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January 22, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-22

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~rfTUfl$DAY, JA1~fUAflY ~'2, 1931' TI-IF M1C1~IICAN DAILY VAOE 'rH~


r-Ir -jr rT Germ~an Radio Firm- PIATV
CHICAGO9EDUCATORRichfield Company Nj PUO FORle QPln oCOOcst UP
ia Pay ybts eI Pas toaBroadcst
TO DISCUSS BLIN[I fl T Parliament Debates
13xICF OM £6 TSigma Rho faia1 toCorn tc v nHAy Rewha 1931 ove id fabl e igy s

Davis to Take Cruise
on. Leave of Absence
F D School of Education plans to leave
;n February 3 for a cruise on the
Mediterraneau sea while on a leave
Ommitte? of ab'e1ce. He expects to visit
tifity of F rance, Italy, Switzerland, and Eng-
land. He will return in June in time
f teach summer school.

Canadian Professor to Present
First of Lecture Series
Tomorrow Night.
Prof. W. K. Harkness, visiting in-
vestigator from the University of
Toronto, will give the first of three
addresses on "Fishery and Hydro-
biological Work in Canada," at 7:45
o'clock tomorrow night in room
3116, University Museums building.
The public is invited.

Professor Sprengling Will Give
Talk on Taya Husayn on
Lecture Series.
Sprengling Calls Husayn Best
Mind in Modern
Prof. Martin Sprengling, of the
Oriental institute of the University
of Chicago, is scheduled to lectui-
at the Natural Science auditorium
Feb. 27 on the UniverIty serie,.
His subject will concern £aha .Hu-
sayn, blind social philosopher, and
literary critic of modern Egypt.
Concerning Taha Husayn, Profes-
sor Sprengling states that "he is
in my estimation the best mind in
modern Egypt, and very influen-
tial." Husayn is the product of
both the oriental and occidental
schools of education. Trained first
at the old Moslem Azhar university,
he studied under European profes-
sors in later years, such men as
Nallino, the two Guldis, and Enno
Littmann, in Cairo, instructing him.
Regarded as InfluentiaL
"As a result he has been much
influenced by French social philos-
ophy and criticism, and though he
is a prominent figure in modern
Egypt, he has been regarded with
some suspicion in conservative Mos-
lem circles. and his book on pre-

February 6.. tween the 0;rman broadcasting
m- : O ){)JY OIICI I_) r11Lz Ffmfent mnater-
Sigma h 'o 'u, enginmeriug in I
stump speakers scie y, will om- Sinc tn. , he broadcast-
Pete in an intereolheg0 at sc ibition in?; ,rana iz t onl has been tring to
debate, Feb. G at a joint meeting onvlnce ti e reihsiag steering;
ci the Det;oit Engvin inw s *ty cormmittee h a t citi ; s should!
y have an opportunity to isten in by,
and the Amuic an Society cifCivil radio whenever vital issues are up

Student Store.

Four members of the Round#
Table club were appointed at al
meeting of the club Tuesday night
in the League building as a com-
mittee to investigate the possibili-
ties for a cooperative bookstore on

. . -. _ .
5 ames Poor Classroom Speakers
for Student Nervousness.

Assocsatca Press Phao

W. C. Duffie,
Receiver for the Richfield Oil
company of California, who is tak-
ing cha'ge of the bankruptcy pro-
ceedings. He stated recently that
the company "probably would be
able to pay all indebt'ness."
Kimball to Head Group in Town
Canvass to Find Work
for Unemployed.

Engineers under the auspices of thef- fo , deba t,. Preparations were made the campus.
Associated Technical Sc.iteties of to broadcast a reichst1-ag address "The larger universities of the
Detroit, it wa S annoiinced yswter_-- by the then forei-n minister Gus- country are already supplied with;
try Sire~'enarm, U .atthe last
day by Prof. R. D. Drackett, of the l enimtioul w th- cooperative bookstores that save
engineering EngLih dieparmentt. hn the students 7 io 15 per cent on the
Speaking of the plans for the de~ During 1930 negotiations were re- cost of books and supplies," said
bate, Professor bracktf said : sumed. Stanley Levison, '34, one of the an-
I hi wle a co-orer ricon Finally the steering committee pointues, "and there is every rea-
ference debate, prodUrled as avipiiee, terxeer
ample of the new form 1n dcbaze icgreed to permit installation of son to believe that a similar sav-
which is being developed experi-' microphones in the reichstag for ing could be made for Michigan
the December debates on Chancel- students, if the bookstore could
mentally by Sigma Rho Tau. The or Bruening's financial reform pro- have the co-operation of the facul-
debate will be staged co-onersvi vc.
ly byaten spalkers from h "l ram,-but not for unedited broad- ty and the student body."
chapter at Michigan and the Beta casting. Phonograph records of the The Round Table club, at the
chapter at Detroit. The affirmative debate first were to be recorded, meeting, issued a general request
team will be composed of three then submitted for approval to the to all the students of the Univer-
men from Michigan and two men steering committee and broadcast sity to assist in the unemployment
from Detroit, while the negative later, if it seemed advisable. committee of the city of Ann Arbor.
will be composed of three men from T h e broadcasting organization Prof. Carter L. Goodrich, of the
Detroit and two men from Miehi- has suggested that at least certain economics department, addressed
gan. prearranged portions of debates be the club on the Swarthmore unem-
"The first speaker on each side broadcast direct. ployment conference.
will be given nine to ten minutes _--_____-- - ___=-__.-.-----.-----
for opening and after this about
35 minutes will be used by each
side in completing its argument,
this time being disposed of at the !
discretion of the sides. This allows
more give and take in the debate
and more concentration on the is-
sue. The speeches vary, under this I
system, from two minutes upward
and are determined by the points
raised. This gives more spontaneity
and better variety. As such a de-
bate progresses it is very easy to
follow the trend of thought."
What's Going On
Lydia Mendelssohn - Play Pro- r
duction presents "Rebound," by
Donald Ogden Stuart.
Majestic-"The Princess and the
Plumber" with Charles Farrell anijai

Many students suffer from nerv- Professor llarkness is the first
ous strain and fatigue attempting man to artificially propogate the
to listen to classroom lecturers who lake sturgeon in North America. A
do not speak loudly or distinctly graduate of the University of Tor-
I eoug fo th nrma peson's n-onto, he was appointed director of
enough for the normal person's un- the Ontario fisheries research bur-
derstanding Dr. Warren E. For- eau in the University, after having
sythe, director of the University ,taught two years at the University
Health Service, said yesterday. of Alberta. His direction of the
This is seldom due to deficient field work of Ontario graduates and
undergraduates during the past
hearing of students, as statistics summers, especially in the Lake
show only a small percentage have Nipigon district more than 300
below normal hearing but rather miles northwest of Ste. Sault Marie,
to speakers who are negligent in has earned him an outstanding
finding out whether they are being place in the rank of Canada's fish-
heard properly, he said. eries investigators.
"The American Student Health His work in the University muse-
conference, held recently, urged its ums here will be entirely with the
members to remedy such irritating sturgeon. He is studying the rate
factors on the various campuses," of growth, food, and other charac-
Dr. Forsythe said. teristics of the fish.
- - ____-----I-


I I'M,

The Round Table club, the second
Mohammedan poetry was put in
the Index of 1926. P r o f e s s o r student group to join the move-
Sprengling nevertheless regards ment, yesterday offered to aid in
Husayn as the most influential of the work of soliciting the town to
the men who are trying to intro- find possible work for the city's
duce in Arabic lands a critical mod-
ern view of their own history and unemployed, it was announced by
culture. Mayor Edward W. Staebler.
Graduate of Northwestern. Leonard Kimball, '33, is at the
Professor Sprengling, the lectur- head of the group that will do thisI
er, is a native of Wisconsin and a work, Mayor Staebler said. The
graduate of Northwestern college students who will aid in the cam-
in that state. His advanced studies paign of the town are not limited
were carried on at the Americantohem brsiofhecuan
School of Archaeology in Jerusa- to the membership of the club and
lem and at the University of Chi- any others interested may com-
cago, where he received the doctor municate with Kimball at 325 E.
of philosophy degree in 1914. He Jefferson street. Fanny Pessin, '32,
was professor of classics at North- will also receive any further re-
western college in 1910-11, instruc- cruits. Her address is 314 N. State
tor in semetics at Harvard from street.
1911 to 1915, and has since been a The canvass of the town will be
member of the faculty of the Uni- carried out during the examination
versity of Chicago where he was week and during the first week of
promoted to full professorship in I the next semester. At the same
the Arabic language and literature time, a petition asking compulsory
in 1927. unemployment i n s u r a n c e as a
means to alleviate the present situ-
DETROIT MAKES ation and any similar crises which
may arise in the future will be cir-
PA YROLL SLASH culated for the club.
The other student group to take
Street Railway Commission to up this work was the Episcopal
Abolish 68 Jobs. students' group at Harris hall. Each
of the groups will canvass a part
(T y Associated Press) of the town in search of odd jobs
DETROIT, Jan. 21.--The Detroit and construction work or sales for
street railway commission has de- the wood and sand supplied by the
cided to abolish 68 jobs now ap- city.
pearing on the payroll of the mu-
nicipally-owned transportation sys- g
tem, in the expectation that an an- gy Aide to Study
tiual $204,000 saving would result. at Pittsburgh Museum
ThA tict ofj bh aff rted aslu not


0 USe °



-" aY r


Maureen O'Sullivan.
Michigan - Ruth Chatterton in
"The Right to Love."
Wucrth-"The Widow from Chi-
Lecture -Will Durant on "The
Case for India, an American View."
Library Receives Gift
From Detroit Society
Prof. John S. Worley, of the
transportation library, announced
yesterday the receipt of a gift of
over four tons of engineering per-
iodicals and books, made by the De-
troit Engineering society.
The society felt that the facili-
ties for the preservation of the
books was much more adequate
here than in Detroit.

ploy rte Following

S ii


The Mayir Cvmittee for Unem-


Ies 116 ! JOs anutC wec.U
.r.ade public. Announcing the ac-
tion, the commission said that
heads of families thrown out of
employment by the cut would be
given consideration in transfers to
other city departments. Others,
the commission added, will be given
.preference in re-employment.

Edwin P. Creaser, carcinology as-
sistant in the University museum,
of zoology, left yesterday for Pitts-,
burgh, Pa., to spend more than a
week of study in the Carnegie mu-
seum in that city. He will do spe-
cial research work on the North
American crayfish while there.

All makes of machines.
Our equipment and per-
s o n n e I are considered
among the best in the State. The result
of twenty years' careful building. 1
314 South State St. Phone 6615

' f
t; ,s f
If '

ME I, I , " I I I I I ", 1 111111, 1 MR= = 11, 11 m

Take a Picture of the Women's
League Building-Win a Fine New
Moore Fountain Pen
Read These Ru es

' II,

1.1 Does your cd 'wr ned cleaning up? Do you have any odd iol
that could be done around your homne by a man who really
needs and dese;rves work? There are 685 registered ne-
ployed men who nave an average of 3 dependents each. .
2. Are you planning any constuction work? Is there an oppor-
tunity to employ a skilled workman or to do contracin-
work at the present time that would give men employmn iii
A contracting job started now niay bring an income to some
destitute family.
The commitee las at present r.gs Ircd ami ong it's skilled
32 Carpniers 21 Concrete Workers
29 Pa nters 3 Bricklayers
and man y other trades.
3. Flirc wood is heg cut by and sold for the tnemployed. ive
an order now thou h yOU imy e l un ii later in the
year, An ord er nuy tng f o a needy idmily.
Sand 25c Per Bag 1
Wood $3.80 Per Cord JDevered
If You Ca Hel in Any Way
PONE 2-1931


just take a picture of the Michigan
Buildin< from any angle. After you have ex-
posed your roll of film, take it to any one of our
three stores for developing and printing. You
don't need to buy your film from us-all you
have to do is leave it with us for developing
and printing. Then we pick the winne out of
all that we develop. Remember the prize is a
fine MOORE Fountain Pen-wjah your nam
engraved in gold on the barrel of the pen. If you
own a camera, try for a prize!


Bring in Your Exposed Film
By 6 P. M., Jan. 23rd


i .s
, i


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