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January 14, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-14

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L~zzzzzzzzz ~ ,- --

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
ma:,ter General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones:,Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor ... ...........Gurney Williams
Editorial Director.........Walter W. Wilds
Sports. Editor.:............. Joseph A. Russell
Women'sEdeitL hyier
Music, Drama, Books........Win. J.,Cornan
Assistant City Editor.....HIarold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor. Charles R.'Sprowl
Telegraph Editor .......... George A. St arter
Copy Editor......Wn. F. yp

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David M. Nichol

john D. Reindel
Richard L. Tobin
Hlarold O. Warren


Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend
S.E. Bush WilburJ. Meyers
Thomas M. Cooley Brainard W. Nies
Morton Frank. Robert L. Pierce
Saul Friedberg Richard Racine
Frank B. Gilbreth Theodore T. Rose
ack Goldsmith Jerry E. Rosenthal
oland-Goodman Charles A. Sanford
Morton Helper Karl Seiffert
Edgar Hornik Robert F.'Shaw
B~ryan Jones Edlwin M. Smith
Denton C. Kunze George A. Stauter
Powers Moulton John W. Thomas
John S. Townsend
Eileen Blunt Mary McCall
Elsie Feldman Mar ,aret Orien
Ruth Gallmeyer Elea nor Rairdon
Emily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin
Jean Lety Margaret Tho*son
Dorothy Magee Ciaire Trussell

Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager
KASPER H. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Advertising..................Charles T. Kline
Advertising..T..............homas M. Davis
Advertising ............William W. Warboys
Service-....-..............Norris f. Johnson
Publication ............Robert W. Williamson
Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts..... ........homasS. Muir
Business Secre'ary...........Mary J. enan
Harry R. Begle I Erle Kightlinger
V rnon Bishop Don W. Lyon
William Brown William Morgan
Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier
William W. Davis Keith lTyer
Richard H. Hiller Noel I). Turner
Miles Hoisington Byron C. Vedder
Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller
Marian Atran Helen Olsen
Helen Bailey Mildred Postal
Wt.Jusephine Convissezr Marorie Rough
Maxine Fishgrund Mary E. Watts
Dorothy LeMire Johanna Wiese
Dorothy Laylin
Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOL
In his sermon last Sunday, the
Rev. Lewis, in commenting on the
unemployment situation in Ann
Arbor, stated that 815 people were
at present out of work, and that
their dependents brought the num-
be of destitute up to almost 2,000;
he further stated that all of these
needy would be glad of any kind of
work that they could procure,
whether for an hour or for a day,
as long as they could get money
with which to buy food.
Mayor Staebler, as chief executive
of the city, has at his disposal a
means which has not yet been em-
ployed for providing work for the
unemployed. Sand has been sold to
scatter on sidewalks covered with
ice, but house owners have not been
forced to use it. The amounts re-
ceived by selling sand certainly
does not cover the needs of 815
families. There is still another
means given to the mayor to help
the city's destitute.
In every large city after a snow
storm, unemployed line up in front
of employment offices to get the
jobs of cleaning sidewalks. Ann
Arbor has in its municipal ordin-
ances one entitled "An Ordinance
Relative to The Use of Streets and
Other Public Places," of which sec-
tion 3 states that ice must be re-
moved from all sidewalks, and,
pending the removal of the ice,
sand or ashes must be scattered
to prevent the walk from being
dangerous. By rigorously enforcing
this ordinance, the city would un-
doubtedly find many householders
who would rather hire someone to
clean their walks than do it them-
selves. And the best method would
be to call the Mayor's unemploy-
ment committee to have the work
done. Ann Arbor sidewalks certainly
need cleaning. Anyone going down I
south State street, for example,
takes his life in his hands before
he reaches the bottom. The Mayor
has here a chance to enforce the
law of the city strictly, and at the
CralP f+a tn o n a mnt+hv rarlc

that "Papa" Straus gave between
three and four millions away in
lump sums is only part of the story.
Says a contemporary account of
his demise:
"The manner of the giving away
between two and three millions of
dollars is only part of the story
. The example set, the emulation
inspired, counted for much in suc-
cor and benefits to those who were
helpless, poor, suffering . . . The
lesson in brotherhood regardless of
race or religion inculcated by Mr.
Straus by his acts was a beneficient
influence on two continents."
"Papa" Straus never asked for
publicity, Ile donated his millions
without requesting a brilliant 100
watt display in return. Whenever
he heard of a specially needy case,
he did the work himself. He saw
that it was done right; and it made
little difference if the recipient
were Jew or Christian.
Straus' death probably means
more to a greater number of the
c o m m o n people than President,
Hoover's would. Irish, Italian, Jew
- they all knew and loved "Papa"
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themlsehes to less that. 300
words if possibl Anonymous com-
munications will bie disregarded. The
names of conii ant s wil, however,
le regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should. not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
To the Editor:
The defense of the criminal de-
portation plan which you published
Saturday may easily be subject to
severe ridicule. But apparently the
intentions were good and sincere,
though they evidenced little reflec-
The statement that foreigners
alone are responsible for crime in
the United States is obviously false.
"Bugs" Moran, Gerald Chapman, L.
Brothers, etc., etc. But reason why
so many criminals are of foreign
descent is that their social atmos-
pheres from early youth on are of
the worst. The basis of their de-
pravity is therefore a social condi-
tion and not their ancestral origin.
This opens a field for sociological
discussion for which there is no
room here. But mature reflection
will convince anyone that to deport
existing criminals would be like
scraping the white off a sick man's
tongue. The breeding spots for
criminals and crime will still re-
Consider further that to deport
criminals one must first fasten on
them some evidence of guilt. And
if this be possible in the higher
ranks of criminal genius, then ex-
isting methods of criminal puiish-
ment and detention would be suf-
Furthermore, where would you
deport these bright criminals? Who
I wants them? Perhaps the advocates
I of this plan dream of an American
"Devil's Island." Then they must
be reminded that whatever efficien-
cy exists in European methods of
crime control is grounded in :expert
detection and detention, not in
criminal punishment methods. "Re-

turning our wise underworld auto-
crats to their own country fo) treat-
ment" is impossible and we all know
Inasmuch as we have no estab-
lished methods for efficient crime
control at present, the only way
open to us is to secure those "sin-
cere, determined and intelligent
schemes" for removing the black
blot on American civilization.
Irving Mandel, '31.
Since football is as important as
literature, science and the fine arts,
it is well that American colleges
should know just how some people
in the Old World go about foster-
ing athletics. According to a want
ad in the London Times the head
master of a prep school "will ac-
cept one or two boys who show
promise at athletics at reduced
fees of 75 pounds.
In conseouence of this frankness
in dealing with athletics an editor-
ial writer of The New Republic sug-
gests the following ads to our col-
lege authorities: "Wanted: A couple
of husky boilermakers to p 1a y
tackle. No previous training nec-
essary and no questions asked.
Bnrd and inlodino' Tuition thrnumn

Uncle Dan, as we have a feeling1
the fellow who writes the titles to
this column is going to say, is out
serenading. When last seen (to coin
a phrase), he was dashing down
State street in full cry. As a matter
of fact, we were the one who saw
him, and he was baying at the
moon in a rather aimless and dis-
concerting fashion. Sic semper
editores Rollorum.
* * *
That last remark, we must
say in all fairness, was meant
to be a satire or something on
Dan's educational remarks in
the same tongue, even if we
did have to look it up in a text.
Which reminds us-please don't
let us forget to go down and
bail out the managing editor
of this column pretty soon.
Well, there are you, slavering over
your breakfast food and here are
we slavering over this department.
At the moment we feel impelled to
print some of our mail. So, while
you go ahead and read some of
the other columns of this paper,
we shall let Raggedy Andy be lead-
off' man.
* * *:
Dear Godfrey:
A campus book-store has
ANN ARBOR marked down
from $5.00 to 98 cents. This is
indeed bargain week.
Raggedy Andy.
* * *
This is like so much (business of
snapping the fingers) bargain week.
* * *
Dear Sir:
Through your column, I wish
to inform my public (ha!) that
I am not responsible for the
motion picture reviews appear-
ing in the Michigan Daily. Ap-
parently there arises a certain
amount of confusion of myy
name with that of your re-
viewer, but though I admit
many past sins and would even
concede that my conduct still
is a bit lax, I refuse positively
to shoulder the blame for those
criticisms. In fact, they are
lousy, and though I was able to
dispose of the letter, all right,
I am nevertheless pretty sore.
Now that Bert has obtained his
vindication, we want to show you
that Rolls can have its generous
moments vindication arises.
Herewith, in the name of God
and the Continental Congress, I
do appoint and create Bert and
Freddie Bobbsey assistant editors
of Rolls, on account of the nasty
little twirps have shoved in so
many contributions that I prac-
tically have to.
There! THAT ought to keep the
twins away from the column for
a while.



Not.mediocre, not brilliant surely,
but with a certain tinge of pleasant
promise, the Michigan annual art
exhibit has at least proved the
brunt of much controversy during
the past week. The flight of the
unchosen, shall we call it, which
resulted in the opening of a sub-
sidiary exhibition at the Scarab
club gave rise to a great deal of dis-
cussion as to the why of rejections
and acceptances of the pictures
submitted to the Detroit Institute
of Art. Out of the 800 offered some
180 were chosen.
Rudolph Tanner has been award-
ed the most coveted of the prizes,
the Scarab medal, for his painting
Gladys. No one could escape the
impressiveness of the ponderous
canvass, and the judges are to be
complimented on their recognition
of the artist's excellency in compo-
sition. Mr. Tanner has filled the
space in an admirable fashion with
an interesting and comiendable
interlacing of line and curve. The
young lady, however stares con-
descendingly at you as if she had
a previous presentiment that she
was sitting for an enormous under-
taking which was ultimately to be
awarded a prize. And it is sur-
prising that an artist whose ar-
rangement and form-work is so
well under his mastery should fail
so remarkably in his attempt at
color. Mr. Tanner's palette is un-
doubtedly very muddy, and the
sickening blue in which he swathes
his canvass reminds one of the pro-
verbial blue Monday.
Jean Paul Slusser who received
the Detroit Museum of Art Found-
ers Society prize for his White Still
Life has done an admirable piece of
work. He accomplishes a very con-
vincing sense of the third dimen-
sion in a study of differing forms.
Solidity, roundness, in fact a sense
of reality is his in this work. His
application of color, with an un-
usual whitish blue predominating
the entire thing offers a pleasant
sensation of coolness and clean-
ness. Mr. Slusser was also awarded
the Etching Purchase prize for his
Mansard House. This painting in
Sepia and cream hasn't the same
degree of finish as the still life.
However the direct simplicity of his
single lines is most refreshing, but
the unsteady line which the artist
as consciously used gives an effect
of groping uncertainty which con-
tradicts the otherwise mature
effect of the entire piece.
From model to artist, Sarkis Sar-
kisian, in the past two years has
accomplished work in various me-
diums of art which demands our
attention. Of his four pictures ac-
cepted by the judges, his painting
of a garish oriental woman entitled
Composition received one of the
prizes. This appears unfortunate
for the large canvass seemed to be
such a great challenge to the ar-
tist's fertile imagination that the
result although commendable in the
composition lines is a flagrant fling
in giddy colors. His smaller water
color which is also entitled Compo-
sition, triumphs in all of the things
which are of worth in the other
offering and adds as well a delicacy
of finish and tone which savors of
the Persian atmosphere.
Considering the limitations set
upon this subject matter, i.e., sec-
tions of Detroit, David Blower who
received the Clara Dyer prize in his
Waterworks Park, executed an in-
teresting composition. However, his

choice of subject matter dealing
with the ungainly back-ways of a
modern city suffered because it has
already become the worn-out idiom
of the modernists who would do
something different in the way of
Margaret Coulson who has been
claiming the attention of the De-
troit public for the past few years
seems to be losing her knack of
serious caricature and is falling
I back on a weak imitation of John
I Carrol. It is a dangerous thing for
anybody to attempt the impression-
ism of a John Carrol, and for Miss
Coulson is nothing short of murder-


-- -~-

- - -- -
-a'--. - - - --
he l i th e th wa
itsecigshg bulk incrfroi s tetsashFedevsery-
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Then, something happened! Without warning, the
.., great mear-built barrier crumbled. A vast flood reared
Sits bulky into ferocious torrent-smashed every-
thing that stood in its path. Another unwarranted
disaster. Lives lost! Property destroyed! Why?

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f '

Above, Freddie and Bert. Bert
the one with the beard.
* *i *


Now that these few communica-
tions are over with, we're going to
be an old nasty and take up the
rest of the space. First we'd like to
acknowledge letters from Micni-
ganne, '34; Ronnie, Bird in a Gilded
Cage, Uncle Muttzie, and another'
from Bertie, who tell us it's cold.

- -
a Atttefrl
4 The 1931 MICHIG
satisfy your desire f(
new yearbook.
On Sale
A x:1,1.Press B?,


or a different and

io substi-





Discerning sort
They're all left

* *
What this ca
the moment, is
its sidewalks. A
been promising
we'd not slip or
day we hit a prE
of Q",ta -a r n

of fellow, that. ing her own abilities. Here is an
over for Uncle art which if left to a free inter-
pretation of her own would be a
* glorious creation, but with a super-
AMPUS NEEDS imposed striving after something
TMENT which happens to be the rage of
mpus 'needs, at the moment, her art loses its vitali-
better care of ty. Stockburger's is compelling with
11 winter we've its good modelling and interesting
ourselves that use of shadow effects on color. The
nce, but yester- Portrait of a Girl by Harold Cohn
etty bad stretch demands attention for its clever use
Sn " of the somber to crante vividne

at the

I ,


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