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January 07, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-07

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1 A\IY


............ .

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
T'heA sociated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or aIot otherwisei edited
in this -paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
* Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANM E. COOPER, Cits Editor
News Editor .............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor.............. Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor...........Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama, Books........Wi1. J. Gorman
Assistant City Editor.....:.Harold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor....Charles V. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor...........corge A. Stauter
Copy Editor ..................Wm. F. Pype

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David M. Nichol

John 1). Reindel
Richard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warren

Sheldon C. Fui!ertos A . Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend
3.E. Bush Wilbur _f. Meyers
homas M. Cooley Robert L. Pierce
Morton Frank Richard Racine
Saul Friedberg Jerry E. Rosenthal
Frank B. Gilbreth Charles A. Sanford
iack Goldsmith Karl Seiffert
olaid Goodman Robert V. Shaw
Morton helper Edwin M. Smith
Edgar Ilornik George A. Stauter
llryan Jones John W. lhomas
Denton C. Kunze John S. rownsend
Powers Moulton
Eileen Blunt Mary McCall
Flsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien
G uth alleyer Elanor Rai rdon
Emily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tfobin
Elsie M. Hoffmeyer Margaret Thompson
Jean Levy (i aire Trussell
Dorotny Magee Barbara Wright
Telephone 212r4
KASPLR H. HALVPRSON, Assistant Manager
Advertising. .........Charles T. Kline
Advertising.................homas M. Davis
Advertising............William W. Warboys
Service............Norris J. Johnson
Publication............Robert W. Williamson
irculation..............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts . .............omas S. Muir
Business Secretary...........Mary j. Eenaoi

has been carefully systematized,
statistics have been compiled, and
his movements, aspirations and in-
tentions are regarded with the cir-
cumsspection of a clinic? Let us
have something of the old-fashion-
ed, even conservative if need be,
humanistic leadership, something
of the former warmth and color
which made personality and indi-j
viduality count for something more
than a "demand increment."
Criticism of governmental com-
plicity has long been rampant inj
this country. It is estimated that,
at the present time, the conscien-
tious voter must make more than
400 choices during the year and
despite all the modern aids and
rapid communication this is more
of a burden than even the most
competent citizen can bear.
Now comes the news that the cit-
izens of Cook County, Illinois, have
taken the lead in abolishing at
least .a part of this trouble. The
first move is to be the study of the
417 local governments in the dis-
trict with the object of drawing up
a plan which will co-ordinate the
work of these units.
This task is to be done by thirty
of the county's prominent citizens
who have been appointed by the
president of the county board. They
will, according to the motion of the
board, study public credit, govern-
mental services and expenditures,
and develop definite measures for
taxation and revenue reforms. The
entire aim of the commission is to
simplify, as much as, possible, the
government of the county and to
do away with all duplications of
work by single men and by depart-
This is a very laudable beginning
on a reform that might well take
on national proportions. Duplica-
tion, inefficiency, and often in-
competency are the inevitable re-
sult of a system as loosely co-
ordinated and as pseudo-democrat-
ic as present governmental proce-
dure. Political plums are too fre-
quently distributed without a n y
need other than the necessity of
placating an irate campaigner or of
building a stronger machine. This
can do else but lead to a much too
complicated government.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are askhed to he brief,
confining themselxes to less than 300
words if possible. Anonvnicus comi-
muinic7ationls xiill he dlsregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as conidential, upon re-
(]uest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.

About Books SI ,A DDRA
BLACK YEOMANRY, edited by T. J. a
Woofter, Jr. Henry Holt and Co. New York is a rolirikintg, bump-
New York. 1930. ($3.00). kin town, wih a lce. on its face
.mhand a back alley down which to
Black Yeomanry, though it may ru.Ad"Th nseto Genra"
not primarily concern the litterateur run. Ar "The InscorGeneral"
in the same sense that does Black ismrollickig,;bumpkin play with
April, Porgy, and other books deal- neither the leer nor the back alley.
gy , Jed Harris, with?- his usual acumen,
ing with the Negroes of the Caro-
i-ha chosen Gogol's boosey bur-
inas, is a vork of no little n- lesque to hold a mirror up to New
potnce and interest to anyone koi. Of course, parenthetically,
who would fully understand the Yok'fcuspa nItcly
and in the interests of accuracy, it
characters of such novels. Black is t only one facet of that much
Yeomanry is first of all sociological adult ald gem. And New York,
and historical, but it gives a color asd usual ignores the mirror, for it,
portrait of life on St. Helena Islandrk
whic shuldbe itenelyinterest- the mirror, does not take New York
which should be itensely seiously. The play says--come. look
ing to people concerned with Negro at yourself, sit in the balcony if you
life and development in the South. must, come on a matine^ if you
One chapter in this book is de-
voted to the songs and stories col- il. T ppbut come an lokat your-
lected by Guy B. Johnson, of the self. The people come but they don't
ofNot Crlia adook. They laugh enough at the
University of North Carolina, and heavy booted Russian Pumor, and
this chapter gives, an esthetic taste at the fine acting (although it must
to the report which otherwise would , said that at time the players
be absent. Dr. Johnson arrives at seem thoroughly shocked at their
the conclusion that many of the own parts). But that is all. There
spirituals are pure American or never was such a tremendous apa-
English in their origin, though the thy to a perfectly apparent, though
Negro has done most in his adapta- unconscious, symolism.
tion and perpetuation of t h e m. Not that there is anything in the
Some of the songs have been close- "Inspector General" which directly
ly identified as adaptations from or indirectly alludes to New York,
English ballads. The choruses of To the Russian peasantry portrayed
Roll, Jordan, Roll and Lord, Re~ New York does not exist, and Petro-
member Me are borrowed from Ste- grad is Heaven for Hell).
phen Foster's Camptown Races;
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot is strik-
ngly related to Amazing Grace. In December 23 at the Hudson. It is
practically every case, however, new he story of a corrupt Russian town
elements have been injected into town of tha opn
these songs, sometimes reflecting v t oan Inspector General from
plantation life, sometimes suggest- t For they have good rca-I
ing Africa and the jungle. What- etrogreapd. For they hae goo e-
. . on to be auniour -these petty offi-
ever the elements of this synthesis, f
, ~~j als for whl-om liffe has been one
the spirituals have come to be pure- 7 rv t
y American. aft another. The mayor
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a4 HX

Harry R. Beglev
Vernon Bishop
William Brown
Robert Callahan
Richard H. H-iller
Miles Hoisington

Erle Kihtlinger
iDon W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Stratemeier
Keith 'ynler
Noel U. Turner
Byron C. Vedder


Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller
Marian Atran I helen Olsen
E~elen' Bailey M~ildrerd Postal
Usephine Convisser Mariorie Rough
[axine Fishgrund Mary E. Watts
Dorothy LeMire Johanna Wiese
Dorothy Laylin
Night Editor-JOHN D. REINDEL
Critics of the large university of-
ten harp upon the evils of large-,
scale production which becloud the
educative process of such institu-
tions. Recently one of Yale's pro-
fessors stated that administrative
methods were tending to emulate;
the factory system. Vice-president:
Yoakum has also recently pointed
out that his duties may be des-G
cribed as watching the students
and the pedagogical processes justl
as the vice-president of a corpor-
ation watches the money and ac-
counts. This then would seem to
make his position a sort of pro-
duction manager.
The brief in favor of business and
efficiency in college administration
has been so amply stated previous-
ly that it requires no further ex-
planation But the students too of
ten are swamped by these mechan
ic of running the educationa
plant; they feel the effects of tht.
massed production, their individua
differences are waived before thi
demands of efficiency, and the
find themselves doing lip service t(
the great pedagogical wheels, whicl
grind out their product inexorably
It is idle to lament the passing o.
the old idealistic, tradition-bounz
attitude towards one's alma mate.
which saw its flowering in a da;
when the human factors were no
sunk under a labyrinth of routines
formalizing and lock-step demands
Yet with that passing, or rathe
due to the causes of its departure
went also many of the bonds whicl
once drew faculty and student to
gether. Not every student find
glamour, warmth or even appeal i
contemplating the delicately bal-
anced mechanism which gives hin
his education. Leadership in col
lege administrators has pivotec
from the qualities of personalit;
and ideals that led students to-
ward culture to the attributes of
competent business man. It is fin(
to consider the advantages of de-
mocratic education, balanced bud-
gets and large ones at that, anc


To the Editor:j
In connection with your refer-j
once to compulsory military train-
ing in American colleges, readers of
'The Daily may be interested in
learning what a great Englishman,
Bertrand Russell, has to say on the
subject. After having shown the
damage arising to teacher, pupil
and society from teaching orthodox
opinions on politics, religion or
morals, the writer continues: "In
every country, by means of flag-
waving, Empire day, Fourth of July'
celebrations, officers' training corps,
otc., everything is done to give boys
a taste for homicide, and girls a
conviction that men given to homi-
tide are the most worthy of respect
i'this whole system of moral degra-'
dation to which innocent boys and
iris are exposed would become im-
ossible if the authorities allowed
ecdom of opinion to teachers and

As for the stories which Dr. John-
son has collected, they are intrinsi-
cally valuable for their form and
the connotations of Negroid-Ameri-
can civilization in slavery days
rather than for their content. An--
thropologists have compared stories
of many primitive peoples and as
yet have found little which is com-
parable in cultural qualities to the
Gullah stories of the South.
The editing of Black Yeomanry
by Mr. Woofter represents careful
selection from the research of many
eminent sociologists and historians
in St. Helena Island. H. C.
George Moore, whom most of u
somewhat shamefully think of as1
dead (so vividly does he suggest
completely dead decades), has just
written a new novel "Aphrodite in
Aulis" published in a limited edi-
tion ($20) by Random House, tc
be shortly reissued in a trade edi-
tion by Horace Liverright. The plot
summary suggests that the nove:
discusses typical themes of thc
"nineties." A young sculptor wan-
dering alone on a beach discover..
two nude women bathing. They:
beckon him to approach and joir
in their discussion as to their re-
spective beauty. The sculptor is
soon asked to make the momentous
decision as to which has the mos,
beautiful buttocks. The lady whc
wins his approval becomes his wife
and model, retaining her beauty a;
the cost of some unhappiness anc
an absence of children. The othe;
sister marries a farmer, has chib-'
by children, and happiness, mar-
red only by moments of envy a
the magnificent statuary thatV in-
mortalizes h e r sister's charms.

tices the mechants, and seduces
heir wives (for which by the way
the merchants cart have no retribu- I
ion). The choclmas tr has imbe-
, ie teachers on his staff. The Hos-
aital Superintendent oflicially em-
ploys a veterin::ry and doles out
he hospital beds to his indigent i
-hativcs. And the hospital, to put
k mi dly, has a most odiferous at-
rnospheec. 'The Judge raises geese
and dogs in the courtroom, and the
Postmaster reads all the mail which
comes through his offce . When thc
ins cctor dooes come, he turns out.
io be bogus, although the good citi-
yens don't know it until he has tak-
'n all their b ibes, made the most
delicious love to the mayor's wife
and daugiter, promised to marry
she daughter, written to a Petro-
grad friend telling him of his comic
adventures at the house of a stupid
orovincial mayor who has taken
him for an inspector general, and
Ahen left the town for what is to be
short visit. The deception is dis-
covered of course when the Post-
master naturally reads the letter, a
ircumstance which shows t h a t
here may be some virtue in every
Romney Brent, in the part of the
bogus Inspector, gets ofh to a slow
tart in the scene at the inn, but
? ter on, especially in his long
?runken speech about himself and
us importance wherein he raves
and raves and raves, and paints in
;audy colors for the peasants, his
friendly and a-Lmnost fatherly ]rela-
ons with Dukes and Grand Dukes,
he Church, the literary world,
7inces> ad P'rince.sc f aai Cr'-
ccirs an (tenmo o poem in
sr a .5 0 of the mn yo-'s)ife ancd-
laughter, which rcndercs them all
i ith the possible exception of the
nayor himself, ecstatic; and finally
passcs out in a most deep alcoholic
;ieep, Shows a fine feeling for his I
;nlc. This speech, and his later
ove maki n to the virgin dauga-
ec, who is sOMewohat carefully and
bit too deicately played by Dor-
othy Gish (complsrisons with Lil-
Ian are alnost inevitable,, wherein
;heee is such a mixture of fear and
inticipat on1 and desire and hys-
erics on the part of Marya the
:agahter, .nd peir ect virtuosity in
L:ve making on the part of the In-
speto: s would make even the
most consciol-iy virtuous laugh, are
.n being interp-reted most nearly in
ne Clificu"t for an Aaericen i
u ss;an feeling for situation, the I
best plan-ed sections of the drama. I
The othnlr p-r ts are all played
capab y, bG one is left with the
feeling th{' ' 1e is no diectin g
", sanaTy ( 11 7h stage. Even Mr.
Brent 4cs a ic; k somewhat in
torce of ch r.E'317ctr which is neces-
s'yU to e-r<?) play along. For the
tage is one pl- ce where there mus
asyntpm lttie Lnd powerful
Character rom. whose force the
play t akes :in - ny't n

iis an

N e w s p-, a-pe, r

. "

kmeans Truth told interestingly

L .






111. ev], rluleSSaa rMUMoore's prose has always beer
-___ ___ _ideally suited to this sort of idyllic
aestheticism. The novel should be
Editorial Comment an interesting anachronism. (On(
thinks of Michael Gold onThorn
ton Wilder).

(The Indiana Daily Student.)
In a university, students are sup-1
>osed to recognize or harbor no so-E
.ial distinctions. Theoretically, we{
ire all on the same social level and
a pursuit of the same object-
aigher education.1
But in practice, and probably I
,uite unintentionally, college life I
tends to swerve from the broader
o much narrower paths. Coeds,
especially, are guilty of putting uph
artificial barriers between them-
Se1 v e s. Snobbishness oftentimes
prevails among members of Greek-
Letter sororities towards the unor-I
anized women. On t h e otherE
aand, unorganized coeds are equal-t
y guilty in their clannishness. I
There is no doubt that class dis-
sinctions exist everywhere there are I
)eople, but they should not be so
apparent at college. The only wayl

Undoubtedly a good antidote tc
reading of George Moore will be th(
epic "Babe Gordon" (Maculay anc
Company) which has gone int
several editions and all the best-
seller lists. G. Egerton Harrimar
has written a succinct review ou
"This is the tale of a Harlem Broad
Who drank hard liquor ane
mocked the Lord, ,
Written with unction, gusto and
By that famous actress, Mac
In addition to Babe Gordon, thr
characters a r e Bearcat Delaney
Charlie Yates, Cokey Jenny, and
Money Johnson, the Negro Apollc
and king of Harlem, the home o1
them all.
Outstanding on t n e Brentano

Gas heat solves both the problem of the saes

manager, who must meet the public taste with delectable hickory-smoked
meats, and of the orIgineer, who must contrive to handle the production eco-
nomically. The use of gas heat eliminates the fuel problem, and insures


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