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October 10, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-10

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Bell and Banqt,

Josephine Timberlake, Emily
Bates, Jean ent 1y
Pick Committees.


Women Appreciate Study at women, and was named in honor
League for Use During and of Jessie Horton Koessler, a prom-
inent alumna from Chicago.
A f ter School :Fours.In appreciation of the work done
by Mrs. W. D. Henderson in behalf
By Margaret O'Brien, ' of the campaign for funds, the un-
"The Lea eciaryd ra ms e n nedergraduate women presented 1000
ofthe Lmost ap i "ated Arooms in volumes to her for the library, in
the League building," stated Alice memory of her daughter, Margaret
C. Lloyd, dean of women, in a re- Henderson Richardson, '18.
cent interview. "The women have Since the pesentation of these
built up around it an atmosphere volumes, in the spring of 1929,
of quiet and dignity which has many other contributions have
made it a haven for those who been received, of books which have
want uninterrupted reading in been donated, and of intest on
comforatble surroundings."tendowment funds set aside for this
"It is hoped," she continued,; purpose. At present, the library
"that the studehts who are new on conta s an prend vluble
campus this year will learn to use editions of books, and is well sup-
it and appreciate it, and will con- plied with standard texts of sev-
"inaluto build.around it a worthy pea wicouss.

Ball to Be Held Thanksgiving'
Vacation, A Date Which
Is Traditional'.
Selection of committee chairmen
for the annual Pan-Hellenic ball
and banquet was made yesterday
by the general chairmen, Jean
Bentley, '33, and Emily Bates, '32,
who were assisted by Josephine
Timberlake, '32, president of the
organization. .
Members of the central commit-
tee for the banquet include, in ad-
dition to Miss Bates: Beatrice Ehr-
lich, '32, treasurer; Josephine Mc-
Causey, '34, chairmen of tickets;
Evelyn Neilson, '33, chairman of
music and program; Dorothy Nor-
ris, '33, chairman of menu; and
Elizabeth Gribble, '33, chairman of
Other Chairmen Named
Chairmen for the ball, in addition
to Miss Bentley, include: Mary
Barnett, '33, treasurer; Eleanor
Robson, '32 Adele Ewing, '33,
chairman of decorations, June
Slote, '33, chairman of chaperones;
Marjorie Ellsworth, '32; chairman
of the floor committee; Vinselle
Bartlett, 33, chairman of tickets;
Agnes Graham, '32, chairman of
publicity; Margaret Schermack,
'33, chairman of music, and Leon-
ore Snyder, '33, chairman of pro-
The banquet will be held on the
traditional date, the last Monday
in October, which falls .this year
on Oct. 26. All sorority houses on
campus will be present at the af-
fair, at which both actives and
pledgesv4-ilb& represented.. Aliee
C. Lloyd, deanof women, and other
faculty, members are also invited
to attend, and the program usual-
ly features an outside speaker.
Ball is Nov. 27
The ball will be held Friday, Nov.
27, a date which is also traditional,
as it comes during the Thanksgiv-
ing vacation. The ball is the out-
standing social event sponsored by
Michigan women, and is one of the
most important events of the pre-
Christmas season..
A meeting of the committee for
the banquet has been called for 4
o'clock -ext Tuesday, while a meet-
ing of the ball committee will be
announced at a latter date.
Intramural Managers
Hold Hockey Meeting
Twenty-one houses were repre-
sented at the athletic manager's
meeting held at 4 o'clock Thursday
afternoon in Barbour Gymnasium.
Time and day preferences were
handed in along with the names
of entrants for the various contests
and games. Miss Hilda Burr, hoc-
key coach, spoke to the managers
on various points of hockey.
After a vote was taken the man-.
agers decided to have 10 or 15 min-
utes of coaching before playing.
The coaching will continue only
during the round robin.
Women Voters to Meet
Wednesday in Detroit
A meeting of Municipal Affairs
Committee of the Wayne County
League of Women Voters will be
held at 11 a. m., Wednesday on the
fourth floor of the Women's City
Club in Detroit.
The committee is the reorgize
junior division of the league, and
will concentrate this winter on a
study program outlined by Miss
Florence Harrison of New York, na-
tional executive chairman. Mrs.
Douglas G. Anderson is chairman
of the new committee.

Mrs. Cyrus Newcomb to Appear
on Program Sponsored by
Lambda chapter of Zeta Phi Eta,
national professional speech and
art sorority, will issue invitations
for tryouts to be held Tuesday, Oc-
tober 13, and Friday, October 16.
The local organization is sponsor-
ing a program to be given in the
near future, by Mrs. Cyrus New-
comb who is prominent in drama-
tic circles in New York and Detroit.
She appears under the stage name
of Violette Vincent.
Professor John H. Muyskens, as-
sistant professor of phonetics, was.
judge of a poetry contest which
was part of the National Zeta Phi
Eta Convention which was held in
Palo Alto, California, this summer.
Mrs. John F. Tennant, the for-
mer Mary Kent-Miller, who 'grad-
uated from the University of Mich-
igan in 1927 is affiliated with this
chapter. She is also the non-fac-
ulty sponsor in the national organ-
ization, and assistant editor of
"Cameo," the Zeta Phi Eta publi-
Zeta Phi Eta is the oldest organ-
ization of its kind in the United
States and has 23 chapters, the lo-
cal chapter being established . ins
1929. This chapter was formerly
known as Portia Society.

Paris Says Bustles' for Evening certainly repeating itself and nowa-
as History Repeats Itself days dressing up in grandmother's
W n's Clothe clothes might help to solve the
inWomens es. problem of that dress for the party;
Chanel has introduced the bustle
By F. J. M. '34. into modern society but with modi-
Women of the Second Empire fications of course. One of her
Period might have been quite flat- models in black-satin featuring a
tered if they had known that in very tight bodice hooking up the
the course of a few generations they back and a bustle attracted much
would again be attracting the at- comment and admiration in fashion
tention of the Parisian Fashion circles.
masters. Madame Wormser has affected ark
Tie history of women's dress is atmosphere of the court of Napo-
leon III by her color combinations.
n n Rn nT ifln fnfnfnhlr111A formal model from her salon

"To that end it must be much
used, but never abused. The library
must be kept intact and the room
used for serious reading, never for
lounging or conversation," she con-
The library, which is situated on
the third floor of the League build-
ing, was presented to the League
by the Chicago group of Michigan
Women not enrolled in tennis
or archery classes who plan to
enter either tournament must
sign lp today at the Palmer
Field house.
Mrs. Hollister Announces That
Only Rentals Will Be Made
This Season.
This year the committee in
charge of the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre has affected a change of
policy according to Mrs. Grace B.
Hollister, chairman manager of
the Women's League.
"Instead of making bookings as
has been our plan in previous years
we are making only rentals. How-
ever there are rumors of some pro-
grams which will be equally as in-
teresting as any that we have had
since the opening bf the theatre,"
stated Mrs. Hollister. "The only
difference will be that they will be
brought here by campus organiza-
tions instead of by the theatre it-
"The Play Production Depart-
ment,,.=Comedy Club will as usual
use the hall for their public per-
formances, and the Junior Girls
Play will of course will be given
"Sunday afternoon Faculty Con-
certs and the Chamber Music pro-
grams will also continue to be giv-
en in the theatre" she concluded.
Legal Sorority Holds
Pledging for Women
Xi chapter of Kappa Beta Pi, in-
ternational legal sorority, announ-
ces the pledging of the following
women; Miss Dora Marie Polk, '34,
Ann Arbor, Michigan; Miss Jean
Leslie Perrin, '34, Berwyn, Illinois;
Mrs. May Blanche Groefsema, '34,
Detroit, Michigan; and Miss Lil-
lian klovinsky, '33, Pontiac, Michi-
The pledge service was held in
the League Building, and was fol-
lowed by a dinner in honor of the
pledges at the Lantern Shop.
tuarante Savir s of
I 4 lioly6.ad w the oatlk ill bey co
r tia c Tg hUSexT AA

mediately delivrred to You - ba-1
Never will FUR COATS be ofered
at such a low price-Never will
tie, and Quality be better -
only $50
and tell us when you want your

Dean of Women's Staff Explains
Work of Chaperones;
Tea Follows.
Chaperones from dormitories and
sororities and league house heads
were entertained by the staff of the
dean of women's office at an infor-
mal meeting followed by a tea at
3:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
in the Grand Rapids room at the
This meeting is held annually in
order to acquaint the new chaper-
ones with the work of the dean of
women's office, and to show them
how they can best cooperate in the
interests of the women students.
Various members of the staff ex-
plained their work. Miss Jeanette
Perry discussed university loans
and student funds, and Mrs. Byrl
F. Bacher announced the rules
governing university women's at-
tending out of town games. Chap-
erones were asked to be even more
careful this year about being cer-
tain that the women had letters of
consent from home as the dean of
women wishes the responsibility for
the trip to rest with the parents.

Two Auditions Necessary Before
Candidates Can Become
Members of Club.
Tryouts for Comedy Club, dram-
atic society, will be held next Tues-
day and Thursday. All women on
campus are eligible except fresh-
men, and transfers unless the lat-
ter obtain special permission from
the Dean of Women's office.
Time and place of the tryouts
will be announced in The Daily
next Tuesday. Altholgh not abso-
lutly compulsory, it is advisable for
tryouts to come on Tuesday, and
if invited back, return on Thurs-
day for their second tryout. The
constitution of the club state' that
two tryouts are necessary efore
a candidate can become a m mber.
Members of the club have been
discussing plans for a play to be
given sometie this fall. It will be
directed by Robert Wetzel, instruc-
tor in the English department.
There are always a few fine roles
open to women, and those who do
not take part in the plays usher at
the performances.
Comedy Club was decidedly ac-
tive last year. Two of the most
outstanding presentations were a
French farce, "Pierre Patelin," and
"Strait Jacket" which was written
by Prof. J. L. Brumm head of the.
journalism school.

which aroused much interest wasj
styled in simple lines of red and
purple brocaded with silver.
A gown by Poiret featured long3
tight sleeves which came well over
the hand for evening. The neckline
was decidedly low and the skirt
trailed slightly in back.
Street and sport clothes too re-
flect this prevailing mode in wom-
en's dress but on much shorter lines.
All the vivid coloring of Eugenie's
days are used with many interest-
ing effects. Even the dark colors
are being brightened up consider-
ably. Spanish tile and brilliant
green are leading in most places
where women know the art of chic,
and they are cleverly combined
with smart black and smart brown.
With the styles as they are sur-
rounding women with glamour the
thing to remember is that the man-
ner must suit the dress. The effi-
cient stride which women have
acquired during the days of knee
length skirts and masculine man-
nerisms is entirely out of place, and
the days of bouncing into chairs are
over. If we are going ot dress like
an empress we must behave like
Women of California
Lead World in Style
California women are the best
dressed in the world is the conclu-
sion of Mrs. Willa R. Randall, Uni-
versity of California expert in cos-
tume design.
Recently returned from a trip to
Paris, Mrs. Randall believes that
many dress modes in the French.
capital are "too extreme.'

Organization Works to Relic
Unemployment Situation
Among Women.
Keen interest in the various
activities of the Y. W. C. A.
heen aroused by their many .
organizations and their intenw
activity for the benefit of Ann
bor women in this time of depr
Included in the roster of org
izations are the High School C
of Girl Reserves and the Blue7
angle League, which is a sup
and culture club, meeting ev
Tuesday for the benefit of busir
The Camp Fire Girls meet ev
Wednesday evening from seven
til nine at the Y. W. C. A. bu
ing. Miss Helen Lussenden wht
on the faculty at Ypsilanti Nor
School, will deliver a talk upon
subject of club leadership at
next meeting 'of the club. Any
interested in this subject is col
ally invited to attend this meet
The Y. W. C. A. has found
men's unemployment a most
ficult problem. Many women
have never before been forcec
seek employment are now lool
for positions due to the widespr
reduction of wages tind thae uni
ployment of so many men.
Y. W. C. A., is striving to
work for these women. During
month of September openings v
found for one hundred wor
about half of these being perm-
ent positions. Nevertheless t]
are many women who are
seeking work and the Y. W. C
urges readers of the Daily to
form them if there are any ;
*tions open.
Woman Carries Firearms
Mrs. Gifford Pinchot, wife of
governor of Pennsylvania, has
distinction of being the first
son to whom, under a new law
effective in the state, a licens
carry firearms has been issued,


We wish to add the following
names to the list of pledges
which was published ,Tuesday
Sigma Kappa: Miss Helen
Buist, '33, Grand Rapids; Miss
Elizabeth Gray, '33, Jackson.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Miss Helen
Groessner, '35, Bu ff a lo, New
York; Miss Helen Rosenberg, '35,


-- t

For All




Football Dinner

Representatives a n d Officers
Chosen at Alumnae House,.
Dormitories on campus have be-
'gun choosing their house govern-
mei organization members for the
school year. The residents of Alum-
nae House elected their house of-
ficers this week.
The election resulted as follows:
LeaheReisbig, '32, president; Vivian
McCarty, '32, vice-president; Mar-
garet Neuhaus, '35, secretary, and
Faye Nichael, '35, treasurer.
One representative from each
class was chosen to repres;At the
members of her class upon the
House Board. Ernestine Dickinson,
'32Ed, was elected senior member;
Helen Askren, '33, junior member;
Margaret Moffat, '34, sophomore
member, and Reta Morden, '35,
freshman member.

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For Formal Wear
Black Sheer Net
The smartest things on smart
young legs. That's just what these
new host. of the sheerest chiffon
net are. Positively the swankiest of
your accessories at the next formal.
a dollar ninety-five
Spend $1.00 to End
Stocking Worries



Loun 9

New Fall

ual iny
I pon-



. au ( Beyle has some or
tho e startling new fabric
ga u n t I e t s. Their flare
cuffs are the talk of the
towns that matter.

Dcnlnate these new fall styles.


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Lovely printed broad
. . . new and unusu
style. Or hand painted
gee pajamas imported
Thaan. You'll find


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to mounting stocking bills? To cut
your hosiery bill 1-3rd? To be
sure of dependable stockings? To
have their beauty and sheerness
Then do just one thing. Try one



III H. '.


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