1 A
s' r
VOL XLI. No. 75
toM e W W 0 H M H LE S opuar iAfl3C ' Y H IIOiAI9 flFr fl9hIs' CHICAGO, aJan . =- rThe big
pop r e bn e push for the Big Ten baskeball
fillt ha bee ,ntba kto tWiscons, Ilinois, Michgan,
- conany s laboratories to have and Purdue, the defending cham-
Reports Seizure of 4,711,000 Says Senate's Emergency Outline additioal fatures adedl to i, Will Introduce Resolution to pion, started their title drives this
Gallons of Beer, Liquor Would Provide Employment of e Cfi:'3L, ' Unseat Pennsylvanian week, but tomorrow night will
o the organL ation, announced mark the inaugural battles forPrfs
During Regime. for Only 130,000 Men. yesterday.' i is planne) to make When Probe Ends. ea an e first ofes
Dr --- this picture a feature in itselfi general offensive of the cam-
FINES TOTAL $2,314,837 SMALL CITIES SUFFERING or eiiyw in theaters all over tie TO DEFER HIS PROPOSAL paign.
IUnite d States. _T_
Untecd ates, - The night's schedule:
Wickersham Report to be Ready IOld Insurgent Assails Legislative n 1e te . Estimates Amount Expended in Mchigari at Northwestern. LAM
qq i icluflcseveral more scenIes of
Next Week; Change Status Program Mapped Out for et lats and the son r"The Recent Elections at About Inois at Purdue.
of Administrators. Remainder of Session. Co a," of wh we $1,200,000 o at > "~ h0 mh v~CChicago at Indiana.
(IC lt.d 'r''. 1A cu t when he film wasSh Minnesota at owa.., L
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. - T hi e WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-Senator The Gee club will a Wgsi nTiAIHINGTON, Jan. 9.--The un- (Cornp'ltc S'ots on Pages ; n 7)
seizure of more than 4,000,00( ga - LaFollette declared in the Senate broad a t over the Univesity seting of Senator Davis, Republi U.po
and t at ionitSaturday night. . the ,rarw nr
Ions of beer and 711,000 of liquor today that President Hoover a numbr' rendered on te pro- can, Pennsylvania, on the ground P.nLa
f; nnilrs rndeed cn, ennslvaia, n te grundP. La
was made known today by Prohibi- the Republican leadership in Con- ;ram wi lal be Michigan songs. that his ticket in the last primary merce,
tion Dir ector WoOdCOk as the fruit gress had "failed" to provide ado- and general elections spent approx- School
of federal enforcement during his quately for drought and unem- mrely $1,200,000, will be demand- tion,
six months regime as the nation's Robert . 1aFollette, Jr., ployment relief. 1led in the Senate by Chairman Nye; (O OAST IMP I commi
dry chief. Wisconsin independent, who as- The Wisconsin independent Re- of the campaign funds investigat-I -' ' conser
thee announcement followed close Republican legislative publican assailed the legislative iBpointed
upon the departure from Washing- program and declared the public program mapped out for the re- ing committee. Tie-up Between Great Northern Dean
ton of two more members of the works program should be expanded mainder of the short session by the Will Introduce Resolution.
Wickersham law enforcement com- for the next fiscal year while some Republican leaders. Immediate It-IE The North Dakota senator, who Nre Pafhl
mission, with both indicating their attempt should be made to "mob-tenion should be given to measures ailed on Dec. 2 by 58 to 27 to have Off Once More, a
own prohibition problems had end- iie the telligence of industry providing food and clothing fortateConf of the Senate withhold the oath to sI of t
onpoiiinpolmhaen-Confeence ofMihian tefrerLbrsertr wier~'"
ed and the solutions to be offered and finance" drought sufferers, he said, and the former Labor secretary while NEW YORK, Ja. 9. - The pros-1cosum
by the commission were nearing ----- either provide federal aid to cities Trustees Held Here; Ii; committee made further inquiryi pective meger of the Northern Pa- Ask
start of their journey to the to relieve unemployment or "afford 250 Attend, said today he would introduce a cific and the Great Northern rail- Whih
White House. I8I@I 1 I MI resources" to the Red Cross. i_ __-rsolution to declare Davis' seat ways, which has seemed on the Preside
Only Six at Capital. I "Congress Like Nero." Jerry H. Lammers, Kiwaisi itr- vacant as soon as the committee Iverge of completion several times broadi
Only six of the members remain- "Congress, like Nero, is fiddling national trustee, spoke yesterdy a t as completed its investigation and during a stormy career of nearly will sug
ed in the capital and at least four wd the noon lncheon of the trustee; n30ears, has once more been called I private
were working on other phases of i5G 6SACiting testimony before a Senate and officers training annual state Because of other pressing mat- off. and th
the commission's crime investiga- committee on the emergency con- conference of the Michigan district, ters facing his group, he said it The heads of the two roads, and use of
tion. The forecast that the Wicker- tsruction to afford employment, which was held in the League. More probably would be more than a the stockholders unification com- the rel
sham report would be out of their StePreparedtoP Action LaFollette said the program would than 250 Kiwanians from clubs week before the proposal is made. ittee, jointly announced t o d a y the com
hands early next week remained! Against St. Louis Gunman provide direct employment for only ! throughout the state were present Senator Davis would not com- that the merger application filed profess
unchanged. in Lingle Shooting, i130,000 men. at this meeting. ment when informed of Nye's plans, with the interstate commerce com- ed upo
Prohibition Director Woodcock. "These estimates," he said, "were The installations of Claude A. but said he had discussed the mat- mission July 5, 1927, should be with- 0
in summarizing six months of dry (Picture on Page Three) as optimistic as possible." Dock, of Detroit, to the position ter with his colleague, Senator drawn owing to inability to meet In a
law enforcement, said fines of $2,- (By Associated Press "When we find that even Col. I of district governor by the past Reed. the terms under which the commis- as ch
314,837 had been assessed against CHICAGO, Jan. 9.-Plans to put Arthur Woods, chairman of the governor, William Chapman, of Not a Committee Function. sion approvcd the application in Hyde a
violators along with jail sentences Leo V. Brothers, St. Louis gangster, president's unemployment commit- Battle Creek, was one of the fea- -I I have not discussed this with February, 1930. bers ar
totalling approximately 8,000 years. in the electric chair as the slayer tee, estimates the unemployed at tures of the meeting. The lieuten- the committee," Nye declared. "It The stumbling block was the Win. M
Change Status of Drys. of Alfred Lingle, Tribune reporter, 5,000,000, we see how utterly and ant-governors of the district were would not be a committee resolu- commission's stipulation that the W. Blo
were pushed today while reports tragically inadequate the r e 1 i e f also inaugurated to office at this tion because that is not a function two roads divest themselves of their senting
At the same time he announced were circulated that Brothers had program is," LaFollette said. "The time. Of the committee." He added that joint control of the Chicago, Bur- Everest
a change p status for the dry ad- confessed the crime. There was no gram is merely a plaster upon A general assembly at which were he would attempt to estimate how lington & Quincy, over which the the pul
ministrators and most of the de- official confirmation of these re- the situation. 'ypresented the reports of the retr- much of the total was spent in Northern has access into Chicago. R. Gra
y ses ofote ports, and State's Attorney John A Smahl Communities Aifeeted. ing officers and iroup discussions Davis' behalf, but called attention The commission's own consolidation Taber,
Atore prohiA.bmtion.l districtss Afecteu
12.prohibititpndistricts. Hert- 11 Swanson said he was not prepared LaFolette said the survey show-ccupied the m I;ing yesterday. to testimony of one witness before plan, published a year ago, sets up culture
all have carried the word "acting" ae aoitesi h uvyso
l hihrt ofrroiedthhedtwgrdeadsres ..After the luncheon, there was a his committee to the effect that an independent system on the basis dent of
before their titles, but this will be either to confirm or deny them. ed the greatest distress was in meeting.Ihad Davis been the only candidate of the Burlington. Washin
dropped. A definite announcement was small communities where there was e une s ei the expenditure A joint statement by Charles Charles
dropped. made, however, by Charles F Rath- not nt accumulation of . The luncheon as held in con-th exndur would have been Ajitsaeetb hre hre
This action, Woodcockpsaid,eisinom aes Fat- wealth to take care of the needsI junction with the Ann Arbor Ki- the same. Davis and Francis Shunk Donnelley and Ralph Budd, presi-I Redingt
rf npnhdyspecialassistantstate'svstr-we totke are Brown, the gubernatorial candidate, dents, respectively, of the Northern Organiz
reflection upon the dry leaders int
the remaining six districts, since ney in charge of the Lingle investi- He quoted replies to question-wanis club. headed the ticket which included Pacific and Great Northern, said in
s gation, and Patrick Roche, chief naires sent out by him. Those from --- -nfive others for state offices, part:
herk hase hatm tohisect he investigator for Swanson, that an Michigan indicated that in 17 cities Asked what he would do if mnm- "The plan proposed by us met
work of only half the conimmediate trial for Brothers will of the state with population of bers of his committee opposed his fully the condition of preservingi
be asked by the state, adding that 369,000, nine and nine-tenths per move, the North Dakotan said he ample competition; the plan as
"We are prepared now." Authori- cent were unemployed; in Detroit, would offer the unseating resolu- modified by the commission also
ties said nine witnesses had identi-118.6 per cent. tion anyway. met it; and were it not impractica-
ufied Brothers as Lingle's slayer. He declared the public works pro- ble at this time to carry through
As drs)The "higer-ups" in the case-the gram should be expanded for the Gov B k R bk the plan of assuring an indepen-
Sa te cas- next fiscal year and some attempt rucer eu ed dent Burlington system, we shouldFreshm
ing Lingle to be shot to death last! be made to "mobilize the inteli-iby C*nservatieg B dy have submitted to the commission il
June 9 as he walked through a gence of industry and finance in Manager to Halt Girls reasons more convincing than ever i
MANISTIQUE--It was announced tunnel toward a suburban railroad order that it might be brought to Attempt for Record. (J Assoiated Press> why the unification of the Northern
here today that the Gardentae tn-bearin solving the problem of dis LANSING, Jan. 9.-Governor Wil- lines should be authorized . . .
Savin s ban and the Frsttation- a o -were being sought. Rum - be r i sovn th p o l m of d- _ _
Savings bank and the First Nation-ir arrests were tribution as it was brought to bear (kv Assvwi dres) bur M. Brucker received the first "We have been reluctant to with- Class
ia The ne nstiut wichs- expected momentarily. to increase productivity." LOS ANGELES, Jan. 9. -- The en- official rebuke of his administration d r a w our application because it class of
idated. The new istitution which Sil iuranee flight of Bobby Trout and today when the state conservation cannot be too strongly emphasized I ing the
will retain the name of the latter Simultaneously it was learne terfraternit G O dna May Cooper was brought to commission fowned upon two of that the problem is one of deep I the
bank will maintain a branch in that at least four men were wanted. In ap end at 5:20 p.m. . C. T.) his proposals The body turned concern not merely to the trans the sec
Garden village.a There were reports that these i- to H ve Union Offices tonight after 122 hours, 20 minutes thumbs down upon his suggestion portation industry but to all busi- hall. Th
eluded James "Red" Forsythe and ---- f continuous flight. Jo aph Martin, that a resident deputy of the con- ness and agricultural interests as for nex
GRAND RAPIDS--The city coin- Simon Gordon, both reputed rac- Remodeling of the former stud- fi ht manager, said he ordeed the servation commission be established well as those of the northwest" I opport
mission today authorized the ex- ,keteers. - ent offices of the Union has been girls to land. in the upper peninsula. time th
pen diture of $3,275 for labor in the Brothers was held in custody in 1completed to accommodate the Martin said his decision was It indicated dislike for some open to
installation of two water mains, as a secret hiding place while the in- offices of the Interfraternity coun- i based upon the belief that the de- phases of the new executive's econ- literary
a means of providing employment vestigators worked for additional i ci and the Student Council. nartment of commerce wouid ob- omy program, notably that holding O schoolt
for people who are now being taken details which, Special Assistant The offices were vacated by the l ject to the girls flying as low as that employees of the conservation Near
care of by the city social service State's Attorney Rathbun said, Union staff when the completion of they found necessary. He said cit- TOh drgregister
department. Those who will be em- would have to be withheld from the new wing made possible the re- izens of Inglewod, near the Munici- department should vdischarged, Lalready
by deciding to provide for such T OEJL hN E Iae it
pioyed for the work will be paid the public to prevent complications moval of the student offices to new pal Airport, were circulating peti venerable employees as must bea,
in script, which is redeemable at in the investigation. He indicated, quarters on the first floor. Pre- tions of protest addressed to do- displaced in the interests of efliC- and sec
the municipal store. however, that the authorities know viously the Student Council has partment officials. ciency. arCo dy Club to Give Straight but fille
--the motive back of the assassina- been meeting in room 308 and the Martin denied motor trouble, but Jacket_' --eni-,on cation
VICKSBURG--Fire, which late tion. Meanwhile, the old report Interfraternity council has had no the girls said this caused them to Jacket,'Openi year th
last night destroyed buildings and that Lingle met death because he definite room assignment. land. Drought Measure Fails February 26 will be
stock of the J. M. Smeltzer Lumber harassed a north side syndicate re- __-___- After Fourth Attempt - Fresh
Co. and a Little and Lowe grain curred. -r , Mayor Talks sosi A>,so Ne Strait-Jaket,"0 play by Pr jf der th
w h0,MausrTalas LO ANGELES, Jan9
warehouse, cauSed C'c damage esti- { 4 rnmf, .n Rnh~hv 'Th-mi ""." .And.(13iI"~t"iros) John L. Brumm, ,f'the journhsm 1during
sor's Post on Committee
Till Involve Furnishing
f Technical Advice.
W. Blodgett, Representing
umber Industry, Also
Gets Appointment.
n the invitation of Robert
mont, secretary of com-
Dean S. T. Dana, of the
of Forestry and Conserva-
vill serve on the advisory
ttee of the national timber
vation board recently ap-
3 by President Hoover.
Dana's position on the
ttee will involve the fur-
of technical advice to the
n its compilation and analy-
he facts of production and
ption of forest products.
I Perpetuation of Trees.
the board is not asked by
nt Hoover to frame any
national forest policies, it
gest programs of public and
action to perpetuate forests
e industries based upon the
timber. Research of all of
ated fields will take most of
mission's time. Dean Dana's
onal experience will be call-
a in his new position.
ther Members Named.
iditon to Lamont, who acts
irrnan and to Secretaries
nd Wilbur, the other mem-
e John H. Kirby, of Texas,
. Ritter, of Ohio, and John
dgett, of Michigan, repre-
the lumber industry; D. C.
of Wisconsin, representing
p and paper interests; Carl
y, of Nebraska, and Louis J.
of Ohio, representing agri-
John C. Merriam, presi-
the Carnegie institution of
gton, and, George D. Pratt,
Lathrop Pack and Paul G.
on, representing forestry
en Finish Registration;
hers May Complete
Cards Next Week.
ification for students in the
f 1934 ended yesterday, clos-
regular scheduld making for
,ond semester at the office
registrar, room 4, University
hose who have not registered
t semester will have a last
unity next week at which
e classification office will be
students in all clases of the
r college, music school, and
of education.
ly 90 per cent of all those
ed the first semester have
selected their future curri-
was announced yesterday,
tions in every subject are all
ed. The pre-semester classifi-
was more successful this
an in the past, and probably
continued in the future.
men were given advice un-
e same faculty advisers as
the first week of the present
mated at $35,000. un nron (.ity s Jrnie It/A k.T 'J
mated at n35,000. oen iv.CoSer jst as heyIWASHINGTON, Jan. 9.--With one depanen;,wipa e
-M--III'Ui.6 E fl moI is l to ay in food ioan waiting on a I-louse side- the next Comedy club production fication
JACKSON-HI. Bum, 31, Monroe, LS thirahe o er was loaded upon a on Feb. 26, 27, and 2 in the Lydia propos
.-M patnn tr mngr eev- DM.h- tererrrne euln lg sak th cneyasceloaedyupn teteaa. 1t pa onca
dOpartment store manager, receiv-1 MT. CLEMENS, Jan. 9. Mvor after surviving five days of ill luck. legislative conveyance today in the Mendelssohn theate. The play won chrge s
ed a fractured collar bone; Eugene IIUeo priWilliam Hale Thompson of Ch Ideal fying weather prevailed Senate in the hope that the other second prtze in the National Drama
Westheimer, 36, of the same city, cago took time out from his min- after threcl days of rainstormas and branch of Congress might be pre- lea gud contet. Proesor Bum har
sustained a broken nose and Ger- oral baths Thursday to go to a a peaeful atmsphere settled over vailed upon to give it a clear sig- . S rpa.
aid Jordan, 38, of Jackson, was Rotary club meeting and make a their monoplane, the Lady Roith. oI will start Thursday night in the A
brusied and shaken when a car in Revision of Regulations Await speech discussing t h e Chicago But it did not last long. As they No signs of this were immediately League rdilding.
which they were riding skidded and Approval of Directors; drainage canal. i neared the 120th hour aloft at 2:30 apparent in the House, however, ichardum re,31, prei t B
turned over near here this morn-'to Amend Charter. Michigan, he asserted, should be- p., an ominous cloud of b1 a c k Leaders there had made no attempt of the club announced the iitia-t BOS
_____ comeanrdt supporter of Ch- smoke began to pour from th e mot- today to gain an agreement to sendtonf11ewm brsaabn-Ioub
isg t an ardent prr C-me t the general drought loan measure quet held Thursday night in the heavyw
CUSTER--Rev. F. O. Wyman, 75 Complete revision of the house cago's water diversion instead of or. t was the signal the power to conference to smooth out the League building. They are Charles southe
former pastor of the South Custer rules of the Union has been under- an opponent. An early opportun- plant was weakening. differences over the food provision. Monroe, '31, Josephine Timberlake, weight
Free Met oihodist church, died here taken and the new set of rules will'ity to mHake this switch, he rug-diThree pvr sathm f sohaprofasio. '2Mon re, a'1 EloeY*n c Ti,'3,b e le weight
tedybe published in about six weeks, it gested, will be a conference of Mexicans Abandon Jobs e previous attempts have failed.r, '32
Freean Mehdstcucaidheetknnndhonwstnfrls ilj t omaetiosicbesg .- -Gesnger, '32E, Roberta Minter, A c
yesterday. was announced yesterday by Albert Mississippi valley states to further r 'StWvn ' LT '32, Stabley Downer, '32, Hilda Rose Buckle,
F. Donohue, '31, president of the a $3,000,000 control project near I for tarving orersFranklin DLO e Told Stahl, Grad., Harold J. Hubert, '33, Williai
Prorminent Men Atteid organization. the lower end of the Great Lakes , assO.aed r ss> to Appear in Georgia Alien Handley, '32, Lester Lemke, Madiso
ournalist's Funeral The revised copy has been ap- to control the level of the water.-. TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Jan. 9.-1 '31, and Robert McDonald, '32. The tion, t
proved by the house committee and IInsufficient rainfall, rather than Between 50 and 60 Mexicans, used (yv Associated Tress> inew members presented a number both i
(~v :associated Press) awaits only the approval of the the Chicago drainage canal, should on a railroad construction job west DETROii, J a n. 9. - Franklin of short skits at the banquet. match.
BALBOA, C. Z., Jan. 9. - Many Union board of directors, at their be blamed for the falling level, he of here, agreed to leave their work !Dodge of Lansing, former depart- _Buckle
prominent persons attended the next meeting in the first part of said. and depart the country Saturday, ment of justice operative, was or- EqA fight f
funeral of Hartwell F. Ayres, Amer- the second semester. The change is Chicago hopes eventually to get after more than 100 men and worn- dered by Federal Judge Charles C. Egt Are Overcome Saturd
ican newsuaperman, who died of the first revision since the rules the canal depth sufficient to carry en who said they r e n r e s e n t e d I Simons today to appear in Savan- by Illuminatinz Gas "Pa"
er during this week's classi-
i, thus following the plan
ed by Prof. Phil Bursley, in
of Orientation week this fall.
key-Stribling Bout
rreement Is Neared
TON, Jan. 9.--A New York
etween Jack Sharkey, Boston
ieight, and Young Stribling,
rn contender for the heavy-
championship, appeared to
he making today.
onference between Johnny
y, Sharkey's manager, and
n F. Carey, president of the
n Square Garden corpora-
erminated early today with
a practical agreement on the
No articles were signed, but
y and Carey will discuss the
urther in New York today or
ay when they expect to have
Stribling, young Stribling's