedly back-seat to the facial to the Royal Yacht Squadron, prob- the fi
manipulations of the startling Joe ably the most exclusive club in the office
E. world. The fact that he had been dents
The story concerns the more or "in trade" as keeper of a small gro- Geor'
less romantic adventures of two ex- cery store in his youth made him Russe
pat:iated young New Yorkers, Brown ineligible under the rules, which tary
ard Collier, California-bound in an finally were waived, although there Mich
Austin. The picture gets a whole- was a story that the late King Ed- tion
hearted B. ward VII, a close friend, tried un- havin
Roy Cummings replaces Harry successfully several times to per- Prof.
Langdon in the stage performance, suade the squadron to elect Sir Natio
assisted by Florence Roberts. The Thomas. branc
team, of which Cummings is the
chief attraction, offers considerably
more than Langdon was able to
present. The headliner does things
with the curtain that have never
before been seen in Ann Arbor.

Institute of Chemical Engi-
met Thursday Oct. 1, for the
ime this fall. Plans were dis--
d for the coming year and
A. H. White delivered an ad-

(ecs:a c1om Page :)
son, and Evorhardus, may be kept
in reser while Tessmer, Cox, Ho-
:. DeBakcr or Jack Heston take
their places.
In the irst game the Michigan
linuo w~ill likely consi of Petos-
key and Daniels, ends; Goldsmith
and Cantrill, tackles; Kowalik and
Dou 1as. guads'; and Cooke cen-
ter. If Teosmer, Jack Heston, De-
Bake, and Cox are not needed to
fill in on the first team they will
composi the backfield that wil
start the opening
3 game Otherwise
Kipke will have
to pick a. starting
backfield out of
such men as
Stinespring, Wil-
li- Heston, Ren-
Sr , Schmidt and
T h e Ypsilanti
team that will
appear here to-
dcay does not
Hozer look to be as
sttong on paper as the outfit that
surprised the critics last season.
Rynarson h-a lost1 the group of
linemen that raised so much havoc
iith the Michigan forward wall,
but he has the same backfield that
appeared here last year. The Ypsi
team will line up with Ashley and
Thorpe at the ends, Buol holz and
Bu ajewski at th? tackles, Bern-
ha en and Johnson as guards,
arders at center, Arnold at quar-
te, Ceptmin Haw and Tuttle at
the haiv 3 ard Simmons at full.
The Central S t a t e Teachers'
team, which is coached by the for-
mer Purdue ace, George VanBib-
ber, should not prove overly diffil
cult f o r the Wolverine second
stringers in the first game. Wood
and Johnson will be at the ends
xer Mt. Pleasant, Green and David-
son at the tackles, Garbrysick and
Oraybiel at guards, and Bobinson
at center. Killoran, Paul, Buike,
and Barrett will make up the back-


on the "Occupation and
ngs of Graduate Chemical
veers." Speakers, either from
iaculty or representatives of
National Society are regular
ues of the organization's bi-'
.ly meetings.
s. William Mikulas, '32E, con-
d 'Thur day's meeting for the
time, having been elected at
inal meeting last year. Other
rs are as follows: Vice Presi-
, Emerson J. Lyons, '32E, and
;e K. Hickin, '32E; Treasurer,
ell F. Marande, '32E; Secre-
William Culbert, '32E. The
igan branch of the organiza-
is particularly fortunate in
ng for it$ personal advisor
Edwin M. Baker who also is
nal Advisor for the student

Todays Radio Programs
(EAtern Standard Time)

+ ^',..as.ari lv~vY ,. s. v°:."-r .. -- °

While your friends are away
dancing, get yourself comfortable
in a nice soft chair tonight and
listen to NBC for one of the best
all-around programs of the week.
After dinner the Waldorf-Astoria
orchestra will regale you with both
classical a n d popular m u s i c
through your ever faithful station,
WWJ, in Detroit, at 6 o'clock. Fol-
lowing that turn to WJR at 6:30
o'clock to listen to Lloyd Huntley's
interpretation of the latest music.
Somehow it's Different. An hour
later, the soulful, crooning Lee
Morse will sing more of the Morse
songs over WTAM; and then in
contrast try WWJ at 9 o'clock for
Erno Rapee's direction of the G. E.
concert orchestra, with Floyd Gib-
bons giving one of his incompar-
able (take it any way you like)
"Adventures in Science." Club
Valspar is always good for an en-
joyable half hour on Saturday
nights when you tuna in on WWJ
at 9:30 o'clock. At least you will
be able to stand B. A. Rolfe's mus
ic a half hour later, from the same
station even if you don't like Luck-
ies.. The program says "Dance
With Countess D'Orsay from WJR
at 8:30 o'clock." Wonder if it could
be dear old Fifi. Let's try it any
way and see. No it isn't; it's better.
While Luckies take the air at 10
o'clock, Ambrose J. Weems, known
to his friends as A. J. WeUMs, will
try some more of his nonsense on
the radio audience through anoth-
er Detroit station, WJR, After that
take your pick of Little Jack Little
at 11 o'clock from WWJ, Sherbo's
Continentals at midnight from the
same source, and Paul Whiteman
will make music from 12:15 o'clock
through WREN, KYW, and WJZ.
Outside of Guy Lomabrdo at
midnight through WABC a n d
WEAN and the Show Boat at 10
o'clock from KMOX and WIBW,

Columbia doesn't have much to of-
fer in the way of the type of pro-
grams which it has been broadcast-
ing all week. Boswell melody em-
anates from WIBW and WEAN at
9 o'clock, Anthony Trini and his
Village Barn orchestra at 6 o'clock
over KMOX and WABC, and Bing
Crosby is relayed through WBC
and KMOX at 11 o'clock. Bert
Lown mustn't be overlooked at
11:45 o'clock from WIBW. Red
Nichols and his dance band come
to you over WABC at 1 o'clock with
Fletcher Henderson using the same
station -a half an hour later. It
you have a short wave set, you can
reach all of Columbia's programs
through W2XE at 49.02 Meters and
6120 Kilocycles.^


1:00 P. M.

Coming Today.
Excellent n o t i c e s accompany
"Street Scene," movie made from
the Pulitzer prize play, which comes
to the Majestic today to entertain
the first football crowds of the
season. From all reports director
King Vidor has made this premier
stage attraction over into an excel-
lent picture.
Screened in its entirety on one
set, this talkie claims to be unique
in its staging. Sylvia Sidney, Bill
Collier, Jr., Estelle Taylor lead an
unusual cast.



K. S.

ti f


A Good Place

to Eat

75c-Chicken Dinner E








Michigan League

Thmere's a Good Show
the boy with the Big, Big, Mouth
Roy Cummings
and that charain little lady. you'll agree


30 cents

As CtchCaX
Q calm~/RU'

Silvia Sidney
William Collier, Jr.,
Estelle Taylor

45 cents

I I 111


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