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October 01, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-01

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U4rl icri an atitu
Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news' published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.

s8d scription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.50


Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business', 21214.
Telephone 4925
News Editor'................................David M. Nichol
Editorial Director.............................Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor ............ .....................Carl Forsythe
Sports Editor...............................Sheldon C. Fullerton
Women's Editor................ ........Margaret M. Thomp'son
Screen Reflections .... ........ ..........Bertram J. Askwith
Assistant News Editor..... ............... ...Robert L. Pierce
Frank B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy
Roland Goodman Denton C. Kunze Jerry E. Rosenthal
Karl Seifert George A. Stauter

Wilber J. Myers
Brian Joner

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas

John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford

Stanley Arnhelm
Sam Bagley
Lawson E. Becker
Thomas Connellan
Ralph R. Cooper
Lester M. Harrison
Morton Helper
Joseph Hoffman
Josephine Woodhams;
Annette Cummings
Dorothy Brockman
Alma Wadsworth
Marjorie Thomson
Georgia Geisman

James Krotosyner
Robert Merritt
Henry Meyer
Marion Milezewski
Albert Newman
Jerome Pettit
John Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
Beatrice Collins
Ethel Arehart
Barbara Hall
Susan Manchester
Margaret O'Brien
Louise Crandall

Alfred Stresen-Reuter
William Thal
t 0. R. Winters
Charles Woolner
Brackley Shaw
Ford Spikerman
Parker Snyder
Cile Miller
Elsie Feldman
Eileen Blunt
Eleanor Rairdon
Martha Littleton
Prudence Foster

too much by grades, other students and lack of
interest in the instructor. Culture, certainly an
abstract term, cannot be taught by mere pedantry
nor can young men and women be fitted for a
happy existence by taking down notes, reading
only required books and last-minute cramming for
We do not mean, however, that the students h
attending the University could be graduated with ti
an appreciation of the finer things in life or an p
ability to make a success. in life by a different p
system. An answer to this is practically impos- t
sible. State universities attract a wide variety of a
students, all of whom influence one another in i
some respect. Priyate and endowed colleges with i
a more restricted' enrollment do not report prog-e
ress either along this line.9
It is clear then, that the attainment of culture d
and the ability to secure a better foothold on life b
through a college education rest in the student 1
'himself as well as an encouraging environment. r
Michigan, as has been pointed out, certainly p
does not give a deal of encouragement'through its A
educational system itself but it has, and does fur- i
ther such attempts in other ways. Fine art exhibits, a
concerts, lectures, conventions, clubs, and a library V
rated as one of the finest combine to teach andt
help those interested in such. For those who are°
interested, they prove a very encouraging atmos-'j
phere. Those who, apparently don't care for such
things, don't appreciate them and, of course, do not i
attain what they originally came for. The latter"
group is the bone of contention.
The former group, those who take advantage
of Michigan's cultural opportunities, at Michigan
(as in every other school) are in the minority and
as a result one unaccustomed to college life is more
apt to be influenced by the chronic "movie goers,"
"bridge players," "sport fans" and dancers than by
those who are able to combine all of these things
with those which are far more serious and valuable
as far as their lives are concerned. Movies, bridge,
sports, dancing and drinking are certainly not
wrong and one would practically descend to prud-
ishness if one didn't participate in them. More
serious things, however, are necessary for the
attainment of culture and unfortunately, as we
said, there are few in Ann Arbor who have the
ability to add to their enjoyment.
The freshman class, as it has noticed from the
literature which it received and its arrival in Ann
Arbor, is certainly welcome and is encouraged to
get what it can from its Alma Mater. We sincerely t
hope, moreover, that there are included in its midstv
a majority of students willing to take advantage1
of Michigan's cultural opportunities.

Well, wowua you ever! No sooner
ad the results of the Rolls Inves-
Agating Committtee been made
ublic than people began to get
retty darn mad about the whole
hirig, and public opinion is now
t such a high pitch that the editor
s being escorted around the town
n an armored car. Just at pres-
nt there are seven burly fellows
Guarding the door of the press
building to see that the editor
doesn't get out again. Letters have
een pouring into the office (as
etters will) demanding an expla-
nation of the spurious remarks
published in yesterday's column.
All that we can say to these letters
s that the remarks were not at
ll spurious, and that the Rolls In-
vestigating Committee is so per-
turbed at this exhibition of lack
of faith that it is going to make
urther investigation into the sub-
ect of Campus Beauty. Watcl for
omorrow's big issue with further
nterviews and comments.
* * $
And another thing to look
forward to. The Rolls Staff is
planning a big write-up of the
double-header football game
Saturday. This idea was occa-
sioned when we heard a fellow
at desk behind us tell another
fellow, also at the desk behind
us, that the sport staff of The
Daily was terribly short-hand-
ed. Our write-up will be so vi-
vid and colorful that it will be
just like being at the game. In
fact it will be better than being
at the game. In fact there isn't
any need of going to the game.
at all; we're not going. Don't
miss Toasted Rolls Sunday
.* * *
And another thing. Letters to
the Editor of Toasted Rolls are al-
ways read with interest, sometimes
by the Editor even, if he gets over
to the office early enough. Don't

Tlephone 7112
* * *
Here, MEN,
smoke a
man 9 mK6
PIPEFUL of good tobacco is dis-
tinctly a man's smoke. The
women (long may they wave!) have
taken over most
of our masculine
*s privileges. But
pipe smoking still
belongs to us.

Telephone Home
Long Distance Rates
are Surprisingly
f~ q rLow,
The representative rates listed below are for
day Station-to-Station calls and are effective
between 4:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.
A Station-to-Station call is one made to a
telephone number rather than to a particular
You may reverse the charges to your home
telephone if you wish.






Rates from Ann Arbor to

Station- to-StatLG
): Rates

Telephone 21214
CHARLES T. KLINE.........................Business Manager
NORRIS P. JOHNSON.........................Assistapt Manager
Department Managers
Advertising ..........:::::::......:.:Vernon Bishop
Advertising ..............................Robert B. Callahan
Advertising.................................William W. Davis
Service ........... ......... ...........Byron C. Vedder
Publications ..... ,.............+.. .....W. lliam T. Brown
Circulation ....................................Harry R. Begley
Accounts............... . .... .......Richard Stratemeier
Women's Business Manager .. ..... ..Ann W. Verner
Orvil Aronsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts
Gilbert E. Buraley Herbert Greenstone I. A. Saltzstein
Willard A..Combs JohnKeyser Bernard E. Schnacke
Allen Clark, Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp
Gustave Dalberg Bernard H.eGood Cecil E. Welch
Robert E. F.ri James Lowe
Kathryn Bayless Ann Gallmeyer \Helen Olsen
Donna Becker Ann Harsha Marjorie Rough
Genevieve Fild Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts
Maxine Flschgrund Dorothy Laylin

In every walk
of life you'll find
that the men at

The pipe is not for

pretty girls, the top are pipe
smokers. And most college men agree
that the pipe offers the rarest pleasures
a man could ask of his smoking.
When you smoke a pipe, be sure
you choose the tobacco that will give
you the greatest }
enjoyment. In 42
out of54 colleges
Edgeworth is the
favorite. You can
buy Edgeworth '
wherever good
tobacco is sold.
Or for a special Here's the smoke for
packetmen, a pipe and good
sample packet, tobacco.
write to Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d
St., Richmond, Va. Sample is free.
Edgeworth is aIblend of fine old burleys,
with its natural savor enhanced by Edge.

AKRON, o ................... 80
ALYONIAC . . . . . ...... . . . . .. . . . .50
BAY CTY......... ...* .. .70
BIRMINGHAM............. .30
CHEBOYGAN.............* 1.35
DETROIT. . . . . . . ................ . . . ..30
ESCANABA. ......" 1w55
IMLAY CITY............. . ,f. .50
INDIANAPOLIS, IND........;... 1.05
LOUISVILLE, KY............... 1.40
MT. CLEMENS..... . . . ..... .... .45
Owosso...................... .50
PITTSBURGH, PA.............2 1.10
PORT HURON. . . ... ... ....... .60
ST. JOSEPH....... .......95
ST. LOUIS, MO........... '... 1.95



Students and
The Taxi Cabs

The Legion
A 14 pD i .


'TE HE recent demands for revision of taxicab
rates so as to eliminate the independent wild-
cat operator, or else bring him under control so
that the student or citizen who uses Ann Arbor
cabs will not be overcharged, call for nothing less
than a revision of section io of the city ordinance
to regulate taxicabs and similar vehicles in the
town of Ann Arbor.
This part of the municipal code sets forth the
maximum rates that may be charged by Ann Arbor
cab drivers, to be determined by taximeter. If no
such meters are used, the ordinance continues, the
cabs shall display a sign stating "Flat Rate 35c."
But whether that flat rate shall apply regardless
of the number of passengers, is not stated. And
many drivers have ruthlessly overcharged their
passengers either because they were ignorant of
the legal provisions, or because they were accom-
panied by women and felt they could not argue
with the drivers.
At any rate, a stricter supervision is necessary,
and this alone can be provided through a change
in the municipal code. The figures stated are far
too high for these times of depression, namely 35c
for the first passenger and 25c for each additional
passenger. This rate applies only for the first mile,
or fraction thereof.
Compulsory meters on all cabs, charging on a
basis somewhat nearer the figures charged by
metropolitan cab companies would be much fairer
than the present rates. Owners of cab companies
complain against the wildcat operators. They com-
plain against the fares charged by their drivers on
pick-ups. The students complain against wildcat
operators, drivers and company. owners. This long
series of complaints will never accomplish much
as between the three groups. It is up to the City
Council to take the first step. Testimony was given
by students, University officials and townspeople
at a meeting last spring. It is high time the coun-
cil took action, or else people will start to believe
that the taxicab interests constitute such a vested
interest that no one dares to attempt to control or
regulate them.
And Culture
A college education and its association with the
attainment of culture has long been a source
of controversy with learned educators, philoso-
phers and sociologists who are sincerely interested
in this problem. The result, as is usually the case
with such arguments, has given rise to a number of
experimental schools, novel educational systems
and new rules for colleges all over America.
The familiar complaint by all is that college
students in America, under the present system of
mass education, are not attaining the desired re-
sults, namely: a better fitness for life and a certain
degree of culture. Some have laid the blame on the
institutions themselves while others have tried to
impress the fact that students today do not try to'
attain a better fitness for life or that certain' degree

O NE of the most delicate of the problems which
follows immediately upon the heels of a great
war is that of the demobilized soldier and sailor.
When the Armistice exultation has begun to wear
off and the costs of the struggle have been counted.
he becomes discontented and tends to almost any
form of anarchy. In Italian Fascism and Russian
Communism the world has two excellent examples
of the extremes to which post-war discontent may
lead the soldiers of a country and with them the
entire nation.
It was to prevent anything of this sort that the
American Legion was organized at the suggestion
of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and much credit
must be given to the Legion for the effective man-
.ner in which this problem was handled. At the
}very outset it was. feared that this organization
would become a political machine' for the best
interests of the Roosevelt dynasty. To prevent al
occurrence of this sort, the constitution of the
Legion was made to read that the organization
"shall be absolutely non-political."
But despite all the precautions, the American
Legion has become today the strongest political
bloc in the country. More than that, it has de-
veloped until it is the greatest single force in the
nation. What other organization can boast that
three times it has torn a president's veto to shreds
and ridden rough-shod over the best judgment of
the chief executive?
While the Legion may make violent efforts to
prove that it is not active politically, nevertheless,
a legislative committee was appointed immediately
after the fomation of the organization to protect
the best interests of the soldiers. Today, the
Legion lobby in Washington under the direction
of John-Thomas Taylor is the envy of all profes-
sional lobbyists.
Less than a year ago the people of the nation
watched, helplessly, while the legislators threw
open the doors of the United States treasury to
the demands of the Legion. This over the veto
of President Hoover. From Taylor's office a tele-
gram went forth to forty-eight state commanders.
It was relayed by them to 12,000 posts throughout
the country. "Use every legitimate means" the
message runs each time a crisis approaches. It was
a struggle between the taxpayers and the bankers
of the country against the Legion and when the
votes were counted the Legion had won.
The danger of the situation appears when it is;
known that only a very small majority of the
people of the country are included in the organiza-
tion. Of 5,00o,ooomen who are eligible only 700,-1
ooo are members in good standing. The opinions
of the Legion are voiced in a convention attended
by about Ioo,ooo members, less than two percent
of the nation's veterans and the voting is decided
before hand by a few of the Legion's commanders.
These are figures which would make our morej
liberty-loving and, perhaps, unpatriotic forefathers
fear for their country. Such also would be the'
feelings about the Legion's principal demands;

hesitate to use the mails for this
purpose. No letters will be accept-
ed which are not anonymous. Un-
less your name is not written on
the bottom of your letter, it will
only be thrown into the wastebask-
et. (We mean your letter, you
dope.) Write a letter, to the Editor
today! Hurry to the nearest mail
box with it!
Is.. E

YPSILANTI . .. . . . . . . ;=..T3

Your calls will be speeded if you gie the
operator the number of the distant telephone)
If you do not know the number
ask "Information."




worth's distinctive
and exdusive' elev-
Tenth process. 1Buy
Edgeworth any
where in two forms
Rubbed and Edge-
worth Plug Slice.
All sizes, 150 pocket
package to $1.50
pound humidor tin.




Map Showing Way to Nearest
Mail Box
* * *
Every student has by this time
become acquainted with the beau-
tiful new popcorn and peanut
stand across from Angell Hall on
State Street. In an interview with
the Rolls Investigation Committee
the owner and proprietor, Mr.
Floyd Torray, stated that although
business had not yet reached a five
dollar a day level, it was creepin'
up and that he expected that in
the near future it would assume
really magnificent proportions.
Mr. Torray is now 36 years old
has been blind since birth, and has
had 13 operations on his eyes. He
learned to read the Braille system
in Lansing some years ago and can
often be observed during slack
business hours persuing book after
book with his nimble fingers. Mr.
Torray is an experienced corn-
popper, having been in the corn-
popping business for over 9 years,
in Milan and Ann Arbor. His latest
move was occasioned when he de-
cided to cater especially to students
of the University. "I got the idea,"
said Mr. Torray, "of calling my
place the 'Kampus Korn Krib' so
to pull the students over. That
name all spelled with 'K's' like that
I thought would get next to the
Mr. Torray has other sales ideas.
"I have all, those things like 'Swim-
ming in Butter' on the sign in
front" he said, "in order to make
my popcorn appear to the water-
ing mouth." Mr. Torray is a mas-
ter of the art of determining ex-

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