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January 29, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-29

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T=Sl~hDAY JANUTAR2~9.191

^.l.L/LLit V1111 ViAiVi GIVE iVVi


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
Th~e Associated Press, is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
inrthis paper and -the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
frpostage granted by Third Assistant Post-
ma:ter General.


Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.

Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, ,Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. CooPER, City Editor
News Editor.............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor ............ Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer
Mus~ic, Drama, Books........ Win. J. (jorman
Assistant City Editor........arold . Warren
Assistant News Editor......harles R. Sprawl
'Telegraph Editor .......... orge A. Stauter
Copy Editor ................Win. F. Pypei

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
Richard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warren

Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend

. E. Bush
hoasF M.Cooley
Morton Frank
S aul Friedberg
Frank B. Gilbreth
oland Goodman
Edgar Hoornk
James Jobnson
Bryan Jones
Benton C. Kunze
Po*ers Moulton
Eileen Blunt
Elsie Feldman
kuth Gallmeyer
Emil G. Grimes
Jeany ev
Dorotliy agee

Wilbur J. Meyers
r rainard W. Nies
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Theodore T. Rose
Jerry E. Rosenthal
Charles A. Sanford
Karl Seiffert
Robert F. Shaw
Edwin M. Smith
Gieorge A. Stauter
.ohn W. Thomas
John S. Townsend
Mary McCall
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themsehes to less that. 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
To the Editor:
It is indeed extremely gratifying
to know that Mr. Lawrence R. Klein
has evidenced an interest in the
well-being of the Michigan Union.
The Union is at all times desirous
of securing constructive sugges-
tions, and at all times it is especial-
ly prompt in making changes and
alterations to better serve its mem-
I wish to say that another mem-
ber of the Union who was in the
shower room with Mr. Klein also
noticed that the showers were not
properly regulated at the time. Even
before the readers of The Daily had
an opportunity to consider Mr.
Klein's criticism, a verbal report
has been made to the persons to
whom such suggestions are ordin-
arily made. A telephone call was
put through to the Detroit office of*
the Powers Regulator company and
a request was made for a man to
remedy the condition. He who re-
ported the faulty regulation to the
Union did not think it necessary to
dispatch a letter to The Daily.
Albert Donohue.
To the Editor:
I, too, have read Rabbi Bernard
Heller's essay on "The Modernists
Revolt Against God." But nowhere
do I find any statement from which
to draw the conclusion that Rabbi
Heller advocates the "drilling into
a child from infancy up that there
is a God and that he shows himself
in everything," as stated by JED inI
his recent letter to The Daily.
Rabbi Heller does not assume this
authoritharian attitude. He does
not advocate the "drilling" into a
child of a belief in God; rather, he
maintains that we should let the
child and the youth learn of the
existence of a God through intui-
tion. Let the teacher merely point
out the trees and the mountains,
the lakes and the stars as mani-
festations of this God. He does not
care to burden the child's mind
with any syllogistic proof of God's
JED, on the other hand, main-
tains that "we are living in an age
of reason" and so we should prove
the existence of God to the child
on a dialectic basis. The Rabbi is
keen enough to realize that such
proof is vulnerable, and therefore
4he is honest enough to admit that
proof of God's existence can only be
arrived at by experience and intu-

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Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager
KASPER H. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Advertising...............Charles T. Kline
Advertising............. Thomas M. Davis
Advertising ............William W. Warboys
Service .............Norris J. Johnson
1blication ............Robert W.Wiliamson
Circulation.............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accunts.... ....:.....homas . KMuir
Business Secretary........... Mary J. Kenan

Harry R. Begley
Vernon Bishop
William Brown
Robrt Callahan
William W. Davisi
Richard H. Hidler
M~iles Hoisington
Asn, W. Verner
Marian Atian
Helen Bailey
Josephine Convisset
MM*lne Fishgrund
Dorothy LeMire
Dorothy Laylin

Erle Kightlinger
D~on W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Stratemeier
Keith Tyler
Noel D. Turner
Byron C. Vedder
Sylvia Miller
Hlelen Olsen
Mildred Postal
Marjorie Roug
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

This business of the Registration
Bureau is getting to a point where
it can no longer be regarded in the
light of a joke. Why,
they have even corrupted
some of the famous Ann
Arbor proofreaders in
1 4 such a manner that they
cut a large part of what
Baxter we had to say about the
situation out of the col-
umn last Tuesday. That is typical.
of the way things are done around
here.-Save money on announce-
ments and spend it in bribes.
All fooling to one side, however,
what with the science of buck-
passing in the University offices
having reached a perfection which
allows the original passer to receive
it right back before he even knows
that it has started the rounds, it is
time something is done. Our re-
porter, trying to get at the bottom
of the Announcement shortage, was
referred to the Dean's office, the
Registrar's office, the Editorial
office, and finally to the janitors
and the B & G hangout. The latter
denied all knowledge of the doings
of the party in power. Hence it
would seem that it is up to the
students to do something them-
We might, of course, refer it to
the Student Council, thus starting
off one of the most momentous
races in the history of the school
to see who could get the greatest
amount of nothing done with a
maximum of noise until it is time
for another Classification spree to
set in. But the best solution seems
to be that offered by the Classifica-
tion office itself,-that of having
the students return a few of the
catalogues they took out earlier in
the year. Surely some of you fellows
have an extra one you could spare,
or at least a nickel for a cup of
coffee. The Administration is in a
bad way, and no fooling either. If
you don't believe me, go look at the
Newberry Aud. and draw your own
* * *t
To inactivity inclined
Both winter summer spring ad
Are our elders old and wise.
Hence we learn with some
They car pass the buck, these
It's a fine world after all.
A mistaken impression seems to
be making the rounds-if impres-
sions go in for that sort of thing,
that this department didn't like
Mosher-Jordan when it went up
there. This, as we said, is a mistake.
The Library over there is simply
superb, being equipped with one of
the swellest red-haired,-I mean
with some awfully nice bookshelves.
The elevator door, however, is a
disappointing fake, as I discovered
at the cost of a ruined penknife
when I tried to carve my initials in
it. Just in case you ever feel the
urge to try it, I warn you right now
that it's made of solid steel.
K * '1
Dear Dan:
I enjoy your column very much.
It is one of the bright spots in my
day. I should like to meet you some

day real soon. A Coed.
Dear Fellows:
It must be the Weather.
* * *

TONIGHT: Play Production pre-
sents one-act plays by student
authors. Performance begins at
8:30 o'clock at the Laboratory
A Review by Cile Miller.
At first glance the collection of
Mrs. James Stanley's water colors
which are now on exhibition at
Alumnae Memorial hall gives on
the impression of great washes of
blue-purples and blue-greens, of
much color and very little form.
Yet strangely enough her composi-
tions on a closer inspection reveal
an almost text-book exactness in
the arrangement of compositional
shapes. Conscientiously Mrs. Stan-
ley, it would appear, lays out a
pattern of geometric forms and
builds up her pictures in an intri-
cate interweaving of abstract shapes
fusing into one another.
Her valleys are inverted triangles
which stretch up to include the up-
right triangles which form her rock-
crags. The horizontals of her sky-
lines or water edges form Latin
crosses with the verticals of a tree
or spire.
The works which she exhibits
here, are for the most part inspired
from her recent two year stay in
the West, and her extreme blues
and harsh dashes of other- colors
are admirably suited to the inter-
pretation of the sun-soaked glare
of the Western plains and canyons.
Although the work of Mrs. Stanley
is pleasing, one becomes satiated
with too much of it. Perhaps this
is due to the fact that she has built
up a conventionalism of her own
that she can't take us by surprise.
There will always be a splash of
blue and purple, the exactness of
her geometric forms.
Sometimes, however the artist
defeats the expressiveness of her
own style by outreaching its limita-
tions. For instance in her painting
Zane Grey's Canyon, her devotion
to triangular shapes set one upon
the other results not in a convinc-
ing landscape or even in a very
unusual pattern arrangement. The
result is more like a Chinese temple
than the promised canyon. How-
ever for the most part her method
of construction accomplishes an apt
expression of what she wishes to
portray. Like the overbrilliant illu-
strations of travel guides we have
a good understanding of what
original scenes must have been like,
but we lack any very marked ex-
pression of an artist's personality.
We feel that Mrs. Stanley's work is
better in conception than in the
final result.
In one or two of her offerings
she has diverged from her usual
treatment of her subjects and she
approaches a form of impression-
ism. For, : although Mrs. Stanley
works from an impression rather
from the natural form, her paint-
ings seldom savor of the Impres-
sionistic school. Her usual approach
might be called a photographic im-
pressionism, no more than that.
However in her water color, Wood-
side, she does the unexpected; for-
gets the blues and purples and the
geometric shapes with the result
that her picture is a hazy fancy of
sun-flecked woods. Her use of strips

of unpainted white showing through
the other colors in uncertain shapes
and forms allows for a pleasing
The painting, Rainy Season, also
cuts away from her style and we
find Mrs. Stanley using the watery
colors and blurring brush work of
a Marie Laurencin, a most fortun-
ate innovation for the painting of
a drizzling rain. The only other
painting which stands out as some-
thing different is that of the Italian
Tyrol. Here Mrs. Stanley creates an
effect as though she had induced
a magic paint pot to spill its con-
tents and drip down the composi-
tion into the shapes of young pines
along a mountain side.
As to her display of sketches, Mrs.
Stanley has offered some very com-
mendable work which has as defi-
nite a stylization as her work in
water color. Throughout the entiro
group of drawings we find a delib-
erate use of short definite strokes in
either vertical or horizontal lines.
And it is surprising that the artist
can accomplish such good light and
shade effects through this unvary-
ing technique. If anything her
sketches are a little more free from
the dominance of paternized shapes.
But there is a danger here, for in

f ,PE.R
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So that every student in Ann Arbor may write better
mid-winter examinations, we have slashed prices on
brand new latest model Moore Fountain Pens-one of
the very finest pens money can buy anywhere. Pens
formerly selling at $2.50 are now only $1.50. Others
up to $7.50 similarly reduced. If you need a pen,
now's the chance of the year?
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$ight Editor -HAROLD WARREN



In less than a mon
voters will go to the pol
a- Republican for the ca
mayor of Chicago. In A
mayor, who will, it is
many, end crime and
"World's Fair Mayor" fc
take office.

th Chicago'
Is to chooseI
ndidacy for
pril, a new
hoped by

be a good
or 1933 will

In the meanwhile, Chicago's wave
of crime continues its inroads on
the safety and sanctity of its citi-
zens and the western metropolis
continues to try to stop it through
crime commissions and enforced
rules and regulations. Reports show
contradictory evidences as to how
well this latter effort is doing.
It will be interesting during the
next few months to sit back and
watch the battle which will grow
fiercer and tighter as election date
draws nearer for with sixteen can-
didates, each of whom thinks that
he will make a good mayor, a quiet
campaign certainly cannot occur.
One of these candidates, who has
attracted nation-wide renown for
his club-wielding attacks on the
petty gangsters and racketeers
which infest the courts of Chicago
seems to be the center of most of
the abuse which the different can-
didates have already heaped on one
another. From all appearances,
,moreover, he is popular with the
Republican voters for the one rea-
son that he has done something in
a material way in combatting crime,
which none of the others has ac-
No matter who receives the cov-
eted position, however, Chicago's
election will still be of national in-
terest for there, in the second larg-
est city in the country, will be
proved whether or not our cities
are still -civilized or still laboring
under the effects of a soiled over-
grown condition which has taken
permanent root.
-Some men are born unemployed,
some achieve unemployment, and
only the willing workers have un-
employment thrust . upon them.-

I feel that JED must be unaware
of the fact that he is advocating
methods entirely in opposition to
modern pedagogy-not only as re-
gards religious training-but edu-
cation in general, when he asks for
a syllogistic proof. Dr. Frederick
Tracy ;in "Psychology of Adoles-
cence" states that one of the prin-
ciples in education is that adoles-
cent ,education should be free, joy-
ous, and unrestrained so far as
possible. "From the intellectual
point of view this means that the
youth shall be encouraged to in-
quire, investigate, criticize, sift and
make discoveries for himself, in the
realm of truth... The mature mind
should not now define truth in set
terms, but should go with him on a
voyage of discovery through the
realm of truth."
Our critic in advocating a logical
explanation of God would force
upon the child, in a belaboring and

burdensome process, set ideas about
a God which the child cannot com-
prehend. Furthermore, in order to
formulate a syllogistic proof he
would necessarily have to delimit
and define his God, and that is
folly. To this Rabbi Heller openly
objects. Listen to his words: "Help
them (children) to cultivate that
faculty which will make them see
with the eyes of their souls what
should be to them the fact that
God is. .. Let the child's imagina-
tion have free play... If the teach-
er will stress the conviction (in
the child himself) and not the
contour of God, the child's faith
in- God's reality - will remain, but
his volition of Him and His wants
will grow and develop with age,
wisdom and insight."
What saner method could be sug-
gested than letting the 'child and
the youth learn to know God
through their own inner feelings
and convictions, and letting their
conception of God develop and
idn an d enlan e in n or mithI


One of of our more distinguished
professors today confessed to hav-
ing a concrete mind. We think it
high time that all this false mod-
esty and secrecy amongst our
pedagogical mentors came to an
end, and more of this straight-for-
ward, upstanding frankness mani-
fested itself.
- * *-*
S- -yr--
(Courtesy Rolls Airphoto Dept.)
A a ** 9.-
And say, fellows, while we're


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