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December 09, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-09

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- - - - - - - - - - ...................... ----
- -- --------

PubliShed every moorning except Monday
during the Untiversity year by the Boar d in
Coitrol of Student Publications. -
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press. is exclusivr<ly entitled
to the use for republication of all' news dis-
partches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of p>ostage granted by Thbird Assistant Post-
mater General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mnail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, .Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925 ; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chatirman FEditorial Board
E AN KL. ComR, City Editor
News Editor ............... Gurney Williams
Editorial Director .......... Walter W. Wildls
Sports Editor ..............Joseph A. Russell
W~omen's Editor........... Mary L. Behymer
Music, 1Dramia, Books.........XWm. J. (Gor-man
Assistant City Editor....... Harold C. Warren
Assistant News Editor......harles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor...........eorge A. Stauter
Copy Editor .................. Win. E. Pyper

sending their children on the lAth
of glory to find, a condition wherAn
10,000 people yearly are pushed
through a system of nmechanics
which quells originiality, discour-
ages enthusiasm and pumps into
clogged cerebrums stale theorems
and rotted. facts. It will patiently
wait until the ember of interest is
totally extinguished. befor:" it will
force the dead. subject upon the
dulled uninterested. brains.
The child will come to cellegeO hot
with ideas, craving sti ulating
books to read., hunting for Ieiw
thoughts, venturing different opitn-
ions, craving, craving, craving. Al
he needs is a free pathi, a littleI
guidance, listening ears, mental
gymnastics. Instead the rauical sm
will be sneered at, and they life
thousands of others will be tied to
the grindstone and forced to push a
wheel of cramming, studying, piug-
ging, all the time longing to leave
the grindstone; longin, for thle field.
of interest. Study is made tortur-
ous when it might so easily be the
road to inspiration.

\ r .dam- (. ZV,1..1 r.. -. ,r- .- v-W rr-- '-r- ..- - --sr- v-_
~ ~ - T~'S ABOVE
LSTVRLVW~L ~~ ~ U'iS5 .Breen Fee 15c
Ibtteriiwek 1.;Cooper. K__ ____ _
Dan "Co-Ed." Baxter has gone oif Onc~ ete analcmps -__---__-_---_4
on a tangent for the afternoon and.!show has "oecamnpus," Or on;
we intend to get as much of this ihtsay, fr-te ike of a phraF
column written as we c,,n beforeTatihe 1 k _
he returns, parks the tangent, anrd.I P igt's ir1t ~ttit °O Aw Nuts'
gets baiter work. ^ x h; i h it ec t~c.rcles hilarity;II 'r ~
harsteetcof a 'ollg..qb! ni
"Tell them (meaning you and you. on vacatLion as wvell .s the uun:"'-
.nd. you) that Ylimes revue h03iasnrenes, of the colicge istudtent inz
r en enore~ :'! gasped the b y; the class ronom. liforesook fo reign
h usk huskily as he took his place extrafvr The fo co os, in -ih-
at the wheel. So We're telling you. brightestL of ;mstc5L 'xih( e
The Committee on ThY;is and That j Th inace: ssee of the lt o'g seri:.sd
or the Board in Control of Such of late thou ,h iulnla nented Unaon
and Such has been nosing around !prsw eel geitr
and. messng; about and. asinlg back to thne show, produt>? i 1308.
questions and nosin g aroun d and. ;hihwste oertnrO v
asking qwastions nd. messing abou
lgq eto sa d m si ga ,, J, s re fon the subject of th allegecdly losre " peu opoeso a
musical comedies produced undi
naughty production, with the re-!the auspices of Mimes. That show,
suit that "Aw, N~uts" is nuts so I Miclhigenda," wiiitaz by Donal
nutty as it once was. H}.itnHan~adRo ikn
son Welch, was a bx ;r.esclquo of camr-
Board?), however, overlooked. the minix3nmm of scenery and costumesc
vrt etueoftryo, hon ~agroup of stuients who sought
that three veteran Rolls adicts ale' a possible source of d raat. ,e-
connected. with it. Herewith is p eartsio and a dependFable source
1 ented the first view of the disaster, ~~ fun.
e-c-lusive to Rolls by telephoto fromi Its ;iu r C i led even~t mi Y
she Green room of the Labora tory tioghasr~o nrai
theatre. abtou rsettont
amb~tius res~n1atinstopro-
, ta~u-'ions whose eiegsant clephan-II
(1-;4 lssspeililed unummlariuYtt" and fin-th C
i5z:° ancial doom.I
'- ~~~~ - ~With theopr bilelao-
- artni'~was created Yto r]aee i th1e
---lost institution with a quia int enter°- eI ______
1 ', ,- 11- S ~ l A

Tel. 2-28I2 615 E. William

We have all makes
Remington, Royals,
Corona, Underw ood
Colored duce finishes.
0. D.MO
314 South State

Phone 6615

fr W ,,dfrin t ------------ ---~


__ W
-7 --Wj

S. Beach C'onger
Carl S. Forsythe
D)avid M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
R icarld L. Toabin

Scowrs AssfSrTxsrs
Sheldon C. Fulrto~tn J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend
Walter S. Blaer, Jr. Wilbur J. Meyers
Irving J. Bliumberg Robert L. ierce
Thomas M. C'ooley Sher ,1. Ouraisi
George Fisk Richard Racine
Morton Frank Je'rry 1.. Rosenthal
Saul Friedberg George Rubenstein
Frank 13. (iilbretb Charles A. Spnford
Jack Goldsmith Karl Seiffert
Roland (;oodlnan Robert F. Shaw
Morton Helper Kdwin M. Smith
Edgar hlornik George A. Stauter
James 11[. Inglis Parker''rryherry
Denton C. Kun-ze John S. Townsend
Powers Moulton Robert 1. Townsend
Lyn ne Adams Mlarf;aret O'Brien
Betty (Clark leanor Rai rdon
Elsie Feldma~n Joan Rosenthal
ElabethI Gribl Cecilia Shriver
Emily G. Grimes Frances Stewart
Elsie M. lloffineyer Anine Margaret Toinif
Jean L evy M argaret Thompson
Dorothy Magee Claire 1 russell
Mary McCall Barbara Wright
Telephone 21214
T. Ilor.is rca MABrILE, Busin7ess Maager
KASI'ER I1LA.V cR ox, Assistant Mlanagr
Advertising...................harles T. Kline
Advertising ............ ......linas M. Davis
SAdvertising .............William W. Warboys
IService ...................Norris J. Johnson
EPublication ............Robert W. Williamson
Circulation ..............' Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts...................Thomas S. Muir
Business 'Secretary ...........Mary J. Kenan
A ssistants
Harry R. Beglev D~on W. Lyon
Vernon Bishop William Morgan
William Brown 1. Fred Schaefer
Robert Callabani Richard Stratenicier
William W. D~avis Noel 1? Turner
IRichard 11. hIiller B yron C. Vedder
Eric Kightlinger
tAnn W. Vener Hlen Olsen
Marian Atran Mildred Postal
]Ielen Bailey Marjorie Roigh
tloset!inie (Convisser Mary E. Watts
Dorothy Laylin Johanna Wiese
Sylvia Miller
Night Editor-.Harold 0. Warren
Undoubtedly no campus charityI
drive is so obviously deserving of{
wholehearted and complete stud-
ent support as the Galens' annual
tag sale for funds to provide a
Christmas party for crippled
children at the University hos-
pital and to further their work in
handicraft throughout the rest of
the year.
This year )many reasons against
giving to charitable purposes pre-
sent themselves to the average
individual who feels that the de-
pression and economic instability
should count for something. But
in spite of this, the Galens, the
junior honorary medical society,
has kept their quota up to $1,500,
the amount they have asked
for, and got, for several years.
Obviously, however, the weight
of the "depression" argument
against giving freely and unstint-
ingly to this cause is hardly
worthy inasmuch as now, if never
before, should charity and the
spirit sometimes called Christian
be displayed,
The Daily is grateful for such
an aim as this, coming from any
student organization, that it may
give its entire support to the
cause. In the interests of this
charitable purpose, it should be
manifestly easy for every student
and faculty man on the campus
to contribute a dollar or a half-
dollar toward a Christmas party
and some little cheer for the un-
fortunate chaps at the hospital.
Let's back the Galens in their
two-day drive!
SCampus Opinion
C (ontr ibutor s are askedl to be brieif,
eonlirmiog thenIsel\es to less than 300
words if possible. Anonnmous coin-
mu nications will be dsregardedl. The

nanl s of communicants will, however,
ILbe regarded as confidOential, upon re-
arruest. Letters published should riot be J
construedl as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.

This system ueadens those that
might be great, discourages the fewj
simzpletons that struggle along un-
complainingly, and turns its atten-
tion to pouring information into
open mouths that receive it in
gagging gulps to remain buried and
nestled deep in their ead:s where
neither they nor anyone else in the
*world ever benefits. Sterotypo, edu-
It will take a young man, sit himt
on a chair and when duly thirsty.
hold before him a glass of ice cold
orange juice. His dry lips open, his!
parched throat contracts, his sali-
vary glands secrete. The glass is
brought closer and closer to hime,
when on the point of touching his
lips-presto--the orange juice is!
exchanged for caster oil; his headj
is forced back and. his throat is'
greased with an incorrigabie slime,
a repulsing liquid, a n,,useating
nutritive. "You oug ht to like it,
because it's good for you, my boy,"
echoes the brainless owl from the
naked branches of a dead Xmas,
They stroke our silk heads, rock
us in our cradles, pick us up when
we fall and call us MEN and
WOMEN. What naive flatte ry !
The beginning week in college vwc
are for the first time free, the guid-
irng hand of the family is out of
reach, we have heard repeateIdly
from the advisors, from the dleans,
from the professors, sweet sugar-
coated kind words: "Men and
women, you are no longer high
school children, you have got to
face life from now onl and m~aks,
your own decisions." Decision num-
ber one. Found, a tremendous in-
terest in psychology, aMn e tremne
desire to know the ' foundations.
Interference. "No my boy, not 'till
your junior year." Decision number
two. A desire to attenld an interest-
ing conference on internationalism
in a far-away city. Interference,
"Is it all right with your parents?'
Decision number three. Sunday
night, an unusually stimulatingi
session at the Cosmopolitan club.
The young lady arrives home at 12
o'clock instead of 11. Interference.
"Disobeying the college rulcs! No
' date next week." The little child is
allowed to the basting stiches, but
the real sewing? Oh no, mother
must do that; daughter might prick~
her little finger. P. S., '84.



. '

c F', __
4 /i'

a-. ;It

Reading from the sublimec to
the ridiculous: :sae 'Tinker, late
lamentable mnanaging editor of
Itiolls, Dfan Baxter, present re-
cumbent, and Elmer, assistant
editor, make up the group
standirng in the theatre door'-
I say there
Dan or Smell or
Whoever's writing the colyum
(Guess again) :
Now about tbls headline in
The Daily recently :
Vice such vice allowed to
continue? It ought to be wiped
out, don't you think? Yes, you
do, you little deceiv er, you.

I riS® w bien might be anl.of thenc
things that the opera had failed to,
be. Mimes had an opportunity to!G I
u1ut on a show which, combining ~
the talents of School of Music and t
Play Production. stars in a mnixed i
cast, might be truly r epresentativ.e
of the University.
Last nil ht's revue wadsca step inI i
this irectirnz. Jdgdis a sl:.c, P
it success was indifferent. As ani
experiment, it was; dis ..tity worth.-
The pliI' C) C? ISewas r res ntl--
five of the Universityateott
the extenit of the hundred-odd
persons in the audiene, who "joined '(s
cnthusiastically in the gay spirit of4
camaraderie exhibited by thel l.
ers, clappi-gat thwLrongtzn
;list as the players sometimeslan - s
cd(( when there wa-s 1noUi .sic, or
s:tiok a bow a IDGRent before the
orchestra finished the selectin. I
Bu'a 1napi):y te ',s ad by
~jsave per~haps the back-stage;-
,hezndcs, who shoved setting-s back !i
and, fem'th i oydiscomfittnrc' h
Another day's rehearsing can be'
exetdt rdc uhjsmoother show tonight. In many !,
.Hots, the revue is hig-hly en ter-
taining. And when 'those whro pull'
the strings that co-ordinate the
curtains, light, and. music work in
closer harmony, the drag that '
! characterized last night's between-
the-scene interludes will be profita- il
bly eliminated.
Musical honors of the produc-
ti-on go to "Waiting," a song writ- NI
ten by Lionel GT. W iliens and Jack ;I
(Goldsmith. It was effectively pre- '
seinted in both acts. The finale,
number', ",Stop On It," written by 1(
JakC o-nlin and Richard Purser, j
ends th.e show on a spritely note.*iI
The percheron-bony chorus smil- '
ed and giggled its way to acceot.-
ance, auithough the girls so often'j
licked the wrong wvay that their! I


Galen's Benefit Drive-Today and Tomorrow for the
benefit of the. Crippled Children of the Universi.ty

;rt, ,;

Your Help Is

Sincerely Appreciated

= 1; ;max n : _- _ _- _-- . .


ing it

pretty lousy, but we're print-
for Pete's sake.

It's the early worm that gets the I
Riolls HQop Expedion
to Santa Land
(Note: Those of you who

clan't read onr eantem-norarv

o"_____ - - ---- a fternoon paper won't urder-
I ~ (~Stand this, and those of you


} ~JL~~~J ' 'W~~~~~~~ routine ai-ocarecl extemp oraneous.
o- __ ANN ARBORI, 1Mich., Dec. 3.-- (by' lelet (C reim, bWus-sin1er, and
COLEGITE URSNG OU Least Wire).-Well, folks, the hoops Jane Robinson, comedienn e, each
CO LEGITE NRSIN ROSES arrived. yesterday, and after tiV of' whom presented solos last night,;
(From the Cornuell Os fly Sitn,) hours of steady practice for each repeated the suc.;csses they= ashiey- 1
In criticizig the American eol- member of the expedito ion we are cd i last year's Junior Girl's pl.ay.! lI
leges of today, Senator J. Hlamilton "raring to go" in our attempt to Barbara Stratton,. Helen Dooleuy, I
Lewis, he of the famous pink tinted roll themr to the North Pole., irret Smith, Bectty I 'caley, and 1 I
whiskers :and the canny instig;ator iCapStain Kleinschmidt Baxter" ?,h\V r llacieedprm
of the recent "seex appeal" cam-! "Dan", we have learned to call ._I e ce
poaign warcry, defines our collegiate , him) has asked me to explain what Indication that the ea.mnus is not I
institutions as "nursing houses for' some people terma our "unusual" Il ckin:g in individuals who are i
athletes and society blooms.'* method. of reachingy the Pole andjIcnbeo rsnigetta i~T eV
Even th1e most ardent championsj jolly old Santa. The reas~on w e have r ws fTrhe toi
of our present collegiate systemn decided. to use hoops in or vo en-, be found in several solo pieces done i doging your 1
must admit the underlying'truth iof ture is that they hvenve bfroysenstleen ofthe esembe. Ted wea
many of the Senator's charges. But, been employed for that pzrpose. loestndne n ilRsseast e ".
when in the same bre at i, he con-I Peary did it with a sledge, Byrd jvon trilooutist act were equalfly co-
demns all collegiate activities, from-i with a plane, and Roetbert C. Bench- - nIe=bya udec
Greek letter fr'aterni7ties to the ley with a bicycle. Therefore there'. oyed its vaudeville in w hatever ",HW' use
campus glee club, it must be f It i s little publicity left in thoser form~ it appeared. "
that tire prospective solon is here means of transportatin. Of course, fThe revue seemed to be unequally I ection agaur
calking beyond. his knowledge. our main objective is to advance ; ,-; i etee ,ee-nd-arene--
Also, when in the enthusiasm of; the interests of science. fainent aind sophisticated dra - I
his attack, Senator Lewis declares We have just finished tying our matic satire, But the preponder -
that the universities themselves are packs to the inside of our hoops. Iailce of th1e latter was on the whole
submerging all educational inter-, Elmer, assistant editor, experienced well justified. Gurney Williamas de-'
ests in the mlad pursuit of their' some trouble with his, as his fingers serves a special line for his readable '
"half-backs and society full-fronts,"I were frozen and he repeatedly tied uprogram and for his dramatic.-
he seems to fall in1 with his "mass them in with the provisions, sketch, "The Library." Sketches by
of American citizenship," and. to be' Tomorrow we go over the top. Paul Showers and. Charles S. Men-
judging us from a distance. a valiant little band. of Rolls con- roe were likewise well received. p
It is serious enough when the Itributors led. by Captain Dan. Only1 ( The need for a orofessional1 pro-
public at large adopts suech a slant,; one of our number will be missing.; ducer was obvious. The sho0w need--
although we have been prone to I Whon commanded to tune up hi , Cd putting to nether. Time censor-
pass off such criticisms by attribut-c hoop and his stick, Raggedy Andy( ship of the faculty committee may a
ing them to the salacious effects ofI declared that he did not intend. to have1 deleted some lines that neededl t




To the Editor:

.-, r T , 1 Hill

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