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January 11, 1931 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-11

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0 ! a lR -ir-n SORORITIES H O L D
Examination Pall Hangs Over
I ,1~~I ~~JIEfurther Entertainmient.

To MART HA Group 2 Will Supervise Monthly
Afternoon Party inr
v Ballroom. f
Dormitory Furnishes New Music B
Room on Third Floor I Continuing the custom of having1
With Bequest. the monthly League parties spon-
sored by different organizations,
RARE PIANO INCLUDED the fourth affair of this year's se-
ries will be given next Friday after-}
Furniture Arrives This Week noon, January 16, from 4 to 6 o'clock
From Cooke Home in the League ballroom, and will be
New ork.under the general supervision of;
i New York. League group 2. This group com-
prises the five league houses, and
Through the will of the late Wil- J , SlOan taher I includes Howser house, Carney
Pram W. Cooke, who died last June, ,vj ri nfl ' house, Vogt house, Stowe house, and
the Martha Cooke Dormitory, which Who is an executive of one of Lash house. Helen Townsend, 32Ed.,
he endowed in memory of his the largest state fairs in the Urn- is in charge of the event.
mother, has received this week an- ted States. She has charge of the Opportumty for both bridge and,
fair at Columbus, Ohio. She sells dancing will be offered, and Bob
tiques from his New York home in- all exhibitors' space, all conces- Carson's orchestra has been ob-
cluding a firescreen, a piano, two sions, prepares the premium lists tained. The entertainment program
desks, a very valuable etching, a and handles all stake race events. has not yet been planned, but spe-
chest of drawers, a couch and twocial features are under considera-
chair, ar~ a smll tale. IFEVER CONTAGION Lon
chairs, and a small table.C TAAll women on the campus are
The piano has been substituted SPREADS !N CITY invited, and a special invitation has
for the Knabe Baby Grand which - - I been extended to faculty members
formerly occupied a place in the Dr. Bell Discusses Prevention and wives of faculty members. All-
parlor; it is a Steinway with an Methods Offered. I women are urged to attend, for the
Italian Renaissance case, which is party affords an excellent chance
of intricately and gracefully cut "There have been several cases for both renewing old and forming
workmanship. It is reputed to have of scarlet fever reported in the Uni- new acquaintances, and a general
the best tone of any piano in Ann sphit of informality prevails.
Arbor. Near it stands the fire- versiy Mrs. Francis Thorpe has been
screen; which has a beautifully although they have not been nu- asked to pour for the affair, and
rounded base supporting a very old merous enough, or severe enough, she will be assisted by Miss Hazel
piece of tapestry. to cause the Health Service any Losch, Miss Edith Barthel, and Miss
Moving the sewing-machine from serious worry, we propose to do Marion Williams. Tea will be served
the sewing-room on the third floor from 4 until 6 o'clock.
to the fourth and using the old something in the way of preven- f
Knabe piano in this room, a music tion," said Dr. Margaret Bell. Graduates Interested
room has been established on the "The Health Department is ready;
third floor. The mahogany chest of to give the Dick test for scarlet in Various Vocations
drawers taken from the Cooke home fever to any University High school
has been placed there temporarily. Fitudent whose parents are willing . rom time to time welcome news
It is a massive and unusually piece t aehm prnsaeT r is received from graduates of the
of furniture; above it, the etching to have him take it," continued Dr. recent clases giving their former
has been hung. In one corner of Well. "If the child has a positive friends an insight into their lifel
the room is one of the desks which test, he will be referred to the fam- following graduation from Michi-.
has a curved front with drawers ily doctor, who will use his judg- gan.
on the right and left of the one ment as to the advisability of im- Mary Griffin, '23, now Mrs. Dud-
middle drawer. The other desk, of . the ley Newton, writes for the Detroit,
a light, dainty, bedroom style, is mumzng the patient with conval- Free Press. Mrs. Newton reviewsl
covered with a blotting pad of Mr. escent serum." ibooks and interviews .many of the
Cooke's with the initials, "W. W. C." The immunity received from this prominent people who come to De-
onl it. vaxine is less stable and sure than troit.
The chairs and couch, which are
covered with cut velvet of rare col- the toxin-anti toxin immunity from Ingrid Alving, '26, Mrs. E. Barclay
oingre inth e f library diphtheria, but it increases with Beauns, and her husband are living
every series of injections. This i Cashmere, Washigton, where
of immunization will be they own and operate the Keystone
F UR DO RMITO(RIE S carried out at the contagious de- Ranches which are in the apple
GET EQ UIPME NT partment of the University Hospi- country of the state.
tal," Dr. Bell stated. Royena HornbecK, '26, has re-
Sound-proof Ceiling Installed "There are still some people who turned to her home in Kalamazoo,
nquestion the value of attempting Michigan, following an extensive
in Barbour Dining-room. immunization when a positive Dick tour in the west, having visited In-
test is recorded, but I feel that it is grid Alving Beauns and Miss Helen
Some striking improvements in really worthwhile to do everything C. Bishop, former social director of
the equipment of the dormitories in one's power to prevent scarlet- Helen Newberry Residence, who is
have been made this year. fever, because of the complicated now Mrs. T. J. Dunnewald and lives
In the Betsy Barbour- House, a heart and kidney troubles I in Laramie, Wyoming.
new sound-proof ceiling has been

National Condit
Information fm acini
the American Ni~rse< ss c
reveals the fact that graduate
es in the United St ates ar

I _ -- . - .---_--_ --I I

'. N aSa a


,inAffa'r Wi! Honor Educational
As,,ociation at Meeting
a a in February.

peculiar situation.
Nurses are,s a gr on),
an average salary for a (Corical
worker; employment i itresular
and seasonal; their fees nlace them
beyond the reach of the average
worker; and while the nurse sits
and waits for a call from her regis-
try, she has the knowledge that in
communities but a hundred miles
from her, the sick are doing with-
out care because there are no nurses
to care for them.
There were 157 women graduated
from. Schools of Nursing in the
United States in the year 1880, and

In olnlor of the National Educa-
inal Association which is to meet
here in February, Pi Lambda Theta,
local chapter, is making plans for
a banquet to be given at the time.
L ,ic Ganiard, '31Ed, president
of Pi i amibda Theta, is in general
charge of the program. Dr. Mar-
guerite Wilker, director of the Nur-
sery School. will address the group
on Pi Lambda Theta's contribu-
tion to experimental education. Dr.
Katherine B. Green, assistant pro-
fessor of educatonal psychology,
will act as toastmastress.
Members of Pi Lambda. Theta
will also conduct a guide service

kAlthough the amount of enter-
tainment is decidedly at a lower
ebb than usual at the sorority
houses this week, the menacing pall
of coming examinations cannot en-
tirely subdue the gayety of mid-
week parties to inactivity. Out-of-
town visitors have been guests at
several houses and dinners have
been given for members of the fac-
Ann Arbor alumnae of Gamma
Phi Beta held their monthly meet-
ing and dinner in the chapter house
Tuesday evening of lazt week.
Thursday night seven gue ts were
entertained at a rushing dinner.p
Mr nd Mr L.P JTcv ofTarri


Schedule of Games Monday.
4 o'clock--Delta Gamma vs. Alpha
Gamma Delta; Alpha Xi Delta vs.
Mosher Hall.
5 o'clock -Alha Delta Pi vs.
Kappa Delta;, 's: _: Phi Alpha vs.
Zeta Tau Alpha.
Eighteen challenges from various
colleges ad Universities have been
received by the intramural rifle
manager for the intercollegiate rifle
matches to be held the last week
in February. It is expected that at
least six more challenges will be
received before the opening of the
tournament. The rifle team has not
been 'selected as yet from the en-
thusiasts of the sport who have
been practicing twice a week for
the last two montlhs in hopes of
making the tea n. Practices have
been under the direction of Captain
Custis who was most successful last
year in training; a team that won
nearly all the matches fired in in-
tercolleg, ate competition.


17,522 women graduated in the year during the convention.
1926, the greater part of this sur- Announcement has
prising number living in large cities. made that Pi Lambda

also been
Theta will

A report, "Nurses, Patients, and
Pocketbooks," offers some sugges-
tions for the relief of a situation
which concerns the community as
well as the nurse. Among the sug-
gestions are found: first, a better!
distribution of nursing s e r v i c e?
through nurse organization, allot-7
ting nurses to communities in thes
number needed; second, co provide
for the employment of nurses fori
less than a whole day - for the
period which the patient requires,
whether it is one hour of eight
hous; thi:d, to restrict the number
of student nurses taken into hopi-
tals to those who have sufficientl
educational background to encour-
age them to continue soudy after

offer next semester a

award to the most outstanding in
the School of Education. The choice
will be made on scholarship and
mainly professional attitude and
ability. The decision will be made
by a committee selected from the
School of Education.
This is the second year that the
scholarship has been awarded. Last
year it was presented to Mary Cort-
land. -
Dr. Olson Addresses
Women's Organization
Dr. Willard Olson, associate pro-
f ssor of education, addressed a
meeting of the Michigan Dames re-
cently with a discussion of the or-
ganization of the elementary school
branch of the University of Michi-
gan. He gave in detail the activities
of the child and explained the
method by which the children were
elected into the nursery school. Dr.
Olson also estimated the approxi-
mate cost to send a child to school
or one year.

i. unu ivrs. iee doslyn, of Deuroit,
were guests at the Gamma Phi Beta
:ouse Saturday.
Alpha Phi was hostess to Miss
Virginia Hansen of Grayling, Mich-
igan, Monday and Tuesday of last
week before returning to Vassar
College. The district governess of
Alpha Phi, Mrs. Laura Kimball, of
Detroit, is spending the week-end!
at the house.
Zeta Tau Alpha is giving a recep-
tion and tea for members of the
faculty this afternoon. Mrs. R. G.
Greve, and Mrs. Frank Stevens, pa-
tronesses of the sorority will pour
and the receiving line will include
Mrs. Mary Tuller, Margaret Els-
worth, '32, Dorothy Elsworth, and
the patronesses.

Formrdy r Stte St. is now lo-
cated at 6,% First Nat'l. Bank
PHONE 6335

Complete Line of Everythin Musical

( 011-r -

Terms to Suit

VIENNA-Mobs of Austrian fasc-
ists, angered by showing of the
American war film, "All Quiet on
the Western Front," raged through
the streets of Vienna Wednesday
night. Two thousand police were
mobilized and beat back an attack
by rioters.
Miss Leopoldine Blaime Dam-
rosch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Damrosch, was married to
Sidney Coo Howard, author an
playwright, here Saturday.

William Wade Hinshaw
Devoted to Music
Cor. Maynard & William
Phone 7515f



All makes of macnines.
Our equipment and p ,r -

s o n n e i are considered
WASHINGTON-Paris Green and I among the best in the State. The
London Purple once were compet- of twenty years' car ,ful building.
ing insecticides. London Purple was.ILL
introduced in 1878 as a byproduc OOL
of the magenta 3dustry. 314 Sow,' State St. Phone
-sr- - V I C E


Here are the Norweigan trousers that the smartest
fashion magazines feature, and that everybody wants
wherever they're taking their Winter sports.
If you skate, ski, toboggan, or watch Winter sports, by
all means wear one of these dashing new outfits,

installed in the dining-room which
deadens the noise by absorbing it.
Helen Newberry has a sun-room
built as an addition to the dining-
room and in it is a new radio.
An Elizabethan table has been
bought and placed under Martha
Cook's picture, an antique Fortuny
hanging, a recent acquisition, is be-
hind the statue of Venus DeMilo
at the end of the first floor corri-
dor, and a rare Chinese vase has
been added to the parlor in Martha
Professor and Mrs. Edwin God-
dard have had a recreation room
built in the basement of the Adelia
Cheever House. The alumni of the
House and other friends have con-
tributed a piano to be used in this
room. Mrs. Goddard is the chair-
man of the Board of Governors for
the House.
Kappa Delta announces the
pledging of Elizabeth Cooper, '34, of
Washington, D. C.
State Street jewelers

Shampoo, Finger Wave, Arch Marcel, SPECIAL
Minicure, Facial, Hot Oil
Any 50 AnyN EAnyxtra
One Two 75C Three Charges
201 F. Liberty St. - Phone 2841


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Now--Addl Color to Color'

The Most Cherished
of College Life bU
Our Stock of Albums is large and
We also have pictures of your favorite
Now is the time to look over your
negatives and have "extras" made for
your album.
Sparkletone prints are lasting.

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One of the most becoming
fashions we've had in a
long time . . . having the
upper part of the frock a
lighter, brighter color than
the lower part. Some-
times it's a whole tunic-
blousc effect in the brighter
color. Sometimes light
bands and belt.

e J

tweed .
White woo
own" hat

trousers of
. . . .X$6.95
t "..olS-yOial

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at . . . . . . . * $1.95
Jersey blouses with zip-
pers ........ $3.95
Woolen gloves and mit-
t e n s, woolen scarfs,
woolen stockings that
are guaranteed to keep
out frosty breezes.

I 6.

75'o $39 75

HOURS 2 to 9 P. M.
Seal Coats



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I ,> "

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43I 111

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