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November 22, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-22

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-fie , x1 t n tti1



Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associs.cd Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
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Editorial Direotor .. ............Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor ....................................Carl Forsythe
News Ed!tor .................................David M. Nichol
Sports Editor .............................Sheldon O. Fullerton
Women's Editor.........................Margaret M. Thompson
Assistant News Editor ......................Robert L. Pierce

i 1A" It II I YI Ir1P


"Cold," by Prof. Lawrence M. Gould.
Warren & Putnam. $3.50.


J. Cullen Kell

rank B. Gilbreth
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necdy James Inglis
JerryE . Rosenthal
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mr J. Myers

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John S. Townsend
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Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts

W HEN it was' announced last Sunday that
- Michigan would not meet Northwestern but
Wisconsin in the charity game next Saturday, it
was natural that the students at Michigan should
show a marked apathy towards the arrangement.
Michigan students all season had waited to play
Northwestern and the disapproval of the game
as announced proved a really stunning blow to
their hopes of a possible trip to Chicago to see a
Wolverine team meet the highly touted Wildcats.
Officials of the Big Ten expected that the game
would not meet with the approval of Michigan
supporters lput they did not think that resentment
against it would last throughout the week. It has,
and the boos which greeted the announcement
yesterday afternoon at the game that tickets are
on sale gave proof that Michigan is still sore
over the whole affair.
Students in Ann Arbor wanted the North-
western game. Everyone is disappointed but
nothing can be done about it. The die has been
:ast and it is up to us to make the best of it. If
a game with Northwestern were possiblelat this
ate date, we .would be the first to advocate it but
after a week's investigation it has been proven
:hat it is utterly impossible to change the opponent.
Student opinion on the campus is not surpris-
ng for it has become a custom for Michigan to
'gripe" about something it does not like. The
feeling that "we won't go to the game" has also
been rampant. Such a state of affairs should not
exist in spite of the circumstances. Michigan must
accept the verdict and attempt to make the game
Wisconsin, although it has not had a highly
uccessful season will make a worthy opponent.
Jntil a few years ago when the Badgers were
iropped from Michigan schedule Wisconsin al-
vays proved a tough and hard team. Spirit at the
tames, both here and in Madison, was always at
ever heat and the game was looked on by the
>ress and students alike as one of the biggest of
he year.
It is improbable that this spirit can be recap-
ured but nevertheless-a state of excitement will
>ersist. Wisconsin will send large groups of stu-
lents down; alumni of both schools who were

A Review by Professor Ralph L. Belknap
The present generation has been enriched through
the inheritance of a long series of stirring adven-
tures; the biographies, the lives, the stories of that
intrepid group of men who have devoted so much
of their time and in many cases their lives to Polar
Exploration. In the exploration of Antarctica alone
the accounts of the epic-making adventures of
Scott, Shakelton, Amundsen, and Mawson have
come to occupy a well earned position of prominence
in our modern literary, a position well deserved in
many cases through the-sheer force of the thrilling
adventure related, in a few cases a position of even
greater importance through a combination of the
significant events described and the literary quality
exhibited by the narrator. All too frequently in
recent years additions have wormed their way into
this field not because of the importance or signifi-
cane of the events described but because of the
literary facility of the author and the efficiency of
his publicity man.
Now comes this latest story with its aptly chosen
title. This is not just another story of the Byrd
Expedition, nQt just a series of the more thrilling
events, excerpts from a diary,,strung like beads on
a string of passing time but the story of one great
continuous adventure made up of a series of thrills,
of hardships, of descriptions of never ending
changes, all crowded into the few short months
which the author spent in trekking over fifteen hun-
dred miles through a fantastic "land" of ice and
snow-"Cold"-a "land" so different from our own
that we can more readily believe it to be a part of
another planet rather than a part of the earth. Dr.
Gould's book, arriving as a welcomed reassurance
that the old school still lives, will take its well-
merited position with the other classics of Polar
Dr. Gould, a'member of the geology staff of the
University of Michigan and Second in Command of
the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, tells first the tory
of his trip by plane to the Rockefeller moutains
about 135 miles from Little America. It was there
they encountered a storm that blew their plane
away, a wind that blew so hard it "held me stream-
lined horizontally in ,the air some seconds." After
describing this modern exploration-by-plane episode
the narrative is concerned chiefly with the 1525-
mile sledge trip to the Queen Maud mountains, one
of the longest sledge trips ever undertaken for purely
scientific purposes, and a trip they were forced to
take by sledge rather than by plane because of the
loss of the Fokker on the earlier trip. Rather than
lamenting the fact that the trip must be taken
by sledge the author says: "I had never in my life
wanted to do anything quite so much as I wanted
to make this sledge trip. I think man has found no
means of pioneering by land, sea, or air, that reaches
the high conception of polar sledging with dogs--it
calls for the utmost resourcefulness and it taxes the
endurance of the hardiest."
It no doubt is a surprise to many to learn that it
was not the monotony and silence of the long winter
night that was trying or depressing. The author has
this to say in regard to the stillness: "I have stood
in the woods at .home when the world seemed dead.
There was no kind of sound. But in that world where
a variety of sound is the rule rather than the excep-
tion such a silence is oppressive if not ominous. Not
so here - this is the land of silence.- It is an ex-
panding sort of silence. It is inviting. It is the
natural state here and I like it." No it was the con-
tinuous daylight and the resulting inability to sleep1
that he found most trying. But when it was cloudy
there were other difficulties: "A blanket of gray
clouds made the visibility very poor -the horizon
disappeared completely and we found ourselves
marching into a milky white wall. An opaque white
gloom had settled over the world. -I skied along
watching the compass as usual and would occasion-
ally level my eyes to see how Mike was keeping on
the course but couldn't see him. Then I would sud-
denly discover that he was thirty or forty degrees
up in the air for one lost a sense of position.- A tiny
match box dropped on the snow a few feet away
looked like a barn a mile distant."
Dr. Gould's bouyant style will catch thereader,
carry him forward from page to page or thrill to
thrill over an undercurrent of not too subtle humor.
Any chilling effect the title may have had is removed
as the reader comes to feel the warm human frank-;
ness and honesty of the author, 'a man who does
such things as he is describing here for the lure or
love of knowledge; a man who had "rather find one
fossil marsupial than three )gold mines." And with
all the thrills the reader is suddenly confronted with
the fact that all unconsciously he has acquired a

great store of information and knowledge as a result
of his reading. But most of all as we lay the book
aside we do so with the feeling best expressed by
Walt Whitman, "who touches this book touches a


Barrymore is seen in another of
his striking character roles at the
Majestic-this time as a crippled
ballet master who finds an, outlet
'for his overpowering desire to
dance in the person of a young lad
rescued from a marionette show.
"The Mad Genius" is every foot
an unusual production. The acting
is practically irreproachable, the
direction excellent, and the cast
well-selected. The picture's one
fault lies in the slightly illogical
trend of the story in several spots,
although even this weakness is ad-
mittedly over-
shadowed by the
remarkable char-
acterizations of
Sir John and his
supporting cast.
D u r i n g t h e k
course of the plot,
the protege's fu-
ture is apparent-<"r
ly threatened by
h is reciprocated V-:
love for a young
dancer (Marian=
Marsh of "Five MARILYN MARSW
Star Final" and "Svengali" fame).
Whereupon Tsarakov, alias Barry-
more, schemes to get rid of the
fair damsel. The complications of
this love affair are the less inter-
esting and weaker side of the
story, which redeems itself consid-
erably in a striking and ghastly
The star's performance seemed
as perfect as ever, although some-
what similar to his "Svengali" hyp-
notic role. More outstanding than
Marian Marsh and Donald Cook,
the two leads, were Luis Alberni
in an excellent characterization of
Tsarakov's drug-crazed ballet di-
rector, and Charles Butterworth in
an amusing comedy role as the
master's secretary.
"The Mad Genius" fails to reach
i t s potentialities
as a great pic-
ture for Barry-
more, but is con-
siderably a b o ve
average in talk-
ing film enter-
tainment, rating
a high B.
Ruth Chatterton
Another screen
star of the first
order is seen here
So d ay at t h e
.- -Michigan w i t h
the arrival of

T o a Price .. .


We Lowered Our Pr
Only to Meet

You Don't Have To Bring and Call For Your Clothes To Take
Advantage of Low Prices.
We Call For and Deliver At One Price

J Dry Cleaned
(No Fancy Names)
Form Pressed

Dry Claned
(No Miracle)
Just Hard Work

Cleaned and,
same machine as used
Dobbs and Stetson.

Letters published in this column should not
be construed as expressing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will
be disregarded. The names of communicants will,
however, be regarded as confidential upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
fining themselves to less than 3,00 words if

matriculating when the series was at its height
in rivalry will be here in full force to see a revival
of the feeling between the two teams. Reports
have come in that Wisconsin may send their band.
Michigan's colorful organization will be there in
full force.
The element of charity in the contest should
prove an influence. Although Michigan students
will have to pay to see the game, seats have been
priced at reasonable rates so that it will not be a
hardship on anyone to go and Michigan, unsenti-
mental as it may be, certainly could do nothing
more worthwhile than heartily to support the



Called For andDelivered
For Cash

Called For andsDelivered
For Cash


Called For and Delivered
For Cash
te , "" .

To the Editor:
I note that there is much disappoiltment among
the students because Michigan is not going to play
Northwestern, and in that I share. I had promised
myself to run away from court work for a day, pick
up a load of boys, shed all the judicial dignity possi-
ble, drive all night, see Michigan beat Northwestern
(maybe), and come back the same way. I am sorry
I am not going to get my picnic, but that, like many
other things in life, is in the discard, and must be


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