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October 09, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-09

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S C H O L A R S H IP S A RH S O I CMNT I E = - _ _ _ __EN Y W OI


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SSBy Margaret Hapgood, 3I


Prizes Given on a Basis of Good
Citizenship and High
Scholastic Merit.
Mrs. Florence Tousey, Director
of Residence, and Board
Selected Winners.
With the presentation of five
$100 scholarships last week, Helen
Newberry residence initiated the
project proposed by its Board of
Directors last spring when they
voted that such an award be made
every year. The recipients of the
prizes this year were Helen Hum-
phrey, '31, Roberta Reed, '31, Sus-
anna Humbert, '31, Nellie Humbert,
'31, and Helen Travis, '32. These
awards are made on the basis of
scholastic merits and good citizen-
ship evinced by the girls during
the school year, the selection being
made by Mrs. Florence W. Tousey,
director of the residence, and the
board itself.
Have Outstanding Records
Each of these girls has had an
outstanding scholastic average, and
has contributed much to the house
in the way of interest and service.
Miss Humphrey is the senior rep-'
resentative on the judiciary coun-
cil of the League, and is a member
of Mortarboard. Miss Reed is the
business secretary of the League,
president of Senior Society, and a
member of Wyvern and Mortar-
board societies. Miss Humbert,
Miss LaRue, and Miss Travis were
chosen because of their outstand-
ing characters and house spirit.'
Plan a Success,
"We feel that this plan is a great
success," stated Mrs. Tousey, "for
it gives us some method of show-
ing our appreciation for the fine
spirit our girls have shown towards
theshouse. The idea is somewhat
unusual, for with the exception of
Adelia Cheever house, Helen New-
berry residence is the only dormi-
tory to have attempted such a
To those interested in interior
decorating or decorative designing
the third and fourth floor corri-
dors of the Architectural Building
offer interesting exhibits during
this month. If one is' contem-
plating running a tea-room during
next summer's vacation, or, per-
haps, is trying to think of a new
way to redecorate the family sun-
room, one would find some valu-
able suggestions from the paint-
ings there.
One plan for a tea-room is done
in soft oranges and browns, cheer-
ful colors for dull autunn weather.
A sun-room, gayly decorated with
the old favorites, blue and gold,
would be the bright spot in any
home. Even the kitchen need not be
drab or uninteresting. A plan la-
belled "A Spanish Kitchen" would
make cooking a delight to most
women. One of the wall-paper
designs exhibited was very attrac-
tive. It was tinted in buff and
green, an appropriate pattern for
a bed-room in delicate shades.
Younger brothers and sisters too,
would be pleased with an innova-
tion in their rooms. Some highly
colored decorative designs, com-
prised of pictures of children play-
ing and in various characteristic
poses, would make attractive bor-
ders for the walls of any child's
Of less practical value to ama-
teur decorators, perhaps, but ex-

tremely interesting to the more
skillful designer are the plans for
theatre and hotel lobbys. Some
are eleborate and highly colored,
others are simple but very modern-
istic. Some original person con-
ceived the idea of designing a cur-
tain for a child's theatre. This
creation is delightful, fairies, nym-
pths, flowers and birds are pictur-
ed in joyous play.

Miss Suzanne Pollard
For the first time in more than forty years a daughter of the gover-
nor of Virginia is to be married in the historic executive mansion in
Richmond, home of the governors since the War of 1812. Miss Suzanne
Pollard, daughter of Governor John G. Pollard, and Herbert L. Boat-
wright, young Washington attorney, will be married there this winter.
Miss Pollard, official mistress of the mansion since her mother's ill-
ness last March, is one of the most popular members of the younger set
in Richmond and Washington. She is very prominent in amateur
theatricals and intends to continue her dramatic work through the fall.

Many old . faces and many new
may be seen in the old Mimes thea-
ter, now the property of Play Pro-
duction. Miss Helen Carrm, '31,
w h o appeared last year in "The
White Headed Boy" and "Leila" is
again a member of the department.
Miss Margaret Morin, '31, who was
seen last year in "City Hall," "Ro-
meo and Juliet," and a number of
the one-act plays is also back again.
Miss Francis Summers, '31, who has
for three years done work with
Play Production is helping with the
dramatic work in the public schools
here. Miss Florence Tennant, who
has completed four successful years
here in Dramatic work, is now as-
sisting in the department.
Already the new members may be
seen busily carrying on the work
in the theater. The women have
made new drapes for the long nar-
row windows of the little theater,
torn down the old Japanese panels
so that the walls could be redeco-
rated, and aided in the cleaning up
and arranging of the downstairs
dressing rooms.
Work has already been started on
the direction of scenes which will
later be replaced by one-act plays.
The casting for the first three-act
play is soon to be started and then
work will be begun in earnest.
Eugenie Chapel Given
Lead for Comedy Club
Eugenie Chapel, '32, has been giv-
en the leading role in the next
Comedy Club production to be pre-
sented here the week of the Illinoi,
game. Miss Chapel has had a great
deal of previous experience in the
dramatic field, having studied for
some time with Miss Bonstelle and
appeared in various campus pro-
ductions during the past two years

"All students should have the
type of training offered in the Eng-
lish Honors course," stated Prof.
0. J. Campbell, of the English de-
partment. "If a student is unable
to work by himself in this way by
the time he is a senior, he should-
n't graduate; he is still a child in-
This year four of the 13 taking
the course are women. "We always
have a great number of applica-
tions, between 50 and 75," Prof.
Campbell said. "We only take
those who have good records and
who impress us, after individual
interviews with them, as having
the ability to work on their own.'
They English department is the
only department which has a sys-
tem of this sort. Each student tak-
ing the course is assigned a tuto
whom he meets once a week. At
the end of the year, he takes tw
oral examinations and two written
examinations on the subject o:
English literature from the yea
1550 to the present, which he has
covered in his reading. Group
meetings of the course are hel
every two weeks, and are conduct
ed by different members of the Eng
lish department. The student i
given 9 hours credit each semeste
for the course. Students who do ex
ceptionally good work in the cours
are graduated with honors in Eng
"There is no recitation work, and
the aim of a course of this sort i
to make the individual the unit
and not the course," Prof. Camp
s bell said.
Hats That
Fitted to the head and

Urge Freshmen to Volunteer as
Librarians to Help in
League Library.
Volunteer librarians are still re-
quired in the League Ii b r a r y.
Though this is the only campus
activity first-semester freshmen
are allowed to participate in, there
has been a noticeable paucity of
freshmen offering their services in
this capacity, according to Jane
Yearnd, '31, chairman of the libr-
ary committee.
No experience is necessary, as the
only duty is to check books in and
out for use in the library. Activity
points are given at the rate of one
a semester for an hour's work each
week. Those who wish to assist in
the library are asked to notify
Jane Yearnd, 21616.
The purpose of the library in the
League is to give the women some
sanctum of their own, where they
may read or study and be able to
obtain the best books in every
field. The first books were pre-
sented to the library by groups on
the campus in honor of Mrs. W. D.
Henderson. Since then alumni
groups and other organizations
have donated funds to the library
with which to purchase books.
Books are now available on al-
most every subject in the realm of
literature, past and present. All
the recognised modern authors are
represented and there is quite a
complete collection of classical lit-
erature. As the collection of art
books is rather small at present
add to this group with money that
the library committee expects Lc
has been recently presented to the
Kappa Beta Pi and Ph
Delta Delta Entertain
Women in Law School
Kappa Beta Pi and Phi Delta
Delta, legal sororities, entertained
the women of the law school a
tea Sunday afternoon in the Alum-
nae room of the Women's Leagu
building. Over twenty guests wer
Until last year Kappa Beta P
was the only legal organization or
the campus for women. The Michi
gan chapter of Phi Delta Delta wa
founded last spring and expects t
be incorporated into the nationa
fraternity by that name.
4 Doctor Plans to Give
1 Lectures on Nutritio
All women enrolled in the Uni
versity are invited to attend th
electures on nutrition to be give
at 4:10 on the afternoon of Octobe
13 and 14 in Sarah Caswell Ange
r hall by Dr. Louis Newburg, profes
sor of medicine in the Universit
o Medical school, according to a:
a announcement by Dr. Margare
f Bell.
r "We are fortunate in the fac
s that Dr. Newburg, one of the mo
P widely recognized men in th
d United States and Europe in th
- metabolic field, recognized espe
- cially for research on diabete
s obesity, and kidney diseasest
r giving these special lectures ft
- women," stated Dr. Bell. "He feel
e that it is especially important fo
- young women to know the funds
mentals of nutrition, as ever
d woman will eventually be respor
s sible for someone's diet," she sai
t, This will be one of the require
- Hygiene lectures for freshma

Now that we have found where
and when each class meets, we can
concentrate on the more import-
ant item of what to wear to them.
Never have there been more at-
tractive a n d wearable campus
This year much emphasis has
been laid on cloth dresses. Smartr
women are wearing frocks of fine
woolens, tweed mixtures, mono-
tone n'ovelties, jerseys, bouclettes,
and basket weaves to occasions
where last year they wore silk. For
t X 1 1 -

All Entries in Tennis I
Tournament Must be
Signed up by Tuesday
A tennis tournament under the
auspices of W. A. A. opens next
week. Those who plan to compete
should sign up immediately either
at the Women's Field House or at
Barbour Gymnasium. The entires
are to be closed and all must be
signed up by Tuesday noon.
Freshmen are eligible to compete.
This is to be an all university tour-
nament. Those entering have a
heart and lung examination before
entering competitive sports.
Anyone desiring further details
concerning the tennis tournament
may get in touch with Constance
Giefel, '33, tennis manager for W.
A. A.
Dr. Vincent Will Talk
to University Women
Dr. E. Lee Vincent, of Detroit,
will address the members of the
American Association of University
Women at their opening meeting,
to be held at 3 o'clock, Saturday
afternoon, Oct. 18 in the drawing
roomn of Mosher Hall, the north
unit of Mosher-Jordan halls, on
Observatory street.
This meeting will be in the nature
of a reception for new members
during which Dr. Vincent will talk
on the subject of "Mental Hygiene
[of Childhood." She is now serving
on the staff of the Merrill-Palmer
school in Detroit.


In an effort to find suitable ma-
terial for a women's golf team, a
golf tournament is being planned
to be played next week. The exact
day has not been decided upon and
in order to set a time convenient
to all, those who plan to enter the
tournament are asked to leave their
name and the day they prefer for
the tournament at office 15 in Bar-
bour Gymnasium, or at the desk
in the Women's Field House.
This is to be an all university
tournament, not merely interelass
or intramural. There will be no
qualifying in order to play. It is
expected that the tournament will
be held on the Huron Hills course.

In Twenty-Four Shades
95c and $1.50
Furrier and Ladies' Tailor
228 South Thayer

this reason woolen dresses are
shown in great variety.
The semi-fitted, one-piece, belt-
d type -of dress is particularly
popular. Jumpers with a match-
ing or contrasting blouse are this
seasons noveltie. Buttons or flat
fur are strongly endorsed for trim-
The four piece tweed ensemble
consisting of blouse, skirt, jacket,
and full length coat, usually fur

trimmed, that Paris endorsed so
unanimously in the fall openings,
is now being worn in significant
numbers. Often times ensembles,
coats, and woolen frocks are sup-
plimented with hats or scarfes of
the same material. Tweed purses
and tweed shoes are also being
Coats, almost universally, show
the flared silhouette, are moder-
ately full, defining the waistline
either with belts or fitting. Em-
phasis, as in dresses, is upon unu-
sual treatment of sleeves, accen-
ting elbow width flaring cuffs.
Scarf collars are frequent, espe-
cially in sport types.
A remodeled shop with
expert operatQrs in

... . .


- ,mmw


in the Contest Will
up Official Women's
Golf Team.






Step out and enter your classes
the first thing in the morning with
a pair of these smart looking and
perfect fitting shoes.


Finger Waving and
We carry
E. Burnham Cosmetics
Phone 2-1212

Those lovely fas-
cinating hand
made woolen
bags for your fall
605 East William

Of course they're from-





A Felt Hood

1 1111

Shampoo and Finger
Wave short hair.. $1.25
Shampoo and Finger
Wave long hair.. . $1.50
Very long hair .....$1.75
Thinning or Trimming. 50c




That Looks ifferent
Every Time You
Put It On Your Head
rE t 1 /"' T
Another of those intriguing "shapeless things" that are all the
rage in Paris. In the hand it looks like nothing at all, but put
it on the head, give it a tug this way . . a pull that way .
a fold or two . . . and you have a hat of unbelievable chic.
It fits your head snugly . . . you've pulled it to frame your face
in the most flattering way. And, tomorrow, make it slightly

Selection of committees will be
the main business of a meeting
of the central committee for the
Junior Girls' Play at 3 o'clock
this afternoon in the Under-
graduate office at the Women's
League building. At the same
time plans will be made forthe
reading of the manuscripts
which have been turned in to
Emily Bates, general chairman.



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