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October 03, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-03

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No. 6

















President Gives Speech
Before Education
Upholds Co-Education;
Auto Not an 'Evil,
But a Problem.
By Karl Seiffert.
spirited reply to critics of American
colleges came from President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven last night when
e answered charges that "auto-
mobiles, liquor, and co-education"
are common evils prevailing on the
campuses of American colleges.
Upholds Co-Education.
"If it is a matter of degree of
wickedness or amount of time de-
voted to riding, drinking, and dat-
Ing," President Ruthvent declared
In an address to the Michigan Edu-
cation association here, "then it
may be appropriately asked if it
hs been shown that men and
women in co-educational institu-
tions give more thought or time to
each other than do those students
who attend other colleges; or if the
reckless driving of automobiles, the
drinking synthetic gin, or the
For Complete Text of Speech See
Page 3.
combination of these activities in
the form of 'wild parties' is any
more frequent in co-educational
schools, in fact in any college, than
In most towns at the present stage
In our civilization."
To the question regarding the
extent to which the college shall
adopt a parental attitude toward
the student, the President replied:
"Independent 'thinkers in the
student body, theorists, and smart
critics to the contrary notwith-
standing, the answer is 'to the ex-
tent demanded by parents."'
Answers Dr. Little.
President Ruthven's analysis of
college evils was precipitated by an
address by Dr. Clarence Cook Little,
former president of the University,
who attacked the "three evils of
American colleges" in a lecture at
Columbia university last summer.
Declaring himself opposed to the
segregation of the sexes in college,
President Ruthven said:
"One may argue with cogency
that if the presence of one sex is
a disturbing factor to the other in
college, it will be well for both to
learn to study in spite of the dis-
turbing element. We have two sexes,
neither of which can be eliminated,
and it is logical to conclude that
(Continued on Page 2)
state Bulletains
(By Associated Press)
October 2, 1931
DETROIT-William H. Traube
member of a prominent Detroit
jewelry firm for the past 36 years,
died at his home in Bloomfield
Hills today. He was 57 years old
and secretary-treasurer of Traube
Bros. & Co.
MUSKEGON--The Peoples State
bank for savings failed to open for

business today. The bank has to-
tal resources of $3,068,480, deposits
of $2,286,938 and capital of $300,-
PORT HURON-A 40-foot gaso-
line launch with a crew of three,
feared lost in lower Lake Huron,
was found today near Lexington,
all hands safe. A 24-hour search
had been conducted for the craft.

Lindberghs Ducked in Yangtse River
While Taking off on Flood Survey

HANKOW, China, Oct. 2.-(0P)-
Charles and Anne Lindbergh and
Dr. P. Z. King, Chinese flood relief
worker, escaped drowning in the
Yangtse RiXer today, but were thor-
oughly ducked as the Linberghs'
black Lockheed monoplane over-
turned in the swirling and muddy
waters while turning preparatory to
taking off.
The accident halted the Lind-
berghs' flood relief surveys, upon
which they have been engaged as
volunteers ever since their arrival
in China two weeks ago.
Their plane rested tonight on the
deck of the British aircraft carrier
Hermes, its wing broken. The Her-
mes will carry the plane and its
owners back to Shanghai, sailing at
10 a.m. Saturday. There an expert
will put the machine in shape for
the next stagy of the Lindberghs'
aerial vacation. The Hermes will
reach Shanghai probably e a r 1y
The Lindberghs were to make an
observation flight of the Tungting
Lake Region, 110 miles southwest of

here, in an airplane.
One end of the wing struck the
water as the flying craft turned in
the swift current, capsizing it and
throwing the three passengers over-
The Hermes' crew worked fast.
In a short time they had hauled the
Lindberghs and Dr. King out of the
Their survey flights in the flood
areas, hailed by the National Flood
Commission as of the utmost value
to the commission and the Chinese
nation, were virtually completed.
Their Second Accident.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2.-(P)-The
upset of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh's.
plane in the Yangtse River today
marks the second time the famous
"We" couple have been in an acci-
At Valbuena Field in Mexico City
in February, 1929, Col. Lindbergh
and the then Anne Spencer Mor-
row capsized as they landed their
monoplane, which had lost a wheel
in the air.


Prosecutor, Bilitzke Will Go to
Marquette for Blackstone's
Story of Killing.
After listening to Catherine Kel-
ler's testimony until 4 o'clock in
the afternoon, Prosecutor Albert J.
Rapp and -Asst. Atty. Gen. Edward
A. Bilitzke left for Marquette prison
yesterday to hear David Black-
stone's story about another Ypsi-
lanti killing, recessing Judge George
W. Sample's one-man grand jury
until Monday afternobn.
Miss Keller was the only witness;
before the jury yesterday, complet-;
ing the testimony she began Thurs-
day afternoon. She had waived all
rights of immunity to testify, and
seemed not at all hesitant about
Continued refusal of Mrs. Anna
Odem, wife of the Ypsilanti Negro
speakeasy owner, to testify ended
disastrously for her. She had been
held in jail for two days under
threat of a contempt of court sent-
ence. Still silent yesterday, she was
arraigned on a liquor law violation
charge, pleaded guilty, and was
given one to two years to think,
things over in the Detroit House of
Correction, with the minimum term
recommended. -
Evidence on the prohibition viola-l
tion had been obtained previously,
and is thought to have been heldj
over Mrs. Odem's head as a threat
if she remained stubborn. Fear of,
implicating her husband further
may have led to her attitude.
Examination of Judge Curtiss'
body will not be completed for more
than a week, but the jury will re-
convene Monday after Judge Sam-
ple has spent the morning assigning
cases for the fall term of circuit
Miss Keller's trial on an accessory
after the fact indictment is the last
case on the criminal docket, but
may be moved up at the prosecut-
or's request. The present investiga-
tion is to determine whether she
shall also be indicted as a principal
in the murder.I
Three other complaints have been
brought- before the jury, Judge
Sample said yesterday. Rumors have
been widely spread that they con-
cern malconduct in public business
by Washtenaw county, Ann Arbor,
and Ypsilanti officials.
Cyr Is Planning Suit
to Oust Huey P. Long
BATON ROUGE, La., Oct. 2.-(/P)
-Lieut. Gov. Paul N. Cyr announc-
ed today he intends to take the
oath as Governor of Louisiana and
file an ouster suit against Gov.
Huev P. Long. challenging Long's

Snowden in Fine Fettle as Labor
Party Fails; Election Due
by End of Month.
LONDON, Oct. 2. - (1P) - Philip
Snowden hobbled to-the rostraum in
the House of Commons this after-
noon, poured his sarcasm upon the
Labor opposition, ignored the boos
and hisses from the Labor benches
and cast his vote with the govern-
ment majority to pass the finance
bill which puts the supplementary
budget into effect.
It was probably his political
swansong, for there is a general
agreement now that there will be
an election before the end of the
month with Ramsay MacDonald
heading a national government
ticket against the Labor opposition
which probably will be supported by
a certain number of Liberals.
Mr. MacDonald left town tonight
and went up to Seaham Harbor to
speak for the first time since the
Labor government fell before the
constituents whom he represents in
the House of Commons.
Not long ago they voted by a nar-
row majority that his resignation
as their representative be demand-
Mr. Snowden was in fine form in'
the Commons. His rasping voice
shot taunts which drew howls of
protest from the opposition and
c h e e r s from the government
"I'm sorry to say that I cannot
put to this finance bill a proposal
for the abolition of capitalism," he
said. "I'll leave that to somebody
else, but I will tell you now that
any catastrophic attempt to abolish
capitalism will bring far greater
disaster to the people than that
under which they are suffering

Made Five Attempts
To Lift "Elusive
Gained America's Good
Will as World's'
Best Loser.
LONDON, Oct. 2-.(P)-Sir Thom-
as Lipton, fine old sea dog and one
of the world's great merchant
princes, died today at the age of 81
The cause of nis death was a
heart attack which followed a se-
vere chill he caught while motoring
several days ago. For the past year
his health had been a cause of re-
current anxiety.
Sir Thomas died peacefully in his
sleep. Several old friends were at
the bedside but no near relatives,
since he is the last of his family.
He died without attaining the
great objective of his life, on which
he had spent millions from a for-
tune made primarily from tea-the
ivinning of the
America's cup, a
ilver yachting tro-
phy actually worth
$500. Instead he's
won the epitaph,
The world's best
loser" and the af-
ectionate admira-
tion of millions on
both sides of the
His fifth and last
attemptto wrest
"that elusive o 1 d
mug" as he always
called the trophy
symbolizing yacht-
ing supremacy, was made in Sep-
tember last year when the Sham-
rock V was beaten by the Enter-
prise off Rhode Island.
Sir Thomas had pinned great
hopes on his green-hulled races and
her defeat was a blow to him. He
found, however, a great measure of
consolation in a loving cup present-
ed to him by Americans as a tribute
to his Sportsmanship and in his
election later to the British Royal
Yacht Squadron.
The last illness of the famous
yachtsman caused cancellation of
plans to visit America. His passage
already had been booked.
When he came to New York for
his last race, Sir Thomas was given
the customary hero's reception of
whistling boats in the harbor and
a parade between lines of cheering
people to his hotel, after a cere-
(Continued on Page 2)-
Worden, Inter-fraternity Group
President, Surveys Effect
of Depression.
Dissatisfaction with the deferred
rushing system, evidenced in rumors
of the financial crises in campus
fraternities, yesterday brought the
launching of an inquiry by the In-
terfraternity council to determine
if the continuance of the plan this
fall would endanger the existence

of the houses.
A letter will be sent to the vari-
ous fraternities asking them the
capacity of their houses, the num-
ber living in their houses at the
present time, and their financial
According to Howard T. Worden,
'32, president of the Inter-fraterni-
ty council, there has been consider-
oahlP fciclnnnn +h t' mmio +ho ft h

Hallahan Leads Team
to Victory Over
Rookie Scores Twice
as Cardinals
Play by Play Account On Page 6.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 2.-(P)-Led by
a fleet young rookie qutfielder, John
(Pepper) Martin, who, almost sin-
gle-handed, shattered the spell of
big George Earnshaw's pitching
mastery, the St. Louis Cardinals
rode to triumph over the World
Champion Athletics today on the
crest of a sensational shutout per-
formance by "Wild Bill" Hallahan.
Hallahan, for the second straight
year, blanked the champions of the
baseball universe, holding them to
three singles and winning by two
to nothing in a sensational duel
with Earnshaw, who tamed all but
the ubiquitous and rabbit-footed
Martin. ,
The triumph squared the World
Series at one victory apiece, as the
warring forces wound up their
opening skirmishes in the west and
headed for Philadelphia to resume
on Monday a battle that again has
become a tossup.
Martin, a hitting sensation from
the outset, ran his total up to five
hits in two.days, scored both Card-
inal runs as a result of fast base
running and gave Hallahan the
margin of victory that the gallant
southpaw protected in a dramatic,
exciting finish that saw the Ath-
letics stopped in the ninth inning
with the bases filled.
Although his change of pace
baffled them and silenced for the
most part the big bats of Coch-
rane, Simmons and Foxx throuih-
(continued on Page 2).
Don Jaime of Bourbon, Carlist
Pretender, Dies Following
Automobile Ride.
PARIS, Oct. 2-()-Don Jaime
of Bourdon, Carlist pretender to
the throne of Spain, died tonight
at his Paris apartment. He had
gone for an automobile ride to
Chantilly this afternoon with two
members of his suite and was
stricken with a heart attack.
Former King Alfonso of Spain,
with whom Don Jaime recently
planned joint action "for the sal-
vation of Spain," was informed of
his death. Don Jaime, who kept
alive his claim to the throne of
Spain chiefly by issuing manifestos
to the Spanish people from his
home in France, died within a few
days of his reconciliation with the
former king Alfonso.
World Series Affects
University Broadcast
The time of the University radio

program for Monday and Tuesday
has again been changed on ac-
count of the broadcasting of the
World series baseball games. These
programs will be broadcast from
12:45 to 1:15 o'clock. If the Cardin-
als win four straight games the,
Wednesday program will also be
changed to this time.
Wiggin May Get Post
TIT .. ', 1 If n

Police Battle Horde of 50,000
Demonstrators; Store
Windows Broken.
GLASGOW, Scotland, Oct. 2--(YP)
-Central Glasgow was in wild dis-
order tonight as crowds of unem-
ployment demonstrators smashed.
and ,looted s h o p windows and
The outburst followed upon seri-
ous rioting last night, with fre-
quent clashes between demonstra-
tors and police, which lasted until
this morning.
There was no mass meeting to-
night similar to the gathering on
G 1 a s g o w Green yesterday, but
groups of rioters rushed from store
to store, creating panic in the cen-
tral section of the city.

Plane to Tow Glider
Over Stadium Today
A glider in tow behind an air-
plane will hop over the Stadium
between the halves of today's
football games according to an
announcement by the University
of Michigan Glider Club.'
After passing over the gridiron
the ship will land in the vicinity
of the stadium and will be on
exhibition after thehgames.
First tests for the season on
the ship are to be held at nine
o'clock this morning at the Ann
Arbor airport under the super-
vision of Prof. R. E. Franklin
and his brother William Frank-

First Eleven to Sta
Ypsi Game; Alen
To See Action.

Morrison and
Expected to
On Line.

By Sheldon C. Fullerton
Once again football is in the
and Michigan grid rooters will
their first chance to see the 1
edition of Coach Harry .Kipl
Wolverines swing into action I
afternoon when the Maize
Blue tackle Central State Tea
ers College and Michigan St
Normal in a double header at
stadium, starting at 1:30 o'clc
T h e Mt. Pleasant aggregat
will be a new face on Michiga
Varsity gridiron schedule, but
the Ypsilanti game the Wolveri
will be out to get revenge for
scare that Co
son's team thi
" into them
Sseason, when
held the Var.
eleven to a
' c score on

A Labor member of Parliament . M'ichigan squ
and 11 others were in jail for par- is expected
ticipation in last night's rioting by see some serv
the unemployed. Order was re- during the cou
stored temporarily after a tempes- Hudson of the afterna
tuous night, in the course of which the lineup that will start the Yi
50,000 unemployed men and wo- lanti game is expected to clos
men fought with the police. The approximate the eleven that N
Labor member, who will be tried represent Michigan all s e a.s
tomorrow, is'John McGovern, who Some later changes in the ba
was suspended from the House of field will probably, be necessary,
Commons after a fracas last July. the line from end to end is expo
Mounted police galloped to the ed to be the forward wall uj
rescue of the merchants' shops and which Kipke will depend throu
routed the looters with a bombard- out the entire Conference seas
ment of canned goods, bread, jams Hewitt, entirely recovered fr
and eggs. After the trouble was the broken ankle that he susta
over broken doors and windows, ed in the Michigan State ga
were boarded up, but the streets last year, will be
were littered with Zoodstuffs and at one flank, with
wreckage from the fighting, for Ivan Williamson
the rioters also had eggs, jam jars stationed at the
and cartons of lard and butter other end. Last
against the police. year's two stellar
Crobars, clubs, bottles, hammers t a c k1e s, T o m
and hatchets were used as weap- amu els an d
ons, broken furniture was hurled Howard Auer, are
on police from second story win- both back, while
dows and many were taken to hos- two veteran
pitals. guards, Stan Ho-
zer and Omar La-
jeunesse, will be
Gandhi Foreseesin their accus- Laseune
tomed positions. At center Ki
if EnglandJ will have Maynard Morrison,
[ "r converted fullback who succee
in burning up the conference :
year in his first season in the c
ter of the line.

Huge Mail Fraud
Set for Charles


NEW YORK, Oct. 2-(P)-The
trial of Charles V. Bob, promoter
and broker, for using - the mails
fraudelently in the sale of Metal
and Mining Shares, Inc., and other
issues of mining stocks for about
$7,000,000 to hundreds of investors,
will begin on Tuesday.
Ferdinand Pecora, former chief
assistant district attorney, moved
today as counsel for Bob for an
open commission to take the testi-
mony of 11 mining engineers in
Toronto, Berlin, Melbourne a n d
Sidney, Austria; Bolivia, Czecho-
Slovakia, Alaska, Los Angeles and
in the mining regions of Idaho. The
motion was denied.
Coach Extends Time
P XIM . N 4 1V

LONDON, Oct. 2.-(/P)-His hands
cupped around a glass of goat's
milk, his eyes looking into the re-
ceptacle like a mystic reading the
future in a crystal, Mahatma Gan-
dhi spoke an ominous birthday
message to the world today. He is
63 years old.
"We do not want to sacrifice the
life of a single person to end Brit-
ish misrule in India," he said. "But
the Indians are willing that the
Holy Ganges should r n with blood
if that is necessary 2to gain the free-
dom so long delayd."
His words marked the close of an
address expressing appreciation for
the birthday party given for him
by Left Wing labor members of
Parliament and attended by 300
English and Indian friends.
While the Mahatma sipped his'
goat's milk and munched dates
broughtinka picnic basket by his
English disciple, Mira Bhen, the
other guests partook of an unusual
li n - n - - -onel of .tr, - _I _

Minor injuries may make t
backfield that will start the Yp
game rather a makeshift affair.
the present time it appears th
Harry Newman will be at quarte
back, Captain Sol Hudson at ft
and two sophomores, Fay and Eve
hardus at the halves. Three
these men, however, Newman, Hu
(Continued on Page a)
Branch Labor Meetinj
Fights Internal Strii
VANCOUVER, B. C., Oct. 2.-(P
Disregarding solemn warnings
Daniel J. Tobin, of Indianapo
president of Brotherhood of Tean
sters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen a
Helpers, the Building Trades E
partment of the American Feden
tion of Labor took steps today
chastise dissenters.
Building Trades delegates, ho]
ing a departmental convention pr

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