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October 04, 1930 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-04

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,_SA DA'Y, OCTOBER 4, 1930



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Elaborate Costumes, Traditional
Dances Will Be Used by
Carola Goya.



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Gowns Are Authentic
Style and Color of
Spanish Dress.

Carola Goya will open her pro-
gram of Spanish dances tonight in
the Lydia Mendelsson theatre in
the traditional manner of dancers
of Spain. This is a particular style
of dance, combined with an elabo-
rate costume, which dates back to
antiquity in its use. The dancer is
supposed to appear in her most
striking and formal costume, for
the "Bailende Presentacion," which
is the "Dance of Presentation."
A bodice of brilliants and pearls
over gold satin, with a long full
skirt of gold lace falling overia
petticoat of tiny ruffles of five
shades of pink and yellow, will
compose Miss Goya's first costume.
D'Arblay Designs Costumes.
All of Miss Goya's costumes,
which are designed by Hortense
d'Arblay are authentic in style and
color of the national dress of differ-
ent provinces' of Spain. In her
"Rapsodia Valenciana,". the dan-
cer's costume typifies the dainti-
at the waist into a green velvet
encia are famous. A skirt of five
yards of apple green satin gathered
ness for which the women of Val-
bodice, which in turn is almost
concealed by a wide cape-collar of
old lace embroidered in silver
spangles, with a small apron of
the same materials, transforms
Miss Goya into a Valencian.
Traditional steps set to the
"Tango in D" by a modern Span-
ish composer, Albinez, are per-
formed by Miss Goya in a back-
less gown of black velvet, trimmed
with brilliants. With this costume
go black satin slippers with rhine-
stone heels, and a fan of black lace
and spangles.
In direct contrast with this cos-
tume is one which the artist wears
in her Jota Aragonesa, "El Manico."
The peasants of Aragon'wear flat
slippers, with soles of rope, called
Alpagatos, while the dress typical
of this region consists of a black
velvet bodice with long sleeves, a
full flowered skirt over a white
ruffled petticoat, a colored shawl
over the shoulders, and a white
kerchief on the head.
To Wear Old Costume.
On her program Miss Goya has
another dance from this same
province, the costume of which is
the most un-Spanish of all her
costumes, and is rarely seen even
in Spain today, being of great
antiquity. A full dark green skirt
hangs from directly under the
arms, where it is gathered into a
tiny red velvet yoke. There is a
white organdie, Medici collar and
the sleeves, from the shoulder to
the elbow are of puffed white
organdie, while from the elbow to
the wrist they are of tight red
velvet. The headdress is reminis-
cent of the Russian, being of a rose
colored material coiled into a cir-
cular twist.
Miss Goya uses numerous other
costumes in her programs, each
one as much a part of the da nce
asthe designer could make it, and
at the same time forming the back-
ground of the dance, as well.


Duchess of Westminster
A jewelry ensemble which rivals
anything in the possession of the
sovereigns of Great Britain, and
which is guarded and insured by
international insurance agents is
among the jewels of the Duchess
of Westminster, wife of one of
England's wealthiest peers. It con-
sists of a coronet of diamonds and
platinum valued at more than
$500,000, which may be taken apart
and worn as separate necklace,
brooch, and pair of earrings.
It was designed and made for
her in the Rue de la Paix. Three
I a r g e diamonds, two almond-
shaped, form the central stones of

the diadem. The almond-shaped
pair may be attached as pendants
to the brooch which is formed by
the peak of the headdress. The
outer rim of the diadem can be
taken off to form a necklace of
more than 50 stones, alternating
round and elongated stones. The
earrings, which can be detached
from the central motif of the
coronet, contain each, 22 elongated
diamonds and five round jewels.
All three large stones were in the
possessions of the Duke of West-
minster at the time of his marriage
about 18 months ago to Miss Pon-
sonby, who is the daughter of the
treasurer of the King of England.

Secretary's Office May Assist
in Locating Those Unclaimed.
Campus Points to be Awarded Have you lost your faith in hu-
to Tose akin Par in man honesty, your best kid gloves,
to Those Taking Part in your opal ring, your pet scarf, or
the Activity. your overcoat? Then renew your
faith at the main desk of the Wo-
LIBRARIANS ARE WANTED men's League, for honesty seems to
prevail among the people who fre-
Second semester freshmen and quent the building.I
sophomores are still in demand to Articles lost in the Women's
sell candy at the booth in Univer- League building are almost invar-
sity hall. Each women need devote iably turned in at the main desk.
only one or two hours a week to "No" is not said more than twice
this activity, and will be awarded a weei, to claimants who are cer-
campus points for it. Volunteers tam their property was lost some-
may make all arrangements with where in the building. This does
Erdine Griffith, '33, phone 22591, not apply to those vague individ-
who manages the candy booth. uals who say, 'Tm not sure, but I
T h e undergraduate campaign think I left my mesh bag (or what
committee, which sponsors t h e ever was missed) here."
candy booth for the benefit of the Lost possessions range in value
campaign fund, has suggested that f r o m purses with considerable
sororities and dormitories cooper- money in them, diamond rings
ate with them in this undertaking (and others of less worth), brace-
and open small booths in the lets,, and necklaces to penny pen-
houses. All houses which are will- cils. Girls leave many silk scarfs,
ing to do this should communicate more than thirty were found dur-
with Miss Griffith. ing last year, and galoshes, in good
Volunteer librarians a r e also condition usually are called for,
needed at this time to check books umbrellas (which rate high this
in and out of the League library, rainy season of the year) are also
This is an activity requiring only among the "lost articles;" men
a few hours a week and also re- leave hats more than anything else.
ceives campus points, one point a Fewer losses occur during sum-
semester for two hours' work each mer school, probably because the
week. Women are asked to con- students are older and have passed
sult Jane Yearnd, '31, phone 21616, the earlier scatter-brained stage.
concerning this work. They seem to have developed a
--property sense.
Golf, Tennis, Archery About seventy-five per cent of
the articles turned in at the main
Feature Tournaments desk are never claimed. Five or
on Athletic Schedule more articles are turned in every
day of the University year.
Tournaments in golf, tennis, and Ignorance of where to locate
archery are being planned for this losses may account for the fact
archry ae beng panne for thtIat even the Secretary's Office is
fall. At present there are elective forced to give to the Salvation Ar-
classes in these three sports be- my fifty percent of the property
tween 4 and 6 o'clock every after- collected. Glasses are sent to the
noon in order that those who de- Health Service, and the bows are
sire to become proficient in one of sold to needy students or are given
these sports before the beginning to charity patients at the hospital.
of the tournaments, may receive Pledge, sorority, and fraternity
expert instruction. pins are returned to the organiza-
Those students who were not able tions whenever possible. The Sec-
to elect the regular classes in these retary's Office endeavors to return
sports may also come out at the all pins, but several remain un-
same time and receive credit for claimed from last year although
work in physical education. notification has been given the
houses concerned.
SYDNEY UNIVERSITY-Alumni, Rings taken off in washrooms,
defending the resolution "That this watches left on desks at examina-
house has no faith in the rising tion time, men's hats in winter and
generation" were defeated recently spring, and notebooks (often with
by a team of undergraduates in a valuable notes in them) make up
campus debate. the bulk of property found.

Go to the Secretary's Office in
University Hall if you have lost an
article in any University building.
For after a period of two wfeeks or
so everythingeis taken there. Tell
'his to your friends. The Secre-
tary's Office would appreciate your
cooperation, for it feels that the
majority of students does not know
this service is offered by she of-
Your possessions will have more
ehamjce of being returned to you
if yo~i follow these suggeu;Lons giv.
en by the Secretary's Office in
Room 2, University Hall. Write your.
name and address in full in all of
your books and notebooks, and
pla: e a card of identification in
your pockei:book. The student di-
rectories are not yet out., and re-
turns will be facilitated if you carry
out these directions.
Have your initials placed in rings
and on pens and pencils. Where
possible t h e Secretary's Office
sends a card to the student letting
him know that something he owns
has been received-but again, this
card can be sent only to the stu-
dent who has given some clew to
his identity.
Full University Professorship has
recently been given to a woman in
Cuba. She is Senorita Estela Af-
ramonte, who now holds the chair
of history at Havanna University,
Cuba. This is the 'first time that
such an office has ever been held
by any woman in that territory.
Senorita Aframonte is the daugh-
ter of Dr. Aframonte, who was a
member of the United States yel-
low fever commission in Cuba 30
years ago. He has just recently
been decorated by the United
States Government for his service.
Golf friends who are bemoaning.
the coming of cold winter days will
find plenty of opportunity to keep
their game well within the par
mark this winter. Numerous in-
door miniature golf courses have
sprung up on the Michigan campus
while the students were away for
the summer, losing balls and dis-
positions on legitimate courses with
much more hazards than a barrel
or a few hoops. No caddies or-
form are required in this craze of
Pee-wee golf which has become
rather an epedemic in the past

Classes Continue Through Winter
on New Indoor Tanbark
Track at Fairgrounds.
Horseback riding is the ideal
sport for fall and all second semes-
ter sophomores, juniors, and sen-
iors who have not completed their
physical education requirements
may ride for credit.
Mr. Guy L. Mullison has opened
a new stable at the fair grounds
which has an indoor tanbark ring
so that any one electing horse-
back riding may continue to ride
through the winter even after the
weather conditions will not per-
mit outside activity.
The indoor ring is an exception-
ally fine place for beginners to
learn to ride and for winter class-
es to be held. There will be hur-
dles for advanced riders, both on
the field and in the ring.
The new stable is easily reached
from the campus by taking the
bus that runs on Washtenaw Ave.,
and N. University Ave. This bus
continues on downtown from the
campus and comes within. a block
of the stable, which is on the west
side of town.
A series of rides may be purchas-
ed at the reasonable price of twelve
rides for $10.00. Classes are being
conducted now and any upperclass
women desiring to, elect riding for
credit may do so at Barbour Gym-
Nation's Book Sellers
Make Collections for
White House's Library
When it was discovered that not
one book of the popular vein could
be found in the White House
library, the nation's book sellers
acted on the suggestion of Mr.
Watson, Mr. Hoover's father-in-
law, to make a collection of books
to donate to the White House.
This collection of five hundred
volumes will include such books as
Sherlock Holmes, Tom Sawyer, and
Uncle Remus.
an old-time tradition, senior girls
here are adopting skirts of cord-
uroy, as an official class recognition


Early Handicap in Law Practice
Thought to Have Declined.
Wherever the s a will, there's a
lawsuit, and whenever there's a
probate suit in Denver, Colorado,
Miss Mary Lathrop is invariably
the woman in the case. If the staid
and very important International
Law association which met recent-
ly in New York City, suddenly de-
cided to elect a law queen or a
"Miss Law of 1930," it is most likely
that their choice would be Miss
Lathrop, who has been practicing
probate law in Denver for 34 years
of her 64 years and in that time
has endeared herself not only to
her own colleagues, but to lawyers
all over the world.
Women and law interest Miss
Lathrop intensely. She insists that
women are still handicapped in the
practice of law, although admitting
that active opposition to them has,
to a large extent, ceased. She ad-
vises women lawyers to refrain
from handling the kind of cases
that would prevent them from
maintaining their self - respect.
"Women should endeavor to com-
mand the respect of the bench and
bar," she declares.
As Miss Lathrop comes of a fam-
ily of lawyers, she was drawn to
the law while yet a young girl, and
after passing her examinations and
being admitted to the bar, she
started her law practice in a $12
a-month room. Today Miss Lathrop
is first vice-president of the Colo-
rado State Bar association, and also
chairman of the section of legal
education of the same organiza-
tion. She is attorney for the
Chinese residents on her jurisdic-
tion, and the many magnificent
pieces of jade she possesses testify
Increasing Americanization of Aus-
tralia Is To Be Deplored" was the
resolution discussed in a recent
campus debate. The negative team
was victorious.
Lenses and Frames Made to Order
Optical Prescrip tions Filled

to the gratitude of her Oriental
Miss Lathrop is extremely easy
to look upon and although quite
petite is dignified and distinguished
in appearance. Her hair is white
and the two little curls that nestle
on her fine forehead represent her
sole concession to feminine vanity.
During the meetings of the Inter-
national Law association which
she attended, ex-premiers and ex-
cabinet ministers kissed her hand
in tribute to the little American
woman, who is regarded by the
world's greatest lawyers as a leader
in their profession.


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In "The Daily" for October 3,
there appeared the following
statement: All sororities were
asked not to invite women to
their formal dinners unless they
expected to bid them, in order
to avoid any hard feelings."
A statement from Miss Alice
Lloyd, dean of women, says:
"This is very misleading and is
not an accurate account of the
result of Thursday's discussion.
Sororities were urged to ask to
their formals only girls whom
they were seriously considering.
An invitation to a formal does
not, however, necessarily mean
a bid to a sorority, as the above
quoted sentence would indi-

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