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October 18, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-18

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PURDUE5 .21 14;
Yale Trims Staggmen,
27 to0, in First
Visit to West.
Northwestern, Illinois
Beat Weak Rivals
With Ease.
MADISON, Oct. 17. --(P)- Flash-
ing an offensethat dazed their op-
ponents in the first period, Wiscon-
sin scored three touchdowns in
rapid succession to defeat Purdue,
21 to 14, in a Dad's day game play-
ed before 35,000 here today.
The game was only five minutes
old when a surprising 80-yard
drive sent the Badgers across the
Purdue goal line for the first touch-
down. Eight minutes later cane the
second, due in part to a Purdue:
fumble which. Wisconsin recovered
on the Boilermaker's 25-yard line.
CHICAGO, Oct. 17. -(P)-Yale
marked its first invasion of a: mid-
western gridiron today by defeat-,
ing the University of Chicago, 27
to 0.
Yale completely outclassed Chi-
cago. Captain Albie Booth tossed
passes which accounted for two of:
Yale's four touchdowns, Taylor and
Barres carrying the ball over the

Opportunities Greater in American
Schools, German Zoologist Asserts

By Norman F. Kraft
"America offers far greater op-
portunities to the student than
So said Dr., R. Woltereck, profes-
sor of zoology at the University of
Leipzig, Germany, in an interview
last night. He explained that the
American schools were much bet-
ter equipped than those of Europe.
Particularly was this true in his
field of zoology, he said, as there
were many more biological stations
and many more lakes for the pur-
pose of marine type studies.
"The great reason for the lack
of facilities in the E u r o p e a n
schools," the scientist said, "is the
lack of funds. Less money is ap-
propriated by the state in Europe
for educational purposes. The
equipment in only a few European
schools such as the University of
Berlin can even compare with
those of the American universi-
Dr. Woltereck said that he par-
ticularly admired the buildings on
the University of Michigan cam-
pus. The architecture of the build-
ings on the new law quadrangle
he described as "'most wonderful."
The library collection, in the ex-
amination of which he said that he

spent most of the day, yesterday,
was one of the most complete he
had ever seen. Speaking of the
Natural Science building, Dr. Wol-
tereck laid stress on the large win-
He said that .when the present
financial crisis had passed he in-
tended to- build a new biology
building at Leipzig and he" stated
that he had drawn a plan of the
Natural Science building here to
use as a model for his new building,
Dr.,Woltereck divulged to the in-
terviewer that Doctors Welch, Ok-
kelberg and Schall of the zoology
department here were recognized
in Europe as three of the most em-
inent biologists in the world. He
stated that the University of Mich-
igan was most fortunate in that
all the professors of its zoology de-
partment were first-class scientists.
Dr. Welch, he explained, was in-
terested greatly in limology while
his time was chiefly devoted to re-
search in genetics.
Speaking on the economic situa-
tion in Germany, Dr. Woltereck
said that "we are in a bad condi-
tion and we are working hard. We
can only hope. "Hitler,'' Dr. Wolter-
eck described as a demagogue and
a "better journalist than a states-

Poll Will Be Held This Monday
in Auditorium of Natural
Science Building.
VOTING 4:15 TO 5:45
Nichol Heads Washtenaw Ballot;
Kline Is State Street's
Presidential Choice.
By Barton Kane
State Street and Washtenaw pol-
itical factions will clash for the
first time this year when the sen-
ior elections are held from 4:15 un-
til 5:45 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
in the Natural Science auditorium.
The Washtenaw slate, thrice vic-
torious in class
elections, will be
headed by David
Nichol as candi-
date f o r presi-
d e n t. Dorothy
Daniels for vice-
president, J o s e-
phine Timberlake
for secretary and
John Denler for
treasurer, c o m-y
plete the ticket.
On t h e State
Street t i c k e t,, Nichol
Charles T. Kline will be nominated
for president, Norma Brown for
vice-president, Elizabeth Robert-
Election Rules
Identification cards must be
presented by all seniors who
wish to vote in tomorrow's elec-
tion, it was announced yester-
day by .Edward. .McCormic k,
Studient Council. president. The
elections will be held from 4:15
until 5:45 o'clock in the Natural
Science auditorium.
There will be no campaigning
allowed inside the auditorium,
under penalty of action by the
disciplinary committee and the
Dea~n of Students. Announce-

Defensive Stalwart

Maynard "Doc" Morrison defen-
sive play robbed Ohio State of
additional yards from the line of
scrimmage. Four out of five times
it was Morrison who picked him-
self up from the bottom of the pile
after untangling his arms from the
runner's legs,
Bands Give Brilliant
Display at Contest
The Michigan and Ohio bands
gave a brilliant performance be-
tween the halves of the game
yesterday. Both bands formed
"OHIO" "M" AND "O' while the
125 piece Scarlet and Gray out-
fit even presented "MICHIGAN."
The other formation of the
M i c h i g a n organization was



DRAKE, 63 TO 0
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Oct. 17.-( P)
-Pent-up fury of Notre Dame's big
football army fell on the valiant but

replaced Booth,
rd touchdown. In
sof play, Bach-
took a pass from
bstitute, and made

Touchdown After 40-Yard Run outclassed',Bulldogs from Drake to-
by Buckeye End; Lindsey day and they were submerged by a
Performs Best. one-sided score of 63 to 0, the larg-
\ est scoring avalanche to victimize
COLUMBUS, ., Oct. 17.-P them since they started playing the
tw~tity-ad pass rom iTh~aCoi~lf4 Even the staunchest followers of
Fisher, the latter running 40 yards Notre Dame football fortunes, ac-
for a touchdown, gave the Ohio customed to seeing Drake throw up
State reserves the only touchdown a great defense each year, were
in 6 o vitoy oer heMici-somewhat awed by the rapidity of
in a 6 to 0 victory'over the Michi- the Irish touchdown combinations.
gan Junior Varsity here today. Fifty-seven players, two more than
Michigan reached Ohio's nine- five complete teams, were used in
yard line in the second period, but action but still the huskies from
an attempted placekick, by Bremen Little Drake couldn't stop the at-
went wide of the mark. Again in tack.



IOWA CITY, Oct. 17.-(P)-Stop-
ping a last quarter Iowa drive eight.
yards from the goal, Indiana gain-I
ed a 0 to 0 tie with the Hawkeyes
today before a homecoming crowd
of 18,000 persons. Neither team
showed a controlled offense.
Iowa had the ball in the scoring
zone several times during the game
only to lose it on downs. In the,
fourth period they advaiced to the
Indiana eight-yard line.
EVANSTON, Oct. 17---(AP)-It took
Ken Meenan, 190-pound sophomore'
halfback, to shake Northwestern
into stride today before the Wild-
cats could defeat the University of
California's southern branch elev-
en, 19 to 0.
Northwestern's attack was im-
mensely superior, netting 18 first
downs to two for the westerners,
but ragged play in the first period
and an effective Bruin forward pass
defense kept the Wildcats from
scoring until the second session.
CHAMPAIGN, Oct. 17.-(IP)-Illi-
nois subdued an unlucky but fight-
ing Bradley Tech football squad
here today, 20 to 0, before 30,000
A spectacular run by John Evans,
Dayton, O., for 47 yards and a
touchdown in the final quarter pro-
vided the biggest thrill of the day.
The other Illini touchdowns wer.e
scored by Gil Berry and Ed Snavely.
Herman Walser and Bob Horsley
contributed the extra points with
place kicks.

the final quarter Michigan had the
ball on the Buckeye three-yard line
but lost it on downs. The one lone
touchdown of the game occurred
just a few moments before the gun
ended the first half.
Frequent fumbles and penalties
marred a game entirely devoid of
sparkling play. The outstanding
performer of the Wolverine team
was Lindsey, quarterback, while
Fisher, right end, excelled in the
Buckeye lineup.

Ohio State

' LH


Tenessee Star Ends
Alabama's Title Hopes
KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 17.-
(P)-Gene Moever, Tennesee's wild
bull of the gridiron, stamped a de-
cisive finish a c r o s s Alabama's
southern conference football cham-
pionship hopes here today as he
engineered a great offensive for a
25 to 0 victory.
Cornell Crush Tigers"
With 33 to 0 Victory
ITHACA, N. Y., Oct. 17.-(R1)-
Gil Dobie's two galloping Italians,
Bart Viviano and John J. Serraro,
Collaborated today in leading Cor-
nell's Big Red team to a crushing
33 to 0 victory over the Princeton
Four Taken by Police
as Scalpers, Deadbeats
Police were active yesterday after-
noon in apprehending Jim Long, of
Toledo, on a charge of ticket scalp-
ing, and Jack Cooperman, Toledo,
Sidney Bloom, Detroit, and James
Jarvis, Toledo, on charges of gate
crashing. The usual number of per-
sons ,charged with being, drunk and
disorderly were reported.

Keller Sentence Awaits
End of Curtiss Autopsy
The sentence of Katherine Keller,
who was found guilty Friday as an
accessory after the fact in the torch
killing of two young couples last
August, will probably be held over
until the autopsy on the body of
Judge Darwin Z. Curtiss is complet-
ed, it was believed yesterday.

LUAIL VA otuUVAL". ryavua.
ments of postponement should
be disregarded.
son for secretary, and Beach Con-
ger, Jr., for treasurer.
All candidates have been active
in campus affairs during their
three years here. Denler, Trigon,
is a senior member of the Student
Council. K 1 i n e,
Theta Delta Chi,
is business man-
ager of The Daily,
M i c h ig am ua.
N i c h ol, Lambdaj
Chi Alpha, is
news editor of
The Daily, Com-
edy C1u b, and
was treasurer of
the c l a s s his
sophomore year.
Conger, Zeta Psi,
Kline is editorial direc-
tor of The Daily, secretary-treas-
urer of Mimes, and member of the
manager's M club. Miss Timber-
lake, Delta Gamma, is president of
the Pan-Hellenic Association. Miss
Brown is-from Mosher-Jordan, Miss
Daniels from Martha Cook, and
Miss Robertson from Helen New-
Eligibility slips will be required
of all candidates before the nomin-
ations begin, it was announced by
Edward J. McCormick, president of
the Council. These slips may be
obtained at the office of the Dean
of Students.. Identification cards
must be presented before ballots
will be given to voting students.
Edison Grows Weak;
Visitors to Be Barred
WEST ORANGE, N. J., Oct. 17.-
(I)-Thomas A. Edison, who lies
near death, was described at 9 p. m,
by Dr. Hubert S. Howe as being
"very much weaker."
About 15 minutes before the state-
ment was issued all entrances to
Glenmont, the Edison estate, were
closed by police. A spokesman for

Result of 3 Years Preparation
Rests on Decision of
Twelve Men.
CHICAGO, Oct. 11.-(P)-Al Ca-
pone was convicted tonight on five
counts alleging income tax evasion,
bearing with them a maximum pen-
alty of 17 years imprisonment and
$50,000 in fines. Defense motions to
delay judgment will be heard Tues-
day morning, at which time sen-
te ce may be passed. The jury re-
poried at 12:13 e.s.t.
CHICAGO, Oct. 17.-(AP)-Three
years investigation, months of in-
tensive preparation, volumes of
evidence and torrents of . oratory
simmered down today to a qgtestion
for 12 men to decide-is Al Capone
guilty of violating the income tax
Only a brief,summation of the
government's case by United States
District Attorney G e o r g e E. Q.
Johnson-the first court argument
he has made since taking office-
and the instructions of Federal
Judge James H. Wilkerson remain-
ed before the case became a mat-
ter for the jury to decide.


Michigan Position Ohio State
Hewitt .......LE......Nasman
Auer .....LT...........Bell
LaJeunesse . ... LG ........ Varner
Morrison ....... C ........Smith
Kowalik .......RG......Gailus
Samuels .......RT.. ...Haubrich
Williamson .... RE....... Gillman
Newman ...... QB ....... Cramer
J. Heston.....LH .Hinchman
Fay..........RH ......Holcomb
Hudson ........FB...Vuchinich
Michigan ..-..0 7 0 0- 7
Ohio State __..7 0 6 7-20
Touchdowns-Carroll 2, Willian-
son, Cramer. Point after touch-
down - Haubrich, G o 1 d s m i t h,
Peppe. Substitutions: Michigan-
Everhardus for Heston, Goldsmith
for Samuels, Tessmer for Newman,
Hoger for Kowalik, Cantrill for La-
Jeunesse, DeBaker for Everhardus,
Wistert for Goldsmith,; Newman for
Tessmer, Samuels for Wistert, Hes-
ton for Everhardus, Petoskey for

Ohio State B 6, Michigan B 0
Penn 32, Lehigh 0.
Navy 12, Delaware 7.
Harvard 14, Army 13.
Columbia 19, Dartmouth 6.
Alma 20, Hope 6.
Hillsdale 25, Kalamazoo 7.
Western State Normal 27, Notre
Dame C 6.
Ferris Institute 19, Albion 6.
Georgia 32, North Carolina 7.
Colgate 33, Manhattan 0.

Daily Cardinal Poll Indicates
Divided Opinion on Choice
of Michigan, Iowa.
Student sentiment at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin seems divided be-
tween Iowa and Michigan for their
choice of the team to battle the
Badgers in a post-season game, as
shown by a poll held by the official
publication, The Daily Cardinal.

the figures printed in the Daily
Cardinal now leads the Wolverines
by a vote of X79 to 354. Northwest-
ern is a bad third with 287, while
not a vote has been cast in Indi-
ana's favor.
Reasons for these results seem
explainable in a paragraph reading
"The power shown by the Wildcats
and the weak showing of the Bad-
gers up to present, makes a tilt be-
t w e e n the two inadvisable. In
sharp contrast, Iowa, a bitter riv-

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