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December 16, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-16

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.. . ....... . ...... ...

04r ir~ign 7 3atli
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Ccntr-ol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use, for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the localtnewsepublished
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan,as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor ............... Gurney Williams
Editorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor ..............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor ...........Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama, Books........Win. J. Gorman
Assistant City Editor.......arolde . Warren
Assistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor ...........GeorgeA. Stautei
Copy Editor..................Tm.EF. Pype

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
Richard L. Torin
Harold 0. Warren

,Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend

1. E. BushI
Shornas M. Cooley
Morton Frank
Saul Friedberg
Frank i. Gilbreth
Jack Goldsmith
Morton Helper
Edgar Hornik
Bryan Jones
Denton C. Kunze
Powers Moulton
Eileen Blunt
Elsie Feldman
Ruth Gallmeyer
Emily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hoffineyer
Jean Levy
Dorotny Magee

Wilbur J. Meyers
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Jerry E. Rosenthal
Charles A. Sanford
Karl Seiffert
Robert F. Shaw
Edwin M. Smith
eorge A. Stauter
john XW. Thomas
John S. Townsend
Mary McCall
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Ciaire Trussell
Barbara Wright

American secondary schools pro-
It should be unnecessary to stt
that by making education itst-
ing we do not mean that t. snould
amuse or mollycoddle the student
with theatrical or extremely :sc
carine gestures. Whtat we do ,
is first that the teacher should
embody for the student the best
qualities that a love for U he suoja1
and its humanistic possiiiaie_ cani
generate; and second, that th pro-I
fessor willingly inspire the pupil toJ
an interest as great as his own and
elicit from the latter a well-founded
basis for work and similar devotion.
Further, the light of culture need1
not be hid modestly under a bushelE
of research and the cloistered life.-
The responsibility for this task
lies obviously with the teacher;
upon him alone depends the illum-
ination of what interest culture !
may have for the undergraduate,
Pedagogy may well risk coloring its
commodity with the hue of a bril-!
liant teacher's personality when by
that means it may create an earn-
est demand for not only "sweetness
and light" but downright solid cul-
ture and knowledge.
Following the holidays the Inter-
fraternity council plans to hold anj
inter-house conference on the cam-
pus at which all men's organiza-
tions will be asked to take part.
Group meetings are to be conducted
at which representativess of the
organizations will meet and discuss
problems of mutual interest. For
some time Michigan and the coun-
cil has been needing such contact
among the interfraternity council
representatives. It will get them
acquainted with each others views,
and will mould them into a group
more aware of problems of vital
If the interfraternity conferencej
is to be a success obviously the rep-I
resentatives of every fraternity
must give this full support. Too
m a n y times the Intcrfraternity
council has failed to accomplish
what it has set out to do merely
because the representatives have
shown little or no interest. A series
of group sessions at which problems
now facing the fraternities are con-
sidered should, for the first time
in several years, get the council.
organized so that it will be able to
act as an intelligent unit and con-
sider the problems that are sure to
confront it in the next few years.

, With no attempt at levity what-
ever I wish to apologize for the
column which appeared without my
authority in Sunday's paper. To my
mind it contained much that was
both uncalled for and i poor taste.
I have not as yet, it is true, re-
ceived any complaints, but I feel
that it is only fitting to state that
such things are not in accordance
with any policy the column may

RAVEL: Quartt F:
the Krettly Quartet: Muw
erpiece Series Album No.
This early work (1902
year old composer is qu.
tial to understanding oft
ious aristocrat, so cons
craftsman as to conten
with sterile, if brilliant
tion of his talent, that w
Ravel today.

- -
played byA
;ieal Mast-
) of a 27
te sen-dHALLER'S
ummate a State Street Jewelers
t himself
4r know as

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On Your Trip Home
[n' iforget to take
Filled with delicious


The Betsy Ross Shop
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a ...a..

claim as its own. This quartet, already considered
cla classic in France, is dedicated to
ut let us get on to happier "mon chere maitre Gabriel Faure"
ma tiers. The Pherret reports and reveals the thorough training
having found another sport Ravel got from Faure in classical
which, he claims, surpasses all principles-a training that has
its 1r'decessors. It consists of been basic in his most "modern"
prowling about the Newberry works. Ravel, whom we know more
Aud--a place of ill fame on as an amazing colorist (La Valse,
campus-and openi.g all the Daphnis and Chloe, Bolero etc.)
deors therehi. He says that while still a youth appears to have
there are several perfectly stolidly met the severe discipline
amazing nooks and crannies to demanded of the composer for four
be found that would intrigue strings. His quartet represents no
the minds of the most incur- shrinking from the - formal and
ious. stylistic problems peculiar to chan-
ber music; his temperament in-
Speaking of which, I am told that deed proves congenial to them.
the Mimes Review also has lent Throughout is revealed an unfail-
its support to the campaign for ing apprehension of form: as wit-
ameliorating the conditions ex- ness his epigramattic terse solution
tant across from A. H. Their poetic of the strucutral problems of the
statement that it is built of old sonat form in the first movement
string and completely equipped and his lucid handling of the dang-
with classrooms and mice and iserous technique of cyclic thema-
soon to be replaced by a bomb ctiuelten of.cyic the. -
sounded sweeter in my ears than3puoerem scncis
anything I have heard in many a movement material). In 1902, Rav
'ong year.
. a el was formally eminent.

A New Sport7 iy
Make your owr ~
r dsto
recods t lin e :&~ : : iiin! Vicrol
ti~f tiC2 . ^.,





Telephone 21214
T. 11OLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager
KASPER IT. IALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Advertising................Charles T. Klint
AdvertisingT................homas M. Davis
Advertising ............ Willianm W. Warboys
Publication............Robert W. Wi liamson
Circulation .............. Marvin S. Kobacker
Accouns.............. mas S. Muir
Business Secretary.... ....... Mary J. Kenan
larry R. Beglev Erie Kightlinger
Vernon Bishop Don W. Lyon
William Brown William Morgan
Robert Callahan R ichardlStratcneier
William W. Davis Keith Tyler
Richard IT. Hiller Noel D. Turner
Miles Hoisington Byron C. Vedder
Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller
Marian Atran Helen Olsen
Helen Bailey Mlildred Postal
Josephine Convisser Marjorie Rough
Maxinie Fisgrund Mary E. Watts
Dorothy LcMire Johanna Wiese
Dorothy Laylin
Night Editor-RICHARD L. TOBINi
From time to time this fall The
Daily has somewhat sporadically
urged that the University commit
itself rather more earnestly to a
policy of greater emphasis upon
teaching as opposed to research
and extramural activities. This
view has been voiced dogmatically
perhaps, but to our mind the edu-
cational picture has been so un-
balanced and toneless as would
condone such an attitude.
As we see it, the present relations'
of professor to student embody a
lamentable paradox. It must be
quite frankly admitted that from
the professor's standpoint the aver-
age run of undergraduates are
neither exceptionally intelligent,
overly well-prepared for college
work, nor unusually interested in
their academic pursuits. This condi-
tion may be due on the one hand to
the modern democratic view toward
a college education for everyone,
and on the other to such motives
in coming to the university as its
social life or possibilities, family
pressure and an immature desire
for cultural background. The result
of this offering, as the professor
often contends, is a student body
unworthy or unequipped to "carry
on" with higher learning.
From the undergraduate's view,
the professor is often reluctant to
spend much time teaching, in work-
ing with the student to solve his
problems and in making his courses
something more than a classroom
routine to be got through as quickly
as possible and with as little ex-I

And just by the way, I see
that certain of oar local thea-
ters are running strong coMrpe-
tition with the Newberry Aud.
in the line of interior decora-
tions. The boxes in one of them
that I can think of right now !
are gayly festooned with de-
cayed and dilapidated dingbats
that take on a very close re-
semblance to last year's Christ-
moa, tree after it has stood out
by the gara.,-in the back yard
next to that od Ford you
bought in your sopihomnore year
in High school.
Somehow er ether the zeal
tkn coti'jOnn t'e t1S cliec-
tion c em:L O al g aOff of
late. Can it be tbat lle fact of
my relegated to the three-
times-a-week class can have so
discouraged my little playfel-
lows? Shame slme for desert-
lug me thus in mine hour of
Sdisgrace and tirbuLince or tur-
pI&ude or whatever!
Dear Dan:
It's about time Rolls alfected this

Campus Opinion
Contributors ate asked to be brie,
confining themsehes tio less than 300
words if possi ile. Aiionymus em-
munications will ice disr icrdc.I Tile
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as conidential, upon re-
quest. Letters pubHlished should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinon of The Daily.

!{{ R


Tam pus in a literary way. So we're
To the Editor:I submitting this:
One. It is part of the business o
a gargoyle to make funny faces and CHRISTMAS SPINITUAL
it is quite within the rights of the A Christmas Spiritual. j
Gargoyle to travesty anything that I got a shoe
is ridiculous. The tinselled tras, j You g;ot a shoe
now cluttering the post offices of Ie, sie, it got a shce
this and other nations by the ton iWe got shoes
is ridiculous. In calling attention to You got shoes
that fact the Gargoyle does a public They get shoes
service.. MA LAWD!
Those who were offended by the m mmn (denotes
recent cover should be reminded l reverence).
that the story of "Three Kings of
Orient Are" is hoary but not sac- By substituting different nouns,
red. The story is poetic and doubt- you can prolong this indefinitely.;
less has its patent and latent lEs- I'That is, if you want to make your-I
sons for us all but if it is essential self seem very, very silly, indeed,
to salvation to believe that a star you can. That for you Mr. Baxter!
detached itself from the firmament Gdfrey.
and went with three noble travel- Ad Tba*t for you too, you nasty
lers and stood still over a humble td Ttfy ,yip!usD. B.
Judaean village then I fear that' e B
some of us must be damned per- st of
petual.ecz. I2r ess that
Two (and on the other hand). maes the last article but one
Let me remind "Alumnus," whose above utterly null and void if
Llyou care to go back and look.
letter shows him to be among those ere
HE Poi Jae sthat note about I
irritated, that the Gargoyle has r-re
cently adopted as its symbol a r utaks ar fThatealI
hydrant. It is a matter of common ; . ' ' a'll take care of that all
experience that if you open a hyd- Ight now. Good old Joe; you
rant you get at once a flood tht can always ptyour trust ii,
is dark brown and dirty. But if you. him-if you don't happen to
wait a while it will be cleaner. Vwant it at the time. And who
ihiltwlly yanr. does want a trust? They aren't
Hopefully yours,e .

Emotionally, tne quartet in char-
acteristic: that is characteristically
Gallic: being discreet, reticent, anct
on the whole limited in vitality:
though l u c i d and interesting
throughout. His expression is fine-
ly chiselled from the suave melodi-
-:, o ~o hefrt move) ent
I through the piquant vivacity of the
Scherzo definitely imitative of the
Debussy Scherzo) to the spirit Fin-
The Krettly Quartet, a new or-
t-aization to Victor, plays it with
line spirit. Ravel's occasional cel-
oristic novelties are very deftly
rendered but not exaggerated and
1 properly subordinated. In a lm id
reticent reading Ravels quartet ap-
pears to be, with his Trio and per-I
haps the Daphis and Chloe Suite,
part of his major work.
SCHUMANN: Symphony Ne. 1 in BI
Flat major: played by Frederick
Stock and the Chicago Symphny
Stock, by insistent performances
and by re-orchestration of the
Fourth Symphony. has been re-
sponsible for a new interest in
Schumann's neglected symphonies.
Though essentially a miniaturist,
this first symphony of Schumann's
contains enough well-integrated
romantic charm to permanently
Written in his greatest period of
happiness (the first year c hi;s
marriage) and actually planned as
a "Spring symphony" it is a work
of irreflective joy, eager, fluent, for
Schumann fairly felicitous in or-
chestration, containing ene of the
most tender, melodious slow move-
ments in symphonic literature.
Stock, as may be expected, plays
the symphony very splendidly, very
joyously; perhaps, with the excep-
tion of the Bach B minor Suite, h-
best playing for Victor.
GLUCK: Airs de Ballet: played by
I Walter Damrosch and the National
Symphony Orchestra: on Records
Walter Damrosch with a smil
orchestra makes two fine records
of some of the purest, most exquis-
ite, perfect airs ever written: ex-
tracted, reorchestrated, and ar-
ranged from the operas of Gluck
by Gervaert, the Belgian composer.
The selections include: Air and
Slave's Dance from Iphigenia in
Aulis, Tambourin from the same
Gavotte from Armide, Chaconne
from Iphigenia. On the fourth side
is an orchestration by Leopold
Damrosch of the Gavotte in D from
Bach's Sixth Sonata for violoncello.
Damrosch plays all this music del-
cately, tenderly, clearly and the-
are two of the happiest, most "nec-
essary" records Victor has issued
in a long time.
DEBUSSY: Preludes, The Wind on
the Plain and Minstrels: played by
Ignace Paderewski.
Paderewski very brilliantly re-
cords these two somewhat unfam-
iliar pieces from Debussy's firsi
book of Preludes-pieces he has

Do not fail to see and hear this exceptional smA { radio uiae for discriminating buyers.
all the 'inprovements. Screen grid tsse ac kpeaer and tone control.



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{ ,


tenuation on his part as may be. I To the Editor:
The "human equation" between If the Gargoylo were.
professor and pupil is minimized by as he says, "a cesspool of literature
large courses, desultory lectures, and art," "Alumnus" hoCs n~
and trivial "rehashing" in quizz one of the toads when hie famiiiarl'
sections. refers to commercial ornography.
From the foregoing analysis, the It takes a sympathetic writ as d u
above cited paradox is evident: the reader to establish an idea. 13:
professor thinks the average run of much for "the degenerate mind
undergraduate is unworthy of much that ..... edit it."
attention; the student, on the other The Gargoyle is obviously pro-
hand, is left cold by instructor's duced for students and hlumsorist -
lack of enthusiasm in teaching. of which "Alumnus" is neither.
To our mind, the cause of this j None of our moral dilettantes Pat
situation and the course for its essayed an absolute analysis of
elimination lies in this fact: the famous Gargoyle cover, which is a
greatest problem of education to- virtual admission that it i all th'>
e] Tr is +- - - ~I- V n -..,; ;-.,. - - _,_ - _ -4 .

These icy days are surely fine
For everyone whose trousers si-fine
F or they can gayly speed at will
A-odwn the lovely State St. Hill
Iniceed as many do, I trow (Pro-
nounced troo)
Indeed as many do.

" I

But woe to all unwary boys
Who try the amie in corduroys
For all in vain they take their spill
Upon the lovely State St. Hill.
s any others (o, Do you?
As many others do?


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