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October 10, 1931 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-10

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r.. H ... MICHsIaGVA N A.4ILYi i-)



f re Crowd Attends Morrow Funeral Rites




in the
nt until

Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.


No. 12

1cot-ce: Beginning with the Chicago game on October 10, Student
kets will be honored at Stadium gates only when presented by stu-
its with University Identification Cards.
Board in Control of Athletics.
I, niec Presidents: Please return the house personnel slips at once to
cffiico of the Dean of Women.
RIq red Hygiene Lectures for Women: Hygiene lectures for fresh-
n women which began on Monday, October 5, will continue until a
Les of seven lectures have been given. These lectures will be held
h MDInday at 4:15 p. m., in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall on the second
r of Barbour Gymnasium.
Hygiene lectures for upperclass women which began on Tuesday,
ober 6, will continue until a series of seven lectures have been given.
ese lectures will be held each Tuesday at 4:15p nipn.,in Sarah Caswell
Bell flail on the second floor of Barbour _Gymnasium.
If a transferring student has had a course in Personal or General
giene which has been accepted and credited by this University she
be exempt from the'Hygiene requirement here. To secure exemp-
1, she must secure a slip from the office of the Dean of her College
wing the credit received for the hygiene course. Such slips are to
presented to Mrs. Daum in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium, who will
omatically exempt her from required hygiene course.
Those who have taken courses in other institutions but have no
lit will have to report for the first hygiene lecture and will also take
examination to be given on October 10. If they pass this examin
n, they are then exempt from the remainder of the hygiene lectures.
If by any chance a freshman believes herself to be in a position to
s the upperclass exemption examination, she may apply to Miss Mc-
mnick in the Dean of Women's office, Barbour Gymnasium, for this
Women Students Attending the Illinois-Michigan Football Game:
nen students wishing to attend the Illinois- Michigan football game
required to register in the office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents must be received in the Dean's
e not later than Thursday, October 22. If a student wishes to go
rwise than by train, special permission for such mode of travel must
ncluded in the parent's letter.
A chaperon fee of $1.25 is required of students going by train. This
is payable upon registration for the trip.
Graduate women are invited to register in the office also.
Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant Dean of Women.

10 Per Cent Pay Cut Responsibe
for Walkout in New England
Factories and Ports.
BOSTON, Oct. 9.-(P)-More than
25,000 jobs went begging in Massa-
chusetts today as workers, incensed
by announced reductions in wages
or by unsatisfactory working con-
ditions, walked the streets on
The strike movement, having its
center in the textile city of Law-
rence,.where approximately 22,000
men and women left their looms
and benches rather than accept a
10 per cent reduction of wages, to-
day had spread to other centers.
In Boston approximately 3,000
longshoremen were refusing to
handle cargo on the costal and
foreign vessels plying in and out
of this port although the crux of
their quarrel with the ship own-
ers was not entirely a matter of
wages but centered with greater
gravity on a working condition.
In the textile city of Lowell, a
geographical neighbor of Lawrence,
, strike talk had brewed several days
I and was transformed into action
Thursday when more than 300 em-
ployes left one of the mills. An
announced 10 per cent wage cut
there, also, was the motivating ele-
in a hosiery manufacturing plant in
]orthampton, objecting to wage re-
ductions, succeeded in forcing the
closing of the plant. There was no
indication of an early settlement of
the differences today.
The city of Lawrence, with its
principal industry practically idle
is in the, worse predicament
Thursday strikers' pickets succeed
ed in drawing away sufficient work.
ers to cripple the last of the larg
American Woolen Co. plants t-
operate. In addition, the Pacific
mills and Arlington mills. employ-
ing large numbers, were silenced.
(Continued From Page #)
tion will answer correctly as many
questions regarding historical-char-
acters given by an audience as my-
self. This challenge is due to the
fact that I have, by dilligent ap-
plication, memorized 10,000 dates
concerning the lives of 5,000 char-
acters in history.
"I have been engaged on numer-
ous occasions in broadcasting over
WGN, Chicago Tribune station.
WHMJ, Milwaukee Journal station
and for the past season over WELL
Battle Sreek News-Enquirer sta-
tion. I shall be pleased to give
other demonstrations before th
students of the University on othei
occasions for the sake of renewing
my acquaintance with the studeni
"One month of each year for 2.
years from 1896 to 1920 I averagec'
eight hours daily study in the Uni-
versity library. I am back in Anr
Arbor for the purpose of adding
new names and dates to my pres
ent list.
"Rail Road Jack:"


Assuctuted Press Photo
The above picture shows a portion of the huge crowd gathered at
the doors of the First Presbyterian church in Englewood, N. J., to honor'
the memory of Senator Dwight W. Morrow of New Jersey. Thousands
attended the simple funeral.

who took M.E. 2 or M.E. 2a from Professor Mickle last
7get their final examination papers at his office before

Department Head Active in All on the University faculty. Yet they
Branches of Profession; insist on doing research work with
Modesty Praised. their own hands."
. es PrseProfessor Gomberg, born in Rus-
Charming in personality, blessed sia, matriculated as a freshman at
the University in 1886. Prof. White,
with a vast intellect, modest to an in an article published in the Jan-
extreme degree, and a prodigious uary, 1931 issue of Industrial and
worker-that is Dr. Moses Gom-' Engineering Chemistry, relates the
berg, professor of organic chemis- following significanct anecdote.
tryandhea ofhi deartentatYoung Gomberg, a fresnman, ap-
tryand head of his department at proached a physics professor in re-
the University. gard to a course in physics, and
Few students except those under was told that a course in trigono-
his immediate tutelage are aware metry was a prerequisite. Gomberg,
of his presence, yet he has been, who had not studied trigonometry,
n nearly fifty years at the Univer- arranged for a special examination
Yity, one of the strongest influences three days later, passed it, and
.or promoting research on the commenced the study of physics.
'ampus. He has been on the faculty at
He established a world-wide rep- the University since 1890, rising to
tation for himself many years ago the rank of professor in 1904. Dur-
'y the discovery of the anomalous ing the war he joined those chem-
valence of carbon. Previous, text- ists who were working on gas war-
'oi-; had invariably stated that fare, and perfected the sythesis of
'ar1bcn always had a valence of two mustard gas.
3r four; Professor Gomberg startl- His modesty is overwhelming.
A science by proving that it was!During the recent Ann Arbor reg-
rivalent under certain conditions ional meeting of the .American
Phis fact had been suppo:ed im. Chemical society he read a paper
possible' in which he frequently referred to
Hle has never headed any grand Ihis own work, but never as such:
'cale' movements in the chemical thus it was impossible for any ex-
>r administrative field; yet his in- cept those famiiar with Gomberg
luenceis ever-present. He has al- achievement to realize that it was
ways taught. His classwork this se- from his own experimentation-that
mester includes three lectures a he drew his information.
veek on organic chemistry, as well-
zs the personal supervision of a Murray Lifts Ban on
croup of graduate students work- -klahoma Oil Fields
ing on a dissertation. He carries _____d
he administrative duties of the OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 9-(P)-
iead of the chemistry department, A pall of uncertainty over oil in-
:id also the work of president of dustry of Oklahoma lifted today
.he American Chemical society. with an announcement of Gov.
Yet he has never ceased to do William H. Murray that he would
personal research. "At his age and open the fiush fields of the state
position," says Prof. A. H. White of this. morning.
he department of chemical engi- Shut in since Aug. 5 under
neering, a close friend to Prof. military rule, the Oklahoma City
Gomberg, "the majority of men and Greater Seminole districts will
°onfine their research activities to be allowed to produce under pro-
,upervision of research. But Gom- ration orders, although the military
berg, Novy, and Huber are three supervision will continue.
members of the same school; they Murray's announcement of the
,raduated from Michigan, were in opening last night upon the
,chool at the same time, and all heels of his threat to open '"1ill
are now occupying high positions Murray filling stations" which

BALTIMORE, Oct. 9.-(P)-Two
prohibition agents were so badly
injured they were sent to a hospi-
tal and two others less seriously
hurt in a near-riot during a raid
on a saloon here early today.
The disturbance was quelled by
police called by one of the agents
who escaped. Three men were ar-
The fight started when the four
agents entered the salooii without
a warrant and advanced to the bar
to seize evidence. They were at-
tacked by 50 patrons wielding beer
bottles. After Agent Ival Hatton
had been floored by a bottle, the
other agents drew pistols and some
of the patrons followed suit. No
I shots were fired.
All Freshmen Required to Take
One Year of Physical
Required ,physical education for
all freshmen in the literary, engi-
neering, architectural and phar-
macy colleges and the School of
Music begins Monday, October 12.
Class groups are held on Monday
and Friday, and Tuesday and
Thursday at 3:15, 4:15, and 5:15
o'clock. All freshmen should have
classified and obtained lockers in
Waterman gymnasium by Monday.
Class activities this year embrace
wrestling, boxing, apparatus exer-,
cise% tumbling, basketball, track
and field events, and relays.
For selection for athletic squads
in which are numbered football,;
"ross country, wrestling, boxing,
fencing, gym, and swimming, it is
h that the applicant have,
had experience in the sport chosen.
After Spring recess all groups
are reclassified to give every stu-
dent an opportunity for practice
in the sport that he likes best. In
addition to'the sports taken up in
class there are several others from
which the student may choose.
Among them are golf, tennis, base-
ball, swimming, softball, fencing,
and handball or squash tennis.


Weakened by Injuries'
Ineligibilities; Wo _vs
Favored to Win.

(Continued From Page il
two more brilliant sophomore ball
carriers will be stationed at the
halfback posts, with the steady
Solly Hudson in the fullback pO;i_
With the exception of Douglzs3
the regular Michigan l ne is expec-
ted to start. Ivan Williamson an 1
Bill Hewitt are the choices to open
the game at the end position:, with
Tom Samuels and TIward Aier
slated to start at the two tackl,
nosts, Omar LaJeunesse will again
fill in at the other guard, while Doc
Morrison is a sure starter at cen-
- Chicago has had two weeks to
prepare for the Wolverines since
dividing a double header with Cor-
nell College and Hillsdale in their
season's opener, and during. that
time it had been rumored that
Stagg has loaded the team with
plenty of new trick plays to throw
against Michigan today. With a
lighter and m o r e inexperienced
team than that of the Wolverines,
it is extremely likely that Sto7
will open up with everything iie
has early in the game in an effort
to catch the Michigan team before
it has a chance to get settled.
In catching the Wolverine de-
fense off its feet early in today's
batt1e lies Chicago's only real
c h a n c e of winning. Whichever
quartet Stagg chooses out of a list
'ncluding Pete Zimmer, Joe Tem-
ole, Don Birney, Bob Wallace, Al
Summers, Berny Johnson, Gene
Buzzell, and George Mahoney, can
hardly be expected to be the equal
of Michigan's backfield, with its
wealth of reserve talent. Conse-
quently the first quarter of today's
game is expected to~ bring~ forth
some of the most deceptive plays
that will be seen in the stadium
all season. In the meantime. Coach
Kipke, knowing little of what to
expect, has given the Wolverines
enough new scoring plays to give
he Chicago defense something to
1cok forward to.

r' 23.

'ryou's for Comedy Club: Correction of an error that appeared in
y's D.O. B. Transfers of above Freshman' standing are eligible to
t and second semester Freshmen also. First semester Freshmen are
[igible to tryout for Comedy Club.
In ax ibition of Contemporary American ,Painting assembled by the
ge Art Association is on view in the West Gallery, Alumni Memorial
Open week days from 9 to 5; Sundays from 1:30 to 5. Exhibit
Sund-ay, October 11.
ational Association of Cost Accountants, Detroit Chapter, meet in
316, of the Michigan Unoion, at 8 p. m. Address by Mr. George
gbee, Business Manager of University Hospital, "Hospital Cost Ac-
ing." Discussion to be led by Dr. Stewart Hamilton, Director of
er Hospital, Detroit. Dinner, $1.50, Union Ballroom, 6 p. m. Reserva-
should be made with H. F. Taggart, University phone 496. All inter-
persons welcome.
andidates for the Master's Degree in English: Candidates who have
eard the lectures on Bibliography offered by the Department are
ed to attend'the series beginning today, at 9:00 a. m., in 2225 A. H.
Warner G. Rice.
equired Hygiene Exemption Examination-Women: All students
lave had a course in Hygiene at another institution but who have
1ceived credit will report for an examiina ion at 10 o'clock in Natural
ce auditorium.
he "Upper Room" Bible Class meets in the "Upper Room" at Lane
t 7 p. m. All University men are cordially invited.'
eology II and 31: The makeup final examination will be given on
y, October 16, at 2:00 in room 3055 N. S.
E. 27: I will not meet my class in C. E. 27 on Monday, Oct. 12.
, E. 55: I will not meet my class in C. E. 55 on Monday, Oct. 12.
John S. Worley.
11 Campus Forum: Col. Raymond C. Robins, colonel of U. S. Red
in Russia in 1917-18, will speak "In defense of Prohibition" at 4:15,
ay, in Natural Science Auditorium.
ealp and Blade: Meeting Sunday at Union, at 2:30 p. m.
i Lambda Theta meeting on Tuesday, October 13, at 4:15, at the
gan League.
hie Philippine-Michigan Club: The election of officers for the cur-
chool year will be held Sunday, October 11, at 3 p. m., in Lane hall.
embers are requested to attend.
udent Volunteers: All students interested in the modern foreign
nary enterprise are cordially invited to meet in Harris Hall at
. m., Sunday.
t. Andrew's Church Services: 8:00 a. m., 9:30 a. m., 11:00 a. m.
her this Sunday is the Rev. Henry Lewis.
arris Hall:'Breakfast 8:45 a. m., 9:30 a. m., class in "The Christian

and andbll o sqash enni. lok frwar to




Philosophy of Life" held by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 6:00 p. im., supper.
Speaker for the evening is the Rev. Duncan E. Mann.
Wesley Hall: At 12 o'clock noon Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Director of
Wesley Foundation, leads a discussion upon "The Religion of Jesus."
Freshmen will be addressed by Miss Ellen Moore and the Graduate
Forum by Tom Pryor, '20.
The Guild hour, 6 p. m., will introduce Prof. Bennett Weaver, English
Literature, upon "Personalities About Us."
Required Freshman Physical Education: All required freshman activ-
ities begin Monday, October 12. Class groups are held on Monday and
Friday, and Tuesday and Thursday at 3:15, 4:15, and 5:15 o'clock. Al]
freshmen should classify and secure lockers in Waterman gymnasium

Would sell state-refined gasoline
made from $1 a barrel crude, if
sucha step proved 'necessary to
bring them the $1 top price he had
demanded for reopening.
What effect opening of the
fields would have on his proposed
,filling station program could not
be learned as the governor declined
to expand upon his announcement
at the time. The current top price
is 70 cents a barrel.
Mrs. Frank Kravits, of New Hav-
en, Conn., conducts a business of
renting bridal gowns at from $5 to
$12 a day with orange blossoms and

Tasty Toasted Sandwiches
Fountain Service
Sodas, Sundaes, Lunches
Very Reasonable Prices
Free tube of tooth paste
on any Colgate or Palm
Olive item for 50c or over.


The Michigan Union
will serve the following menu to members and their guests
on Sunday, October 11 from 1:00 to 2:30 P. M. in Lhe
Main Dining Room at $1.50 per person. Table reserva-
tions may be made by Telephoning 4151.



to be thinking of
Every Coat we sell is
Individually Tailored
for the wearer.
This assures you a perfect it
and styling such as you
Priced very reasonable
T weDollars
and up
South State Street at William Street
Ask to see our White Oxford Shirts

Melon Cocktail, Supreme
Bluepoint Oysters on Half Shell
Consomme aux Trois Racine
Cream of Tomato Soup

Branch Celery

Mixed Olives

Sweet Pickles

Roast Domestic Duckling, Oyster Dressing, Apple Sauce
Grilled Porter House Steak, Rvsette Potatoes, Sauce Bordelaise
Fried Spring Chicken a la Maryland

New and Second-Hand

Pineapple Fritter, Sauce Sabayon



Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes, Cider Glace

Fresh Brocolli, Hollandaise
Baked Pepper Squash

Frozen Punch

For all Departments at

I Hawaiian Salad, Sweet Dressing


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