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January 25, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-25

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Episcopal Bishop of Western
Michigan to Talk at
Meetings Here.
Rev. Anderson to Discuss Wet,
Dry Issue at Service
This Morning.
Two distinct subjects, the coming.
Religious Emphasis week and recent
happenings throughout the world,
will be discussed at Ann Arbor's
churches today.
Bishop John D. McCormick, since
1909 bishop of the diocese of west-
ern Michigan, comes to the St.
Andrew's Episcopal church today,
where he will conduct the morning
service and also the student group
meetings. During the war, Bishop
McCormick was a chaplain with the
famous Rainbow divisions and is
well-known as an authot.
Especially timely, in view of the
current test case on the eighteenth
amendment before the supreme
court, will be the Rev. Merle H. An-
derson's discussion of this question
under the title, "Prohibition Or-?"
at the Presbyterian church.
Rev. Marley Will Preach. ,
At the Unitarian church, the Rev.
H. P. Marley, in preparation fort
Religious Emphasis week, will
preach a series of sermons begin-
ning today on the modern problem
of the church. His subject today is
"What's Wrong With Catholicism?"
"Layman," Mr. Marley stated,
"are able to speak from a detached
standpoint about the +church, but 1
they do not know enough about it,
as shown by Sinclair Lewis' reac-
tion to the church in Elmer Gan- I
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher has cho s-
en to speak this morning at the
Methodist church on "Virtue." At
the evening meeting, Mrs. Frederick,
B. Fisher, will speak on "Modern
China's Christian President," a
subject with which she is thorough-
ly familiar because of ten years
experience in educational mission-
ary work in the Orient.


Associated Press4ruo_
Christian "Red" Cagle,
Who gained all-American recog-
nition twice during his four years
as an Army football player, has
turned his talents to the New York
stock exchange, and is now a floor
clerk for a firm of Wall street brok-

Persons Wanting to Drive Cars'
May Apply Any Time After
January 30 for Permit.
Complete Regulationsl for House
Parties on Night of Dance
Announced by Bursley.
Permits for operation of automo-
biles for the week-end of the J-Hop
by all University students will be
granted from the office of the dean
of students, 'eo Brown, '32, chair-
man of the floor committee, an-
nounced last night. Applications for
permission can be obtained at any
time after Friday, Jan. 30. Students
will be required to obtain a card
from the office of the dean and
send the same to their parents who
must return the card with the
necessary information.
The data required includes license
number of the car tobe driven at
that time, make and model of the
car, and a written permission from
the parent. These cards will be in
the form of a postcard so that par-
ents can return them to the office
of the dean, and upon their arrival
the student may obtain the license.
Application for permits is urged by
the dean's office in order to avoidl
delay through corerspondence with
the parent.I
Will Be Lifted Feb. 13.
The auto ban will be lifted from


Issue to Appear Wednesday;
Will Take Up Events Holding
Attention of Campus.
Although the issue is not special-
ized to the extreme, the general
theme of the February number of
the Gargoyle is the J-Hop and its
attndant incidents with references
here and there to the examination
period. The issue will make its
appearance next ,Wednesday on the
The cover is especially seasonal
and deals with the examination
situation which' is augmented in
the book by some comments on
the marking system, in the lignt
of the recent movement to change
the system of grades.
"Hints for the J-Hop," by Harry
Price, '33, will be for the aid of
the students who are about to at-
tend their first J-Hop and house
party. Along the same line, there
is an article on "J-Hop Substitutes,"
intended more for those who don't
go to the party and who must find
other ways of spending their time
on Friday night.
Another of the class party fea-
tures is the "Bootleggers' Guide,"
for those whom the Gargoyle sus-
pects will be unusually active on
the night of Feb. 13. "Further Cures
for Athletes' Foot," by Gurney Wil-
liams, '31, also pertains to the
annual class function.
In addition, the answer to the
Campus Beauty contest, announced

Local Man Changed
to Rio Consul Post
(fly A ocat ed Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.-For-
eign service changes announced
today by the state department
Samuel T. Lee, Ann Arbor,
Mich., consul general at Lisbon,
assigned as consul general at Rio
de Janeiro.



roi Irrx PTIUlEmTRr

in last month's issue, will be printed
in the February number. One of
the judges dissented on the final
opinion but added that the selec-
tion "would gain second place in
his list."
A number of shorter subjects and
a large Campus Talk section com-
plete the book. Cartoons for the
number are by Jack Cutting, '32,
Alan Handley, '32, Marshall Collins,!
'32, and Williams.
Emphasizes Growing Need to Sell
the College to Alumni
and Undergraduates.
The district convention of the'
American Alumni council closed
with a luncheon at the Union yes-
terday noon, at which President
Alexander Grant Ruthven was the
guest of honor. T. Hawley Tapping
J. Fred Lawton, '11, one of Michi-
gan's most active alumnus, in a
short address stressed the growing
need of selling the college to both
undergraduates and alumni of the
"Students of today need a great
deal more selling than they used
to," he said, "and consequently
when considering alumni of more
recent years we should realize this
and allow more salesmanship in
alumni work."
Lawton emphasized the point that
20 years ago every student was
heart and soul for his college, but
that today this feeling and loyalty
toward school tradition is lacking
and therefore must be aroused by
active alumni work. He concluded
by saying that bringing the alumni
back to football games is a good
way to sell them what they should
have been sold in school.
President Ruthven on behalf of
the University, welcomed the vari-
ous alumni secretaries attending
the meeting and briefly outlined
the work that the school is doing
in alumni lines.
G. Carl Huber, dean of the
Graduate school and director of
the Michigan Alumni association,
described the job of alumni secret-
ary as an enviable one in that a
person in this position is more
intimately connected with all parts
of a school than anyone outside
of a president. He also labled alum-
ni associations as strictly American
The luncheon and the morning
meeting which preceded it at Stark-
weather hall, Ypsilanti, concluded
the program of the convention.
Gandhi to be Released
From Prison Today
(By Assocrated Press)
NEW DELHI, India, Jan. 24. -
A bespectacled and wizened lit-
tle Hindu, Mohandas Karamchand
Gandhi, who is revered as a saint
by teeming millions in India, prob-
ably will walk from prison at Poona
into the bright sunshine tomorrow
or shortly thereafter.
It is known that the viceroy, Lord
Irwin, and his executive council,
has studied plans for the release
of Gandhi and about 30 other im-
portant nationalists, but have been
delayed somewhat by certain condi-
tions of the problem.

Ruthven Outlines Problems
Speech for Listening



Michigan defeated Chicago,
unbeaten Conference leaders, 41
to 15, at the Midway last night.
Eveland and Altenhof got eight
points each to lead the Michigan
team. The "B" team won its 8th
straight victory over the Detroit
"Y", 30 to 19. Northwestern beat
Ohio, 35 to 22, to hold its Con-
ference lead, while Wisconsin
beat Illinois 30 to 20.
Michigan defeated Michigan
State 23 to 5, Stoddard winning
by a fall, and Wilson defaulting
on being knocked unconscious
after having a time advantage.
Michigan trounced Minnesota
1 to 0 at Minneapolis yesterday
(Complete Sports on Pages 6 & 7)

Measure Marks First
Chance of Solons
to Reconsider.
Some Claim President
Favors Modifying
Volstead Act.
(By Associated Press)
Amid debate over whether Presi-
dent Hoover favored modification
of the dry laws to make them less
or more stringent, the Senate to-
day approached the first vote it
has had on four per cent been
since national prohibition became
Senator Wheeler, Democrat,
Montana, said friends of the pres-
ident had "passed out the word
secretly that the
President is moist
on the prohibition
issue." He based
his statement on
newspaper stories
he read to the
. . 4- Brookhart Favors
Dry View.
While adminis-
tration leaders
kept out of the
discussion, Sena-
t o r Brookhart,
Republican, Iowa,
3URTON K. WELER said he interpret-
ed the stories pur
porting to show the President has
an open mind on prohibition to

Dr. Jones, Detroit, Listed. f
At the Church of Christ tonight,
Dr. Edgar DeWitt Jones, pastor of t
the Woodward Central church, De-
troit, will speak on "Adventures4
Among Great Americans." Dr.
Jones is a recognized authority on'
the lives of Washington, Jefferson,
Lincoln, and Wilson.
The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps, pas-
tor of the First Congregational
church, will discuss this morning
"Living with One's Self," while at
the Baptist church the Rev. R. Ed-
ward Sayles will speak on "The Re-
covery of Prayer." di
At the Hillel foundation, Rabbi
Bernard Heller will discuss this
morning the question "Have the
Jews a Mission?"
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
January 24, 1931.
IONIA-Albert King, 62, who for
the past 12 years has been blind,
learned today that he may recover
his sight. King received a message
last night informing him that oil
has been discovered on some land
owned by his brother in Oklahoma,
and that the income from the oil
well will be devoted to an operation
which surgeons think will restore
the sight of at least one eye.
KALAMAZOO-The Portage Ele-
vator Co., at Portage Center, burned
to the ground late Friday after-
noon with a loss of $10,000. The
grain elevator, which for 50 years
has been a landmark of Kalamazoo
county, was partially covered by in-
surance. Although Kalamazoo and!
Vicksburg fire departments sent
trucks, the blaze had gained such
headway that nothing could be'
GRAND RAPIDS-Robert Dodge,
15-year-old high school boy, is be-
lieved to have saved the life of a
17-months-old baby when he gave
a pint of his blood in a blood trans-
fusion. Jacqueline Haskin, the
baby, has been suffering from a
rare form of anemia, and the doc-

U . . L L L L L d I U U L.. Idnonday morning, Feb. 16, with the re- Laval Expected to be Requested
minim fl flEfl ]sumption of second semester activ- by President Doumergue
Ti miswilenotralbrequre d to ob p to Form New Cabinet.
special permits for the J-Hop week-I
Wickersham Group Findings end in order to have social use of (APS Associated Press)
their cars. PARIS, Jan. 24.-For the fourth
in Opposition to Recently Regulations for house-partie time in the past year and a half!
Published Student; Poll. over the J-Hop week-end are as Aristide Briand Cnight refused to,
follows:. become premier of France, but the
That the report of the Wicker-' (1) House parties shall not begin political crisis which began with
sham commission on prohibition is earlier than Friday morning and the downfall of Theodore Steeg's
contrary to the sentiments of more end not later than Sunday at 6 cabinet appeared nevertheless to be
than half of the college campuses p. m j.nearer a solution.
in the country is evidenced by the (2) At least one of the chaper- Briand is on the way home from
report of a poll conducted by the ones for each house party shall be Geneva where he has been attend-
National Student Federation of a parent of one of the active mem- ing meetings of the League of Na-
America, summarized and publish- bers of the group, or a member of tions council, and when he sees the
ed this week. the University Senate and his wife. president tomorrow morning he
Crystallizing the concensus of (3) The presence in the house of probably will suggest that, Dou-
opinion of student delegates to the intoxicating liquors, or of any per- mergue ask Pierre Laval to form a
annual congress held by the Fed- son showing the effects of intoxi- new cabinet. It was regarded as
eration in Atlanta, Ga., answers to eating liquors, shall be forbidden. almost certain that Laval would be
a questionnaire given the collegians (4) There shall be no dancing in ; called before tomorrow night.
revealed that 54 per cent of the any house after 9 p. m. on Friday! The president made his offer to
men and women favored modifica- night or after 12 o'clock on Satur- Briand by telephone to Geneva.
tion of the 18th amendment, while day night. Briand told his chief that he could
only 21 per cent :endorsed rigid (5) No couple attending any not handle simultaneously the jobs
enforcement. Twenty-five per cent house-party shall be on the streets;of premier and foreign minister.
of the congress voted for complete later than one hour after the cessa- He believes he can serve the nation
repeal of the amendment and the tion of dancing on either Friday or better in the latter post by con-{
Volstead act. Saturday nights. tinuing his work for lasting peaceI
At the same time, a summary of (6) Before permission can be in Europe.
the poll evinced the fact that 57 granted to any group to hold a Laval's name has been mentioned
believed that "college drinking" was house-party on the J-Hop week- before in speculations regarding
increasing, 47 thought that it wasIend a copy of the regulations must the premiership, and Pierre Flan-
remaining static, 16 believed it de- be presented to the J-flop commit- din and Louis Barthou also have
creasing, and no one thought that4 tee signed by an authorized repre- been suggested for the post.
it had been eliminated. gsentative of that group pledging to
The uesionairefurherabide by the regulations set forth
The questionnaire further brought by the dean of students.
out that the bulk of the student Other Regulations Listed.H
leaders present favored the United Other regulations concerning the ,
States assuming a position of world J-Hop approved last night by J. A.
leadership in the cause of disarma- Bursley, dean of students, were:
court on the basis of the Root' (1) No corsages shall be permit-
orula.nheassfth R ted to be worn at the hop. 11.
ormula, (2) Smoking in the gymnasium Coachless Plan of 1929 Given
at the Intramural building and the Up When Students Fail
use, possession, or showing the to Give Approval.
effects of intoxicants shall be con-
sidered improper conduct. Viola- (yAscae rs)
tions of the regulations governing CAMBRIDGE Mass Jan. 24
the hop traceable to any group but The decision to end coachless base-
not to individuals shall render the ball at Harvard was announced to-
entire group liable to penalty. The day by Athletic Director William J.
Plans for Preventing Importing H.ptcmmitteeshallbe responb Bingham. He said Coach Fred
1 for the proper conduct while in the Mitchell would direct the Crimson
of Forced Labor Products gymnasium for all those attending nine from the bench intevery game
Before Committee. the hop and any violators shall be this season.
reported to the chaperones, and A year ago, at Yale's request,
(1) Associated Press) their names turned over to the HArvarad tried out the coachless
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. - Plans student advisory committee. H and Mitchell was off the
for establishing a national policy (3) No persons shall re-enter theplanchndrMitgae s ofdgthe
to prevent importation of enforced building after once leaving. bre
zpi pQ ith Y V±l Th l i1nn mat wift~h

out the advancement of the alum-
nae association, considering the
new and imposing League building
as the first mile-stone in its road
of progress. "Stupendous as is this
brick and mortar undertaking," she
continued, "far more stupendous
and difficult of accomplishment lie
the tasks ahead.
The great international aspect of
Michigan's alumni was pointed out
by T. Hawley Tapping. "Michigan is
of thew orld," he said. "Sons and,
daughters of Ann Arbor can be
found in the great capitals of the
nations and in the stations of far
away provinces doing their bits in
the world and profiting by the in-
spirations which this campus gave
G. Carl Huber concluded the
speaking program with an address
pointing to the activities of the
alumni in the past years as well as
their prososed activities under the
ten year program.

Messages were sent to the 75,000
alumni of the University last night
in a special "Alumni Night" pro-
gram broadcast from the Univers-
ity studio over WJR. J. Fred Law-
ton, '11, handled the role of an-
nouncer. The speakers were Presi-I
dent Alexander G. Ruthven, G.
Carl Huber, dean of the graduate
school, T. Hawley Tapping, editor
of the Michigan Alumnus, and
Helen M. Gore, chairman of the
Alumnae association.
"Institutions of higher learning
always have had and ever will have
unsolved problems in the general
field of education," said President
Ruthven in his address to the
alumni. He went on to say that the
University had been going through
ap eriod of expansion, and that
during this period many problems
pertinent to the training of youth
had been neglected.
Helen M. Gore in her talk pointedj

for a record vote and appeared to
be in position to get the first test
of this kind in the Senate since
national prohibition became effec-
tive. Bingham said he did not be-
lieve President Hoover favored his
Bingham Offers Beer Vote.
Bingham's bill was offered as a
substitute for the pending Howell
bill established a drastic enforce-
ment act for the District of Colum-
bia. The Howell bill, under attack
from the outset by both drys and
wets, opened the flood gates of pro-
hibition oratory. It was still pend-
ing tonight and offered an opening
for much further discussion on pro-
The Bingham beer measure was
sidetracked for disposition of an
amendment by Senator Blaine, Re-
publican, Wisconsin, to strike from
the Howell bill provisions allow-
ing search and seizure in homes
upon evidence that stills are oper-
ating in them or that liquor is de-
livered to them or removed from
It was this provision which was
condemned by drys as .well as wets.
Senator H o w e 11, Republican, Ne-
braska, author of the bill, said it
was necessary to keep Washing-
ton from continuing as "the sanc-
tuary of bootleggers." He conceded
that Attorney General Mitchell had
opposed the provision.



Suppression of Cuban HEV1bIUNIN H4l[5
Papers Is Denounced
(By Associated Press) Recommendation; for Alterations
NEW YORK, Jan. 24.-President in Legal Standards for Rates
Machado's suppression of Havana Made by Interstate Body.
newspapers is denounced editorially y __ aty
in the'January 24th issue of Editor (3y Associated Press)
and Publisher.WAHNTN Jn24-b-
"One rule in political economy is WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.-Aban-
unfailing; censorship of the press donment by Congress of the gov-
by constitutional government means ernment's attempt to collect ex-
that the government cannot bear cess earnings from the country's
the daylight of publicity," says the railroads and a revision of the pres-
paper. "The action of President ent legal standard by which the
Machado in suppressing 12 Havana level of all transportation rates is
Machadormino suppressing 12 Havana+n


labor products in competition with'
those of American free labor are
to be taken up by the House ways
and means committee with a view
to action at this session.
Chairman Hawley announced to-
day that the Kendall bill to restrict
importation of enforced labor prod-
ucts would be considered at hear-
ings within a few days.
Engineering Library
Given French Posters

University of Iowa
OfficialsFace Charge
(By Associated Press)
DES MOINES, Iowa, Jan. 24.-In-
vestigation of charges of malad-
ministration of the University of
Iowa by a joint legislative commit-
tee was requested today by Gov.
Dan Turner in a message to the
general assembly.
The governor said the charges

series w1L ale. z e plan meL wi~
general disapproval among the
players, one of whom told Bingham
"it has taken all the fun from the
j Education School Men
to be Given Luncheon
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis, Prof. C.
0. Davis, and Prof. Clifford Woody,,
Sof the School of Education will be
the guests of honor at a luncheon
Ui-t hA -.1P fr s-y f . + crnna

newspapers and magazines is no ay by te intere omerce
exception to the rule. It spells gross day by the iterstate commerce
violation of public trust by a gov- commission.
ernment so corrupt, incompetent In a letter to the Senate inter-
financially involved or stupidly die- state commerce committee, signed
tatorialythat it fears, indeed cannot by Joseph B. Eastman in behalf of
bear, a test of public opinion form- his colleagues, the commission said
ing through the processes of a free there was the "menace of extensive
untrmmgle p." and prolonged litigation" over the
untrammeled press. recapture system and that railroads
are now "faced with continually
Ryerson Research Men , increasedcompetition from other1
to Visit Physicists forms of transportation."
I An accentance by Congress of the

Will Determine Whether Prices
Are Maintained in Violation
to Anti-Trust Laws.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.-An in-
vestigation of the oil industry was
proposed in the Senate today by
Senator Nye, Republican, of North
Dakota, to determine whether prices
of crude oil and gasoline are being
maintained by price agreement or
other practices in violation of the
anti-trust laws.

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