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January 24, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-24

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411t r t




VOL XLI. No. 87
County Board Determines Means
to be Used in Road Probe
on Feb. 2.
Committee to Study Thoroughly
Charges Against Road
The Washtenaw county board of
supervisors, in special session yes-
terday afternoon, outlined t h e
manner in which proceedings will
be conducted when the board meets
Feb. 2 to investigate alleged irregu-
.larities of the board of road com-
Although informal, the discussion
was held behind closed doors. Meet-
ing, however, as a committee, the
members who signed the petition
calling for the special meeting de-
clared that, insofar as the super-
visors were concerned, the contem-
plated investigation would be "im-
partial." No charges, they pointed
out, would be made against the
Investigation Committee Named.
The supervisors appoirted a spe-
cial committee to investigate more
thoroughly the basis of the charges.
This committee, composed of Su-
pervisors Emmett Gibbs, Superior1
township; C. F. Staebler, Ann Arbor
township, and H. G. Raschbacher,
Sixth Ward, Ann Arbor, will confer
with A. R. Bailey, outsted engineer-
manager of the commission, next
week, probably Monday, the super-
visors said.1
Bailey, who first charged the road
commissioners with irregularities in
carrying out the road policy, will
be asked by the committee to tellf
Yist what "irregularities" he al-'
leges .tohave ,been made. Atthe
same time, it was learned from an
authoritative source that a meet-4
ing of the special committee and
the road commission would be call-
ed either Tuesday or Wednesday.
This meeting, it was said, would be
for the purpose of obtaining "vol-
untary information" which the'
commissioners may feel free to give




Calls Campus Politics Mud PieWhat is more, we are making a

Making; Class Officers Are
Political Footballs.' +

By Lew Taggert,
Editor-in-Chief of The Daily
( SpCii lto The DI aily )
EVANSTON, Jan. 23.-A thor-
ough going revision of the consti-
tution of the Student council, now
proceding under the supervision of
Prof. Raymond Hatton, govern-
ment planning expert, is expected
to purge the Northwestern univer-
sity campus politics of many un-
desirably features.
An unprecedented situation arose
this fall when campus politicians,
ready to stage their usual election
farce, were unable to find page
after page of technicalities to use
as pegs on which to hang a fight
or two.
'aThe old undergraduate manual
had been figuratively relegated to
the dumpheap. The new document
was not yet ready. The compromise
was -a type of reconciliation com-
mittee - a small group to act as
a buffer between the two political
parties -and the result was one
of the cleanest elections ever seen
on this fair campus by the lake.
In other words the election was
run on a common sense basis. There
were no flourishes, frills to hamp-
er. Rules, as such, were minimized.
Politicians were at a loss to find
the usual ways and means of caus-
ing trouble.
The new constitution which the
Student council of Northwestern
1 will have is expected to be the
shortest of its kind in the country.,
It will be nothing more than the
,wound core of what was before a
sadly rotten apple.
In the same category as this par-
ing of the constitution is the gen-
eral movement, which is, incident-_
ally rather well-defined and clear-
cut, to snuff out the unnecessary
organizations and jobs.
At the present moment there are
only 93 student organizations here.
University of Michigan politicians
ar~e p .QgJY.surprised to find tha;
we get along with so few jobs to
pass out, but nevertheless we do.


very conscious effort to materially
reduce this number.
We were very much interested in
watching the efforts of William
Stevens, editor in 1928 and 1929 of
the Daily Cardinal, University of
Wisconsin newspaper, to p u r g e
Mendota's beautiful shores of use-
less sinecures. His efforts, and we
speak of him because he was the
nominal leader of the campus
movement, produced distinct re-
sults. As The Michigan Daily has
already pointed out to its readers
this fall, some six class offices were
abolished, not to speak of many

y ~ a d U3
Drs. Miller, Hodges Selected
to Fill Professorships
in Medical School.
Carnegie Contribution Accepted
for University Expedition
to Guatemala.

Yr .&'




The Michigan hockey team de-
feated Minniesota last night, 2-1.
TO r iiwfIAm TNif

Walsh Leads Fight for
Ousting of Three
President Says Senate
Is Invading His

1 other minor offices._
We speak of class offices as
"minor" offices. Possibly we should
be criticized for doing so, but it is
our belief that as long as such offi-
cers are merely political footballs
they cannot be of too much signifi-
cance. College men and women are
generally too haphazard in their
procedure to do a thorough going,
high class job of campus politics,
and as a result those politics be-
come, altogether too often, mere
child's play - mudpie making, per-
Campus politics are inevitable, of
course, but purged some of their
impurities they would be not at all
objectionable. The tendency onl
most campuses today is undoubted-
ly toward a less encumbered systemI
of government.
_ I
Wickersham Report to be Tested
by Senate Wets in Pending
(HVy Asso, ate'd Pres.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.-Prohi-
bition was put on the mat in the
Senate tonight and a thorough;
thrashing out of this controversy
is ahead.
By a vote of 39 to 29, the Senate
agreed to make the Howell bill es-
tablishing a drastic enforcement
act for the District of Columbia
the order of business.
Already amendments are pending
to authorize four per cent beer and
to provide life imprisonment for
dry law violators. Wets are plan-
ning to use the measure as a ve-
hicle for testing many propositions
including some recommendations
of the Wickersham commission,
but they concede they are hopeless-
ly outnumbered.
A prelude to the prospective pro-
hibition outburst was heard late
today as Senator Howell, Republi-I
can, Nebraska, the author of the
measure, pictured a flow or rum in-
to the capital in asking considera-
tion for his bill.
Senator T y d- I
i n g s, Democrat,
Maryland, t o1 d
Howell that if his'
bill were put to a!
vote of the peo-
ple in the capital
they would reject
it three to one. It
was Tydings who
proposed, a m i d
1 ughter, thati
provision be made
for life impris-
'**. onment of d r y
law violators.

Appointm nt o successors to the
posts left vacant by the resignation
of Prof. Reuben Peterson and the
death of Pro . P. M. Hickey, both
of the medical school, and the cre-
ation of a new professorship were
the chief items of business at the
meeting of the Board of Regents
Dr. Norman Fritz Miller, of Iowa
university, was appointed professor
of obstetrics and gynecology and
Bates professor of the Diseases of
Women and children and will take
his post with the University July 1
at which time the resignation of
Dr. Peterson becomes effective. Dr.
Miller is a graduate of the medical
I school of the University in 1920
1 and, until his appointment at Mich-
igan, he was professor of obstetrics


Prof. Jesse S. Reeves,
Of the political science depart-
ment, who was appointed profes-
sor of American institutions by the
Board of Regents yesterday. The
establishment of this professorship
was provided for by the William
W. Cook estate.


iv Aso U1('( Press)
The Senate today moved to carry
to the court its battle with Presi-
Will Have Opportunity to Tell dent Hoover over three members
House Why They Oppose of the power commission by vot-
Relief Program. ing -1 to 32 to send the nomina-
tions back to its interstate corn-
I.merce committee.
(B citif4'rv') wd I Senator W a l s h, Democrat,
WA ;1fIINGTON, Jan. 23. _. d lMoitana, leader of the fight to
Cross officials will be given an op- remove the commissioners, im-
portunity Monday to tell the House mediately introduced a resolution
why they are opposed to the Son- to direct District Attorney Rover to
ate's $25,a00,000 appropriation to bring legal proceedings to test the
finance their relief activities, president's right to retain them.
While Democratic s p o k e s m C n Norris Confident.
talked of "deliberate delay," Speak- Chairman Norris, of the judiciary
er Lonfygworth toda v referred the nl.it.r . 4.1rth r

Bailey Made Charges.
The irregularities as charged by Professor Selected on Advisory
Bailey, the supervisors said yester- Committee for League of
day, center around the purchase of
21 cars of asphalt road oil which Nations Examination.
was made by the commission with- P-n
out the issuance of bids, specifica- fProf. Edwin D. Dickinson, of the
tions, or inspection. Another charge Law school, has been named as a
made by Bailey was that the com- member of the national advisory
mission, instead of buying oil which committee on the fifth national
he said he could obtain at a rate competitive examination on t h e
lower than that which the commis- League of Nations, it was learned
sion pays at present, preferred to yesterday. The contest is conduct-
go 'lsewhere. This, Bailey points ed each year among the high school
out, prevented a saving of ab'out students of the country, and is
$7,500 a year. held under the auspices of the edu-
At the investigation meeting Feb. cational committee of the League
2, the county health unit plan will 1 of Nations association.
also come up for consideration. A This year's competition will be
number of organizations, who have held on March 20, and a trip to Eu-
filed petitions urging favorable ac- rope with a stay at Geneva, Swit-
tion be taken on the matter, plan zerland, the seat of the league, is
to have representatives at the offered as first prize in the contest.
meeting Second and third prizes in the na-
______._____tional contest will also be given in
addition to local and state awards.
The Fanny S. Pope awards, made
Salen possible by the gift of Mrs. Willard
Pope, of Detroit, will be given again
(Hy Associated Prrss) to the high school students in
January 23, 1931. Michigan who write the b e s t
papers. For the last two years
(1y Associald Press) Michigan has had more high schools
WHITE CLOUD-The state de- entered in this examination than
partment partially lifted its quar- any other state in the United States
antine of this village Thursday and in 1929, a Michigan student
when religious services were per- from the city won the second na-,
mitted for the first time in over a tional prize.
week. Because of approximately The awards are based upon a
100 cases of smallpox in the popu- small textbook describing the crea-
lation of 800, a strict quarantine tion, structure and work of the
prohibiting public gatherings was league. A copy of this book is sup-
laid down last week. plied without charge to each stu-
dent registering with the national
CHARLOTTE-The Walton coun- I office of the association at 6 E.
ty school district No. 1 Thursday Thirty-nintli street, New York city.
won a damage suit in which Miss' The Detroit office has prepared ad-
Gladys Arnold, school teacher, was ditional literature for students from
suing for $5,000. A circuit court the state of Michigan.
jury decided there was no cause Stephen P. Duggan, director of
for action in the suit charging fraud the Institute of International Edu-
when she was dismissed. cation, is chairman of the commit-
tee to which Professor Dickinson
GRAND RAPIDS-Officials of the has been named. It comprises for
Grand Rapids Railroad today re- the most part, college presidents
ceived a letter containing two $1 and other members of the faculty.
bills, sent by a person whose con-
science had evidently been bother- Detro- l. Me
inc him nr h+ r_ Thc Itt±Pr sid thatD r HOLdUP Men

at Iowa. m '-"c-a"r-~-"'i' t"' nlm1iUVee, to wnicih he resoumion
llod es Succeeds hickey. Noted Negro Baritone to Appear proposal to the appropriations corn- was referred, said it would be con-
S es e Here Monday; Rcmninoff mittee for investigation. sidered Monday and predicted its
Sh tyRepresentative Cranpton (Mich), .approval. Norris expressed confi-
Hickey as head of the department to Give Recital Feb. 10. chairman of the sub-committee en- 'dence that the issue, without prece-
of roentgenology, the R e g e n t s. _ trusted with the inquiry, announc- dent in American history, will now
named Dr. Fred Jenner Hodges, Two artists will sppear on the ed the hearings would begin Mon-. be settled in the courts.
who is, at present, lecturer in radi Choral Union concert series during day. Ie said Red Cross officials The conflict was precipitated by
i ology at the University of Wiscon-. the eamination period. Paul RO(b- would be given a "full and fair" President Hoover's refusal to return
Sn adologs ia hWisco, iwharing and every effort made to to the Senate notification of the
sin Memorial hospital and at St. son, renowned Negro baritone, V1-1H expedite action, confirmation of
Mary's hospital in Madison, Wis- give a concert Monday, Feb. 2, and Pedention. ChairmanSmith,
consin. Sergei Rachmaninoff, eminent Rus- Pr'sident hoover is determiedly
For some time, there have been sian pianist-composer, will play on opposed to the proposal;1L; hfriends !zand Commission-
available the funds from the Wil- Tuesday, Feb. 10. Both concerts in the House are anxious to main ers Garsaud and
hiam W. Cook estate for the estab- will be given in Hill auditorium. tain his position there, but they Der aau and
am W. Coo estaeafortheietab"tha 1,~ve riot sxi i ont ,votes to do so Dr ape',after the
lishment of aprofessorship of Rooon as educated in the When Speaker Longworh Senate had re-
American institutions. Yesterday, public schools of Princeton, N. J. 1kconsiered or-
Prof. Jessee S. Reeves, chairman of He won a scholarship at Rutgers, tucedmi tee, ile ese ativeGar ation.
the political science department, and while there averaged 90 per the emsnati Gar Td
was nanmed professor of American cent in all his studies, also winning Ir of a, thelerati leay 'aid The sent
institutions in the department of a Phi Keta Kappa key. He was cv, asked if any "deliberate delay" F said the Senate
political science. This advancement considered one of the best debaters,, was involved. was attempting
will go into effect at the beginning and also received hi: "P" in four V Crampton replied the (ommittee an invasion of
of the second semester of the year. lines of athletic endeavor, football, would riot hold the bill any longer his executive au-
At the same time, the Regents baseball, basketball and track. In than absolutely necessary. The pro-- thority.
1917 he was selected by Walter posal was attached as an amend- WLLIM rc Shortly after
acceptedha contrgi nstitute10 in Camp on his all-American team ment to the interior department the Senate's ac-
Washington to the University's ex- and was referred to.as "the great- appropriation bill, one of the meas.- tion today, Attorney General Mitch-
pedition to Uaxatum in Guatemala, est. defensive end that evvr trod ure. that must be passed before ell made public his advisory opinion
From the Carnegie foundation, the gridiron." adjournment, Mar. 4, if a special en whch Mr. Hoover based his re-
dHe wanted to he a lawyer, but session is to be avoided. fusal to comply with the Senate's
there was also received a gift of after earning his degrcve at Colun- In a statement issued when the demands,
.$1,206 to be used by Joseph Rounds, biat~b 1GieAdie
librarian from Erwin college, in his -ba, he caught the attention of Eu- measure was before the Senate, the, Mitchell Gives Advice
-studies at the Unvrst next year. gone O'Neill, who persuaded him to Red Cross said the proposal was 'Ihe attoney gneral informed
The National Research council has act in "Emperor Jones." O t h e r proving a hindrance in its cain- the presiden th s return of
presented Prof. Lee R. Dice, of the prominent roles followed in "All paign for public contributions to the papes to the Senate "would
zoology department, a grant of $300 God's Chillun," "Porgy," and "Black support relief work in the drought 'serve no lawffi purpose because no
as an aid in his work with sub- oy." e has just returned from area. action which the Senate could now
secies of deer micc.- England, where he scored successes take would disturb or operate to re-
C in "Show Boat' and "Othello." voe the appointments.
Communications were received' Rachmaninoff was born in Russia Sena debate on the recommit-
and acknowledged from the Alumni in18 73. When four years old he talPnotion today brought a renewal
club of Central Ohio, with head- was taught by his mother and when . 0 charges that the power comlmis-
quarters at Columbus, pertaining to nine entered the Imperial conserv- UrITsion had dismissed its solicitor,
the establishment of the George W. Charles A.Russe1story where he won the goldmedala, and Accountant
Knight fellowship in American his- ao wheresheion he go mera Williai V. King, because of their
tory. This is the Central Ohio club's confiscated after the fall of the ---- - fight against fictitious valuation
contribution toward the ten-year Czar, nd he came to America. Plans Unofficial Trip clsaims of the power companies.
program of the Alumni association. " re orchest tatedI Bennett The charge was made and denied
Prof. Lloyd Donnell Resigns. Dr. Sink, president of the school of to Wasbington to Discuss that the dismissal. of these two em-
The resignation of Prof. Lloyd H. music, "engage and re-enga ; ,c Mutual Problems. ployees and the employment in the
Donnell, of the department of en- as a soloist. THis programs blossom --- interior department of Frank E.
gineering mechanics, was accepted with his music including symphon- (r,' Asocdated PIrss Bonner, executive secretary, who
and will take effect at the end of ie, choral, piano and singing works." WASINGTON, Jan. 23.- An op- also was dismissed, indicated the
the year. Announcement was also __ .---- - Vor tunity for full and frank dis- administration was "friendly to the
made of the presentation to the Lg u -esion of Canadian-A 11 0 r i c a ti power interests."
University by the Chrysler corpora- ocal an Given Fine probiems will be afforded officials Walsh and other leaders of the
'tion of a model 77 cutaway chassis for Speeding in Town i hre next week with the arrivl of recall movement have based their
assembly. ---- Prinse Minister R. B. Benrett, of case upon the charge of the three
Degrees for the following stu- Lloyd Weller, 63, Highland ave- Canada, for a brief unofficial visit Dew power commissioners dismissed'
dents were authorized; in the lit- nue, was arrested Wednesday on a Emphasizing that the prime rin- Pu-el and King for "doing their
erary college for the degree of charge of driving 35 miles per hour inter was not coming to the United duty,"
bachelor of arts, Walter B. Crego, on W. Ituron avenue. He was ar- States "on business," Hme Wron-g,
Jeanne M. Holland, Elvan P. Kelley, raignd before Justice J. H. Paync|Canadian charge d'affaires, has ad- Lc l Red Cross Iead
Carl D. Marsh and Harold J. Wal- ystcrdelay and paid a fine of $l() vised the state denartnient of the .s
der. and $4.55 court costs. I project ed trip. Department officials Asks for Student Aid
----------------------said tonight that no plas; hxl
i been made yet for the enter i;1- Appealing to the University stu-
H. L. MENCKEN LAUDS WICKERSHAM mnt. oio the distinguished visitor, dens for as'istance in putting over
REPORT AS 'D CUJ'ENT OF IERITS' but the stay in Washington proba the drought fund relief drive of the
__--Ebly ywill include an exchange of American Red Cro s, Prof. J. H.
call with President hoover. Cissel, chairman in Ann Arbor,
Says wporeit Proposed to Make sin said Menckn hadstoible Th ' roject d trip, II w id Iasked for ontributions among
with ad the bounds o le ersi mrj" a tlhorita tive i, is not in c 4oto'htitwi I IVeiinhigau mnca and wom en. The
II Is at Present. ciheid ty of mak i anychaIr wih ay paicular pOln be Irivye or $10,000,000 which was re-
-whtyr largeor mall, hn twtrveeni the two counriies, but fj cethy inaugurated by President
ALTIMRE Jan. 23.-. L. Eighteenth Amendment or the Vol- ws out the reier's desire t hoover, x-President Coolidge, and
ALTIMen Ein a copyr e at L stead Act and t e sworn duty of visit W ashington an dl se the C - Alfred Smith has been centered in
Mencken, in a copyrighted article SuD A t te sbon th o nadian legation here before the Ih larger cities and in college cen-
nthBo-Sun,e Dr. Hoover to execute both songCis, Yale having begun contribu-
presses the opinion that the Wick- as they remain upon their books. mrnt next month. tions in the collegiate drive with
ersham law enforcement commis- ::Every effort was made by the an ail-campus campaign.
sion "did an excellent job-in fact, "The report sets forth car'y state department and legation oi- Professor Cissell's appeal for ex-
a job so good as to be almost bril- that prohibition, after 11 years of cials to keep the plans secret, oli1- Ira c funds supplemented the cry for
liant." trial, is an intolerable failure and cials of both declining to comment assistance issued last week at the
"All +i-,o rlitnriawriters and nth- nuisance. and that onosition to it , tx;,,m , r-,n,° .rpoodim it <:nrcW IWhite House at which time it was

Senator B in g-
Connecticut, of-


I ham. Republican,

fered the amendment to increase'
the alcoholic content of beer from
one-half of one per cent to four.
Declaring the Washington police
were now without adequate author-
ity to enforce the prohibition law,
Howell said the chairman of an en-
tertainment committee for a recent
convention in Washington ordered
9,000 quarts of liquor.
March 13 Set as Date
for 1931 Frosh Frolic
Friday, March 13 was set a I hre
date for the annual Frosh Frolic
at a meeting of the committee held
last night, according to an an-
nouncement made by Gilbert E.
Bursley, chairman. The affair will
be held in the ballroom of the Un-
Further committee appointments
will be made next week, Bursley
c+ola-or "At nrnt " h( .sid." ne-

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