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November 05, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-05

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VOL. XLII. No. 34




Cooperation With Administration
Desired; Members Vote
Professors Not to Vote; Removal
to Be Effected by Either
President or Council.
By Frank Gilbreth
A move to secure administrative
co-operation with the S t u d e n t
Council was made last night when
the council drew up a resolution
as k i n g President' Alexander G.
Ruthven to assist in the selection
of two faculty men to attend each
council meeting in an advisory cap-
The faculty men would have no
vote on- any matter before the
council and could be removed eith-
er by President Ruthven or by' the
council at any time.
Unanimous Vote.
The council unanimously voted
for the resolution and a committee
consisting of Louis Columbo, '33,
}foward Gould, '32, and Edward J.
McCormick, '32, president, was ap-
pointpd to confer with President
Ruthven on the appointment of
the faculty men, if the resolution
was accepted.
McCormick stated that President
Ruthven was in favor of the move.
"Resolved: That the 'Student
Council go on record as petitioning
the president of the University to
select two members of the Univer-
sity faculty, subject to the approval
of the Student Council, who will sit
Iin an advisory capacity without
voting power at all meetings of the
Removal ,xpbaine4.-
"These men shall be removed at
any time at the request of. either
the President of the, University or
the Student Council."
At the council meeting it was de-
cided that the Senior Ball commit-
tee would be enlarged. David M.
Nichol, president of the senior class,
is to present a plan that will be
somewhat similar to the present
nian of the committee for the J-
The date for theq freshman smoker
was set for Nov. 10.
It was announced that there
would be no pep meeting before
the Indiana game but that some
sort of a rally would be held before
the Minnesota game.
A conmittee was appointed to
discuss the taxicab situation with
local comp'anies and try to come
to some agreement suitable to both
the student body and the compan-
State Dulletins
( Asociad Press)
November 4, 1931.
CLIFFORD - Mystery surround-
ing the death of Paul Hodges, 22,
shot while husking corn near here
'Tuesday, was cleared away Wed-
nesday when his brother, Kenneth,
20, confessed that he killed him
while hunting pheasants. Kenneth
said he fired when he heard a
rustling in the corn field, not know-
ing his brother was at work there.
MT. CLEMENS - The board of

supervisors has recommended that a
$200,000 bond issue be submitted to
a referendum to complete the $640,-
000 courthouse now under construc-
tion. With the building still unfin-
ished, only $19,000 remains in the
building fund.
BIG RAPIDS-The board of edu-
cation has reduced the salaries of
teachers fifty per cent for at least
six weeks due to a financial emer-
gency attributed to slow tax collec-
tion and closing of a bank there.
DETROIT-Sheriff Henry Behr-
endt suffered a brain concussion
today when his automobile, which
had stopped suddenly, was struck
from behind by another car.;
LUDINGTON -Joseph Zinsmeis-
ter, who lost his job in a Grand
Rapids factory, took his life Wed-
nesday, Coroner B. F. Elms said,
by carbon monoxide asphyxiation.

Beaten.in Detroit
Mayoralty Contest

Harold H. Emmons, candidate for
Mayor in Detroit's recent election,
who was, decisively defeated by
Mayor Frank Murphy, "The friend
of the people." Emmons poled 91,-
000 votes against 166,000 registered
for his oljponent.
Testimony of Defense Witnesses
Refused by Court, Say
Alleging ,that numerous irregu-
larities "prejudicial to the rights"
of the defendant were allowed in+
the trial of Katherine Keller, her
attorneys, W. D. Grommon and
Kenne'th Huggett, yesterday filed
a motion asking for a new trial.
Miss Keller is now serving. a four
to five year sentence in the Detroit.
House of Correction for implica-
tion in the August torch murders,
Grounds upon which the request
for a new trial is based include re-
fusal of the court to-,admit-the tes-
timony of Deputies George Fram
and Lewis Chamberlain of the
Wayne county sheriff's office, wit-
nesses for the defense; in permit-
ting Edward A. Bilitzke to question
the- defendant on testimony offered
before the grand jury; and in using.
the testimony of Fred Smith and
Frank Oliver, and at the same time
refusing to have them produced..
Band Plans Display
of New Maneuvers;
Will Parade Alone
Indiana's 150-piece band, one of
the pioneers in complicated maneu-
vers, will not play as planned for
the Michigan-Indiana game this
Saturday, because of lack of fin-
ancial support.
With the Hoosier band not tak-
ipg part, 'the whole interval be-
tween the halves will be taken up
with formatioijs by the Michigan
organization. Maneuvers, altogeth-
er new and varied, are being prac-
ticed this week and it is expected
that with the success of the Prince-
ton trip still a warm glow, the Wol-
verine band will present one of the
best exhibitions in its history.
Membership in the organization
for the remainder of the season
will remain at 101 pieces and fol-
lowing the football season, the
regular concert band will begin

Wheat Sells at 70 Cents, Highest
Since May; Corn, Oats Also
on Upward Trend.
Wall Street Estimates Increase
of $375,000 in Total Value
of Farmers' Holdings.
CHICAGO, Nov. 4.-(P)-A belat-
ed rush in the Chicago grain pits
sent prices skyrocketing today, add-
ing in a few minutes as much as
3 cents to the recent gains in the
price of foodstuffs.
The clamor of this spectacular
bull charge wastechoed in Wall
Street and on. other grain marts
throughout the world. For the first
time since last May a wheat future
sold in the Chicago pit for 70 cents.
July closed at 70@704c, the high-
est figure of the day.
The reaction of yesterday con-
tinued to ease the market today
and at one time all of the wheat
contractstwere a cent and more be-
low yesterday's final' quotations.
Then with only about 15 minutes
to -go, a flood of buying orders
poured in from all directions and
the trading became fast and fur-
As the final bell rang December
wheat was selling at 64%@641/2c,
March at 688@68%1c and May at
69%@69%c. The net gain for the
day was from 21/4 to 3 cents. Corn'
had given an even better account
of itself. Its gains were from 2%
to 31/8 cents; December closing at
44%@441/%c and May at 49@49%4c.
November Issue of Law Review,
Appearing Today, Questions
Commission Report.
A complete discussion of the
Wickersham report on law enforce-
ment is contained in fourteen ar-
ticles in the Michigan law review
which comes from the press today.
The articles, the majority of which
come from, Michigan professors,
contain analytical comment on the
methods used in gathering the ma-
terial of the report and observa-
tions on the findings reported.
Radical innovations in the lay-
out and typographical make up of
the review have been instituted
this year according to Ruth White,
who with Prof. Burke Shartel and
Egbert Ishell is in charge of edit-
ing the magazine this year.
Besidesgtheaarticles on the law
enforcement report, the issue con-
tains a large section written most-
ly by the student editors of the
review. This section contains com-
ments on current legal problems,
such as naturalization, compelling
witness duty from absent nationals,
tort of husband affecting wife's
property, or the taxation situation.
Michigan professors contributing
to the articles dealing with the
Wickersham report are Edson R.
Sunderland, Burke Shartel, John
Barker Waite, E. Blythe Stason,
and Arthur Evans Wood, of the so-
ciology department.

Garg Takes Old Man
GDepression for Rie
in November Issue
Depression is the keynote of the
November Gargoyle, w h i c h goes
on sale this morning at various
points on the campus. Jokes, car-
toons and articles depicting the
various ways in which the econo-
ic crisis has affected Michigan are
As well as the Depression ma-
terial, the issue, the second of the
year includes all the usual features,
including Carmpus Talk, Encomia,
Sports, and Drama. A full page
sketch of Ossip Gabrilowitsch by
Tom Powers is also to be found in
the issue.
"Log Rolling" an article describ-
ing the present state of politics is
one of the leading articles in which
revised Gargoyle's political chart
is included. All the players on the
Minnesota, Michigan and Indiana
football squads are also listed for
reference. "The Millenium in Rush-
ing," another bit of -satire, is being
More exchange jokes and cuts
than usual are scattered through-
out the magazine and a number of
poeItis are also to be found.
The Streets of New York' Will
Be First Presentation
of Club.
The opening effort of Comedy
Club for this season, will be direct-
ed by Robert Wetzel, of the Eng-
lish department, it was announced
yesterday by Robert MacDonald,
'32, business manager for the pro-
"The Streets of New York," by
Dion Boucicault, a melodrama de-
picting the oldb r room day fl
the last century, 11l be presented
by the club with all the songs and
dances that characterize the flow-
ery dramatic efforts of the period.
"The Dover R o a d," originally
chosen as the first Comedy club
play for this season will not be giv-
en, as announced in this week's
issue of Gargoyle.
Burlesque, in the sense of last
summer's camp-us rendering of
"Ten Nights in a Barroom" will not
be attempted in this current offer-
ing, Wetzel stated. The play will
be produced in the manner of the
-Boucicault's play will be given
with authentic costunes, like those
used in the original rendering of
the production, and the humor of
the situation will be derived not
so much from any burlesque of the
original play but rather from the
sentimentality and oratorical ex-
travagance characteristic of t he
period when the play was written.
Chichen Itza Project Director
to Tell of Archeological
Dr. Sylvanus C. Morley, director
of the Chichen Itza project will
lecture at 4:15 o'clock today in
Natural Science auditorium. He ex-

plained in an interview yesterday
the importance of Mayan civiliza-
tion and why such extensive in-
vestigation is being made into it.
Dr. Morley is an associate of the
Carnegie Institution of Washington
which is assuming the archaeolo-
gical investigation of the Mayan"
civilization in this Yucatan terri-
tory. The work has been going 'on
for eight years under a ten-year.
contract with the Mexican govern-
ment and will be continued for
ten more years.
"The Mayan Culture," Dr. Morley
explained, "offers the greatest lab-
oratory experiment in civilization
that can be found anywhere.
This race dwelled in Yucatan as
far back as 500 B. C.-2500 years
ago. The significant fact is that
Yucatan is an almost isolated area,
surrounded on three sides by water
and on the fourth by an unpene-
trable tropical growth. Thus, hav-
ing once entered here, the Mayas
were completely free from outside

Electing H e r m a n Everhardus
president by the largest majority
of any class election held in recent
years, State Street yesterday deliv-
ered a stinging efeat to their
Washtenaw rivals by carrying off
every office in the sophomore class,
clinching the all-campus rubber by
a landslide.
Everhardus, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
and meniber of the varsity football
squad, won over Robert McKenzie,
Lambda Chi Alpha, by 280 to 136,
a majority of 144 votes.
Isabel Bonicave, Mosher-Jordan,
defeated Elinor Allan, Alpha Chi
Omega, in the race for the vice-
presidency by 280 to 135 votes,
while Jeanne Voorhies, Kappa Al-
pha Theta and Betsy Barbour, poll-
ed 272 votes to win the secretary-
ship over J o s ep h i n e McCausey,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, who receiv-
ed 140.
Poles Largest Majority.
The largest majority of the day
was recorded when James Wine-
man, Zeta Beta Tau, defeated Irv-
ing Pearlstone, Pi Lambda Phi, by
the crushing vote to 286 to 129 to.
win the position of treasurer.
W a s h t e n a w campaigning was
held under the direction of Robert
Howard while .Gilbert E. (Peko)
Bursley led the forces for State
Street. -- -
Results for the elections of the
senior class of the School of Music,,
held yesterday, are as follows: pres-
ident, Romine Hamilton; vice-pres-
ident, Lucille Hoffman; secretary,,
Kathleen Murphy; treasurer, Eric
Little Will Run for President;
MacManus, Westover, Liskow
Other Nominees.
Albert Little was named yester-
day by a caucus of sophomore en-
gineering independents and frater-
nity men to run for class president
against the Non-Partisan ticket
nominated last week.
The meeting was held at the
Alpha Sigma Phi house, under the
chairmanship of V. C. Williams.
Candidates were selected according
to their prominence in activities,
as the best indication of their
worth, Williams stated after the
Richard MacManus was named
for vice-president, Lewis Westover
for secretary, and Richard Liskow
for treasurer. Fred Huntoon and
James Heywood were nominated
for the honor comitee and the en-
gineering council.

Washtenaw Party Takes Stinging
Defeat at Hands of
Bonicave, Voorhies, Wineman
Get Sweeping Victories
for Other Places.

Democrat Majority
in House to Provide
Hoover Difficulties
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-( P)-A
likelihood of Democratic domin-
ance in the House of Representa-
tives provided another complica-
tion in the none-too-smooth rela-
tionship between President Hoover
and Congress.
In past conflicts with Capitol
Hill, he relied on the top-heavy
Republican majority in the House
to offset antagonism from the Sen-
ate coalition of Democrats and
Republican independents.
Now, if the signs of yesterday's
elections come true, he will have
two hostile branches on his hands.
In the House especially will this
provide difficulties, for it is there
that all revenue and appropriation
legislation has to originate.
This does not mean that the
President will be thwarted at every
In view of the close division in
both branches, all major legislation
must have bi-partisan support. This
means much compromise.
The leaders of both parties would
be playing good politics to stand
together on proposals which ob-
viously nwould -help the economic
Poses as Communist for Seven
Years to Gain Information
on Conspiracy.

TORONTO, Nov. 4.-()-In the
scarlet - coat , of Royal Canadian
mounted policeman, Sergeant John
Leopold told from a witness stand
today how for seven years he lived
a dual life, posing as- a communist
and sitting in secret conferences
where plots to wreck the govern:.
ment were being hatched.
Looking directly at nine com-
munists, defendants on trial for
conspiracy, the stalwart young offi-
cer told how he had worked with
them, plotted with them, issued or-
ders to them, and taken advice
from them during those seven,
The sergeant related that he had
put aside his scarlet jacket, don-
ned the shabby clothing of a work-
man, and changed his name to E.
W. Esselwain when he enrolled un-
der the red flag of communism, af-
ter receiving orders to obtain evi-
dence against the party.
He soon was elected secretary of
the Regina branch of the commun-
ist party of Canada and in that
capacity was admitted to the inner
circles of officers who, he said.
were in constant communication
with Moscow.
Cleveland Abolishes
- City Manager Office
CLEVELAND, Nov. 4.-(AP)-Af-
ter using the city manager form
of government for the last eight
years, the City of Cleveland has
restored the old Federal system of
a mayor and council elected by
This city, the largest that ever,
used a city manager form of gov-
ernment, yesterday gave a 9,297-
vote majority to a charter amend-
ment abolishing the office of, city
manager and restoring the mayor
as the chief executive.

New Schedule Effecti
Beginning Next
Owners Cooperate -
First Time in
Agreeing on a standard rate
the first time in hirtory, the J
Arbor taxicab owners met fes1
day and drew up a schedule
prices to be effective beginn
next Friday.
This ends the brief taxi v
in which three companies redu
their charges to 25 cents a I
for five pasengers. The new'ra
represent a slight, increase u
those in force at the pegining
the present semester.
The new rates, applicable to ti
anywhere in the city, are:
35 cents for the first passenge
10 cents each additional pass
10 cents per stop, of three m
utes or less.
10 cents each aditional thr
minute wait.
"We feel that this schedule, wh
will be rigidly adhered to, .
afford owners a fair margin
p'rofit and will not be too high
students to pay," a represental
of the operators told The Daily I
"Every user of one of our ta
cabs may feel assured he will
charged no more than the ra
here listed," he said.
In defining a single trip the ov
ers made the following distincti
-Win Street Limit.
Main street is the line ot .akd
cation. If a student take&A cab
pick up a guest, and theyvproce
to a party, all without going wr
of Main, the charge will be 35 ce
for himself, 10 cents for the pa
enger picked up, and 10 cents
more for the stop,' depending u
the length of the wait--a minim
total of 55 cents.
On the other hand, if he has
cross Main street to get his gui
and then returns he will be char
as for two trips-35 cents the A1
trip, and 45 cents for himself a
passenger on return, no cha:
being made for the stop, of cou
-a total of 80 cents.
If student cab users are care
about this provision, and refuse
pay more than these prices to a
owner listed here, they can h
no legitimate complaint, operat
Council May Object.
-There still remains, however, -
possibility that all this plann
will come to nothing. The Comn
council will consider the amei
ment to the taxicab ordinanc
week from Monday, and the r
legal maximum may be lower t
the new schedule.
The change that will most pr
ably be made, if any is, will be
a rate of 35 cents for one pass
ger, 50 cents for two to five, E
10 cents for each additional c
In such a case the' agreement '
be made inoperative.
The companies signing are
United Cab Co., LaSalle Cab I
Buick Taxi Service, City Cab 4
Diamond Cab Co.,.Ma's Taxi, I1

Standard Cab, Arcade Cab 4
Yellow-Checker Cab Co., Red Ari
Cab, and two independents,
Dean and Edwin Wiegand.
Liberal Leader, With Only F
Votes Left, ResignsChair
After Party Split.
LONDON, Nov. 4. - (P) -Da
Lloyd George, outstanding men
of the Liberal party for more ti
25 years, resigned his chairmans
today and announced he would
accept any other party office.
He set forth his decision i.
letter to Sir Herbert Samuel wt
was made public just before
m pnn of the Lihael naoroMM

Waite Decries Third Degree Report:
Declares It Discovers Nothing New

English Elections Indicate History '1
Is Repeating Itself, Slosson States

Commenting on the discussion of
the third degree in the Wicker-
sham commission's report on law
enforcement and observance, Prof.
John B. Waite of the law school,
states that beyond the repetition of
already accepted beliefs, the report
really offers nothing. Professor
Waite's article, a critical review of
the report appears in the November
issue of the Michigan law review.
A local feature in the article was
brought out when Professor Waite,
in expanding a suggestion that
prompt interrogation of the accused
would result in more effective pro-
secution, pointed to the record of
Washtenaw county's prosecuting
attorney, who secured 305 pleas of
uilty out of 312 judgements in the
_-.. -.,-.n - A-. . e-r nn - , r

cited in the data covering a 10-year'
From this he figured that the
instances of third degree methods
amounted to only one-fifth of a
case per state a year. To show what
might have been done by the in-
vestigators of the commission, he
describes a project instituted by
the Social Science Research coun-
cil for investigating third degree
methods in Detroit.
The police authorities of both
Detroit and Cleveland agreed to
allow a competent observer to live
behind the scenes of the police
department for , period of months,
with an entree to all interviews and
police records. This observer would
draw his own conclusions. Accord-
ing to the writer the plan would
have been tried, except for the lack

History is apparently repeating
itself again in' the case of the re-
cent English elections, according tc
Prof. ;Preston W. Slosson of the
history department. "Ramsey Mc-
Donald is virtually in the same
position as that in which Lloyd
George found himself following the
elections in 1918.
"Lloyd George was a liberalist at
the head of a coalition government
which contained members from all
three parties, liberals, conserva-
tives, and labor members. He ap-
pealed for a national majority for
the coalition ministry and received
it so overwhelmingly that they out-
voted the rest of the house. The
result was the ousting of Lloyd
George and the election of one of
their own members.
-mennna hi ha . o rnna nm'etiea ,

Lion which arises at this time is:
What is going to happen to Lloyd
George? He belongs to a party :hav-
ing but five members, including
himself and his daughter; which
fact makes him practically a 'man
without a party'."
Professor Slosson has for years
followed the English elections and
its phases. Immediately following
the World War, he was for a year
assistant librarian of the American
Peace Commission in Paris.
Police, Firemen Plan
Contribution to Relief
Ann Arbor policemen and fire-
men are taking a hand in the
charity and unemployment relief
nrogram of the eitv. Thev have

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