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January 24, 1931 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-24

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Gri Baque, MLP.. GoupFeature Work of Sigmia Dc

Ilta Chi


-- -- -- i

Fraternity Is Host Annually to
'Iterschoastic ress
Robert Tar, 24, and Hawley
'app~ing_ Numbered Amnong
Fenorner P'sidents.
Ty Richard L. Tobin, '32.
Each April, an air of mystery and
suspense, m'istus and suspicion
invade's Michigan's campus, and
University st uents and faculty
members ga 6icI in i;n&1l1 groups in
the Angell hlul loLiy to discuss theI
problen of the hour--"Who's go-
ing to get the Ol t n this year?"I
Nothing in ti,. Uiversity life
makes such a deer) campus impres-
sion as the Crid L anut -and no
singe honor is so covetedl as the
40-cent brass spike with its three
foot handle and its galaxy of en-
graven campus figures. There was
a time whn the Grid Banquet's
presentation of the "Oil Can" meant
that the recipient had "shot of
* his mouth" during the year and
deserved a little razzing. With the
increasing age and popularity of
the banquet the idea did an about-,
face, and the present owner of the
famous trophy told last year's au-
dience that is was 'the most valued
presentation he had ever received..
Sponsors Razfest.
Sigma Delta Chi, professional
journalistic fraternity; sponsors this
* annual, "razz-fest" as part of its
regular work. Members of Sigma
Delta Chi, chosen for their promin-
ence in campus activities, publica-
tions,.and ability in the journalis-
tic field with primary intentions of
making' it their profession, write
the skits for the entertainment af-
ter the banquet, design the decora-
tions and general theme of invita-
* tions, tickets and programs, pub-
licize the event, and put it across
as one of the major happenings of
the spring. Nearly all the campus
celebrities attend, national figures
make speeches, everyone gets slap-
ped and everyone laughs at every-
one else. It is the one time that the
student body can say what it likes
about anyone it likes and get away
with it.
But the gridiron banquet isn't'
the only event which Sigma Delta1
Chi sponsors. The annual conven-
tion of the Michigan Inter-schola-
tic Press, association is conducted
entirely by the fraternity, with the
* aid of the journalism department,l
* and heas proven greatly successful
and profitable for younger journal-
ists throughout Michigan. This,
year more than 200 attended from
every section of the lower penin-
sula, all the major publications inI
high schools throughout the statel
were represented, whether direct-
ly or indirectly. Along with this
three-day convehtion, the fratern-
* ity puts on contests throughout the
year among members of the Mich-
gan Interscholastic association for
cxellency in editorials, make-up,f
-gairaJl worth and standards. Prizes
tand cups are awarded in all classest
for the best newspaper, magazines,
and annuals in the state.
- These two major activities, char-
* acteristily laid to Sigma Delta Chi,
aren't the only things which the
group accomplishes by any means;
* they are, however, the two out-
ward and visible signs of live or-
ganization in the journalistic field.
The~ Gaboon, a satire, is published
at odd intervals throughout the[~
yea]' when events occur which need
spc(:ll atontion. A Baboon has
been issuedI in past years at the
homecoming games, but this year
it was deferred until the J-hop, a
change is of interst to campus
Chartered in 190.
The Michigan chapter of Sigma
Deid Chi is the second to be es-

iabishdhaving been chartered in
1!,one year .after the national,
t; ng of the organization at
tell to ot'"A F- I:In , famous

x d ri z'idbcrt S al31.'t o Gigve Pir-hth '
Union Sel les.
5Al a. 3bert SpahiAin',Ae nv hln-
r i1st, will be heard f or1t~hird{
4 v ^: ' : I in~e in Ann Arbor viwhet he pre-
:} t -seni ~s the eig ht, }1 rogi'a toin this
r.,. '3e} r F"S rz >Qseason's Choral Uniooncert SE'-
i-ies at 8:15 o'clock T ueaynig ht.I
iL le has pri'ious appear-ed in Ann
qt 4 r e ' , 'cMay he May Festival.
The program, he xwill present has
:, a r 1f # 1? 3 fw:. nY aeen announei'ed as follows: LaI
t{S4 r, S'Felia, by C orel1 l--ero, Iby Pa1C:,dre
z'; ww r wr . sa z Y 1Matini: P;antarsis Yo r piano0andi
viehin, GOr. 159, by S-hutbeirt; Con-
. . ~~cc Gti.In A TMin!or, . .5,by ViEul-
F~~t 4 Mf r x temps; ChYanlson i 11 a 1is o y
iE)~J; Etude en lorna' ,d(o Vote, by
Saint Saens Y , ve ; tvw o"of its Own
compositions, Castles it, Sputn, andi
MW } 4 . r c 3s t ;., Y f lOld Irish Sog 1,and lI ;uuee aiud!
<: < H' ., z , Sp ?Seviana, \vh ch hie a ioe in coilab-
{ or'ation with Albcni'z.
e - Spalding was born in Chicago
M: x2 ~and studied in New ""orkl, Florencei
rs I one ..Bologna,. H_ uMde his cdebut
, . Y ,, f , :; , " :i wbAd1elone Patti 11n Paris. In
.. .....ni..on .ot:his ti, he (101'
I aaded the Cross of UA' 'C -c , n oS


( i
t t.

-, ment, is rapidcly bei ng prepared. Al-
RtOME, Jan. 23.--South American! ready 'ktim)orttsifun-, Russia are in-
arke'ts, which some ob7Se'"ver. raig priual in coal, oil,
think are slipping aw ay from thelme adoe terwmaeil
UJnited 2tates. are seen lucre as; one ofGIiU liytnd ever in need.
ractivating influence of the new Russia's purchasecs are on 25-year
.Russian-Italian commnercial. accord. credit ; batcke b y the Italian gov-
T'hus far thuat motive is in the" erment and L-,banking syndicate.
back round, butt it is expected t
come mnore~ clearly into the picture:.2 Year k'Aesdent Here
i 1931. *H sPasotTrouble
The , chiannel for this decvelop me~ntaH sP ssotT
is expecrtedj to be a second trade j(f'-; r' w>r '.'d Iies
tic ta 'ce n the -fascist and sov!- fWAVSI GI, -ON, Jan. 23.---'T'hough
ref governmnents. Negotiations for William 'fnrunas Naon of Ports-
thuis are undo stood to be already ' mouth. Va., came to the United
under way. States fronu 1Ireland in 1848 and has
First P acw 1Vnilaterai. ;spent the 82 sbequent years in
Tile ruece 'Lily for a second a cor'd1 this ceountry, the state department
is discover ed in the peculhor trms 'could not give him a passport to
of the first pact, sign.ted a fewvusit his-- bir1ithulace.
rnontnis ago. Nolan's pa;pers showed he was
The strange p art of that agree- lest than $ year old whenulhe land-
nmen . i tha t it is ;;lmost entirely ;Cd, but niot that hie becanme a citi-
unilateral, ?Kitpro vidCs-for Russian ten.
purcha ;es, bui. di..- egards what'I Nevertheless. th1e bar to Nolan's
Ltasly m1-11-V red 'it the soviet 1 Vit to hi,, old birth~place has been
unu ro. triumnphantbly overcome. Harry E.
rsv tt it"usia bindis hecrself t by !1 Ti111, c-,mmrissionr' gene" 3fral of im-
i13t x 1r tucnf tur'( go;03S to Eoiu 'at~n. decided 1to give 1him a
va IlueOf 2 .,1,0'0*CJ0 lire t1 u'ug biy reu try oc)4'nuit as an alien entitled
lp!.(k t t30) 1 v Janle 30. 19f31 .it in-' to "temporary" residence in this
cI aa an CX e u.ora s nIhis am ount to 300,O ,0000 9 in the ! _C u t y
second year a-nd 503,000,000 in the i
t.hir'd if the par;t is given that adldi- Di . 0SCHUR-Z MM
ticuiel life.DE TS
Italian Imports Increase. NIS
A.dhermence to the strict letter of I O'nnme'ly o- State Sr. is now 1o-
this pact wouid place Russia. in the < t z. at 606G First Nat'l. Bank
position of forfeiting any chance. ltdg.
for a favorable balance in her trade PHONE 6335

Second Treaty Between Sovietsj with It alb-. But a second reciprocal
and Fascisti Seen in~ pact woucldi wipe out this contin-
Near Future. gny
lhe ground for this second agree-

Italy by th Italian gocuin.III
resIItohas also had the iluoiC" of baig
Associcited PrhefistAmeicnhooitos jdg
Ricardo J. Alfaro, forunmer st rtothe Cr ~ates, is shown here taking ithe oath af office as atthe rtAexantosiofthesarist-,
president of Panama in the supie .jttice C w of the country. Alfaro stands t the fable, wearingaconsevamin'atiLas oyearhe as
the presidential band anid reading his sreech of' acceptance. Oth er governmnt officials are seated at the madte a chevalier of thle Legion of
table. Honor' by the French government.
Tickets for the individual coru-~
ALLAN HOOVERP O E SOCIAL LION Music School Trio cerLs may still be obtained at thel
DURI G "HS V C' T _ W 43 L N_ _ ' CAP7T iionars ofsthee School ofai lusic on
11_ ____ _____ to Present Second Manrste.
Washington Hostesses Vie for And he accepts invitations right Concert Tomorrow I Minnesota mines in 1929 produc-
Hlonor of Havying Him at and left. This xwinter, during his; ed mere than half the iron ore out-
holiday c, ton at the WhiteI put of the United States, accord-
Their Parties, Ihouse, hie was a center of gaietyI The School of Music instrumental ing to the bureau of the census.
- ~in the youznge:r social set. trio, consisting of Prof. Wassily --___------_____
WASINTO, an. 23.-Allans~c Apparently heart-whole and fan- Beseuirsky, violin; Prof. H a n n s;
HoeyugrsnothPri-cy-free, le stands in the "stag", Pick, 'cello, and Joseph Brinkman,1 BRI GHT SPOT
detMnw o o lya ela ine at dances and "cuts in" with 1 piano , will give its second program
wortkosha theyaswlla rest of the young men. Some-I at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon 802 Pack ird Street
He"htsteroos"a the ar- times he asks to be presented to in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.j TODAY, 5:3(0 to 7:30)
yard school of business adminis- sonic particular gt1. And sometimes The-wl en diso hre BONE STEAKS
tration, but when he's in the cap- ne sits out a dance. Professor Besekirksky is complet- PORK CHOPS
ital, hostesses vie for the honor of C-u 'U g the Christmas holidays ing his first year as head of the
having him at their parties. there was scarcely a night that the violin department, having cometoLMCHP
___________ _____-Presiden t's younger son did not roil Ann Arbor as successor to Samuelj MASHED POTATOES
DePauw univesity. Chapters in away in a W"4 hite House limousine Lockwood. Professor Pick won dis- 1 TOAOSO-PNC
every major University have given to some brilliant ball. Sometimes tinetion in Europe as an ensemble TOA ES RSPNC
the organization no little prestige he attended several parties in one player and soloist. In America, lie35
in the professional world. A per- evening---as is the way of Wash- was solo cellist- with the Philadel-1 WE DELIVER PHONE 8241
sonnel employment bureau is main- ingto-n at the social season's height. phia orchestra for several years,
Samedibysthenand nit oris A year ago capital debutants Iand was also a member of the --J- __ _- -- -
almia nadi euigposi- caught their breaths in delight at, Rhode Island trio of which Profes - STEI
Lions on newspapers aod magazines E a sudden summons from the White l sor Besekirksky was violinist.
throughout the country,. The ofii-j Houwetoa.a dancing party for Al- Brinkman is also completing his
cil rano tefraternity is the lan. It proved a lively event, first year with the faculty. A mem-
vlQuill, gno h contributors frto wion include Again in this Christnias season, ber of the Chicago American con-
some of the greatest and mot im- when Mrs. Hoover issued invita- servatory, he first sprang into
portant names in modern jou.al- tions for another dance for Allan, prominence as a concert a r t i s t
ism, recipients were thrilled. A ja zz or-, when, from a large field, he won
Gurney Williams, '31, is presi- ,hestra played for both his White; first place in a competition for the
denst of this year's body, Robert L. ?Eire dances-instead of the Ma- honor of playing with the Chicago
Sloss, '31, vice president, Adsit I rL 'sand which usual ly plays for Symphony orchestra under Freder-
Stewart, '31, treasurer, and Frank afta. _11fte hitoric East room. ick Stock.
E. Cooper, '31, is secretary. Frank- Wn. Malhindistributes his atten- The program the trio will offer
lin Reck, well-known locally be- tions iuar:tially, theie are a fewcostsfBrhsriinBmj,
cause of his close affiliation with, girlis wbo, names stand out ini Op. 8, four movements, and Aren-
the local group and his position as conniec .gn v, h his social activity,.k' roi ioO.3,as
associate editor of American Boy OTne is Tauict Lange. his cousin. I four niovements.
magazine, was recently elected na - Anothert is '\Mariori ardine, daugh- - _
tional president of the fraternity. ter of the former secretary of agri- fI
T. Hawley Tapping, Michigani cu s Lie Caroline Hyde:, da r ghter of r
Alumni secretary, is a past Presi- t ]C h resent secretary of agricul-
Robert Tarr, '24, former new;s ed-t-- hose holIday p~arty Allan attend- - otiun tuna
tor on The Daily.; ed. Cniuu
________ ________ - I1:30-11:00 p. m







" ~Widows made while you wait" is the new racket now. Andi when this
widow steps into gangland-what a riot!
Wallace Beery--John Mack Brown

'N-lT O


Y. r,

'Honor Thy Fat herd
Even If You Don't
Know Him!

i J
1 ,, F
, ,


b i
E V. , aiie
I 4

A. group attack onl
Resea rch, fIninom answ-ers to the eternal
=?, keeps step in the Bell SNystem with
the new ind us1ral viewpoint.
The jy in working out studies in de-
velopmrent is shared by many. Results are
reached by g;roup effort. Striving to-
gether, th~e iature en gineer and his
yonu'l (er ,isstants, each contributes to
the filial sculutioll of thc, problem.

dd 97

of industry

( Acd d

Men of the Bell Telephone Labora-
tories are shiaring in useful, interesting
researchi. Then are g;etting; valuale train-
ing in the tro dern stteg y of organization
And bec'ause that strategy assures them
the aid Of nmen arin aterial resources,
thiey are actuallytung some ofthi
vision into tact.

I . ~ I


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