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December 03, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-03

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Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re.
bublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
iredited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
glass matter. Special rate of postage granted, by Third Assistan
Postmaster GeneraL-
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.... .........................Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor ........... .... . .........Carl Forsythe
News Editor.....u............................David M. Nichol
Sports Editor.................... ......Sheldon 0. Fullerton
Women's Editor......................Margaret M. Thompson
Assistant News Editor.........................Robert L. Pierce

friend to the President in this predicament.
There is no doubt that whatever happens
Hoover can expect only trouble from the House.
Then there are the Senate bad boys but perhaps
he has become calloused to them.

We always thought that we woald


A B. Gilbreth
wd Goodman
Karl Seiffert

J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
JerryE . Rosenthal
George A. Stauter

probably grow up to be a famous
AT THE MAJESTIC lawyer or judge, but just lately our
ambitions have been swerved into
Not even the superb acting of Eric von Stroheim other channels. We always knew
is sufficient to drag "Friends and Lovers" up from the that we had some artistic talent,
mediocre class and make it anything more than just of course but we never dreamed
another love story. we were so good as to have any of
The weak plot, concerning the difficulties of our work accepted by the Gargoyle.
brother officers in the service of the queen and-ah, After this successful debut into the
you guessed it-both in love with the same woman, field of art we are seriously consid-
the charming Lily Damita, married, worse luck, to ering abandoning the study of law
the unscrupulous, blackmailing Mr. von Stroheim, is and taking seven courses in classi-
offset to a considerable degree by the presence in the cal archaeology and aesthetics next
cast of Laurence Olivier, of the B;itish accent. semester. We venture to say that
Mr. Olivier is the young fellow whose work is so there isn't another person on the
very like that of Leslie Howard, and who, as Lieuten- whole campus who .could create
ant Nichols, does the most consistently good acting such a graphic representation of
throughout "Friends and Lovers". He has a certain "Sex Rearing its Ugly Head."
humorous tolerance of life so sadly lacking in the * * *
somewhat wooden Adolphe Menjou, his superior We are about to win a wager.
officer. We made a bet'with the Editor
Stroheim is probably as good a character actor, of the Gargoyle that the roof
except when he forgets his dialect,' as any now in on the new law building would
pictures. His lines are the only really well-written be completed before we had a
ones in the show. As the imperturbable blackmailer snow 'of at least twenty-four
he does two or three bits that, were the whole picture hours duration. Yesterday the
of the same type, would make it great. K. S. sun was shining brightly and

J. Myers

Stanley W. Arnhciul
Lawson ER Becker
Thomas Cornell an
Samuel G. Galis
Samuel IL. Finkie
Louie B. Gascoigne

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
Fred A. Huber
Norman Kraft
Roland Martin
Ilenry Meyer,
Marion A. Milezewski
Albeit H. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geismnan
Alice Gilbert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Frances Manchester
Elizabeth Mann ,

John'S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard'
Joseph Renihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Rarden
Dorothy Rundell
Elha Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams

hy ;Brockman
ln Carver
rice Collins
e Crandall
fence Poster



at minimur
with unqi
and une

C' -I XA

Tuxedo, including
Pique Front shirt
Studs and links

Two t,



S vvear
-n prices consistenti
uestionable style
..xcelled fitting
ypical outfits
vest $29.50 $45.00
2.50 3.50
1.50 3.50
.35 .35
.50 .50
4.95 _8.-
40.30 61.85
of special values make
complete Outfit at ap-
forty dollarswe show
lend both outfits.
e7 4231A ''# /


Telephone 22214
CHARLES T. KLINE......... .............Business Manager
NORRIS P. JOHNSON,.....................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising ... ,.. ................................Vernon Bishop
Advertising Contracts............... ........... .Robert Callahan
Advertising Service ........ ..................'Byron C. Vedder
Publications....... ........... ...............'William T. Brown
Circulation ........ ........................Harry R. Begley
Accounts. .................................Richard Stratemeir
Women's Business Manager......................Ann W. Verner






wW . i ri i i

To The Editor:

il Aronson
ert E. Bursley
n Clark
Pert Finn
na Becker
tha Jane Cissel
evieve Field
:ine Fischgrund
ry Harriman

John Keysee
Arthur F. Kohn
James Lowe
Bernard E. Schnacke
Anne Harsha
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia McComb
Carolin Mosher
Ie t'<ien Olsen

Grafton W. Sharp
Donald Johnson
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts


Curtis Makes
Known His Plans


ICE-PRESIDENT Curtis, in announcing his
plans for the 1932 campaign, says he will ac-
cept renomination if it is offered at the next con-
vention of the Republican party. The conclusion
he has reached seems to have been made after a
good deal of deliberation, as it were, and his plans
as to the future have not been made known any
too early.
By so doing, Mr. Curtis has chosen the lesser
-f two- evils-running for the vice-presidency, if
such an offer is made, or becoming a candidate for
Mr. George McGill's seat as senator from Kansas.
But to have chosen the greater evil of the two, Mr.
Curtis would have to abandon Mr. Hoover. This
move at a time when it appears that the next
House will be organized by the Democrats, and
the Republican party sh'owing signs of unrest in
its choice of House leader, would serve only to
enhance the chances of the Democrats.
True, it is seldom that a vice-president is re-
nominated. Conventions usually have this say,
as they do in most matters, but Mr. Curtis must
be given some credit for his conclusion. He is
not aware that the convention will in all likelihood
renominate him, for in such a crisis a united front
is needed. For one thing, he has not gone "pro-
gressive," so to speak. He is still a regular. And
this is precisely what the Republican party is
The House
R EPRESENTATIVE from New York Barton
Snell was elected leader of the Republican'
party in the House Monday night defeating former
floor-leader Tilson by four votes. With the lead-
ership of the party goes the nomination for the
Speaker and, of course, the bare possibility that
he may win that post.
That President Hoover can expect a renewal
of the trouble Congress caused him last year is
only too evident by the result of the above elec-
tion. Tilson was-and is a staunch Hoover man
and should he have received the nominationand
possibly the Speakership when the House con-
venes next month, the President could be assured
of the fact that at least he would have some one
working for his benefit in the House. Snell, how-
ever, is an out-and-Out opponent of Hoover and
should he receive the post next month anything
the President is in back of and especially the tax
increase planned is almost certain for defeat..
The whole thing, moreover, can even go back
to a more fundamental basis than just the surprise
election of someone over a favorite. The fact that
Tilson was not chosen for the leadership of the
party is a justification of the supposition that
+ Hoover's own party is turning away from him and
that from now until the end of his incumbency he
can only expect opposition from his own ranks.
Of course, the Republicans may not organize
the House and probably will not do so but the re-
sult can be no less disappointing to the chief
- rt., £...u . 4 ,,3+ NT~x'.,v T -v Plar, erf a n-1,.

Recently I spent a delightful evening at the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre when the Comedy Club gave its
opening presentation of "Streets of New York," and
afterwards indulged in many chuckles at the recol-
lection of the entire effect. Imagine then my amaze-
ment when later an acid review in The Daily was1
brought to my attention. The Writer must have been
suffering from a severe attack of indigestion or have
been the victim of an abnormal superiority complex,
for he seemed to have seen the play as a series of
more or less unrelated incidents and the actors as
known to him in their private persons instead of as
members of a cast who were doing painstaking and
often excellent work. To be sure there were blem-
ishes. There always are in first performances even
when given by professional actors of high standing
and wide experience. The audience went to be en-
tertained, and entertained it was, besides being filled
with admiration for college students who could do so
difficult a piece of work so well. It must be con-
ceded, though, that unlike the carping critic,'we poor
benighted spectators went to lose ourselves and to
be amused, and not to find fault.
An Old Alumna.
THE WILD ORCHID-Sigrid Undset. Alfred
A. Knopf, New York, 1931. Review copy courtesy
Slater's Bookstore.
Commonly noted of popular books is the fact that
a first book often sets a standard not surpassed dur-
ing that particular period in the writer's life; and
seldom does he achieve the distinction of a first great
book in a second dealing with similar subject matter.
The majority of our authors today obviously cater
to popular demand in this respect, for after writ-
ing a notably successful volume they repeat it in
substance. The second is essentially imitative, thus
selfconscious, precluding free play of the author's
Sigrid Undset's literary career is subject to this
weakness. "The Master of Hestviken" following the
"Kristin Lavransdatter" series fell short of the mark
set by the latter which was awarded the 1928 Nobel
prize. For her latest book she has turned to a new
field, modern Norway, and the adjustment problems
of its youth. However, though there is a skillful
handling of material in "The Wild Orchid," it is un-
worthy of the undisputable genius displayed in
"Kristin Lavransdatter."
Primarily a love story, "The Wild Orchid" is in
addition a young man's quest for truth and reality.
Even as a school boy Paul Selmar is disturbed by the
lack of purpose he observes in life, though, when he
falls in love with pucy he thinks he finds divine
meaning and purpo'e in this love. However, Lucy
lacks imagination and is innately unable to idealize
their love. As a result it degenerates into an affair,
which is definitely broken off by Lucy's marriage to
another man. Paul, utterly shocked, turns to the
Catholic religion which has long tantalized him to
satisfy his need for faith and stability. Though he
does not succeed in absorbing self in this force, he
derives some satisfaction and stimulation from it.
Authoress Undset reveals deep insight into the
psychology of young men and women and shows her-
self especially cognizant of the effect on character
of its own particular age in this novel. She is very
conscious, perhaps too much so, of this influence in
contrasting Julie Selmar with her son. They are
characterized almost entirely i1i terms of the ages in
which they were brought up. Aside from her time
sense, she exhibits finesse and feeling in her exposi-
tion of Pauls delicate temperamental mechanism,
sensitive to every situation. Paul is a distinct, clear-
ly chiseled character in spite of his seeming incon-
sistencies which are primarily of the surface.
While not a dominating element in her novel,
Sigrid Undset subjects it throughout to her control.
Her characters are handled and contrasted skillfully;
the threads of the story are in hand at each crisis.
In addition to technical excellence, this novel has a
gratifying note of idealism, unusual in popular novels
today: It is not a sentimental idealism, but is pre-
sented realistically. This seeming anomaly is an
interesting experiment, for the usual absolutes of
idealism and realism are forsaken for a combination
of the two in "The Wild Orchid." The author's whole
conception is essentially idealistic, but she subjects
her characters thus conceived to an almost scient-
1 , 11__--- - .-- - ._-J. l.ft.+ 4c , n nhi ha.a

the roofing process was moving
on at a great rate. Haa boy!
That's an easy way to make
ten cents.
These honor societies are getting
more careless every year. Tuesday
night Sphinx went on the warpath
in search of new members, invad-
ed a fraternity house dormitory
and got hold of the wrong man,
and didn't realize their mistake un-
til they had completely demolished
his pair of purple and white strip-
ed pajamas. This system has its
1 i t t Le advantages though.. The
wrong man gets all the thrills of
becoming a member without hav-
ing to dole out an initiation fee.
* * *

A number
possible the
and recomm

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Silk Hose



INCE '848 -

Dress oxfords

Basketball Season.
And its about time it was start-
ing too! Football has been the cen-
ter of attraction too long and we
are getting ready for something
new and. different. Orfe day last
week, or maybe it was last year,
a man came up to us and said "Hey,
you. What is it about basketball
that makes it so fascinating, so
gripping?" and we just sat down
and tried to think and finally we
decided that the best part of bask-
etball, from a spectator's stand-
point is the fast clean individual
play, quick passing, close guarding,
hard running, heart rending, etc.
Its that indefinable something that
is always so hard to put into words.
Fig. 1 is an example of one of the
best features of basketball, close
guarding. The photograph shows
Ricketts, of Michigan being hard
pressed by the opposition. He is in
the corner of the floor, and if he
doesn't think fast and do some-
thing pretty darn soon it will be
curtains fqr Mr. Ricketts. This
play, when properly executed is a
sure winner and very hard to stop.
Watch it, Coach Cappon! Rolls
will explain some more of the fine
points of basketball in early is-
sues. Don't miss them.
Dr. Case, eminent paleontol-
ogist, is one of our favorite pro-
fessors. Yesterday we took one
of our ii t t 1 e paleontological
problems to him and he said
"You'll all muddled up here,
sonny." Maybe its all our own
f a u It though. We remember
quite distinctly that it was only
two years ago that a railroad
conductor said to us "Where
are you going, my little man?"
We're used to that sort of thing.
Last week professor Case ran
into a lot of difficulty with the
electrical apparatus in a n d
about the lecture desk in Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
About three times during the
hour the lecture was livened up




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