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January 27, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-27

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VOL XLI. No. 89



i e- __Y.._._ -_ . .. - _..

Governor Sends Special Message
to Legislature, Ordering
Fifty Per Cent Cut.
Message Recommends Michigan
be Denied Appropriations
for Next Two Years.
(fny Associated Press)
LANSING, J a n. 26.-Governor
Wilber M. Brucker placed specific
demands for sharp retrenchments
in governmental appropriations
f o r m a 11 y before the legislature
Monday night. In a special mes-
sage, he asked that the balance of
the $23,000,000 institutional pro-
gram, sponsored by Former Gover-
nor Green and adopted by the 1929
legislature, be flattened out so cur-
rent appropriations may be cut
more than one-half.


Wilhehn Gives Time to Research
in Attempt to Establish
German Innocence.
(rv Associated Press)
DOORN, Holland, Jan. 26.-As he
enters his 73rd year tomorrow, Wil-
helm II, former emperor of Ger-
many, can look back upon an ac-
tive 12 months during which he
as devoted much time to his favor-
ite studies along four lines-- avia-
tion, theology, archaeology, and.the
so-called "war guilt" question.
Although he has never ridden in
an airship, the former German
ruler has followed the progress of
aviation with keen interest and is
I familiar with all phases of aeron-
autics. He watches every ocean
flight closely, and he is personally
acquainted with some of the fa-
mous fliers of today.
With advancing years the for-
mer monarch is studying religion
more and more. As head of the

Recognizes Emergency.
Recognizing a condition amount- To Hold Final Meeting at Union
ing to an emergency in some insti- Tonight to Arrange
tutions, the governor nevertheless for Booths.
de cr e ed that building progress
"must be geared down to our abil-
ity to spend." He asked the legis- A final meeting of independents
lature to shear $7,540,000 from the i planning to attend the J-Hop will
building appropriations of $11,970,- be held at 7 o'clock tonight in room
buidin aproriaion o $1,97,-304 of the Union. Plans for the
000 made by the 1929 legislature for furnishing of the independert
the fiscal years of 1932 and 1933. booths will be completed at the
He would spread the amount taken meeting.l
off over the years 1934 and 1935, Those attending the meting
delaying completion of the program shold avend the um efthirg
two years. The change would cut should have the number of their
t J-Hop ticket as well as the girl's
more than $3,000,000 a year from j name and address, so that the in-
the state tax appropriation. ) dependent booth arrangements may
If the legislature complies it will be completed.
appropriate $2,179,500 for the fiscal Tentative reservations for booths
year ending in 1932, and $2,250,000 will be cancelled Feb. 1 in order
for the year ending in 1933, as com- that sufficient time will be had
pared with $5,929,000 provided ini before the Hop to secure the metal-
the Hartman Act of 1929 for te liei name plaqtes'Tfor"the booths.
year of 1932 and $6,040,000 for the Each fraternity should have the
following year. following equipment for their booth
Cuts University Grant. at the Hop: one davenport or set-
In his message the governor said: tee, two overstuffed chairs, four
"On Jan. 1, 1931, the waiting list small chairs, one rug 6 by 12 feet,
of our mental hospitals was 2,208. one table, one table lamp, one floor
Some insane and feeble-minded lamp, one black and white picture
have beenrkept waiting as long as approximately 12 by 16 inches, one
three years. There is a definite "waste basket, one punch bowl and
crowding that also will have to be ladle, and 200 paper cups.
taken into consideration. There is The furn ture must be taken in
a,vital need for relief which ranks the Intramural building between
as an emergency. Our progress the hours of 10 and 3 Friday morn-
should be to continue to work to- ing and afternoon, Feb. 13, and
ward the ultimate schedule of ac- must be removed at the same time
comodations for 80 feeble-minded I on Saturday.
per 100,000 population, 250 insane
for 100,000 population, and 25 epi- Blaze Causes Sinking {
leptics per 100,000 population." of Presidents' Yacht
Among the governor's specific ap- -__
propriation recommendations w a s (By Assocated Iress)
that the University of Michigan be PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 26.-Char-'
given $700,000 in 1934 and $700,000 red and blackened by smoke, the
in 1935, instead of $700,000 each o n c e majestic presidential yacht
year of 1932 and 1933. ( Mayflower rested today on the bot-
I tom of the Delaware River with her
decks awash.
Constructed in Scotland in 1896
D as a pleasure craft for Ogden Goe-
let, New York millionaire, the May-
fowerswas sold to the government
Anocia e, ifor $430,000 for use in the Spanish-
American war as a gunboat. She
w us. d a (.t '..fi the... r ui tai lO ht

x r
A ssoeote' Presss Phon
Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm.
Evangelical church he u s e d to
preach upon occasions during serv-
ices on the high seas. Now he
preaches in a modest way daily, ex-
pounding the scripture lesAsons to
the members of his household dur-
ing the morning devotional exer-
He took a great interest last Oc-
tober in the opening of the valu-
able Pergamon Museum at Berlin.
About once a year there is a sort
of archealogical congress at Doorn
manor, to which the leading sa-
vants from various European coun-
tries are invited.
In connection with the "war
guilt" question the former Kasier
is bent upon proving to the world
that Germany was not responsible
for the war. With this in view, he
conducts a large correspondence
with historians in numerous coun-
Albert Spalding Will Present
Eighth Concert in Choral
Union Series.
Albert Spalding, American violin-
ist, will be heard in Ann Arbor for
the third time at 8:15 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium when he
will provide the eighth program in
this season's series of Choral Union
concerts. He has been heard in Ann
Arbor on previous occasions, both !
as soloist at the May Festival and
in concert.
"On both these occasions," stated
Dr. Charles Sink, president of the
School of Music, "his receptions
were so profound that the School
of Music has been continuously
urged to bring him back for an
additional recital. Not until this
season, however, was it found
possible to do so, on account of
conflicts of date and the fact that
he spends so much time each sea-
son abroad."
Mr. Spalding will play the fol-
lowing program: La Folia, by Corel-
li; Allegro, by Padre Martini; Fan-
tasie for piano and violin, Op 159,
by Schubert( andante molto, alle-
gretto, andantino, allegretto viv-
ace); Concerto in A Minor, No. 5,
by Vieuxtemps (allegro non troppo,
adagio, allegro con fuoco); Chan-
son Villageoise, by Lalo; Etude en
forme de Valse, by Saint Saens-
Ysaye; and three of his own com-
positions Castles in Spain, Old Irish
Song and Dance, and Sevillana.
The Weather
(By Associated Press)
Lower Michigan: I n c r e a s i n g
cloudiness, followed by snow and
colder in north portions Tuesday;
Wednesday probably snow a n d


LIST WAD DAN EH February IssueWill Appear on
Campus Thursday.
The J-Hop number of the Gar-
Soyle will appear on the campus
SThursday instead of tomorrow as
was originally announced, Paul C.
Babson Institute Names Italy's Showers, '31, managing editor of
Need to Expand, France's the magazine, said last night.
Army as Irritations. While not devoted exclusively to
Army ashe J-Hop, the general tone of the
February issue is on the annual
RUSSIA HAS LARGE ARMY festivities at the close of the first
semester and the incidents of the
Report Hints That Any Conflict period just preceding.
Would Not Involve United The cover of the issue is also sea-
sonal, and the issue contains com-
States in Direct Way. ments on the marking system in
response to the request of the fac-
BOSTON, Jan. 26. - The Babson ulty that students voice their opin-
S t a t i s t i c a 1 Organization, in its ions on the subject.
weekly barometer letter to clients, Cartoons for the issue are by Jack
today set forth what it considered Cutting, '32, Alan Handley, '32,
as the weak spots in the European Marshall Collins, '32, and Gurney
situation that might lead to an- Williams, '31. Cutting is issue edi-I
other world war. The situation, as tor for the month.l
seen by the Babson experts, indi-
cated that if war did come it would
begin with France and Italy. No'
attempt was made to predict whenT
the conflict might start.
The most important factors men-
tioned were:-
Premier Mussolini of Italy may
consider it necessary to wage war,
with France to prolong his regime. Rea Reminds Students Permits
This was supported by the histori- Must Be Obtained if Cars
cal fact that nations seldom change
leaders when at war and that many Are to be Operated.
leaders have waged war to hold IWi
their positions. With today's registration for 1931
Italy Makes Claims. plates the last date which will allow

Italy's rapidly increasing popula-
tion and her contention that as far
as colonies were concerned, she got
a poor deal in the Treaty of Ver-
France is the second largest hold-
er of gold in the world. She has
been accumulating gold faster than,
her business situation appears to
warrant. France has almost as
much gold as all Europe combined.
The United States and France have
60 per cent of the world's gold.
France has one of the largest
and most e'cient standing armies
in Europe.
'rho gold and army situation in
France contain two possibilities:
1. That gold may eate jealousy
among other nations that will re-
suit in war.
2. France may succumb to the
human failing of wanting to try
out her war machine.
May Involve Japan.
Russia has a large standing army,
officered in a large way by German
officers, that undoubtedly is itch-
ing for something to do. Russia
might enter a conflict as an excuse
to take over China. Such a move
would bring Japan in.
The report hinted that such a
war would be strictly a European
"broil." The United States, it said,
was not interested in war and is
suffering from nothing at this time'
other than financial troubles.
Cabinet Completed After Several
Days to Include Tardieu,
Briand, Flandin.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Jan. 27. - Pierre Laval,r
who has been working several days
to assemble a new French cabinet,
succeeded definitely in lining up his
ministries at 1:30 o'clock this morn-
The Laval cabinet is as follows:
Premier and minister of the in-
terior, Pierre Laval; minister of
justice, Leon Berard; foreign af-
fairs, Aristide Briand; agriculture,
Andre Tardeau; war, Andre Mag-
inot; navy, Charles Dumont; air,
Jacques Louis Dumesnil; education,
Marie Roustan; finance, Pierre
Etienne Flandin;b udget, Francois
Pietri; public works, Maurice De-
ligne; labor, Adolphe Landry; com-
merce, Louis Rollin; merchant mar-,
ine, Louis Dechappedelaine; pen-
sions, Auguste Champettier de Rib-
ers; post and telegraph, Charles
Guernier; colonies, Paul Reynaud.

suficient time or the ags to e
ordered and returned from Jack-
son, W. B. Rea, assistant to the
dean of students, announced yes-
terday that students wishing toI
drive their cars after Feb. 1 must
appear in the office of the dean
between 8:30 and 12, and 1:30 to 5'
o'clock today for applications.
Yesterday's registration added
but six to the previous total, and,
in view of the fact that it takes
between three and five days for'
plates to be ordered from Jackson
and returned to the dean's office,
it will be impossible, Rea stated,
for any applications taken later
than today to be received here by
Monday of next week. Cars operat-
ed by students without the 1931
tags, or with 1931 state licenses and
1930 University permits after Feb. 1
will be considered a direct violation
of the auto regulation.
Nation Has Large Bill
for Lighting Airways
(BV Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, J a n. 26.-Tent
million dollars a year is the pros-
pective bill for the country's night-
lighted airplane routes.
With something like a shock Gov-
ernment officials have realized the
size of the expenditure they let
themselves in for when Congress
decided to furnish illumination for
the air routes.
At present the expense is about
$210,000 a year for each 1,000 miles
of lighted airways, distinctly above
the original estimate. The eventu-
al total cost was computed by Sec-
retary Robert P. Lamont, under
whose jurisdiction in the Commerce
Department the expenditure comes.
German Voters Riot;
One Dead, Many Hurt
(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, Jan. 26.-Usual Sunday
clashes among Communists, Fas-
cists and members of the Republi-
can Reichsbanner resulted in one
death, between 30 and 40 injuries
and scores of arrests in various
parts of Germany.
At Hahnheim, near Mainz, even
the burgomaster was injured when
he attempted to settle a political
fuss between Fascists and Reichs-
bannermen. He was thrashed by the
Hitlerites. One policeman was bad-
ly beaten in addition, two Fascists
were taken to the hospital and 40
were arrested.
Ninety Communists invaded a
Fascist meeting at Kassel, with the
result that chairs, table legs and
beer mugs were hurled wildly.
Highest Court Delays
Decision on Dry Law


Varsity Court Team
Trounces Ohio State
Michigan came home I a s t
night and snowed Ohio State
under by a 40-22 count in the
Field House. Norm Daniels main-
tained his lead in the Confer- l
ence scoring race by scoring 12
points during the game with Ray
Altenhof a close second with 11.
Although the score was but
1 15-10 after the first half ended,
the Wolverines displayed the
best offensive yet seen here this
year during the second period
in rolling up 25 points.
Although the invaders fought
hard throughout the game they
were no match for the slashing
offensive and tough d e f e n s e
Coach Veenker's team displayed.
Fesler, Ohio's All-American end
was played to a stand-still byl
Daniels and counted buttwo
points during the entire game.
The entire Maize and Blue team
I played inspired basketball with
Weiss, Petrie, Eveland, Altenhof,
and Williamson all showing the
form which makes champions.
Complete Story on Page 6.
Tremendous Majority Vote Gives
Power of Referendum
to Student Body.
According to a story in The
Northwestern Daily, students of
Northwestern University last week
ratified a new council constitution
by an 18 to 1 majority.
Three distinct changes were made
in the constitution, and four new
sections were added. One of the
major changes was a reduction in
the membership, from 21 members
'to 9. Formerly nominations for elec-
tion to the council were made, as'
at Michigan, oy the council itself.
The new constitution provides for
nomination by petition signed by a
certain number of qualified voters.
The power of referendum was
given the students over any legis-
lative action of the council in the
new document. Two new powers
given the council were those "to
investigate and render findings on
any matter within the declared pur-
poses of this constitution," and "to
adopt and enforce such regulations
as it may deem proper for the gov-
ernment of the student body." Pro-
vision was also made for ready
access of students to council actin
on matters of concern to them
through a new provision for bring-
ing matters up for council action.
The preamble of the new consti-
tution stated that it had been
drawn up "to provide a more effec-
tive participation and voice student
opinion in student matters, and to
provide means for student self-
Science Leads Luck
as Seers Approach
Finish of Marathon
(R %PAuJci~ated Press)
Januaryweather forecasting mar-
athon being conducted by the Phil-
adelphia Record entered its final
week today, with science leading
sky-scanning by a wide margin.
In one corner is GeorgehS. Bliss,
Government expert, who has fore-

cast at a .868 clip. In the other is
Sam Brunner, with a percentage of
.547. He makes his predictions
without the aid of scientific instru-
Brunner, until a few days ago re-
ferred to as a goosebone prophet,
has informed the paper that he
shouldn't be classed as such.

Proposal of Immediate
Payment Endorsed
by Legion.
Relief Measure Would
Require Billions,
Hines Shows.
(By Associated Press)
estimate that $3,412,000,000 would
be required for immediate cash
redemption of adjusted service
certificates at face value was
given the Senate finance commit-
tee today by Frank T. Hines, ad-
ministrator of veterans affairs.
Hines was the first witness as
the committee opened hearings
on the proposal, which was en-
dorsed yesterday by the national
executive committee of the Amer-
ican Legion, and is being demanded
by some members of both houses
to afford relief to veterans in need
because of the depression.
Veterans Hard Pressed.
Without expressing his personal
view on the legislation, Hines pre-
sented figures to show many vet-
erans are hard pressed financially.
Loans to them on their certifi-
cates have increased during the
present month to a figure far in
excess of any previous ones, he
So far this month, he testified,
loans amounting to $17,009,000 have
been made and they are being pro-
vided at the rate of about $1,000,-
000 a day where as formerly they
have averaged between $5,000,000
and $7,000,000 a month. Demands
for the loans are not confined to
any one section and part of the
nation, he said.
The veteran's set of figures to
show the cost of all the previous
proposals which havebeen made
for giving the World War soldiers
cash for their service certificates.
Would Save for Government.
Immediate cash redemption on
the basis of the current value would
cost $1,707,507,000, he testified.
Immediate cash payment of their
face value, as of 1945, would cost
$3,412,000,000 he said, but the gov-
ernment would save about $1,000,-
000 a year between now and then
in administrative costs.
This would amount to increasing
the soldiers' bonus by $1,670,000,000,
however, he told the committee,
taking intoaccount interest charges
.on the amount of money which
otherwise would not be needed until
Hines estimated the cost of the
bill proposed by Representative
Garner, of Texas, minority leader
of the House, to pay the current
value of the certificates plus the
full 25 per cent additional credit
given by the Act of 1925, would cost
Senate Committee Gives Lawyer
Task of Attacking Right of
Members to Hold Office.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. - The
Senate Judiciary Committee voted,
8 to 3 today for the Walsh resolu-
ti 0inrequesting
District Attorney
^;:.. Leo A. Rover here
? . to institute pro-
ceedings testing

the right of the
t h r e e disputed
members of the
>. Federal Po we r
Commission to re-
tain office.
Senator Thomas
J. Walsh (Dem.),
Montana, author

GRAND RAPIDS -- L. A. Butler,
superintendent of schools, an-
nounced today that Dr. M. E. Kirk-
patrick, of New York, has accepted
appointment as psychiatrist and
director of the proposed G r a n d
Rapids child guidance clinic to be
established here probably in June.
JACKSON-C. M. (Jake) Dalton,
established a new record for bowl-
ing in this city Sunday night and
at the same time achieved every
bowlers aim when he made a run
of 17 consecutive strikes for a per-
fect 300 score.
SHEBOYGAN - Boatmen h e r e
rescued eight fishermen, who had
been caught in an ice break-up in
the Straits of Mackinac this after-
noon. The men, who said they lost
some fishing shanties and several
hand sleds, had drifted a mile and
a half on the floating ice.
MANISTEE-Morris Sheraf, pres-
ident of the A. D. Joslin Co., time
stamp manufacturers, forecast a
revival of business conditions to-
day by saying he looked for 1931,
to be the company's biggest year.
Another optimistic sign was shown
when the Century Boat Co. took

waz wtud' it esuen ual yacl
by Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson and
Suicide Closes Career
of Edward I. Edwards
(By Associated Press)
JERSEY CITY, Jan. 26.-Edward
I. Edwards, who rose from a $2-a-
week bank runner to exalted posts
of government and finance, and'
who lost both, together with his
health in recent years, committed
suicide last night by shooting in
the bedroom of his apartment. He
was 69 years old.


Questionnaire Will Approximate I
Average Expenditure Through
Answers of 500 Students.
In an attempt to determine the
average annual expenditure of the
student at the University and also'
to approximate as nearly as possible
the amount that is paid out to Ann
Arbor businesses each year by the
students at Michigan, the business

sary information, the results will
be tabulated and probably printed
in pamphlet form.
Queries are made pertaining to
the amount spent on food, clothing,
rooms, books, health, and amuse-
ments. Questions are also asked
about how much clothing the stud-
ent buys in Ann Arbor and howI
nearly he approximates the popular
campus styles if he buys clothing atj

I __ _._ _ .._. _

Guan to Elect First (By Associated Press)
Congress Next March WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. - The
Supreme Court met briefly today
(By Associated Press) and adjourned without handing
GUAM, Jan. 26.-The mid-Pacificj down its eagerly awaited decision

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