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December 16, 1930 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-16

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norm nnniin IIuirrrian

Christmas Trees, Wreaths Add
to Holiday Appearance. French Comr
I Cf

Program I
ors Contrasts


f e

Park Avenue Apartment Serves Hopkins University. Women surpassed the men at Alumni a
as Studio; Authors Are She finds other faces just as McGill University in the last reck- I the Women
i. nteresting but prefers the men and oning of grades. Only one-third as of the Univc
Favorite Studies. women who write. She is interested many of the women students of fornia were
in any face that has the marks of 4 tea given at

edy, Dickens Classic,
ct Gay Spirit.

llii HU U PIVIIL I IN hBy M. E. V .
SThe League building is just more
than"spruced" up forcold St. Nick.
Non-Members Invited; to Meet At the windows holly wreaths tied
This Afternoon in Women's with perk red ribbons give out a
Athletic Building. cheery welcome. The good old{
Christmas spirit fairly beams from
FACULTY TO BE GUESTS the lighted trees throughout the
building. On the first floor lobby
Dancing, Specialty Acts to be a huge tree, loaded with silvery
aicicles and jingling ornaments, is
Part of Afternoon's 1placed so that it may be immedi-
Entertainment. ately seen from all entrances.
Santa Claus said that he thought
Christmas decorations will mark the smaller, bushy tree on the mez-
the Women's Athletic Association zanine was one of the nicest he had

I ~ Ae

at California
New Clubroom
rd active members of
's Athletic Association
ersity of Southern Cali-
guests recently at a
the formal opening of
A. A. clubroom. Mem-
cabinet acted as host-
unior class members of
ation recently acted as
a spread which is held

open meeting to be held from 3:30'
to 5:30 this afternoon in the Wom-;
en's Athletic building, instead of
Thursday as was previously an-
Non-members as well as mem-
bers are invited to attend the meet-
ing, as it will afford an opportunityf
to become acquainted with the or-
ganization. There will be dancing
and refreshments, and Ann Tobin,
'33, Elizabeth Van Horn, '33, and
Margaret Schernack, '33, will pre-
sent specialty acts from the Sopho-
more Cabaret.
Intramural Teams are Invited.
All members of intramural teams
are requested to be present, and
sorority members are invited to
bring their pledges. Members of the{
faculty of the physical education
department for women will be
guests of honor.
This will be the first open meet-
ing of W. A. A. to be held this year,
and members of the executive board
will be present to answer any ques-
tions about the purpose and activi-
ties of the group. Audrey Callandar,
'33, will give a talk about the out-
door activities of W. A. A., and the
treasurer, Dorothy Elsworth, '32,
will collect the dues from any who
wish to pay them during the meet-
N. A. A. Includes All Women.
All women enrolled in the uni-
versity are inactive members of
W. A. A., and may become active
members by earning five W. A. A.
points, and by paying the member-
ship dues of one dollar. W. A. A.
points may be earnedrby hiking,
playing on intramural or interclass
teams, or by participating in W.
A. A. activities such as the Penny
Carnival, Play Day, and Lantern
Sensitive Women Are
Judged Most Efficient
Women who smoke habitually are
less efficient than non-smokers ac-
cording to Henryetta Frey of the
University of Iowa. She also stated
that tempermental women a r e
more efficient than calm individu-

delivered this year. So he proceed-
ed to the ballroom, leaving two
handsome evergreens just weighted
with colored lights, and another in
the cafeteria. As he went out the
front door, he draped a string of
lights over each of the trees at the
entrance. Whether dining, dancing,1
or lingering downstairs at the
League, the glamour of the holi-
day season is in the air.
ntr amural
..0. !NEWS
Schedule of Games Today.
4:00-Helen Newberry 1 vs. Lea-
gue 7; Delta Delta Delta vs. Jor-
dan 1.
5:00-League 2 vs. Helen New-'
berry 2; Betsy Barbour vs. Alpha
Phi 2.
£tesults of Monday's Games.
Alpha Xi Delta, 18; Delta Gam-
ma, 10.
This, the opening game of the
season was marked by fast play-
ing. Both teams were in fine condi-
tion after two weeks of practice
and there were several outstanding
players on each team.
Alpha Gamma Delta, 21; Mosher
1, 4.
Alpha Gamma Delta had a well
organized team on the floor for the
opening of the basketball tourna-
ment taking an easy victory from
the Mosher players.
Kappa Delta, 15; Zeta Tau Alpha,
In this game neither team could
take a lead. It was hard fought,
marked by fast plays and excellent
teamwork on both sides.
Theta Phi Alpha, 35; Alpha Delta
Pi, 3.
The forwards on the Theta Phi
Alpha team did fine combination
work completely out laying the
losing team.

All the wealth of contrast be-
tween the customs and costumes of#
the eighteenth and nineteenth cen-
turies will be present in the annual
Christmas program which opens
tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theater. The stately strains of the
minuet in Moliere's "Les Precieuses
Ridicules" will vie with the rollick-
ing air of a country dance in Dick-
en's immortal "Pickwick," but the
spirit of gaiety will be common to
both of them.
The costumes present a remark-
able study in contrasts. In the
French farce, the gorgeous trap-
pings of the romantic era prevail.
Valentine B. Windt, who appears as
the Marquise, is beautiful to behold
in a creation of gold velvet, with
knee breeches, lacecuffs, and an
amazing plumed hat which gives
him an altogether dashing air.
Katherine Kratz, as one of the
affected misses, is garbed in an
elaborate costume of black velvet,
with a long train, and an awe-
inspiring high lace collar. Inathe
Dickens classic, Mildred Todd wears
an unusual costume of white satin
with an intricately quilted petti-
The stage setting will contribute
much to the atmosphere, having
been designed after the manner of
Gordon Craig. The huge cyclorama
has been utilized to fullest advan-
tage, and an unusually beautiful
'lighting effect will be obtained
Freedom in Study Emphasized
by Women's School.

Photograph by Doris Ulmann is having lived intensely, expressing
a legend which carries with it stme phase of life, some dominant
much more than the literal signi-- quality or power. Mrs. Ulmann will
ficance of the words. Everyone t no pictures of actors for they
knows the commercial studio where I do I3- wish character to show in

one goes through the ordeal of
"having a picture taken." Most
studios are nothing but four walls,
a few chairs, screens, and tripods.
Doris Ulmann, who belongs to no
commercial photographer's union,
lives and works in an apartment,
high above Park Avenue, where the
"sitter" finds an army of chairs
and couches upholstered in red,
Oriental bronzes and pewter bowls,
generously filled with all kinds of
cigarettes. According to the time of
day one may be served with sand-
wiches, or tea.
This photographer uses no me-
chanical appartus to hold your
head in an unnatural position. You
select your own chair, your own
position, according to your desire.
i You continue to smoke, play, read,
or think-as you will. In the mean-
time Mrs. Ulmann studies you. You
do not realize that your picture is
being taken for she entertains you
with anecdotes.
Among the people whose pictures
she has taken are Henry Van Dyke,
S. S. Van Dine, E. V. Lucas, John
Galsworthy, Thornton Wilder, Oli-
ver La Farge, Vincent Sheehan,
Waldo Frank, Esther Forbes, Blair
Niles, and John Livingston Lowes.
Some are greatly pleased with their
portraits, others are not. Ellen
Glasgow was not-in fact she asked
that the plates be destroyed. Others
besides literary people are Helen
Keller, Mei Lan-fang, and Angna
Enters. Some years ago Mrs. Ul-
mann did a book of portraits of
the Medical Faculty of the John!
Professor Browdcasks j

thelir 1'aces and she does not care
for merely an attractive photo-
graph. In comparing men and
women she says, "Men are usually
less self-conscious than women;
women often have preconceived
notions of how they want to look.
However, if a man is self-conscious
he is a hundred times worse than
the most self-conscious woman.",
Doris Ulmann was born and edu-
cated in New York City. She stud-
ied to be a teacher and specialized,
in psychology. For a term she went
to law school. Photography was
undertaken first as a hobby, an
excuse to do something with her
hands when her mind was tired.
Now no other hand but hers
touches the pictures and she jeal-
ously guards the magic combina-
tion which gives her finished
portraits a richness and depth not
found elsewhere.


Enjoyyour trip home!
Cozy, luxurious, fast student special
all-steel parlor coaches, hot water
heated and equipped with individual
reclining chairs-to all points at re-
markable low fares.

the university received warnings as
the men. All those receiving warn-
ings in the University are requested
to fill in questionaires concerning
their work, and to make appoint-
ments with their advisors.

the new W.
bers of the
esses. The j
the organize
hostesses at
each year.

Tuesday and Wednesday



Sarah Lawrence College, a newly From Botany ClassesI
established college for women, lo-
cated near New York City, provides Instituting an inn-ovation in.
something new in colleges. Three teaching natural science classes,
major courses together with work Prof. Merle Coulter of the Univers-
in each of four fields-art, modern ity of Chicago will broadcast Bot-i
languages and literature, natural any 105 "Evolution, Heredity, and j
science, and social science,,and one Genetics" from his classroom dur-
outside activity are required.'-ng the winter trn.
evxcellent reas

"Broken Sizes"
Values from $6.50 to $8.50





From the Woman's Shop
Will Please "Her"

Hosiery ...the Gift of



A Joy to the man Shopper
... a satisfaction to the woman
shopper . . s our Hosiery
dept. . . . a gift 'for every
woman . . . Silk hose . . .
$1.00 to $3.95. Special prices
on box of 3 pairs.




a~' ;


T onight
~7to 9 P. M.
On this night, the whole store will be
* open for you men to do all your Christ- s
mas shopping . . . to purchase gifts for
your sweetheart, your wife or the whole
* family without their knowledge.
in;n vur fr;inds in their shoeninh

Working on as narrow a profit margiv as does the
candy industry, economies must be sought in effi-
cient production management. Gas affords the
most economical method of producing heat, and
thus promotes lower costs and longer profits.
Candy making is a chemical operation. Wherever
chemistry is involved, accurate heat control is
imperative. Gas heat is capable of minutely
accurate control and application. Thus again
Gas Heat is the logical one for candy making.

Handbags .. . the Gift of Importance

Handbags in many lovely new
styles. Was there ever a wom-
an who didn't like another
hand-bag (even tho she didn't
have much money to put, in
it? Priced $3.50 to $5.95.


Handkerchiefs . . . Our


Aids the Shopper

Individual . . . is the gift of
handkerchiefs for the woman
w h o appreciates loveliness.
Priced 35c to $3.00.

. .,

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sent for your
copy of the

I X &


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