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January 25, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-25

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~T3imAY, JANUARY 2~, 19M PAGE THTh~1

--- -------

Convicts Daisy De Boe, Former
Employe of Film Star, in
Compromise Verdict.
Recommend Clemency as Result
of Determination of Woman
Jurors to Give Lesson.'
(By Associaied Press)
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 24-Convict-
ed by the compromise verdict of an
exasperated jury which, for hour
had been deadlocked 8 to 4 fo
acquittal, Daisy de Bo languished
in jail today awaiting sentence fo
theft from her former employer,
Clara Bow of the films.
After more than 48 hours of bit-
ter wrangling the jury of seven
men and five women finally brought
in a verdict Friday holding Daisy
guilty of one of the 35 counts of
grand theft with which she was
charged and recommended clemen-
There was little or no exultation
over the verdict in the Bow house-
hold, where the red-haired actress
is ill with a cold.
Clara Pleads for Clemency.
"For Daisy's sake, I hope the
court will be lenient," said Clara,
who accused Miss de Boe of steal-
ing $15,045.35.
"She was the best friend I had in
the world."
The court set next Monday for
passing of sentence. Conviction on
the one count carries a penalty of
1 to 10 years in San Quentin peni-
A petition for probation will be
prepared immediately and submit-
ted to the court, Defense Attorney
Nathan Fredman announced. Dep-
uty District Attorney David Clark,,
who handled the prosecution, said
he would not oppose it.
Jurors said a terrific struggle
preceded the compromise verdict,
which they said was arrived at
while the jury stood 8 to 4 for ac-
Couldn't Agree on Case.
Directed by the court to continue
their deliberations after they twice
had reported inability to agree, the
jury finally picked one of the counts
charging the theft of $825 two days
befo're Daisy was fired as Clara's
secretary, and voted a conviction.
One of the women jurors, Mrs.
Mary A. Everett, mother of two
grown daughters, admitted leading
the fight for conviction "as a lesson
to other young girls." She said the
count on which Daisy was convict-
ed was picked "more or less at
Drawn by the promise of an ex-
pose of the private life of the "it"
girl, when- Daisy threatened to "tell
all" about Clara at the trial's out-
set, capacity crowds jammed the
Then Judge Doran, however, nut
a damper on the sensational pro-
ceeding by ruling that no more
mud-slinging was necessary- to de-
termine the guilt or innocence of
the frail ex-secretary.
Ann Arbor High School
Enrollment Tops 1,000
A student body of 1,000, the larg-
est in the city's history since 1925,
will be enrolled in Ann Arbor High
school for the second semester,
school officials said yesterday.
Ninety-six junior high school
students, who will enter in Febru-

try, have been classified, bringing
the present student body of 904 up
to an enrollment of 1,000.
A speciality for twenty
Prompt service . . . Experienced oper-
ators . . . Moderate rates.
314 South State St. Phone 6615


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I +%; .}; e ::2X d':$ 5$? a#' r . fs ' .r; i;' ?A R3 '.33& £=38 & & $ srt-r,.x 1 3

Resignation of Phillip Armour Road Board Meeting
III Follows Election to Decide Alleged
of T. George Le oce Al .e
Oil 'Irregularities'
CHICAO, J; n. 24. - The firm " '1'hl first step in the "impartial
Armour & Co., packers, today was
hcadc-dby T. George Lee, a former investigation" of alleged irregulari-
stolncgraSherwhose election to the ties of the board of road commis-
presidency was followed almost im- sioners will be taken this week when
mediately by the resignation of the special committee, appointed
Philip D. Armour III first vice pros- Friday by the board of supervisors,
ooet an bera oftecompany'sconfers with A. R. Bailey, deposedj
Ths execative con rol of Armour engineer manager of the commis-
& Co., whiric for 63 years has had sion.
some membor of the famous fam- The meeting will be held at 10:30
ily in an official position, passed o'clock Monday morning, the in-
completely into the hands of oth- , vestigating committee said. At that
ers. Thc' third Philip is a grandson] time, the supervisors stated, Bailey,
of "Old P. D." Armour, the founder. who charges irregularities, will be
Armour's withdrawal as an exec- asked to tell the committee the "ir-
ulive vas ihe fourth resignation i regularities" alleged to have oc-
among members of the Armour cured.
family within the past few years. This concluded, the investigating
Lester Armour, also a grandson of c tte d the memersip o
the founder, resigned as a vice committee, t he membership of
president in March of 1929, and whichbincludes Supervisors H. r.
Laurance H. Armour resigned Ra a rschbacher, sixth ward, Ann Ar-
vice president in 1926. Laurance bor; Emmett Gibb, Superior town-
and A. Watson Armour, however, tship, wi m.Staeble rad co
remain as directors. . mission the latter part of the week
Armour announced his severance either Tuesday or Wednesday.As
of nearly 17 years of association in the conference to be held with
with the company in a brief state- Bailey, the commission will be ask-
ment in which he said that "under) ed to give "voluntary" informa-
the circumstances there was no al- to ga
ternative," adding that his action U1
was the "greatest disappointment" Details of the conference with
of his life. He declined to amplify l Bailey and the road commissioners
the statement, but it was learned will be kept secret, the commission-
that he bad looked forward to be- ers concluded. Then, at the inves-
coming president of the concern tigation scheduled for Feb. 2, the
after the death of F. Edson White. findings of the committee will be
"This," said Armour, "is my swan made known.
song. I haven't anything to add Bailey, ousted several weeks ago
to it." by the commission rs, alleges the

®aoci f res P4 o

Attorneys who supported the recent decision of Federal Judge William Clark, of New Jersey, holding
the eighteenth amendment invalid are shown in Washington w- hen the case went before the supreme
court. Scatel, left to r ight: Julius Henry Cohen, Selden Bacon, and George H. Williams. Standing:
Leslie G. Tompkins, Kenneth E. Dayton, Daniel F. Cohalan and Frederick P. eParse.

Ingham County Seeks to Restoref
Depleted Hunting Through 1
Scientific Methods.
The School of Forestry and Con-
servation and the Geography de-
partment have been enlisted in an
experiment in Ingham county to
find out what can be done to in-
crease the amount of game in that
The hunting industry involves'
some three or four hundred thous-
and sportsmen in southern Michi-
gan who are almost wholly upon
farm lands. Many difficulties arise
in the present situation, due to
trespassing on private lands as a
problem of the farmers and the
lack of game as the hunters prob-
For this reason, Harry S. Harper,
presidentof the Isaac Walton league
in Michigan, has seen the neces-
sity of a real scientific investiga-
tion of the situation. Those whom
he has called in to assist him on
the technical committee include
the United States biological survey,
the Arms and Ammunition Maniu


Rudy Narrowly Misses Being Hit task for their discourtesy and add-
by Gr ut in Act at ed that there might be some in the
MetropolitanHousaudience who enjoyed hearing him.I
Metropolitan House. He said many had paid admission
for that purpose and that those
Associated Press dispatches yes- who disliked his singing were not
terday told of a very disgraceful compelled to stay."j
event in dear old Boston at one Theatre police and ushers took
Metropolitan Theatre where Rudy three young men into custody for
Valletwan here whirn the grapefruit hurling. They were
Vallee was performing. Itaken to Police Station number 4
"It was the final performance of where the desk sergeant read them
the opening day of a week's en- the riot act, after which they were
gagement and Rudy was in the dismissed, Vallee and the theatrel
midst of one of his characteristic management refusing to press l
melodies," t h e dispatch states. charges against them. The names
"Without warning the fruit came of the three culprits were withheld
hurling down from the balcony. but it was thought yesterday that
Neither grapefruit struck Rudy but they were Harvard sudents.
one did strike the drummer's cym- Perhaps the Princeton-Harvard
bals and the other splattered over relations break of 1926 has begun
the stage props. The audience all over again-only this time it's
gasped, but Rudy kept right on Yale.

Ann Arbor branch of the Red Cross,
said tha t it he quota is expected to
be realized within the next week.
Contributions can be made to
Normain 1 tmar at the North Uni-
versit y avenuc branch of the Ann
Arbor Savings & Trust company,
and Ernst Wurstor, roll call chair-
man of the Red Cross, at the city
treasurer's office in the city hall.
Students wishing to contribute
can do so at the Ann Arbor Sav-
ings bank.
Changes Contemplated
for Dispatch of Mail
Schedules in the dispatch of mail
may undergo some change within
the next week, Postmaster A. C.
Pack said yesterday.
The contemplated changes will
involve only the dispatch of mail to
Toledo and Flint, the postmaster
added. These changes are neces-
sary, he explained, because of two
trains recently discontinued on the
Ann Arbor railroad.
Postmaster Pack also said that a
railway rail service investigator
has studied the changes, and will
make a report within a few days.
At the present time, plans are be-
ing made for dispatching mail to
Toledo and Flint by motorbus.
Local Boy Scout Head
Gives Report for Year
Hackley Butler, for eight years
the district president of the Boy
Scouts of America, last night pre-
sented his report at the annual
district meeting of the organization.
The district includes the troops in
Ann Arbor, Whitmore Lake, Chelsea
and Dexter.
Just Phone
I17 N). Ist St.
Phone 4298


The story goes that after he had
finished his song, Rudy addressed
the audience in a mild tone, al-
though he had a decisive note in
his voice. He "took the hecklers to
Dean's Office Urges
Autoists to Buy Tags

facturer's institute, the state de- Purchase of 1931 auto license
partment of conservation, the zoo- plates will be imperative by the end
logy .department and soil division of next week, it was announced in
of Michigan State college, and the thetoffice of the dean of students
state department of agriculture, yesterday, in order to procure Uni-
The first work of investigation versity permit tags for the com-
has developed detailed maps of the ing year. W. B. Red, assistant to
area showing the exact sizes and the dean, stated that those whose
locations of fields, crops, swamps, permits have not already been se-
I marshes, woods, fence rows, and[cured should do so within the next
soils. Work involving several weeks few days to avoid delay in opera-
in the field, was carried out by the tion of therm autos after Feb. 1.
geography department and by J. O Tags for 1931 must be sent from
Veach, of the soils division of the Jackson following application, the
state college, process delaying the use of cars by
applicants for several days.
OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY-. Regulations regarding use of cars
"The Free Voice," a student publi- for the J-Hop will be announced
cation recently criticized the ad- either tomorrow or Tuesday, Rea
ministration and especially Presi- said. Time and place for securing
dent Riglhtmire for toleration of permits will be announced at that
campus politics, boring instructors, time.
* -148i~i

Majestic-Marian Davies in "The
Bachelor Father" with R a 1 p h
Forbes and C. Audrey Smith.
MV i is h i g a n--Joan Crawford in
''Paid "."
Wuerth--"Billy the Kid" with
Wallace Beery and John Mack

White was killed Jan. 15 when he
j fell from the seventh floor window
of his home.
The action of the board of direc-
tors in selecting Lee followed a
four-hour session. Newspaper re-
porters noticed that Armour left
immediately after the vote was tak-
en, without waiting with the other
officers to offer congratulations to
the newly selected president. R
Council Will Attempt
C HrdWater Problem
Ann Arbor's water problem-soft-
en ing of water--will come up for
consideration at a meeting of mem-
bers of the water committee next
Wednesday night at the City hall.
The problem of softening water
has been under fire for some time,
a committee having been appoint-
ed several months ago to conduct a
tudy of the plan. Final recom-
n'cndation is expected to be given
matter at Wednesday's meet-
ing, and the plan sent to council
for approval.
Another city meeting, that of
the financa committee, will be held
Thursday aft ernoon. The commit-
roe will examine city bills and re-
ceive bids on pavement bonds.

commission purchased 21 cars of
asphalt road oil without first ob-
taining bids and specifications.
Several other irregularities are also
charged by the deposed manager.
Police Order Dog Tied
After ItBites Youth
Police ordered a dog owned by
Richard H. Coven, 731 Haven ave-
nue, tied for ten days for observa-
tion after he had bitten Robert
Legg, 711 Haven avenue, Friday.
County Drought Relief
Quota Being Reached
More than $450 of the $1,000
quota of Washtenaw county chap-
ter of the American Red Cross for
dr ought relief, has been subscribed,
it was said yesterday afternoon.
Norman Ottmar, treasurer of the

Tl,. T.',"., .., .,,,.

International)r oFrn i. rancis
S. Onderdonk on "How to End Three first-year men and three
War;" 3:30, Lane hall. women were placed on probation at
Concert--School - of Music trio; Stanford University as a penalty
4:15 o'clock, Lydia Mendelssohn for violation of the honor system.
theatre; no admission charge. They were failed in their five-hour
Brown. language course.


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