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December 16, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-16

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VOL. XLI. No. 67





Poincare Taken Ill in Senate
When Tardieu Ministry 1
Was Overthrown,


Election to Decide Question
Financing Proposed


City Funds, Support 69 Indigent
Families, Poor Committee
Shows in Report.
Action to place a $325,000 bondg
issue before the people of Ann Ar-'
bor on March 2 was carried by the
Common Council last night. The
money raised by this issue, if passed
is to be used in the construction of
a iew 6,000,000 gallon reservoir and
connecting water mains.
Report Favors Change. ___

Count Felix Von Luck-
ner, noted lecturer, ex-
plorer, a n d dare devil,
who appeared here last
year and was scheduled
a -ain this season on the
oratorical series, b r o k e
his collar-bone and sev-
eral ribs yesterday when
the car in which he was
riding skidded on the icy
pavement near Wauke-
gan, ILL.



Blind Newspapert
Dealers Request
Return of Boxes
Ann Arbor's veteran newspaper
men, "two old Bills," William H1.
Taylor and William Keyes, who
have succeeded "Doc" Lovell at the
stand in front of the Arcade claim-
ed yesterday that their thriving
business has gotten mixed up with
the activities of the Union.
"Our news boxes which are usual-'
ly placed in front of the Union,"
they explained, "were taken during
the week end by someone who prob-
ably thought he was playing a trick
on the Union.
"This isn't the case," one Bili
said, "for they belong to us and we
want them back. No one would
want to play a trick on two old
blind men. The Union hasn't any-
thing to do with our boxes," hel
said. ,_
e sAI ip VII III

touainI or ~ I l n n E nr s s3s 1 RI



Physician to War President
France Refuses to Make





Statement to Public.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Dec. 15.-The condition of
Raymond Poincare was worse to-
night, and friends were apprehen-
sive as the 70-year-old statesman
of France fought an illness which
one report said had developed into
partial paralysis.
Late today Dr. Louis Boidin, whoj

1 acky Wesleyan
Vctes Down Future
( ,y Associated Press)
WINCiESTER, Ky., Dec. 15.-
Kcntueky Wesleyan college has
tir cid.ooball as an intercol-
igiate sport, giving as reasons
it is t-o costly and "tends to
ereai in the college an atmos-
'her; not in harmony with the
h;A er ideals of scholarship and
Tle change of athletic policy
wa i announced today by Dr. C.
M. DanneLy, president. He said




According to a report of the wa-" had visited M. Poincare earlier in ghe ay ion had the nanimous
ter committee, the reservoir at! iP Ifl J C~~a h nnmu
Irfmteh rervr t i I the day, was hastily summoned d I L p reconi endation of the faculty
preentsuplyng ate toAn l~\D0roughtRelef I
present supplying water to Ann again. As he entered the war prs- --- and ad been voted by the board
Arbor is "dangerously inadequate" - lEDHDcfeated in House ident's little house on Marbeau fwo More Stories to Le Devoted of i9anragers. Dr. Dannelly said
and likely to cause disaster in the f fCr E l C avenue at the edge of Paris he toldTs;altr vanWinkle will be re-
event of a large fire. Interest on byDemonewspapermenitaied as coach of the basketball
the bonds, which are to be issuedY------, Refuses to Make Statement. Cost 278,000 Bamr nd other sports which the
for a period of not more than 30 SiUNsION, rs "Do not expect any declaration -----cho l wil continue to play in
yealrs, is to be paidw from the gert- Aut ile Overturns on Icy N TON Dec. rid, the1 from me. I shall not come out Two additional stories will b" ntVt: attc competition.
ral revenue of the water depart-oad; Sa Devil' n as I am remaining over added to the University hospital
Rod Sa ei'Suffers House IDemocrats separated sufli-
D. W B.to cent Republican stragglers from might, for a tuberculosis surgical unit at- -
of the Univeorsty health service, di r_ the majority today to beat back I Dr. Boidin's statement was taken a cost of $278,000. Construction will I
and president of the city family Ivs A' uciaed rs an attemp by administration to mean tt Former Preden e started at once, Shirley Smi,
welfare bureau, presented to the 1 WAUKEGAN, Ill., Dec. 15. -- A ear to put rulerd n . vice-president and secretary of the f 0 0du ri oa s u
council a request that money be peace-time hazard proved the un- 0hog oht relif prgr- A ros_University, stated yesterday. The
-taken from. the poor committee doing today of Count Felix von through that branch in prefer- A consultation of several p oe- 0 OC E
funds to replace coal which has Luckner, who came through the ence to the Senate's $60,000,000 sors and doctors which was to have Otto Misch company of Detroit ha)
been furnished by the city to in- World War unscathed. He was seri- fund. been held at 7 p.m. was postponed, been awarded the contract for ar-
digent families, and which has been ously injured in an automobile ac- By 205 to 159, the move to and later it was reported the meet- chitectural work for $175,43. w---
found "unsuitable for consumption, cident near Waukegan. suspend rules and pass the House I ing would be held at midnight. Approximately $15,405 of the a- jPro&ecrtor Regiests That Action
in certain types of stoves." This The machine in which he rode measure was defeated, it requir- Poincare Ill Since Dec. 4. mount to be expended will go to A st 'Nuisances be
request, Dr. Forsythe said, was "not with his secretary and two friends, ig a two-thirds of those voting It was learned tonight that M. the Houghton Elevator company
to be taken as a criticism," but skidded on the snow-covered high- to secure passage. j Poincare complained of feeling ill for making changes in the cleva- iPermanent.
rather a suggestion. Poor commit- way north of here and overturned. fist on Dec. 4, when he sat in the tor system at the hospital. The P-s
tee representatives informed the The German "sea devil" suffered a iSenate during the session in which building and grounds department Padlo. proceedings against Joe
council that at present 69 destitute fractured right collar bone and sev- I NfIS the Tardieu cabinet was over- has been authorized to do the heat- Pare's Cafe, 02 North fourth
families are receiving provisions at eral broken ribs. thrown. During a long meeting he ilg, lighting, ventilating, and elec- Aveue, were presented in circuit
city expense. The secretary, Mr. Engletrom, and U q remained in the deliberations room trical work for $11,000. The re- court yesterday, in which Prosecut-
Lighting Committee Reports. Mrs. Rose Miller, of Chicago, were in an excessively heated atmos- maining funds will be used for in Attorney Carl H. Stuhrberg
gn asked that the cafe, immortalized
A report of the city lighting com- cut and bruised. Mrs. Mosel's hus- phere, and when he emerged com- equipment. ak Wat ThG c k torMihi-
mittee disclosed the fact that 18 band was unhurt. lainedto a friend of being chilled. The state administrative oard in I Want Tot C Back to b ichi-
strethgh of600canlepowriTeiprtywasenioueefomoa-rdIIppane
street lights of 600 candle power The party was en route from Mil- "These settings are very tiring," recently appropriated $259,000 for 'eiswniversi y pug, be closed
are to be put into operation at vari- waukee. While the accident o- he told the friend, "yet they wtn the construction of the additiona icnuisance.
",Iytteywc- h cntuto o h diioa; ieproceedings were brought
ous intersections in the city to par- curred at about 2:30 a.m. news of Thirty-one Candidates Selected me to resume the duties of the stories. Bids, however, were greater against tecae bgse it was
tially supplant the 250 candle pow- it was withheld until this after- From Various Districts premiership when I can hardly I than expected, and following a con- inger ale and cracked ice, or
er lights which have been in.more noon. f United States weather one sitting in the Senate." ference between University repre- " set-ups," we'e servedconspiring
general use. Attendants at the hospitals said ofnted Mtes.sentatives and the board it was de- with patrons to violate the liquor
Chief Thomas O'Brien of the Ann, von Luckner probably would be 'has been ided that the board would pro-laws
Arbor police force, in making his confined to his bed fsr several lenn D. G ing, 3, id addit e oa 000 if
monthly report, stated that a total weeks. named by the nationalURhodes I$n, Date for a preliminary hearing
of 7 rscholarship committee to receive hospital would expend the same a- was et for next Saturday in circuit
o73arrests had been made by the --- thl;wadnro hioustict that time it will be de-
department throughout the month Phi Kappa Phi Holds aard his d ict Drmoto
oft/ Noebr"h od F ra nk Aydelotte, president of '-HO O r. Harley Haynes, director of cIded whether the padlock procecd-
a Swarthmore college and American e hospital, found that it was pos- irg , now temporary, will be made
1 9 3 0 F all In iti tio n w r h o e co l g n me i a o m et t e a o n,+ ~ r n n n
_ secretary to the Rhodes trustees, __sible to meet the amount. thus ermanent
SOPHOMORES WILLI "We hope that our educational a n n o u n c e d Sunday. Thirty-one gg making it possible to start con- The cafe was closed following a
"ehpthtoreuainlNight CluaiSemadeg Saturdayj nightonintwhich
ELECT PROGRAMS I effcrts will correlate with those of other candidates from various parts lstruction at onc raid made Saturday night, in which
- -our fellows to raise the intellectual of the country were also awarded From Group of Plans Michigan labor, products, a n d a quantit of li uor was found
--__ourichigowsabor, productsa indellecuantiy o lquo a on y
Will level of mankind," President .Alex- the scholarship. Presented. i wage scale will be used by the con- police. Although more than 75 cou-
ClassificationforFreshmen-ander G. Ruthven stated at the Gosling was selected from a field tractors in charge of the work in ples were in attendance, no arrests
Begin After Holidays annual initiation banquet of Ph of students representing Ohio, Wis- Plans for the decorations of the accordance with the stipulations of were made.
Kappa Phi honor society last night. cousin,Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Intramural building for the nnualthe contract. First operated by the late Joseph
Sophomores in the literary col- Speaking as the representative of, and Michigan. Holders of the schol- i J-Hop, Feb. 13, were announced The new stories will be construct- Parker, the cafe was a gathering
lege, music and education schools, the initiates, President Ruthven arship will enter the University of yesterday by the committee. ed on the roof of the central poi'- la for many alumni and under-
and upperclassmen who did not traded the cotection of the "join- Oxford in Oct., 1931. A setting resembling that of ation of the hospital in such a way raduates, referred to in the song
complete their registration last ing instinct," which prompted them There were 529 candidates, the night club was chosen following totth e two end Y's and the as "Joe's and the Orient." Many
week began classification for the in part, to the social instinct. largest number that has ever tried consideration of other decorative nrthwmg will not be ateredri.ames were carved on the table-
second semester yesterday after In the speech of the evening Dr. for the Rhodes scholarship in the schemes. Although the cabaret set- When the work is completed the tops in the days before prohibition.
noon in room 4, University Hall. g, Intespeho teennah
of te awrd, in, ndirct central part of the hospital will " ome of these tables are now in the
Prof. Daniel Rich, in charge oflI R. W. Bunting of the Schcol of history of the award. ting will be carried out, indirect aent, as t w aom of te Uno
classification, stated yesterday it' Dental Surgery, former president The state Rhodes scholarship illumination and the concentration rhave a subbasement, a baseme taproom of the Union
y of the Michigan chapter, discussed committee named Gosling as a can- of decoration at strategic points, ot be nesshy torf t
cent of all the students in the the study of dental caries or decay. didate Dec. 9. Lawrence D. Hart- will feature the motif. The scheme srucntr Gasnits roeriganay bwu
upper three classes would finish the i The cause of this disease, the first wig, '31, was also named. Students will differ from that used in previ- in such a manner that additional Extnsion for Pictures
work of schedule making by the tenable theory on which was ad- from all institutions in the state ous years in that the booths will stories could be added.
vanced by a Michigan graduate, W. were eligible for the honor. form a distinct part of the setting.
end of the week. :. Miller of Berlin, is being investi- Gosling whose home is in Grand A huge fouam illuminated with - A three-day extension of the
Last year, more than 80 per cent. sbigivsi Gsig:hs oei nGad os i~n iuiae ih, FOR i
Lf th ,surentoyhandclassifiedgated on the campus with conside- Rapids is a member of Phi Kappa varied colors will be placed in the Q UTJA FOoANCE sia has ben grant. emrbeers
in the lterary college by the first able success, he said. He pointed out Phi. Following his graduation this semi-circular booth of the patrons i A-D T ia hadubeengratesMmbs
semester examination period. An that out of 433 children who were February he expects to start work at the west end of the hall. Directly their photographs by next Thurs-
even greater number is anticipated put on a special diet here, only five on his masters degree. He was a opposite the chaperones' booth will Ticket Sale for Chity Ba i day and there will be no further
this semester With a continuance of or six percent had any appreciable student at the Grand Rapids junior be one reserved for the committees. i r ariy aisaxension of the time, George E
the pre-classification policy. Fresh- cavity growth at the end of a year. college for two years before coming The orchestra stands, which will be Progressing Rapidly. Ihfeister, '31, business manager
men will begin schedule-making This is the first recorded instance to the University. flanked by fraternity booths, will of the yearbook, said yesterday.
immediately after the holidays, and i which caries has been checked -----be placed in the center of each of The ticket sale for the char-
those in the upper three classes in so large a group of children. FILIPINO PRAISES the long sides of the gymnasium. A Sity Bale, sponsored by the Univer-
who have not classified will finish Phi Kappa Phi initiated 63 men ;large seal of the University lighted sIty and the Ann Arbor Federation
their schedules at that time, and women last night, of which EDUCATION WORK by a chandelier, will be placed in of Musicians, for the benefit of the as Failure by Wyer
seven were faculty members. Presi- the center of the ceiling. ! unemployed of the city, is pogres-
Glee Club Will Appear I dent Ruthven, Dean James B. Ed-]Javier Lauds System of Schools Replacing the arch form of the ing r a p i d y, stated Julius FE "Te best thmg for the govern-
monson, Dr. Fredrick A. Coller, Dr. I Instituted in Philippines. past for decoration of the ceiling, Schmidt, assistant secretary of the
at Theater This Week Charles A. Sink, and Prof. Stephen .._will be a series of steps tapering University and chairman of the ment to do is to sell Muscle Shoals
P. Timoshenko were made members. Tribute was paid to theUnited to the top. Thse decorations will ticket committee, yesterday. The for one dollar," said Samuel S.
In conjunction with the Pathe -- --- States for their inauguration of an extend down in front of the frater- number of tickets to be sold waS xWyer, noted engineer, in a lecture
Review picture at the Michigan this ale, Dalton Seymor efficient school system in the Phili- nity booths to separate then from -oiginaliy limited to 3,000, but may hir' yesterday morning.
week in'which tae Glee club is fea- yppines by Amelio Javier, graduate the floor proper. Green and yellow be increased to 4,000, it was i arned W -tated that h t
tured in -seve tal Guberluthastfor- ireatea for Inlur ies aw student, in his speech before w i11 predominate the decorative yesterday.
turgid in-several, lumbers, that or-[the Men's Education Club last night scheme. Among the other innova- The event will be held Thursday the power project was entirely
ganization will appear in person to- than a week, Dale and Dalton, the in the Union. Javier is the presi- tions that have been planned are night in the Intramural building. sci n1tie and non-political. He
night Gaye Chaflinmanager of . l-known Seymour twins have dent of the opposition party of Oc- the decoration of the foyer and the Six orchestras and the Varsity band went on to point out that the $50,-
itheu, Gannou Chainc. manager ofbeen involved in an accident. cident Negros province in the Phil- iplacing of the fraternity names in have donated their services free of OO0,KJ0 plant in Alabama, which is
In the picture which was filmed',Reports from the University ippines. chrominum letters against a velvet charge for the evening. Late per- owned by the government, repre-
a mouth ago, the numbers "Vic_health service late last night dis- The United States, he said, after background. Following their use at mission will be allowed women stu- sents ineflcient methods of elec-
a " "Varsity"ndhe Cbssc-s closed that the Seymour twins, who founding a modern method of the J-Hop, they will be given to the dents who attend the dance, ac- inrical power production, since steam
are suing by the entire organization, live at 1706 Packard street and are schooling, which was only possible houses who may keep them as per- cordig to Dean Alice Lloyd. In ad- is more economical than water as
while the eidnite Sons quartet, both enrolled in the '33 law class, by establishing a teaching staff of manent plaques. dition to the Varsity band feature, a source.
composed of members in the club, had ben treated yesterday after- a proximately 90 percent Ameri- i_- I several others will be presented, "Muscle Shoas," he said, "is a
compoDaedn ofrmembershe inmthe fclubh All-ap
sing other famous Michigan songs. noon, Dalton for lacerations of the cans, have gradually reduced this E among them numbers from the All- political football whose value has
scalp which will keep him in bed lu,..ber to about 4 percent. This engineers to Present Campus revue, "Aw Nuts," and se- been greatly exaggerated. The dam
until some time today, and Dale ihas given the Filipinos an oppor- Program of Speakers lections, by the Midnite Son's quar- has cost txo and one-half times
Christmas Pageant Will for minor injries, He was dis- tnuity to teach their countrymen ette, Tickets may be obtaine at as much as the original estimate;

Franco, Noted Flyer,
Held Under Guard
at Lisbon.
Movement to Capture
Capital Fails in
Daring Plan.
(Uy Associated Press)
(Pictures on Page Three)
MADRID, Dec. 15,- A revolt of
Spanish airmen ended disastrously
today, in Madrid this morning, and
in Portugal tonight.
The result is that Major Ramon
Franco, stormiest figure in Spanish
aviation, and several companions
were closely guarded prisoners in
Lisbon tonight after they h1ad fled
Madrid in four airplanes this morn-
ing as stern government action
frustrated their plot.
All Spain, meanwhile, was de-
clared under martial law.
Since a revolt broke at the north-
ern city of Jaca last Friday and a
rebel force was crushed in a battle
Saturday, Franco's participation in
the revolutionary unrest was widely
rumored, but not confirmed.
Flyer Escaped Prison.
Last month the noted flyer, who
has been in prison for writing ar-
ticles criticizing the government's
aviation policy, escaped from prison
and had been sought everywhere.
At 8 o'clock this morning he ap-
peared at Cuatro Vientos airdrome,
the field of the four winds, and
what is considered the first aviation
revolt in history began.
Mechanics and other members of
the staff were coming on duty at
that time and were ordered to as-
semble on the parade grounds,
where they were harangued by
their officers and urged to join the
republic which had just been pro-
claimed. All who joined the move-
ment, about 1,000, were given rifles
and ammunition, although many
had never used such a weapon be-
fore, and those who refused were
locked in a hangar.
Disarmed Guards in Escape.
Six planes were wheeled out and
their wings were painted red by
part of the rebels, while other dis-
armed the guards over the arsenal
and filled a motor truck with Biombs
which later were placed on part of
the machines.
Then several of the ships began
l a flight over Madrid, d r o p p i n g
pamphlets which urged troops to
revolt and threatened to bomb
their barracks if they did not.
Other mutineers severed all com-
munications between the aviation
field and the capital and siezed the
government wireless station near
the airdrome, imprisoning the man-
ager in charge. Through this medi-
um they announced to the world
that a revolution was on and that
a republic had been proclaimed.
Present Group of 25 Far Too
Unwieldy, Say Heads.
(y Asociaied Press)
MEMPHIS, Dec. 15.-The forma-
tion of a new conference within
the membership of the Southern
Intercollegiate Athletic Association
was announced to the S. I. A. A.
convention here today by Dean G.
W. Meade of Birmingham-South-
ern College.
He said Birmingham-Southern
and Howard College, Birmingham,
Southwestern of Memphis, Centre
College of Kentucky, University of
j Chattanooga, Spring Hill of Mo-
bile, and Mercer of Macon, Ga.,

have joined the new group, to be
known as the "Dixie Conference."
I Dean Meade is president. There
are 25 in the present conference.

Alpha Na to Initiate
Nine at Union Banquet
Alpha Nu will initiate nine new
members at a banquet in the Union
1 tomorrow night which will be fea-
' +i-,r by6 nn n vc r Arwc -fran-, Dnn'ant

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