omqpp-v i
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VOL. XLII. No. 52
c - --
unces Return to
ormer Policy of
ish Treatment of
idians Is 'Reign
of Terror.'
Speaks at Banquet
More Bad Checks
Being Chalked Up
to Campus Forger
Additional c h e c k forgeries ex-
tending b ck into the last school
year yesterday seemed likely to
join the forty-odd "comebacks" to
which Charles D. Gardinier, 1rolific
campus check writer, has already
co"fessed when Francis Courtney,'
Detroit handwriting expert, exam-
ined files of forged checks in the
Ann Arbor police office and declar-
ed that the signatures in question
checked with those owned by Gard-
The new discoveries include sev-
en or eight checks under the namej
of Richard B. Hills, of Detroit,
Gardinier's roommate last year. At
least 55 specimens are now attrib-
uted to Gardinier, and more are
The number of checks passed and
the wide variety of signatures used
'indicate that Gardinier is one of
the best student forgers Ann Arbor
has seen in years, according to De-1
tective Clifford West of the local
police. Most of the checks are in
amounts of from one to five or six
dollars, a few running up to 15 and
20, and the majority of them are
drawn in favor, if it can be called
such, of bookstores and campus
business firms catering largely to
student trade.
LONDON, Nov. 25.-(P)-Ma-
hatma Gandhi, abandoning hope'
of the Round Table conference,
announced today that he was
ready to start his civil disobedi-
ence campaign all over again, and
w" nt home to pack up his spin-
ning wheels and loin cidths to go
back ttindia r
,Th conference he described
as a "li'eless corpse" and the Eri-
tish treatment of Indian Natiopal-
ists as a "reign of terror."
Independence Stili Desire.
"But a reign of terror cannot kill,
the desire of millions of Indians for
independence," he said. "We teach
our children to dance with joy
when bullets fly around them. We
teach them to suffer for freedom.
And now I must go back to India
and rinvite the nation to a new
course of sffering."
In the face of this threat, Prime
Minister Ramsay Mac Donald de-
clined to yield to conservative pres-
sure in the House of Commons to-
night to take a stronger hand in
5racken Seeks Statement.
The red-haired foung conserva-f
tive Brendan Bracken wanted the
prime \miister's word that the
goveranent would nt commit it-w
Self to any;definite policy regarding
/India's future without approvL of
the House of Commons and when
Mr. MacDonald declined, Mr. Brac-
ken said he would raise the ques-
tion ,again.
Mr. MacDonald decided to con-
tinue private conferences with the
Indian delegates, but it appeared
that nothing tangible was likely to
emerge while the conservatives per-
sist in their unyielding attitude.
Campaign of Violence
in India, Report Hints
LONDON, Nov. 25. - (P) - Infor-
mation received here today from
India said that agitation has begun
there for a campaign of violence,
folowing indication that the round
table conference here probably will
end this week without a settlement
satisfactory to the Nationalists.
The situation in Bengal is said
to be especially critical and the
marquis of Lothian, under-secre-
tary of state for Iridia, declared in
the House of Lords that in some
Bengal districts every British offi-
cer is doing his duty in "deadly ter-
ror of his life."
(By Associ1#9 Pres)
Thursday, November 2, 1931
LANSING-The Republic Auto-
mobile Insurance comipany of De-
troit was placed in the hands of
Charles Livingston, state insurance
commissioner, for dissolution by an
order of Circuit Judge Leland W.
Carr Wednesday. The company
has approximately 55,000 insurance
policies outstanding~ and faces a
probable deficit of $500,000.
hurst, former vice-president of the
defunct First National bank of Reed
City, has been ordered returned
from California to face a federal
indictment charging him and his
brother, J. Walter Parkhurst, presi-
dent of the bank, with miapply-
ing $5,000 of bank funds.
ers beginning the homebound trek,
conservation officers reported Wed-
nesday ,that 2,848 deer had been
ferried across the Straits of Mack-
inac from the upper peninsula.
Rain and warm weather have hand-
icapped hunters. Last year the kill
Menry M. Bates
Michigan Only School Playing
Second Grid Game for
i Charity.
According to a statement issued
yesterday by Coach Harry Kipke,
the Miphigan football squad is
primed to meet Wisconsin Satur-
day, but the coaching staff 'fears
that the morale of the team can-]
not be sustained without the aid
of Wolverine supporters. Members
of the squad' have given on extra
weekof practice willingly and con-
sider the Badgers worthy opponents
"Recognizing tl e acute need
for larger funds than ever before.
for charitable p u pos e s, the
Western Conference m e t last
September and suspended the
Big .en rules so as to permit
the playing of post-season, foot-
ball games for charity, such
games to be played or Thanks-
giving or the. Sunday following.
This has been the only Confer-
ence action of its kind.
"The M i c h i g a n-Wisconsin
game on Sattrday is the second
charity game in which Michi-
gan has played in the past 13
months. Last year, all of Michi-
gan's share of the proceeds of
the Chicago game were given to
"Whether the charity game
will accomplish its p rpse and
make a substantial contribution
to the needy reTs with the pub-
on the basis 6f comparative scores.
Returns on the ticket s a 1le
throughout the state are coming ii-
to the Athletic Administration of-
fice daily{ and indicate that the tilt
will draw a fairly large attendance
considering the urgvorable publi-
:ity to which it has been subjected.
Reports from Wisconsin show that
the Badger school is planning to
send a large delegation of rooters
to Ann Arbor.
Saturday's battle with Wisconsin
will mark the second time that
Michigan has played for charity,
having donated to the needy- the
proceeds of a regularly scheduled
Conference game with Chicago last
Mayor Walker Visits
Tom Mooney's Mother
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 25.-(P)--
Mayor James J. Walker paid a fif-
teen-minute visit today to Mrs.
Mary (mother) Mooney, mother of
Tom Mooney, and told the eighty-
three-year-old woman he hoped
that soon "any day can be Thanks-
givingDay, because of a full-sized
The Mayor told the mother of the
San Quentin life prisoner, "hun-
dreds of thousands of mothers feel
for you."
Renewal of Auto Ban
Set for 8 Tomorrow
Lifted yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock for the benefit of students
uhn nannd tn drivh onm for the
Association Suggests
Relief Fund.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.-(P)-
A warning that adequate railroad
service without governmental as-
sistance is "clearly impossible" was
placed on President Hoover's desk
today with a four point program
for relief.:
, It came from a delegation- of 22
members of the American Short
Line .railroad association, asking
particular aid for the 542 carriers
of that class. Two hours earlier,
the President had talked of other
railroad problems across his break-
fast table with Daniel Willard,
president of the Baltimore and
Asserting the short lines were
"suffering more acutely than the
larger roads from automobile com-
petition," the program presented to
Mr. Hoover proposed the following:
(1) The establishment by con-
gress, as an emergency measure, of
a revolving fund from which loans
could be made to small roads.
(2) Repeal of the recapture clause
of the InterstateCommerce act,
under which a half of all profits
above 6 per cent must be turned
back to the government.
(3) Interstate, commerce regula-
tion. of truck and bus transporta-
(4) The placing of the Inland
Waterways corporation and all oth-
er interstate water transportation
under the commission.
DEAN HENRY BATES Continue SeatSale
EXPLDESP1LGIM~ for Charity Drama
Box office sale of tickets for
W E T the "Streets of New- York," to
be given Saturday evening by
C o m e d y club, will continue
through today and tomorrow, it
has been announced.
Law Head Speaks of American The charity performance of
Thanksgiving at Foreign Dion Boucicault's melodrama of
Studnt antthe panic of, 1857 will be given
Student Banquet. at 8:15o'clock at the Mendel-
ssohn theatre in the Michigan
VISITORS WELCOMED league. The proceeds of the
show will be given to the Ann
Cosmopolitan Group Discusses Arbor community fund to be
Various Modes of Thanks used in relief work during the
n M N , present period of distress.
in Many Nations. Seats will be priced at fifty
and seventy five cents.
By Roland C. Martin. Depicting the crime and cor-
Our Pilgrim fathers were not as ruption in the life of a power-/
pious as they are commonly sup- ful wall street financier of the
.t blast century the show provides
posed to be in the opinion of Hen- an evening of tragic melodrama
ry M. Bates, dean of the law school, set in the red plush background
who welcomed the foreign students of elegant New York society of
at the ninth annual Thanksgiving the last century, it was stated.
dinner given in their honor by the -----_
faculty, student organizations, and-
townspeople of Ann Arbor last N
"The Pilgrims celebrated the first
American Thanksgiving day whenI
they knelt in gratitude on the IHOOVR
shores of New England in 1621.
However, I do not want the for- Marine Board Says President
eign students to get the impression Ignored Campaign
that our ancestors were wholly an- . Promises.
gelic and wholly pious. In gratitude
they fell upon the knees, and then WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.-(P)-
upon the aborigines," he said. "They Instead of the apology demanded
kept their faith in God and theirIntaofheplgydm dd
powder dry." by President Hoover, the Navy
Dinner at League. Leagiue tonight issued, a new de-
The dinner, which was held last nunciation of his naval policies
night in the ballroom of the Mich- and an assertion that no errors in
igan League, is given; annually to isfgrso oprtv aa
encourage friendship between the its figures on comparative naval
foreign students, and the faculty strength had been revealed.
and townspeople. More than 240 It attacked in vigorous language
men and women, representing 42 the report of the committee which
different countries gathered to Mr. Hoover appointed to weigh the
'celebrate the day, which, as Dean truth of its previous assertions. This.
Bates said, is distinctly American. document, which had charged it
Dean Bates in welcoming the for- with "inaccuracies, false assertions,
eign 'students, honored their cour- and erroneous conclusions," was
age, initiatile,' and energy which described by 'the League as itself
they displayed in leaving their na- containing errors.
tive countries to take up their stu- The President was assailed with
dies here. assertions that he had failed to
Emilio Javier, '32, president of carry out the pledges of the 1928
the Cosmopolitan club, expressed republican platform and that he
the appreciation of the foreign had not provided for replacing ob-
students and of their pleasure 4in solete vessels or for building the
being enrolled in' the University. fleet up to treaty levels; it termed
He said that the trend of feeling his navy building record "uncon-
in the Philippine Islands is that structive."
one should come here to complete Tonight's statement was issued
his 'education. Regarding Thanks- over the signature of Walter Bruce
giving day as celebrated in the Is- Howe, the chairman of the League 's
lands, he said that only the better board of directors. Previous state-
educated people understand its ments. which aroused the Presi-
dent's indignation were signed by
sfian ndshWilliam Howard Gardiner, presi-
t Other Nations Mentioned. A dentfull the league.
Miss Wadad Mackdici, graduate,trejoinder the a -
spoke of "Thanksgiving in Arabia." tonsaof the Hoover jury, was prom-
She said that there was no dis- ied later. 'This may be by Gardin-
tinctive celebration in her native er.
country, Christians, Jews, Moham-Lo l Ma II rd
inedans, and Pagans 'each observ- oca an s njured
ing thankfulness of the Mohammed by Drunken Drier
in different ways, ranging from
the morning and evening prayers George Ransom, 39, of Dexter, is
of thankfulness of the Mohammed in St. Joseph's Mercy hospital as
to the celebration of the pagans in a result of scalp cuts and lacera-
memory of their departed heroes. tions of the face received when
Musical selections showing the the automobile in which he ws sit-
diversity of different countries was ting was struck by one driven by
given by two Philippine musicians B. M. Leander, 23, 544 S. First
and Miss Ruth Patton of Mexico. street, about six o'clock yesterday
evening on West Washington street.
Brookhart Attacked Leander, who was drunk, was
in, Thompson Alliance ardriving his Chevrolethcoach errati-
Allincecally toward the other car which
was parked near the end of Wash-
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. - (P) - ington street. Just as he approach-
Senator Smith W. Brookhart got ed the parked vehicle, Leander
jumped -on hard by one fellow swerved toward it, ran up over the
Iowan for having approached "Big curb and down into the front end
Bill" Thompson of Chicago in a of the car, smashing the ,windshield
Hiram Johnson for president move- and damaging the entire front of
ment. the automobile.
Representative Cyrenus Cole gave Charges of driving while intoxi-
out a letter to the senator suggest- cated were filed against Leander,
ing he might have to apologize to and he was ordered to appear 'in
'Sage of Happy Valley' Lost to
Brother in 'War of Roses'
Back in '86.
JOHNSON CITY, Tenn., Nov. 25.
-(P)-Former:Gov. Alfred A. Tay-
lor, the 83-year-old "sage of Happy
Valley," whose colorful career in
Tennessee politics brought him na-
tional prominence, died early to-
day at Appalachian Hospital here.
It was he who participated in thek
famous "War of the Roses," a cam-
paign for the governorship that he
and his brother Bob waged side by
side against each other.
He had been in ill health since
1929, but only recently his condi-
tion became critical. He lapsed in-
to a coma Monday. The veteran
political leader's two sons, Frank
and Blaine, were at his bedside
when the end came at 5:45 a.. m.
Complications arising from ure-
mic poisoning caused his death.
Roses, red and white, played an
important part in t h'e life of
"Uncle Alf," who lost the "War of
the Roses" in 1886 and "lived in a,
house by the side of the road"' in
Happy Valley, so he could "be a
friend to man" and hunt foxes.
That."war" still is fought at the
firesides in the Tennessee moun-
Alf was nominated for governor
by the Republicans and his brother,
"Fiddling Bob" (Robert Love Tay-
lor), was nominated by the Demo-
crats.g The two campaigned in the1
same buggy,, debating by day and
sleeping together by night.
Death Trap Is Placed
for Still Disturber
COLVILLE, Wash., Nov. 25.-()
--Discovery of a death trap appar-
ently intended to protect a moon-
shine still from raiders was report-
ed by deputy {sheriffs here Tues-
A string across a mountain trail'
near Northport, was found by de-
puty sheriffs to lead to the trig-
ger of a cocked 30-30 rifle. The
gun fastened in the crotch of a
tree, was aimed to strike a man in4
the 'abdomen as he kicked the'
The deputies said they found a'
still and arrested J. M. Harris, who1
was charged with manufacturing
Annual Toll of Bombs
in Chicago Falls oiff
CHICAGO, Nov. 25.-(P)-There
have been 109 bombings in Chicago
so far this year, or 35 more than
in 19' hut thQ hnmh qnnaprt[ +
Small Boys of Ann
Arbor Find Profit
in Newest Racket
It's an age of racketeering.
A group of eight and nine-year
old boys on the west side of Ann
Arbor have developed a racket all
of their own, Detective Clifford
West of the local police force has
Their method was to keep watch
for a kiddie car or other toy left
in someone's front yard, confiscate
it, and then two or three hours
later bring it back with the naive.
explanation that they, had found
it "'way out on Hoover avenue, and
brought it back 'cause mother said
you'd give us something nice." A
pat on the head and a dime or a
piece of pie usually rewarded the
future politicians.
Fortunately, Detective West said,
the racket was more easily stopped
than others ofr ts kind. A word
whispered in the ear of several un-
derstanding parents served to divert
the children's energies into more
legitimate channels.-
Information Fi
Senate Comi
by Ston
Committee Con
Total Aboli
of Board
( P)-A "paper loss" o
ooo has been sustain
Farm Board up to the
its gigantic stabilizat
tions in wheat and cot
This information w
ed to the Senate agric'
mittee today by Chair
of the board as farm b
providing ammunitio
1932 presidential eleci
mands for strengthenir
cultural marketing act.
Cotton Losses G
Stone pointed out tha
in wheat and cotton
activities were not
might be entirely wiped
the operations were cor
Based on the Curren
the board's holdings,
has incurred a loss of
in wheat and $75,000,00
Farm leaders forgot I
ences as they mixed o
with new, demanding
i of the law by adding
debenture, the equaliza
something else to take c
plus crops.
May Abolish Bo,
The committee is
whether to recommend
Farm Board H
177 Mi Won Del
inPpe o
Farm leaders who aske
ditional legislation incli
J. Taber, master of the
grange; Edward A. O'Ne
dent of the Farm Burea
tion; John A. Simpson, pi
the Farmers' union; a'
Snyder, of the National 4
of Farm Organizations.
Elects Fifteen
Initation B
Held at Unia
Peritonitis Attacks Film
After Rupture of
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Nov. 25.-
(A)-An official bulletin issued by
three physicians attending Tom
Mix, film actor, stricken with peri-
tonitis, stated his condition was
unimproved today.
The bulletin said:
"Tom Mix's condition is unim-
proved. We consider him to be in
a most serious condition. It will be
two or three days before a definite
statement can be made." It was
signed by Drs. R. N. Smith, John
Q. Scroggy and Howard O. Dennis.
The circus, screen and real life
cowboy entered the hospital Mon-
day and an emergency operation
was performed for rupture of his
appendix. Peritonitis followed. Se-
rum to fight the infection was
brought here by plane from San
Thus, at the age of 5-, the cow-
nunehr horn Af genre nf mnin
Galens, Honorary Medical sc
society for Juniors and Seniors,
elected the following men to
membership, it was announced
John F. Johnson, '33M, Do
B. Douglas, '33M, Albert B. Cha
'33M, Martin Batts Jr., M, Go
R. Lamb, '33M, Frank D. Lati
'33M, William B. Martin,,M, Rc
B. Meyer, '33M, Alston E. Morr
'33M, Lucius L. Powell, '33M, (
ence W. Renter, ,'33M, Chatle
Rife, '33M, George W. Slagle,
Perry T. Walters, '33M, and
liam M. Alexander, '33M.
These names were announce
the initiation banquet held 'i
day evening in the Union. I
Sturgis, '32F&C,' was toastma
Speakers at the banquet inclu
Curtis H. MacDonell, '32M, who
nounced' the names of the
members; Donald B. Douglas,y
Max M. Peet, professor of surg
Plans for the annual drive
order to raise money for the ho
tal children, a yearly charity
fering of the Galens, will be r
sometime in the near future.
Child Slain by Bullet
on Street in Chica
i CHICAGO, Nov. 25.-( P)-Mr
Mrs. August Bieschke were pus
a baby buggy containing their
year-old son, Donald, along a s
Tuesday, when the child screa
An investigation revealed the
had been struck in the head
bullet. An operation was perfc
ed, but the child died Tue.
the state of Iowa for the incident.
police court this morning.I
Speaker Compares Cosmic Paradox
With That of Electron Movement
The present view of the universe
seems to be as contradictory to
common sense as that of the para-
doxical motion of electrons accord-
ing toDr. Willem De Sitter, famous
universe-maker and director of the
Observatory at Leyden, Holland. In
a lecture in Natural Science Audi-
torium yesterday afternoon Dr. De
Sitter, originator of the so-called
"De Sitter universe," presented the
lnofi-t theorie raanrina structure
If all matter were distributed even-'
ly, there would be only one atom
in each three cubic feet of space,
and the resulting density would be
over a million million times small-
er than the best vacuum yet pro-
duced on the earth, Dr. De Sitter
stated. Some theories state that
the universe began about 5 thou-
sand million years ago and has,
been expanding ever since. This
is a comparatively short time, com-
nared with the no nf the earth.