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January 10, 1931 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-10

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pcers' Conference




'Iy Water V. Bingamn to Open
M0eeting February 1th;
Many Talks Listed.
y illians, Howard Brown
Nrated on Program for
Opening Day.
Php~rs upon timely subjects by
s4:~ of the most prominent high-
way engineers~ and highway safety
ajthorities _in th e country wiill be,
given during the seventeenth an-
nual conference on highway engi-
neering, which wil convene in Ann l
Arboir on -Feb. 10, 19, 2,
Dr. Walter V. iBingam, director of(
tleyersonal Research federation of
Npw York, will give the openingI
address Wednesday morning, on
"TI'e, Prone, to Accident Driver."
Sa~ey J7. Williams, director of the
plue. safety division of the Nua-
tioi l;Safety council, Chicago, will
alsa sneak on "What Drivers' Li-
cense-Laws Can Accomplish." How-
ard 1. Brown, attorney, will speak1
fbr the Detroit Automobile club one
"A~ ;Eective Drivers' License Law
fqi Mihigan," Prof. L. M. Gram, of
thje, civil, engineering department,
w1 -reside during the session. I
Prof. Biggs to Preside.
With Prof. H., E. Riggs presiding,
PIV 4. P.. L. Morrison, of the highway
engeering and transportation de-
l rnents, will discuss "Sidelights
a) IxYI way Economics," Wednes-
* , ternoon. "Detroit Metropoli-
tza, Highways" will be the topic of1
Lr~'. Q. Smith, engineer-manager {
ofWayne county. Prof. S. D. Sara-
sca , .of the University of Syracuse,
w'U coiclude the program with a
dsussion of "Aerial Highway Sur-
A smoker will be held at the
TtILi o pa Wednesday night, when
Dean H. C. Sadler, ,of the engineer-
irqg cQollege, wil officially welcome
t~Ie delegates to the convention.
Lieat ant Colonel Henry W. Miller,
c tpengineering mechanism and
d affing departments, will give a
short talk ,on the Paris gun which
sf ,reatdy disturbed the French
pe~le during the World war. Prof.
J.cohn S. Woriey, -of the engineering
transportation departmen will pre-
When the second session of the
twee-day meeting is opened, dele-
~es:.wil hear A. C. Benklman, re-
se qch engineer with the Michigan
,s ate~ highway department, who wil
(M cuss "F'rst He vs in Michigan.'
V4. R. Burton, deputy state highway
commissioner, will speak on "Thc
Treatment of Sink Holes." "Repair
img Pavement Settlemients" is te.
j&ct assign ed to W. H. Root,
miaintenance engineer of the owa
state highway commission. Dr.
Fura1nk .R Rogers, consulting engi-
neer, will preside.
C(Werte Talk is E<cature.
The afternoon session will be fea-
tuad by a talk on the "Design of
gpyn c r e t e Pavements." Paul M.
7ebb.q, who will deliv r the address,
is a.ssistnt chief engineer of the
Pennsylvania state high ay depart -
It,~% "Singl Lane Concrete High-
ways" will be the topic of C. F.I
isher, county superintendent of
hihwas s, Champaign county, 111-

C. N. Coinner, engineer-executive
v6th the American Road Builders'
<SSCqci tic:ri oN. ,Wv hingto n, will con-
(c1Ud(, thre 55i with hi:; address,
"Low Cost Bidges." Mrtin De-
Gionppr, bsns manager of the
slate h~h department, will pre-
Tre ':, re a fewx papers for which
bn~ 'aranemetshave not yet
ixt Sri made, but fiie i:program will bej
c:Lrried of+t subtantially as has
hoe- gien.Friday's rog ram wilil
lx: n±~uncd,.later.
__1.^rLP sIA-- Mickey Walker
has been deprived of his middle-
wcifgh t titule insofar a.. the state of
I-erinsylvania is concerned at a
me,,ting of the state boxing com-
mzissio n he hays not defended his
ti t1e.


1930I D.IET YElrn







<K eaherBuea Reors R~1a!COST OMF INIGENT License Pate s Sl rge Establishment of National
Ma tBrks Shattered in 20 CUT HERE IN 1930 Dras at City Office Research Foundation for
t .Commonwealths. Study of Problems
_____Reduction From $188 to $133 Sale of license plates in the city - -
"B has slumped to a figure averaging ST ( fl'
. Z l w re, Per Patient RealizedST LOUIS, Jan. 9. - A definite
WAH.TN"a. .-I okDuigPs er less than 60 per day, fgures at the move is panned aga inst the varety
the midnight hour o1 New ears','- Chamber of Commerce building in- of traffile signs confronting the
,e5" to end officially the record bre^!.in Itcst Washtenaw county just dicated yesterday. During the last modern motorist.
r ~ v.~ 1o pr paien taakecar of ll-twoday thre hs ben slght At the annual convention of the
>.drought of 1930, for in eality it ~3 e ain otk aeo n w asteehsbe lgtAeia odBidr'asca
Isn l' ove yet. di ent sick during 1930, a reportAmeti n t o aBhe ld eranuar 1 - i n
The wea ther bureau compiling ogtebado uiosrvas upward trend in business, however in ob edJnay1-6i
prlmnryfgrs-oanfl1hs1teadtossi, smc 154 plates having been sold during! St. Louis, a committee that has
its preimdaryedgutraforraifaldevicehesadiwrsllidseemuc
3 a, ,drnglstyar odyfonxta less than the average cost per pati-! that time,.tde rfi eie ilse er
dhrugh tarecords ofdallftime had ent, in 1928 and 1929, which was Extension until Feb 1 by the state adoption of a report urging estab-
been smashed in 20 states whle a $8 ac.dpartment was thought necess- ;fhmund o ationalrsac
nmeofohrweesvdonly Teapoiaecs fcrn ary to avoid the last minute rush ( They plan that the group, super-
I ltein heyer o the county's indigent patients
th^umerhot was $55,178.17, this total divided a- of previous years, but officials yes- (fr to but representative of the
age mong three i n s t i tou t i o ni s. St.I te'day stated that the rush will various interests involved, supervise
The rain shortage continues, the( Joseph's Meroy ies hospitalt received be as evident this season as anyadcodnt cenii eerhi
Associated Press Photo bureau reported, in the area bound- $418a9G. nvriy optl 1, time during thre past unless thetrfipobe.
C. P. Dubbs (left), inventor, whose oil "cracking" process restorededbthApacinmotis 993.34, and Beyer Memorial hospi-th The committee in its year's study
Mrs. J. Ogden Armour (rightl over $8,000,000 of faded fortune of her on tihe east, the Ohio river on the tai, Ypsilanti, $1,278.88. pecoigslsnrae.Afudtht there were more than
sband, famous packer, who died "broke" in 192~7 south and the Mississippi river toi During 1930 the county had present rate, but little has beeni 23,000 variations of traffic signs in
--the west, charge of 389 patients, an increasearlnDaweadth i-p gained by the month's postpone- iuse, dfeigi ye hpsye
_______ MrlnDlwranthDi-of 120 patients over the previous mnt. or color. The majority of these are
setin f hecunryfof93, ivntratenmabt.Joep'. oreteruchseofpltseanbdtwnhierstniipliy
A I TI f J ] Ens niow dtbtofClmiweetedet year. Of this number, 325 were Michigan titlec s are necessary be-(lglzdb oesae ony
1 N I Astronomry Cass getting only 56 per cent of normalCt AsssrCroperae, officils stated.fTesctntles, Re port reill be deon a urvey
, nrainfall. Virginia and West Virginia Ciyj aSt'Cl~p1 valable 10 adayss after application, termining what standardo methods
tILL BE ISP A~E 1j«9-A- Kntuky hirdwit 63percent Reeletio ca be ad t te lcal ffie, rin paing ost toa cmmo
were next with 59 per cent and Files forRe lcto of assessment may be developed to
Ibt htii:Krl'i:n- Otrsttsmwih ewdyreICity Assessor Herbert W. Crippen level,
wree Art Exhibitions Planned Itie'al physi}Cs, is to to to school orris were created for the year wre etra ie i eiinfrr-icue ntesuist eli
MeoilHal ~ a M~twlo j(i :3' b er of ad- ta^n Oregon 71;68 Mircignt:4;hin-election on the Republican ticket -A committee of thirteen students before the convention will be su-
vacesudnt i~a~i~iOuI ~din 7; isori7; enese wt FedC Prrciy lrk, has been selected to make a sur- ve Ys looking to standardization in
showing rletsill t r~w~orve 9;NwYok8; e erey5 esthntreneksrminfrveyof educational methods in var- constructing and compacting em-
Three art exhibits will be showingiIuti"n., and the six New England states fi 1 i n g of nominating petitions,iusA rcacolgsndnie-bkmtsinurdalisal-
netwe nAun eo i shi toani . isconstnof idee s (rup 3 Perry said. The deadline is Jan. 27.I sities and to attempt to correlate ion, on airpot drainage and sur-
f nxtwek n luniMeorallVslhito cnsdeedasarop,83 that material with Northwestern. facing, and Aw cost roads and
11Nrfmr c . D nad o , d- '~ s :' : o t n Akansas, Louisiana, M ississippi pacic s.brdg s
2tor ofth int : dprtenfx s'Si r itp clls() Iand Alabama, which were very hardIScarlet FeverCases praties bides
ntoune yetrdy Tcexii-~ 11 r . tvei ' t U hit by the drought, showed aver- ecin-n-nnAro
yestrday dcm T.ecxhiir age precipitation for the year near )ti o
ins include the fourth o: the se-I normal. Heavy rains throughout l A decline in the number of cases ShAwT
~s sponsored by h eatetm________ ________ h all did it. of scarlet fever was reported yes- 11:00
iexhibit by the Ann Arbor Art'Lnhug awstedis terday by Dr. John A Wessinger, TODA
c it with 49 per cent of normal and ciy hat fcrrwev ae
sociation, and one of Italian any. 6 ha - eeexsberg, W. Va., shcondswsth
neALE Carchtectue.owic eeephersad. t hehalhEARL DEPR BIGGERS
nerican architecture. Oi' MME 50.VWashington and Baltimore came l haviebenrpidtoheeah
The first isaexiiioprts third with 51; Wytheville, W. Va.,, Teeiei hc rk u STORY
lt out by thle College Atoassso ia- Ii Fed( ar d r )Uhods ChneFou th with 54; Louisville, "Cy. several days ago was caused by two e4te
n and is being exhibited in the ChnesxhYih5,an eigo , . school children, who, although ha- LIie
ort andsothgaleiesofth o shilx seventh with 57. ing the disease in a mild formx, were, °With
ilding. The display has aroused CICGOvn. it fin~ of tnohsickenoug~to w ro " he 1,tuB..'kOM SO
nsiderable comment in artistic ~AlICA"G,i Can. 'hii o I Wht' Gongcare of a piys iin, he said. One Sy 'P.pt.sof t ar f...~in
cles and has been favorbly e Atn{silnn TUCSON Sidney Wood ..Mo Mi
ived everywheei a en Despite the sale of the old Cih,- star of New York and Pasad ye~nax
ow.Tesoigoestdycage & Aton rai o~t to the Bal-- T TES entered the University, of A ~'~.
ow.Tesoigoestdytimore& Ohio iii' srests, it willHegvashsrsoine QNItSNA'
id will last through the 2. o~cniu otm'S( ~ ncre - jestic --Ed Wynn in "Follow Hegaeashs eso'i>n- FO
month. o . ort u i i~ e rth .rthe school that he wanted 'get ,'" Y r"A FROM
nam e of "he A"' n ftailiea oai the Leader."w y fo e ns a d o b u- f
The exhibit sponsoreco by the Ann poiatioit." as a unit of the 1;. 0 & o. a- "A Lady durnes wyooisan t b ot-f-WY, ~h
"nor society will csen the first of Federal Judge flccot,go arptr CnaN obr.Csiev Tobin, ________ ____________
;ia ek nte e g~lery. This ,(coflirmed the i9e 'iursday uand Cnrd "a el, and Basil Rathbone ______
ie ise the s iecond e xhglr.ibit of h rit' e~inasgigtl urhBtyCmsnbt"n'~/ A E E
gar for the organizatln. Iside th-BtyCmsni I- eD Go Lines."fo pein~iiig h CLV i T11FTQ J
. ~odfrmtep ~n~i's to the"'ethIns .


-t I

The third exhd-ibit, whic h startedi
i cste day, is being shown In con-
:iection with the various art a---pre-
liation courses. Tfhe photogr,..: hs
-xhibited include some of the ic: --
resentative types of architecture
}nd give excellent studies of some
Af the famous buildings of the
pro -ld. The exhibition is one of the
lepartment's own collections.

newly formed cocrpor' -ion, capital-
ized at $2,03UJVs)jestA to pre-
vious obligations of $5)L' ,000,900.
Althoug~h United ttes Senator
Otis F. Glenn of Iiioi.,, counsel
for protesting oc'kholders of thel
C. and A.,dcrbe the deal as
0_i ost n<rni i the histCory of
raifi f, : 111"-i J th-e court de-
nied ti.- right to enter an inter-



Cosmopollian club mceting-Dis -
cuson on Pan-Pacific relations led
'by prof. J._13. Condlifice, 8 o'clock.

All three exhibits will be open to1 vening IN ien. They are expect-
he public from 9 to 5 o'clock and ed to take heir ease to a 'higher
from 1:30 to 5 o'clock oii Sundays., conK.





Eit twelve loaves or twelve thousand, gas heat
turning out the beat product in the least time, for


6~ way of

the least money. The big chain bakery and the small corner store
alike are enthusiastic partisanis of gas hoot, because it does do a





With -

better job, anhd a cleaner on~e, with less worry.

Cafeterias, hotels,





Westingho use
and Radios

L A "M

p ' r1 \nit 7V

restaurants, too, know that gas is the ideal fuel for bread and cake
baking. Get your copy oif "Gas Heat"'.- free.


I i









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