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November 20, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-20

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Published every morning except Monday during the University year
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fot re-
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
lited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
s matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
tmaster General-
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Pres, Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
igan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
torial Direotor............................Beach Conger, Jr.
;y Editor .............. ......................Carl Forsythe
w Editor................................DavidrM.FNichol
rts Edior .. ...........................Sheldon 0. Fullerton
men's Editor ... ....... ..............Margaret M. Thompson
aistant News Editor.........................Robert L. Pierce

the Abbe's own doctrine df "la douceur de vivre."
Muggleton is an amazing reformer, the President is
famed as the only mat who ever got the best of the
redoubtable Voltaire and Madame de Lieven stands
proudly secure in the knowledge of her aristocracy.
The whole book is a perfect example of the very
characteristics which Strachey himself advocates in
the essay on John Aubrey when he declares that a
biography should consist of "the sure essentials-a
vivid image, on a page or two, without explanations,
transitions, commentaries or padding . .. transmit-
ting a few handfuls of orts and relics into golden


"Where the Crowds Go"
Dine and Dance
Tonight at

Main Dining Room

A Review

B. Grlbret r
Karl Seiffert

J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
JerryA E4Rosenthal
George A. Stauter

J. Myers

ey W. Arnheim
ion E. Becker
as Connellan
tel G. Ellis
el L. Finkle
BB. Gascoigne
thy Brockman-
m Carver
rie Collins
e Crandall
fence . oster

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
Fred A. Huber'
Norman Kraft
Roland Martin
Henry Meyer
Marion A. Milczewski
Albert IH. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisman
Alice Gilbert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Longs
F rances Manchester
I lizaeth Mann

John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Rarden
Dorothy Rundell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams

Telephone 21214
RLES T. KLINE.....................Business Manager
RIS P: JOHNSON .....................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
tising .....................................Vernon Bishop
tising Contracts ............ ........ .........Robert Callahan
tisingService... .. ................Byron C. Vedder
cations .....................William T. Brown
at on.................................Harry R. Beey
ins............ . ...........Richard Stratemeir
n's Business M .anager . ..........Ann W. Verner

ronson John Keysee
E. Bursley Arthur F. Kohn
lark James Lowe
Finn Bernard E. Schnacke
Becker Anne Marsha
Jane Cissel KatharineJackson
we Field Dorothy Layin
Fischgrund Virginia McComb
allmeyer Carolin Mosher
[arriman IHe tsien Olsen
Helen Schmeede

Grafton W. Sharp
Donald Johnson
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts


20, 1931 g



NTLY when England decides to do
ng, she does it right. When the gov-
s supported at the recent national elec-
s known by all that a tariff would bei
nports and free-trade Britain would be

"Washington Merry-Go-Round." Anonymous.
Horace Liveright. New York 1931. $3.00.
A Review by
Professor James K. Pollock
This is an interesting, highly entertaining, and
readable book. One can easily understand why it
has become a best-seller. It is racy, gossipy, and
scandal-mongering. But with all this it contains
much that is vital and sound. After two lively chap-
ters dealing with Washington society, the unknown
author plunges into an unrestrained tirade against
President Hoover, pointing out his "vital inadequa-
cies," his "sweeping and unrounded statements," and
his "basic intellectual timidity." With this portion
of the book it is not difficult to dissent, for, quite
contrary to the observations made in the remaining
portions of the book, the author has gone out of his
way to lambast "The Great Engineer." When once
this chapter has been passed, however, the reader is
treated to a series of rather delightful and discerning
character sketches, the like of which have not been
seen for many a day.
Very disrespectfully, but very cleverly the reader
is regailed with word portraits of such notables as
"Egg Charley Curtis," "Wrong-Horse Harry Stimson,"
and "The Man Who Stayed Too Long," the latter
being Andrew W. Mellon. In general one gets a fairly
accurate understanding of these and other celebrities
from the anonymous author's sentences. Of course
objection can be raised to the ribald manner, and
the unrestrained words of this and all other parts of
the book. But muck-rakers and debunkers, are sup-
posed to be ungoverned, and we must not expect too
The great Department of State is not above com-
ment. Its interesting gossip, and the important play-
ers in its offices come in for treatment. Not the
least interesting part of the book relates to the "Sons
of the Wild Jackass," the so-called Insurgents. La-
Follette, Nye, Brookhart, Borah, Norris, et al., are
laid before the reader in mental dishabille. The au-
thor is clearly of the Progressive school himself, and
he -is quite partial to these exponents of his general
opinions. It is only fair to say, however, that his
characterizations here as in most other parts of the
book are quite accurate.
"The Monkey House," commonly known as the
House of Representatives is discussed in an inimit-
able and priceless manner. This body, writes the
author, "is the greatest organized inferiority complex
in the world. Contrary to general belief, its major
occupation is not legislation but trying to make itself1
appear important and significant ... Instead of being
the counterpart of the great English legislative body,
it is a cross between a troop of monkeys and a herd
of sheep." With choice selections from the'Congres-
sional recrd, and with a clear understanding of
House procedure and control, Mr. Unknown Author
develops another of his major theses, that without
the Senate this country would be lost. The House, he
writes "has been the most persistent obstacle to in-
telligent and progressive legislation in the govern-
ment," and "when assembled in its chamber looks
and acts like a section of the bleachers in a bush
league town." Harsh words, these, and yet such
exasperation with the House is not without some
"The Court Jester," being Ambassador Dawes,
"Little Nemo," being the late Senator Morrow,. and
"The Vestal Virgins," being the President's office
staff, are discussed in successive and equally amusing
chapters. But enough has been written to indicate
the nature of the book. -Irreverent it certainly is, ex-
cruciatingly funny too, and although it leaves many
broken windows behind an apparently has the sole
purpose of destroying well-established myths, it
furnishes us with a rather discerning and exceed-
ingly well-informed picture of official Washington.
The picture is not complete, for scarcely any atten-
tion is given to the really important side of govern-
ment today, the administrative side; and entirely too
much emphasis is placed on the dramatic and spec-
tacular. The great American public likes to be
amused, however, and the author knows how to
The anonymity of the author has as yet remained
complete. May the reviewer hazard a guess' as to
the identity of this disrespectful, but exceedingly able
writer? The opinions expressed in the book, many
of the very words and phrases, are strikingly like
those of one of Washington's most able correspond-
ents, Mr. Paul Y. Anderson of the St. Louis Post-
Dispatch. The fact that this correspondent is not
even mentioned in the last chapter in the book deal-
ing with the press, a chapter incidentally which is
one of the best in the book, gives further credence to
my guess. Mr. Anderson is clearly one of the most
outstanding, independent writers in Washington, and

how any person writing this book could have dis-
cussed the Washington press without referring to Mr.
Anderson is inconceivable. Clearly Mr. Anderson
would not write about himself, and perhaps by not
doing so he has let the cat out of the bag. We shall

Comedy Club made an unimpres-
sive, not to say painful debut last
night in their presentation of Dion
Boucicault's comedy, Streets of New
York, despite the assertion of the
management that "great pains"
were taken to produce the drama
with "sensational effect." The play
was ill-chosen for amateur acting,
being so mannered a vehicle that
only a degree of finesse and artifi-
ciality, acquired through exper-
ience, could give it smoothness.
However, a rather different effect
was attempted: to give the per-
formance vivacity by carefree, hit-
or-miss interpretation by members
of the student cast. This method
is commendable, but failed deplor-
ably last night, because the cast
lacked assurance, and thus spon-
taneity. The parts were obviously
forced; in some cases they were
taken seriously, in others there was
a conscious exaggeration that be-
came extremely monotonous.
The numerous admittedly high
points off the performance were
sprinkled over ponderous stretches
of bad melodrama. The villainous
cackles of Gideon Bloodgood, play-
ed by Mr. McDonald, occasionally
relieved the general ennui; they
served to add brilliance to an other-
wisq consistently good performance.
Mr. Mulroney as Badger was viva-
cious and original, his exaggerated
poses living up to the desired tenor
of the piece. Probably the smooth-
est performance was put on by ,the
hero, Mark Livingstone. Mr. Pribil
gave to his acting an element of
playfulness and fun most of the
others sadly lacked. He romped
through scene after scene, with
easy gesturing and lively spirit be-
lying the serious sentiment of his
Unfortunately his enthusiasm did
not infect the others. The chief
reason for their clumsiness was
probably the unpreparedness that
marked the whole play. Energy was
devoted to the routine of remem-
bering lines that were seemingly
unfamiliar. The self-consciousness
thus centered on speaking pieces
prevented any enjoyment the cast
might have had in the burlesque.
There were several noticeable lap-
ses of menory, especially in the last
scene, which as a result fell fiat
on an unsympathetic audience. We
would suggest for the ensuing per-
formances that Alida Bloodgood re-
frain from snapping her fingers
when she drops a cue.
Best received on the program
were the entr'acte songs. These
were done with spirit and verve,
as if the actors were confident of
\better success than attended the
progress of the play. Miss Johnson
and Mr. Pribil weret pleasantly ri-
diculous in the duet:.entitled, "Call
me Pet Names," which appropriat-
ed culminated in a ballet-like exit
by Mr. Pribil (the biggest laugh in
the show.) Miss Bradley was en-
tertaining in each of her two ap-
Honorable mention goes to the
scenery which drew the second big-
gest laughs of the evening. A paint-
ed street scene was decorated with
a carriage drawn by suspiciously
modernistic-looking horses in de-
lightful contrast to the rest of the
drop which smacked of the tigh-
teen'nineties. The interior of the

Bloodgood house has the same
modernistic touch in an even more
startling form. Here hideous nudes
in the realistic style gave the lie
direct to the dignifieddnewel-posts
upon which they stood.

Dine and Dance

Don't forget these two nites
1. Br o w n Jug Dance,"
Saturday nite.
2. Big Thanksgiving Dance.
Make Reservations Early
Phone 9228

Wednesday, Thursday, Fri-
day, Saturday, Sunday.

- j1 I 7'


. . . 75c

Dinners .... $1.00

Joe Parkers

The Michitgan League

Regular Prices.

Sunday Prices


Telephone 23251
Your Reservation

Now wehear that the Board of Trade has asked
for a ioo per cent tariff and is going to get it with-
in the next few days. Walter Runciman, president
of the British Board of Trade, has introduced the
bill calling for that rate in-the House of Commons
and from all indications the bill will go right on
through, and inside of a week, all manufactured
goods from abroad will have the high tariff on'
The tariff, we hear, however, is not a perm-
anent affair and is only meant to prevent dumping,
for the next six months. It certainly will prevent
this and it is altogether 'possible and probable that
England will find herself on the road back to re-
covery soon after the levy has gone into effect.
It is not exactly certain what the next step in'
,restoration of British credit will be. France and
other countries are asking to have the pound set
at a definite standard, mostly lower, so that they
may pay debts accordingly. The debtor nations
want a lower standard so that they might pay less
on their reparations and other debts. .
It is good that Great Britain has taken this step
although from the standpoint of the United States,
a tariff as high as that which will be in force can-
not last. It is encouraging, anyhow, to know thatI
some administrations fulfill their election promises.
PORTRAITS IN MINIATURE and other essays by
Lytton Strachey; Harcourt Brace and Co.; $2.50.
Review copy courtesy of Slater's Book Store.
A Review by Margaret O'Brien -
Any work from the pen of Lytton Strachey is sig-
nificant in contemporary literature, but "Portraits in
Miniature" is compellingly so, if only by virtue of
Mr. Strachey's unerring choice of subjects. Where
indeed, could one find a more delightful gallery than
one which includes Sir John Harrington, with his
scholarly interest in plumbing, the indefatigable Dr.
Colbach, the fascinating rake, Boswell, Macauley the
Philistine, and the colossal Carlyle?
Each of the portraits is a perfect miniature, exe-
cuted with all the consummate skill of a great artist.
The charm of Mr. Strachey's style is in its utter sim-
plicity, unspoiled .by any conformity with artificial
stylism. The richness of hzs vocabulary and the pun-
gent tang of his humor, which'is peculiarly his own,
are also noteworthy.
The most ambitious part of the volume contains,
the biographies of six emindnt biographers, and while'
the work is of evident value and interest, from the
point of view of pure entertainment, the short
sketches of French and English characters hold first
The author's power of insight and sympathetic'
tolerance pervades the whole,"and it is for this rea-
son that he obtains such remarkable clear impres-
sions of some decidedly unusual people. Startling in-


- ~a W


°-=°=-i= FLOWERS



609 East William Street

Phone 7014

. I.
The new General Electric portable arc-welding set


(From the Detroit Free Press.)
The warden of Sing Sing announces that he in-
tends to charge one dollar apiece for seats to see the
football game that is to be played on Sunday at the
prison between the convict team and policemen from
Port Jervis, N. Y. He says it will be worth a dollar
to see a game between convicts and policemen.
The warden evidently is trying to be funny, and
those who are thoughtless will laugh with him. But
we can see nothing humorous in the event about to
be pulled off at the Sing Sing prison grounds. Felons
are not sent to prisons either to play football or to
watch football games. They are confined because

Neither cast nor direction was
entirely at fault for the somewhat
patent flop. The audience entered
into the spirit of the entertainment
only half-heartedly; the tradition-
al hissing of the villain and ap-
plauding of the hero died almost
as soon as it was born. Their cold
reserve communicated itself to the
actors, who consequently felt the
foolishness and indignity of their
parts more acutely; and shied away
from giving free reign to the an-
B. W.
"Bone from Toe is Grafted in
Finger," - Headline from Denver
Post. What? Use good toe bones
when there are so many. heads
available?-Daily Kansan.
Yes, you can say I banged the



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