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January 15, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-15

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)L XLII. No. 80



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Brown Announces
Hoover Candidacy



Charges Against
Mellon Denied by,
House Committee
WASHINGTO, Jan. 14. -- (/ -
Assertions that Secretary Mellon, in
his private capacity as a capitalist,
intervened last June ir negotiations

President Will Stand
for nomination
at Convention.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-(/P)-
The name of Herbert Hoover was
formally put into the Republican
Presidential field today by his Post-
master General, Walter Brown, of
Ohio, in the face of threatened
challenges from the party inde-
pendents of the Northwest.
In a terse statement, Mr. Brown
said the President "will stand for
renomirtion" an;, whatever is nec-
essary to get Convention delegates
for ,him will be undertaken.
Brown said po decision has been
reached on the North Dakota pri-
mary of March 15 which Sens. Nye
and ,Frazier, of that State, are urg-
ing Hiram Johnson, of California,
to enter.
France Already in Race.
But Sen. Johnson has given no
answer and whether serious opposi-
tion to the President's renomina-
tion will be made was still uncer-
tain tonight.
Nye was informed today by the
North Dakota Secretary of State
that it had been decided that cars-
didates must file in the North Da-
kota primary by Feb. 13. 1
Joseph I. France, former Repub-
lican Senator from Maryland, has
announced he is seeking the nom-
ination, but the anti-Hoover forces
have been looking elsewhere for a

delegates to the Convention to be
chosen by. primaries number only
about 300 of the 1,100 total, far
short of a majority even should all
be won.
" The only way the President can
be renominated," Brown said, "is
to get delegates to the Convention.
There are about 24 or 30 different
meth6ds by which these delegates
are selected, and the President's
friends will conform to these meth-
ods in the different states."
Al Smith's Name May be Used.
NEW YORK, Jan. 14.-(/Y)-The
Evening Post says former Gov. Al-
fred E. Smith will make no ob-
jection to the use of his name in
state primaries..
It says Mr. Smith will not com-
mit himself regarding the use of
his name for the Democratic Presi-
dential nomination, but "if anyone
should write to the effect that his
name will be used if nothing is
heard to the contrary, it is under-
stood that nothing will be heard
'to the contrary.'"

n's announcement brought
rward as the campaign man-
the President, with whom
ferred later in the day. He
eted to take over the chair-_

he co-
is ext

ed as the spokes-
political strategy
nt's intimates.
xpected to make
nent, when it'be-.


comes necessary for him to declare
his intentions under the Ohio- Pri-
mary Law.., /
While Brown'said that delegates
will be sought as the law of each
state provides, he added there was
.no decision as to whether Mr. Hoo-
ver's name would be entered in. the
North Dakota primary March 15.
May Battle For California.
Among other states holding pri-
maries is California, home State of
both President Hoover and Sen.
Johnson. Should Johnson enter the
contest there, the State is expected
to become the first important poli-
tical battleground of the campaign.
The name of Sen. Borah, of Ida-
ho,, has been brought back very,
definitely into the Presidential pic-
ture, but the Idahoan will say noth-
ing whatever about his intentions
One thing that is worrying the
anti-Hoover group is the fact that"
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
Thursday, January 14, 1932
BAY CITY-The department of
health announced today it had
found the typhoid carrier who was
the source of infection resulting in
the deaths of two women and ill-
n.-ess of several others following a
wedding party last month. The car-
rier's identity was withheld.
FLINT-Helen Joy Morgan, 27-
year-old heiress, was sentenced to
serve from 20 to 25 years in the
Detroit House of Correction today
following her conviction of second
degree murder for slaying Leslie
Casteel, who was her garage me-
chanic sweetheart, last Apr. 23.
LANSING-M. N. Henry, of Low-
ell, was appointed to the state
board of pharmacy today by Gov..
Wilber M. Brucker, succeeding Or-
ville Hoxie, of Grand Rapids, whose
term has expired.
JACKSON-The body of C. R.
Van Auken, 66, Detroit, was found
beneath his overturned automobile
near Somerset Center. Officers said
the car apparently had overturned
several times after leaving high-

Gov..Roosevelt Indorsed.
VALLEY CITY, N. D., Jan. 14.-_
(AP)-Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, of
New York, was indorsed as the
Democratic Presidential candidate
-by the resolutions committee at the
party's North Dakota Convention
today. Delegates cheered as the
report was presented.
Plans for Junior-Senior Party
\ Discussed; May Be Given
'Early Next Semester.
Committees for the class of 1932
in education were named yesterday
by Julius Gouza, president, follow-
ing a meeting in Room 4009 Uni-
versity High school.
At the same meeting, plans were
made for a party of the junior and
senior education classes at the be-i
ginning of the second semester. Al-
though definite announcement ofi
plans was Withheld until later, the
affair will probably be a bridge partyi
and dance. The faculty will be pre-
Folloing are the committees for
1932, as appointed Wednesday:
Social: Harmon Wolfe, chairman;
Sylvester B. Chadman, Dorothy L.
Felske, Pauline M. Richards.
Finance: Amy C. Brueggeman,
chairman; Martha L. Veal, Leola A.
Marx, Ernestine D. Lossing.
Athletic: Norman J. D a n i e Is,
chairman; Martin Roy Hudson,
Margaret E. Healy, Martha Boeh-
Cane: Ivan C. Smith, chairman;
Harold D. Lindsay, Francis C. Ha-
zen, Howard L. Faber.
Caps and Gowns: Ivalita Glas-
cock, chairman; Ruth A. Eisman,
Elizabeth B. Gardner.
Invitations: Barbara B. Davis,
chairman; Joada Day, Arthur, R.
Kooker, Paul N. Young:.
Alumnae and memorial: Jose-
phine K. Kriser, chairman; Cathe-
lia E. Pollock, Margaret E. Rud.
U.S. Slang Likened
to Jargon of Jungle
NEW YORK, Jan. 14.-(P)-Amer-1
ican speech is degenerating into
the "jargon of the jungle," Dr. Al-
lan Sinclair Will, Columbia Univer-
sity professor, said today.
"Oh, yeah," "Okay" and Lotta
Hooey" betray the recession, he
said, declaring the recurrence of
"oh" sounds in modern slang is sig-
nificant. When prehistoric m a n
met a hungry tiger, he exclaimed
English Mill Workers
Battle Police Squads
G R E A T HARWOOD, England,
Jan. 14.-()-A crowd of about
3,000 persons clashed with mounted
police today when they attempted

Associated Press Photo
Maj. Gen. Wililam D. Connor,
commandant of the army war col-
lege, on May 1 will succeed Maj.
Gen. William R. Smith as superin-
tendent of the United States mili-
itary academy at West Point.
Overconfidence Is Dangerous,
1932 Victory Not Assured,
Says Executive Chairman.

CHICAGO, Jan. 14.-(AP)-
ing against over-confide
sounded tonight by Jouet
chairman of, the Democ=
tional Executive Committ
told Illinois party -leaders
ing National victory was
Overconfidence, Shouse
sec'ond only in danger tot
"the peril which appertair
"Let the feeling once bee
eral in our party that wec
any candidates on ariy
and we will have taken'
step toward defeat," he ad
it not be forgotten that be
we have had an election
January only to be over
in November."
The responsibility of th
cratic Party is a great on
said, for "we are at a critic
in the world's history and
who are chosen in Nov
conduct the affairs of this,
ment will have the resp
for bringing us out of chao
mitting us to slide into st
"We can afford to havet
lings either in the White7
at the Capitol," he said.
The National tcommittee
terested in no particular c
he added, despite publish
ences to the contrary.
Need for a $1,500,000 w
if the party is to hold and
its gains made since 1928w
sed by Mr. Shouse at aI
of the Party's Illinois
Committee" today.
A Teams.
Pi Kappa Alpha 18, Al
Alpha 7.

in sight. The new flat rate was that
said, was student lead rs had been will-
despair- ing to accept ift meters could
ns to our not be made compulsory.
Independents, none of whom was
ome gen- represented at the meeting, are still
can elect subjects to no other limitation than
platform the city ordinance maximum of 35
the first cents per passenger. All companies
ded. "Let which signed last night's agree-
afore this ment, however, will carry signs in
won in their cab windows clearly stating
rwhelmed the rates charged.
The one possible "catch"- in the
e Demo- new rates is that a double charge
e, Shouse is made for atrip from the student
al period section to west of Main street and
the men return. The operators explained
ember to that, this is a much longer. haul
Govern- than the average, and in the rare
onsibility instances it occurs they feel j usti-
as or per- fled in asking the additional price.
ill deeper Drivers will be told to exercise
the same discretion as in the past
no weak- in charging for stops where no wait
House or is involved. In general, when the
cab does not go out of its way in
was in- picking up or dropping passenger's,
andidate, the stop will be made free.
ed refer- The following taxi operators and
companies signed the price agree-
var chest ment made last night. All will carry
inci'ease plainly printed rate schedules in
was stres- the windows of their cars: Arcade
luncheon Cab Company, Carl Breining, Guy
"Victory Breining, George Ereining, Buick
Cab Company, City Cab Company,
Frank Collins, Jay Dean, Diamond
Cab Company, LaSalle Cab' Com-
RES pany, Mac's Taxi, Leon Marsh, Red
Arrow Cab Company, Standard Cab
pha Phi Company, United Cab Company
Yellow-Checker Cab Company.,

to extend a loan to Colombia were
heard and at once denied today
Fares Conform to Flat before committees of Congress.
Rates Approved by A charge that the treasury secre-
tary was active in obtaining a
Leaders. Colombian oil concession during the
1(,oan discussions was, mard, by Rlep.
16 OWNERS SIGN Patman, a Texas Democrat, before
)1the House committee hearing his
Warn Students Against!rplea that Mr. Mellon ought to be
impeached. The accusation was
Independents Not based largely on newspaper dis-
patches and a letter from an un-
in Agreement. named citizen of Colombia.
~~~~State department officials, ap-
After a brief two days of price pearing concurrently before a sen-
warfare, Ann Arbor taxicab corn- ate committee investigating foreign
panis agreed to an armistice last loans, denied there was any con-
nection between the Colombian
night, concurring in setting a rate credit and any oil discusisons which
of 35 cents for the first passenger, may have taken place. Tomorrow
50 cents for two to five, and 10 Mr. Mellon's representatives will
cents each for extras. The usual reply to Patman for the House com-
charges of 10 cents for each stop ittee.
The story of the state depart-
and each three-minute wait were ment's activities with reference to
also adopted. the loan and the concession was
The short period of operation related to the senators by Francis
at a 25-cent' rate convinced most White, an assistant secretary of
of the ownersk,.that it could never state, and Freeman Matthews, the
be profitable, they said. Rather assistant chief of the department's
than allow any owner to secure Latin-American division.
more than a proportionate share White flatly refused to give the
of the cab business, however, they committee for publication corre-
asserted they would continue to spondence between the department
Jose. / - and the Colombian legation re-
The few who were willing to garding the oil concession. He con-
keep up permanently at the "war" tinued to refuse, after Senator
price, particularly the Arcade Cab Johnson, Rep. Calif., had drawn
Company, which was the first to from him a statement that he had
cut, were brought to see that they read one of the communications to
could get an equai share of trade at a New York banker.
any higher rate and make an even__
larger profit.

-A warn-
ynce was
t Shouse,
atic Nd-
ee, as he
a -sweeps

Changes Senate Reconstruction
Bill in Favor of Larger
Sums for Farmer.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-(A)-
Prospects for an animated copfer-
ence between Senate and Wouse
conferees in settling differences on
t h e $2,000,000,000 reconstruction
corporation measure developed to-
day with a House amendment.
It made $200,000,000 of the cor-
poration's funds available for loans
to farmers. The Seriate said that
$15,000,000 should be used for this
The Hous, agreed to vote on the
measure tomorrow and although
tthere was no question that it would
not be approved, other amendments
may be added.
These and Senate changes must
be adjusted in conference before
the bill goes to the White House.
The Senate took the day off to-
day to give committees time to get
r proposals in shape for action.
The finance committee continu-
ing its iquiry into foreign loans
1 heard Oliv'er Townsend, former
commerce department attache in
1 Peru, say that his superiors had in-
structed him to be cheerful about
business conditions there in his re-

Alpha Kappa Lambda 20, Phi
Chi ;4.
Delta Kappa Epsilon' 22, Tau
Kappa 21.,
Zeta Beta Tau 18, Zeta Psi 4.
Triangle 9, Phi Alpha Delta 26.
B Teams.
Alpha Tau Omega 13, Alpha
Delta Phi 8.
Phi Delta Delta 10, Sigma Chi
Phi Kappa Sigma 32, Tau Del-
ta Phi 7.
Alpha Kappa Lambda 14, Chi
Phi 3.
C Teams.
Delta Alpha Epsilon 9, Phi
Kappa Sigma 7..
Alpha Omega 13, Delta Sigma
Pi 7.
Kappa Nu 2, Phi Sigma Kappa
Alpha- Kappa Lambda 26, 'Sig-
ma Chi 4.
Falcons 34, Panthers 32.
Brewers 2, Runts 0.


A group of cheering
heard members of Zeta

Phi Eta,

women's debating society, admit
that co-eds are on the campus "to
give the men what they wAnt," as
the men's society, Alpha Nu, which
took the affirmative of the question
Resolved: That Women Receive
their qrades on Other than a
Scholastic Basis, won a unanimous
decision in the Alpha Nu room of
Angell hall last night.
Both direct accusals and indirect
personal allegations flew freely.
References were made by the men
to faculty teas at sorority houses at
which they claimed the women
exerted unfair influence on their
instructors in order to attain high
grades. The affirmative asserted
that reference was made to the

that. it illustrated his meaning per-
According to the men, the beauty
of the Michigan co-ed 4las spread
"even to Hollywood, where she is
reputed to have the voice of Zasu
Pitts, the figure of Marie Dressler,
and the Face of Bull Montana."
Terming ithe presence of women on
campus as "prostituting intellectual
activity," the men based their argu-
ments on a premise allegedly estab-
lished a year ago in a debate be-
tween the two societies when they
claim to have proven that "women
students are not human." I
Zeta Phi Eta refuted the mTen's
argument that "statistics prove a
woman's brain weighs less than
that of a man," by declaring that
that of an elephant "weighs even

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