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December 03, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-03

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Registration, Party. Set
for Today; to Hold
Banquet Friday.
Meeting Sponsored by
Sigma Delta Chi;
Present Program.

Renowned Singers to Appear Tonight

More Freedom Given Philoso-
phers in Speculation, Says
Bertrand Russell.


British Lecturer Tells
Relativity, Quantum

Opening today with registra-
tion of delegates, and cncluding
a three-day meeting Saturday
noon, more than zoo editors and
staff members of high school pub-
lications throughout the state will
convene here to discuss problems
common to journalistic work in
secondary schools.
The Michigan Interscholastic
Press association convention, the
tenth of its kind to be held in Ann
Arbor, is sponsored jointly by
Sigma Delta Chi, national pro-
fessional journalistic fraternity, and
the department of journalism of
the University..
Prominent Newsmen To Speak.
During the three-day meeting,
delegates will hear addreses by men
prominent in the newspaper pro-
fession. Particular emphasis, how-
ever, will be put upon the series of
group discussions arranged by those
in charge of the conference, at
which various phases of depart-
mental work dealing with news-
papers, magazines and annuals will
be discussed.
For purposes of convenience the
discussion groups have been sepa-.
rated into two divisions. Schools
having an enrollment of 1,000 or
more students have been placed in
Class A. Those with fewer students
- have been grouped in Class B.
Registration hours will be from
3 until 6 o'clock this afternoon in
the Union, In charge of E. Jerome
Pettit, Spec., and Thomas Connel-
lan, '34.#
To Hold Party.
Tonight the delegates will be the;
guests of the fraternity and depart-
ment at a "get-acquainted" partyI
in the Union. Preceding the party,
short addresses will be made by
Prof. J. L. Brumm, head of the
journalism department; Carl S.
Forsythe, '32, president of the Mich-
igan chapter of Sigma Delta Chi
and city editor of The Daily; and
an administrative officer of the
University. George A. Stauter, '33,
general chairman of the conven-
tion, will preside.
Actual discussion will start with
an assembly at 9 o'clock Friday
morning, with Lee A. White of the
Detroit News the principal speaker.
(Continued on Page Two)
State Dulletins
(By Associated Press)
Wednesday, December 2, 1931
LANSING-Miss Iva Manross, 35,
was killed Wednesday when the
automobile in which she was riding
with Carl Skidmore went into a
ditch near Dimondale.1
DETROIT-Mrs. Ada Hines died
"Wednesday of wounds inflicted by<
a knife by her husband, Detective;
Herbert L. Hines, who is in a serious
condition from similar wounds. I
PONTIAC-Bernice Webster, 17,i
was charged with breaking and(
entering Wednesday after she con-I
fessed that she and another girl
of the same age had burglarized
two places in suburban Hazel Park
where they lived. The other girlr
has not been arrested.7
COLDWATER-Joe Handley, alias
Robert, and Bert Angus, both of
Toledo, Ohio, were started to Ken-r
dallville, Ind., under heavy guard
Wednesday to face charge of rob-
bint a bank. Eighteen thousand
dollars worth of bonds stolen from
the bank were found on them whenI
they were arrested here.
BENTON HARBOR-Fire destroy-
ed the Edgewater club house Wed-
nesday. The hotel was erected on
the shore of Lake Michigan 15 years


Local Man to Appear on Stage
With Popular Organization
Here This Evening,
The Revelers, popular radio and
recording quartet, will give the
fourth concert on the Choral Union
concert series at 8:15 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium, as one of
the outstanding features of the cur-
rent musical season in Ann Arbor.
Described by critics as being "the
greatest of all present-day male
singing organizations," the quartet
will offer a program of numbers
both classical and modern.
James Melton, Lewis James, Phil
Dewey and Wilfred Glenn are the
four singers and are accompanied
by Frank Black, well-known Ameri-
can composer and pianist, who also
does the arrangements for the
group. James is a native of Wash-
tenaw county, having been born in
Dexter and educated in Ypsilanti.
- The program for tonight includes:
"Prelude in G Minor" by Rachmani-
noff; "Trees" by Rasbach; Victor
Herbert's "Ah, Sweet Mystery of
Life," from "Naughty Marietta;
Brown's/"The Woman in the Shoe;"
"Grandfather's Clock," by Work;
"de Gospel Train," a spiritual; and
de Leath's, "The Gingerbread Bri-
gade," for the first part.
On the second half of the pro-
gram will be Bloom's "Song of the
Bayou;" "Mardi Gras" (from the
Mississippi Suite) by Grofe; Meyer's
"Hosanna;" "Dancing in the Dark,"
by Schwartz; "Raquel" by King;
anjd the current specialty, "When
Yuba Plays the Rumba" by Hup-
Michigan's Gate Receipts Show
Decline of More Than
Ten Per Cent.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2.-()-Cut
rate ticket prices, the radio, the de-
pression, and a few losing streaks
combined as the main factors con-
tributing to the decline of colege
football gate receipts for the 1931
season. Professional football also
felt the financial blow in some
The vigilance with which most
college authorities guard their fig-
ures made a detailed study and
comparison of the gate receipts im-
possible. Nevertheless, a survey by
the Associated Press is sufficient to
indicate a probable drop of 15 per
cent as compared with 1930 and 25
per cent with the last "boom year,"
The estimates of decreases run as
high as 50 per cent. Georgia Tech
admits a falling off of 40 per cent,
Washington and Lee, 15 per cent,
Denver 25 per cent, Utah 12 per;
cent, Michigan 10 per cent.
Instances of increased attend-;
ance were reported for the season,,
such as at Tulane, Tennessee, Ohio
State, Harvard, N. Y. U., and Cal-
ifornia, but gate receipts failed to
show a corresponding gain princi-;
pally for the reason prices were re-
duced. Southern California, for ex-
ample, cut its top price from $5 to
$3.50 for big games. Michigan also
cut the cost of admission for some
Cnmmunity Fund LreRs:

Another Enigmatic
Joke Cover Appears
on Latest Gargoyle
Replete with Christmas spirit, the
December Gargoyle, the fourth is-
sue of the magazine this year, will
appear on campus this morning
displaying what is considered to be
the best array of features yet seen
on campus.
The cover of the issue, done in four
colors, is one of the characteristic
puzzles which the publication has
been known to issue and according
to Thomas M. Cooley, '32, managing
editor, should prove decidedly inter-
esting to the stpdent body. To those
who fail to fathom the apparent
conglomeration, an explanation can
be found on one of the back pages.
More short jokes than ever before
are appearing in the magazine as
well as a number of choice ex-
changes from other college humor
publications. "Encomia," "Campus
Talk," "Books" and the other stan-
dard features are included as well
as numerous cartoons, poems, skits
and commentaries.
The Revelers, this month are the
subject of Tom Powers' page of
sketches which has grown to be one
of the most popular features in the
magazine. A special appeal to con-
tributors is included in the issue
aimed to encourage student contri-
butions to Gargoyle.



Tackle Ruptured Blood Vessel
in Bucknell Game.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2.--(P)-Rup-
ture of a blood vessel at the base
of the brain, the result of a heavy
blow, caused the death today of
Cornelius (Connie) Murphy, 21-
year-old Fordham varsity football
tackle, an autopsy revealed. Mur-
phy was injured in Fordham's game
against Bucknell at the P o1o
Grounds Nov. 21.
Murphy was one of the stalwarts
of a sturdy Fordham line, through
which only three touchdowns had
been scored in nine games and was
one of the leading candidates for
the captaincy of next year's team.
The election was to have been held
this week.
He was a junior in the college of
arts and science. Fordham authori-
ties said he stood well in his classes
and was a popular man on the
To Construct New Scale of Pay
for Labor; President to
Issue Decree.
BERLIN, Dec. 2.-( P)-Govern-
ment authorities predicted today
that a price commissioner having
almost dictatorial powers over food
costs will shortly be appointed.
President Paul von Hindenburg,
it was understood, will issue an
emergency decree wiping out pre-
sent wage agreements and substi-
tuting lower wage levels. The new
scale of pay to labor will be condi-
tioned on corresponding reduction
in the prices of articles of consump-
The price commissioner would
have the duty of seeing to it that
industrialists carried out their part

By George A. Stauter
Theories advanced-and seeming-
ly proved-by modern physicists
have so complicated philosophic
thought that tle disentangling of
them by philostphers will require
a long period ofi time, in the opin-
ion of Bertrand Russell, noted Brit-
ish philosopher, who last night
spoke as the second lecturer on the
series of the Oratorical Association.
Taking as his subject "The Phil-
osophy of Physics," Mr. Russell-
LordRussell, siscehis ascendance
to the House of fiords-told his au-
dience of more than 2,000 that
philosophy, prior to the turn of the
century, was far advanced and far
more interesting than the subject
of physics.
"To lecture on the philosophy of
physics," he continued, "one should
be both a philosopher andna physi-
cist. But no one is competent
enough to be both. I started as a
philosopher, for physics then was
in a dull state.
Physics Revolutionized.
"Physics, however, has been both
revolutionary and interesting since
the turn of the century. With its
theory of relativity and quantum
theory of the last 20 years, physics
h a s become extraordinarily ab-
stract, logical, and mathematical.
Yet it appears to be saying some-
"Einstein, as you all know, "dis-
covered that the'Jaw of gravitation
really belonged to geometry rather
than on the side of physics. In his
famous ,theory le -substituted- the
conception of space-time for space
and time, thus providing a contin-
uum of four dimensions instead of
two separate continuums of three
and one.
"The quantum theory is the other
great innovation in physics. It is
more revolutionary than the others.
In fact, it is so revolutionary that it
makes about one revolution every
six months," she added with a smile.
Discusses AtomicTheory.
Following up the discussion of the
relativity and quantum theories
with a description of other recent
advances in physics - the theories
of atomic structure --Mr. Russell
said that the modern theory is that
"the atom is a certain collection of
events, or biography, and that these
are the things that exist, not the
"Bohr (a Danish physicist) show-
ed that atoms emitted light when
their electrons hopped from one or-
bit to another, and the kind of light
depended on the hop. Heisenberg
and Schroedinger (German physi-
cists) then advanced theories of
atomic structure, which, described
briefly, state that there are no
"We learn to substitute events in
place of things. A glass of water,
for instance, is only a collection of
events. The only existence in any
thing is the chain of events con-
nected with it."
Railway Trades Group
Turns Down Wage Cut
MONTREAL, Dec. 2.-(LP)-The
general board of 2 chairmen of the
Railway Running/Trades Brother-
hoods this afternoon sent a tele-
gram to the Government at Ottawa
announcing they would not accept
the recommendations of the Wage
Dispute Conciliation Board that the
running trade's wages be cut by 10
per cent. -
London Dampness Sends Gandhi
to Bed With Cold.
LONDON, Dec. 2.-(P)-Mahatma
Gandhi, India's nationalist leader,

who has braved the chill, damp,
and fog of London's weather for
the past week in his scant native
costume went to bed tonight with
a cold and fever.


Mayor James J. Walker (right), of New York who crossed the con-
tinent to plead for, executive clemency for Thomas Mooney (inset), is,
shown discussing the case with Gov. James Rolf, jr., in the executive
building in San Francisco. Mooney has served 15 years of a life sentence
for alleged participation in the 1916 preparedness day bombing in San

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