'THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re. bublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise iredited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second glass matter. Special rate of postage granted, by Third Assistan Postmaster GeneraL- Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN Editorial Director.... .........................Beach Conger, Jr. City Editor ........... .... . .........Carl Forsythe News Editor.....u............................David M. Nichol Sports Editor.................... ......Sheldon 0. Fullerton Women's Editor......................Margaret M. Thompson Assistant News Editor.........................Robert L. Pierce friend to the President in this predicament. There is no doubt that whatever happens Hoover can expect only trouble from the House. Then there are the Senate bad boys but perhaps he has become calloused to them. I CREEN' RELCIONL I QATE 'RLLV AND NOW WE ARE AN ARTIST We always thought that we woald I A B. Gilbreth wd Goodman Karl Seiffert NIGHT EDITORS J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis JerryE . Rosenthal George A. Stauter probably grow up to be a famous AT THE MAJESTIC lawyer or judge, but just lately our ambitions have been swerved into Not even the superb acting of Eric von Stroheim other channels. We always knew is sufficient to drag "Friends and Lovers" up from the that we had some artistic talent, mediocre class and make it anything more than just of course but we never dreamed another love story. we were so good as to have any of The weak plot, concerning the difficulties of our work accepted by the Gargoyle. brother officers in the service of the queen and-ah, After this successful debut into the you guessed it-both in love with the same woman, field of art we are seriously consid- the charming Lily Damita, married, worse luck, to ering abandoning the study of law the unscrupulous, blackmailing Mr. von Stroheim, is and taking seven courses in classi- offset to a considerable degree by the presence in the cal archaeology and aesthetics next cast of Laurence Olivier, of the B;itish accent. semester. We venture to say that Mr. Olivier is the young fellow whose work is so there isn't another person on the very like that of Leslie Howard, and who, as Lieuten- whole campus who .could create ant Nichols, does the most consistently good acting such a graphic representation of throughout "Friends and Lovers". He has a certain "Sex Rearing its Ugly Head." humorous tolerance of life so sadly lacking in the * * * somewhat wooden Adolphe Menjou, his superior We are about to win a wager. officer. We made a bet'with the Editor Stroheim is probably as good a character actor, of the Gargoyle that the roof except when he forgets his dialect,' as any now in on the new law building would pictures. His lines are the only really well-written be completed before we had a ones in the show. As the imperturbable blackmailer snow 'of at least twenty-four he does two or three bits that, were the whole picture hours duration. Yesterday the of the same type, would make it great. K. S. sun was shining brightly and J. Myers mes Stanley W. Arnhciul Lawson ER Becker Thomas Cornell an Samuel G. Galis Samuel IL. Finkie Louie B. Gascoigne Sports Assistants John W. Thomas REPORTERS Fred A. Huber Norman Kraft Roland Martin Ilenry Meyer, Marion A. Milezewski Albeit H. Newman E. Jerome Pettit Georgia Geismnan Alice Gilbert Martha Littleton Elizabeth Long Frances Manchester Elizabeth Mann , John'S. Townsend Charles A. Sanford John W. Pritchard' Joseph Renihan C. Hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw Parker R. Snyder G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary Rarden Dorothy Rundell Elha Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams hy ;Brockman ln Carver rice Collins e Crandall rFeldman fence Poster i I l iI at minimur with unqi and une C' -I XA Tuxedo, including Pique Front shirt Studs and links Two t, rorm Tie S vvear -n prices consistenti uestionable style ..xcelled fitting ypical outfits vest $29.50 $45.00 2.50 3.50 1.50 3.50 .35 .35 Ci .50 .50 4.95 _8.- 40.30 61.85 of special values make complete Outfit at ap- forty dollarswe show lend both outfits. e7 4231A ''# / a BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 22214 CHARLES T. KLINE......... .............Business Manager NORRIS P. JOHNSON,.....................Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising ... ,.. ................................Vernon Bishop Advertising Contracts............... ........... .Robert Callahan Advertising Service ........ ..................'Byron C. Vedder Publications....... ........... ...............'William T. Brown Circulation ........ ........................Harry R. Begley Accounts. .................................Richard Stratemeir Women's Business Manager......................Ann W. Verner 1. I CAMPUS OPINION I t wW . i ri i i To The Editor: il Aronson ert E. Bursley n Clark Pert Finn na Becker tha Jane Cissel evieve Field :ine Fischgrund Gallmeyer ry Harriman Assistants John Keysee Arthur F. Kohn James Lowe Bernard E. Schnacke Anne Harsha Katharine Jackson Dorothy Layin Virginia McComb Carolin Mosher Ie t'