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November 26, 1931 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-26

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By Liehty

ITS ALMoST t MA.Re aN'STILL i Syv ®-S1. M E-.w iy
HINTSEEN NO ONE SLI(' VP 1$ tCfmss"efh-
R'AO b W' LEVE -THE MC /= _ GAC- S ~C' ____Ja e
~ PLM So-x

M A.e. ...

AT SL09m"




BEST SHOE SH3INE in town. San-
fords. Sundays, evenings. 121
t~. Ann, 514 E. Williamn. 261c
H1AV E you any capital too Invest?
We will guarantee you a definite
return on your investment. In-
quire Mic higna Daily. Box 4
finance company for balance
due. 311 W. E~uron).Phone 22001
Called for and delivered. Ph~on e
4363. 1501
204 North Main Phonie 3916
Laundry 'drop box at Barbecue
opposito Angell Hall. 200c

NOTICE-The people who advcr-
tise in the classified columns of
are the people w.ho want and
get quick results. If you hav,.
anything to borrow, beg or bar -
ter call 2-1214 and ask for the
Classified Advertising Depart-
LOST-In dressing room MICrHI-
Reward. CALL 23231. 28 )
L O ST - Pair of horn rimme0i
glasses in black leather case. I:
found call 7073. 281
FOR~ RENT-A completely furnish-

Blast on Shi Snuffs Out Three Lives

' Associated Press Poia
Three men were Lkcd a-rul terit c uredy Ae h followed an
explo'4iou of unCdeterw,.ine ,d igna b a the tandard il ta nker1,"Chsar-
Woman Listener Requests. Talk lie Watsen" it SatzFrn'sohabr.Freme. r ehown fiEht'Ing thie
Upon 'Snoring Cure flames aft (f the bridg e.'___ __- ____
for Husband.,EKA TTSNO ~IINCAT
Programs broadcast at the re- is IN PROCESS OF TRA S O M TO
quest of various high schools ___
jthrjoughout the state have been a
g Geodo gist Says Coast Becomz n g dlc ers are of this ice cap type.
decdedsucess Pof.W~do A- Rore _ Lake That of With the disappearance of the
j bo, oftheEnglsh dparmentandice,aid Professor' Belknap, the
b irot, of the niveprtmentoad Eastern U. S. ;land is rising. "As evidence of this
casting service, stated' yesterday. ;ti uiepsibe'htwnar-ye find od.d arches which could only
It s qit posile hatina; e-be formed by wave action, as well
More than 200, students of the latively short period, of time the i as beaches and other shore feat-.
Flit Cntrl hgh cnoi lsteedNorwegian coast may be much the ures, many of them hundreds of.
to the programn on "Reading fromn4 etaoete eetsoeln.
the Works of Robert Burns" given. same as is the present eastern coast et bveteprsnsheli.
by Prof. Everett Brown, of the Eng- of the United States, Prof. ' alph
lish depiartment. More than 45 L. Belknap said over radio station ;Norwegian Study O t
students of the Cranbrook school WJR yesterday afternoon. Prof es- L1,arlguee in I~isc9Usin
istensed to the talk on "Aviation." sor Belkntap 'has made extensive
Many requests have been receiv- MDSN i. o.2 ~P
ed lately asking for special pro- study of the fjords and the glacia- TwoDprOessorfovthe5Universit
gramns, Professor Abbot said. The tion of Norway. Topoesr rmteUiest
Flint and Elsie high schools have "It is definitely determined now,"; of. Oslo,, natives of Norway, are
a sked for a program on "MacBeth." sai rfso eka,"h t dy ing the Norwegian language
This program. will be broadcast on few thousand years ago a huge ice ~ WL r~sin.
Dec. 7 by Prof. Hereward T. Price. sheet, a continental gaieform- D.DirkAuSipad r.E
watte Crek hgh choo hasre-ed in or around the Baltic Sea. As V elnrdseldteapet
quested that a .peries of programs it grew it pushed westward across Dawadomer howeebyexapani
on mdein hstoy bebrodcat.,the mountainous divide of the
Other~ listeners~ also have sent in I adnvii eislaadfo-they wvaited to take back samples
requests. One lady wrote in and edonote os.o orwegian as it is spoken by
t anted to knzow how to "cuireher e"Aswts n'iast , de e.ants of ea~y Norwegian
husband of snoring. A bank presi-t depressed the lacusiniut Hrs~ats.
dent requested that a series oftak beneath-the sea so it was suzbmerg,-
oan "Depression," from a scientific; ed to a depth of cwe 2,000fJ McITT-L UNIVERSITY-The Stu-
point o[ view, be given. d,, oni fteUinBos
One lay listnerw otedntotelThen the climate became zmlidr.: oni o h no os
staionandased f teycoud tllagain and the glacier began to dis- omittee disapproved of the sug-
her where she could adopt a boy appear. This resulted in the one gCtionl that women be allowed to
abou te yers ldAnoherbig glacier being divided in several eat in the Union House, saying that
or girl aottnyasod nte smaller ones, each one a sort of an the lack of Pquipment suita~ble to
listener asked that someone explain iecpcvrn ihpaeu women's needs were not available
whata ipte s Most of the present day NoMrwegan at the_ present.
A :public: employes' retiremuent
fund has beeni subscri.bed to by N TICE

R epc its at Last Luncheon Give LOS'S
$43,123 as Total Amnount , LOST-A sm~all brown~ overnight
Pledged to Date. bag somewhaere, on Saline, road,
~a~r y.Contains Vwomen's
With nearly three quarteors of, clothing. X74
their Job ,accomplished solicitors' _ - -- _
and vorkder , for the Ann ArborV
community fund et yesterday
noon in their last recgular lunch- 'II
eon at the Masonic temple nd cx-- .
pre-sed confidence of the ultimate
att ainment of the$63,198 goal to-
ward which they are striving.' --
Reports gave $43,123as th total Pirogroin of H~ome Study Course
amount of pledger, to d a . TOot tAnnounced by
710 per cent of the amou~:r deiie d.Isb
The next report will b., ' macic at Dr. Fisher.
the union Thanksgivipng 5civjic at -*
the Congregational church. Broadening the scopeo of the. al-
Piof. J. Raleigh ?N : . 11zn (rgciedy vwid~cy attended extension
those peopple whom thicsoLicitors d ivisioen cf thie Unive'rsity, the in-
tributions oa nt reaht bring mi. them tzto the stitution of a series of homne study
campaign headquarters in t h e courses to be made available to
Chamber of Commerce building. Mcia rsdnsby, Dall has
been-i ann:ounaced by Dfr. C. A. Fisher,
Mrs. Coner rEl ected aSgsant direcor c, the depart-
Se Cr itC c ment, for the coming ,year.
Sccr~try Oi oun Cil our courses are now ready for
distribution, including lessons in
Mrs. S. Beach Conger has been Englishlit rtues ;.opY, tri-
elected executive secretary of the ' onometry and mechanical d..awirng,
Alumnae Council to succeed Mar'- while courses in short story' writing
guerite Chapin, it was announced and the social developmreiit of the
by Helen M. Gore, chairman of the child are being prepared. Other
Alumnae Coluncil. courses will be added as demands
Miss Chapin will resume her warrant. Th'le eI i?'e Series is being
former post as societyv editor of the distributed practically at cost.
Detroit Free Pdress. The resignation In spite of the fact that the wort:
was made known at the meeting of is of thic samve character as the"
the boar°d of directors of the Alumi- regular extension division class dJ
nae\Council held last, Friday in Ann work last year attended by 4,001c
Arbor. students throughout the state. no fl
credit toward a degrea will be a
Director of Museuim given, according to Dr. Fisher.
The new courses, It was stated,
Will Attend Meetin~g will be porimari y for the use of resi-
______dents living too farI away to take
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the advantage of extension division k
university museum of anthropology clams work.
will leave this afternoon for Ne'w -
York whore he will attend a: meet- Tom E. Thomnpson recently cele-.
ing of the executive committee of brated 50 years as a newspaper
the Division of Anthropology and~ editor in the town of Howard; Kans.
Psychology, of the National Re- The Illinois natural history Sur-
search -council. vey has found that 20,000 differe.nt
Dr. Guthe, an authority on Mayanj kinds of insects. live in the state.
culture, is a member of this e ecu-

ed apartment with connecting;
bath and shower. Nicely furnish-
ed east room with adjoining;
kitchenette.,, Also front single
room. Steam heat, shower, ga-
iage. Phone 8544. 422 E. Wash-
igton. 2~,2c
W'ill Head River Group

Associated Press Photo
Robert Isliam Randolph, pre;si-
ient of the Chica3'o assoc iation ofi
ecinerce, was~ chosen president of
[he l~sigp alyassociation
At its recent convention h eld in St.,
Rosemarie Locarnini, G, of M~or"-
gan Hill, Cal,, raised a prize pump
kin, weight 107 pounds.


t ive committee.
After the meeting he plans to
consult specialists in New York,
Philadelphia and 'Washington on
the problem of Maya' calendrical
system, in which he has been com-
missioned to act as reviewer of the,
IBank Rdun GravelI

wA . am w r-


t "EN AVANT ever forward
%Y A
A n Aro tr
Burr,0Patt rn& Slt Co
Deit, MiCbie AIES Mg, ntr.


"I l

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