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December 09, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-09

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VOL. XLI. No. 61





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Proceeds to Assist in Providing
Christmas for Children in
University Hospital.
Medical Society Hopes to Close
Drive With, Completed Quota
Wednesday Night.
Galens' annual drive for the ben-
efit of the 500 crippled children at
the University hospital will open at
8 o'clock this morning when stu-
dents will be asked to purchase
tags, and will continue until tomor-
row night. The quota for the drive
has been set at $1,500.
At a meeting of the Student
Council last week a resolution was
passed commending the drive and
advocating that all students sub-
scribe to the fund which will be
used for such a worthy purpose.
Chairman Appeals.
Money contributed will be used
to make Christmas an enjoyable af-
fair for the children. Funds left
over each year go to pay the ex-
penses of the workshop on the fifth
floor of the hospital where the chil-
dren are taught handicraft work.
Wallace Steffenson, '31, chairman
of the drive, stated yesterday that'
"these children, maimed by disease
and away from home ties will look
forward to a visit from Santa with
great hope, but unless the campus
helps us as an organization to fill
the shoes of the mythical old gen-
tleman, the children's hopes will be
in vain."~
Houses Canvassed.
Galens, he said, attempts to give
them things which will have a cer-
tain degree of permanence-dolls
and games for the girls, mechanical.
toys and games for the boys, in
addition to the inevitable Christ-'
mas candy.
Fraternities and sororities are be-
in g asked to contribute -to the fund
as organizations, but those in
charge of the drive have expressed'
the hope that the individual mem-
bers of the societies contributing
will give their support to the cam-{


Associa ted Press Photo
C. A. Swanson,
Senator from Virginia, who told
the Senate that Virginia farmers
were in dire need and urged the
appropriation of $60,000,000 instead
of $25,000,000 for relief of farmers
stricken by drought.
Twelve of Crew Lose Lives as
Guncotton in Submerged
Vessel Blows Up.
(By Associated Press)
LORIENT, France, Dec. 8.-Tons
of guncotton submerged since the
World war in the sunken hulk of
the cargo boat Florence, suddenly
flared and exploded yesterday shat-
tering the Italian salvage ship,
Artiglio, which was removing the
wreck. Twelve of the Artiglio's
crew, including the captain, Bertel-
otto Giacomo, lost their lives in the
The remaining seven of the crew,
all injured, were rushed to hospi-
tals at Belle Isle. The bodies of
two divers, encased in their armor-
ed suits, were recovered from the
The explosion occurred off the is-
land of Houat, on the west coast
of Brittany not far from where the
liner Egypt went down in 1922 with
$5,000,000 in gold ingots aboard. For,
more than a yearnthe crew of the
Artiglio had been trying to recover
the sunken treasury of the Egypt,
but so far, because of bad weather
conditions and erratic, tides, had
not been successful.
The loss of the Artiglio may

Harrison Asserts He Will Block
Appointment of Brossard.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8--The Sen-
ate today gave quick approval to
President Hoover's choice for secre-
tary of labor, William N. Doak, Vir-
ginia, but notice was given of a
contest on one of his tariff commis-
sion nominees, 'Edgar B. Brossard,
of Utah.
Doak was confirmed without de-
bate on motion of Senator Heflin,
Democrat, Alabama.
At the same time, Senator Har-
rison, Democrat, Mississippi, said
off the floor there would be "stren-
uous opposition" to Brossard when
the six tariff nominations reach the
Senate. The finance committee, of
which Harrison is a member, con-
cluded its examination of the nomi-
nees late todsy and called a meet-
ing for tomorrow to make their re-
port. Chairman Smoot predicted all
six would be confirmed.
Brossard, a Republican, and Al-~
fred P. Dennis, of Maryland, a
Democrat, both hold-overs from
the old commission, were question-
ed at length today regarding a
statement issued by the commission
last spring before the Hawley-
Smoot bill was passed saying agri-
culture would benefit greatly by
the measure.
Dennis said he signed the state-
ment while "asleep at the switch,"
that its phraseology was changed
without his knowledge and that he
later condemned it. He conceded
m a n y farm rates had been in-
creased, but contended these would
prove ineffective.
Doumergue Names Newcomer to
Take Up Unfinished Task ,
of Louis Barthou. -
(Qv Associated Press)1
PARIS, Dec. 8. - A newcomer in1
leading Frenlh political moles, Sein-
ator Pierre Laval, noted lawyer,
worksed feverishly tonight to con-
struct a government where an older
hand had failed.
Invited today by President Dou-
mergue to form a new cabinet, af-
ter the efforts of Senator Louis
Barthou had failed, Laval was*
meeting with difficulties similar to
those encountered by his colleague.
The veto of the radical socialist
party against inclusion of any
member of the right in the new
combination was renewed, and, as'
in Barthou's case, apparently was
the stiffest obstacle for Laval to
negotiate on his way to the premi-
Laval, however, a close friend of
Aristide Briand and former Premier
Andrew Tardieu, tonight appeared
to have better chances of success
than Barthou had.
His advantage, it was reported by
his close friends, lay in his decision
not to insist upon the entrance in-
to the government of a number of
the "right" parties, as Barthou had
done. The right group advocates
religious training in public schools.
Meanwhile, the right g r o u p,
headed by Louis Marin, against
which exclusion was pronounced by
the radical socialist party, said they
were not satisfied to consider Tar-
dieu as sufficient representation in
the new cabinet and will insist on
another minister or two and sever-
al undersecretaries of state.

Walsh Leads Uprising in Senate
Against Administration's
Unemployment Plan.
Bill for Sixty-Million Dollar
Appropriation Will be
Taken Up Today.
(By Asami ed Iess>
WASHINGTON,Dec. 8.--A Demo-
cratic uprising in the S e n a t e
against President Hoover's unem-
ployment pregrain signalized re-
porting today by Congressional
committees of the first of the emer-
gency measures.'
Led by Senator Walsh, Massachu-
setts, a half-dozen Democrats took
the floor to deno nce the admini-
stration proposal as a "drop in the
bucket" and to gemand a Demo-
crat.c program of
greater dimen h
sions even at thet
price of increased
income taxes.
Robinson Joins
Senator Robin- .
son, of Arkansas.
t h e Democratic
leader, who joined
in the pledge of :;.
party leaders for
'o-operation on
rlief leislatin 3 *
istened intently.
Already he has THOMAS t.WALS
broken from the
Hoover program on drought relief
and tomorrow the Senate will take
up the $60,000,000 drought relief
bill reported today byuChairman
McNary of the agriculture commit-
tee. The administration urged $25,-
000,000 for this.
Walsh compared the Hoover ad-
ministration to "the fiddling by
lNerQ 8e a F .r c d." He- pro-,
posed that the government appro-
priate $100,000,000 to divide with
states the cost of unemployment
relief. He also asked a five day
week for government employees.
Copeland Concurs.
Senator Barkiey, Democrat, Ken-
tucky, urged his bill to pay World
war veterans cash for the face val-
ue of their bonus insurance certifi-
cates. Senators Caraway, of Arkan-
sas, Dill, of Washington, and Cope-
land, of New York, joined in the
Democratic attack and in support
of a party program beyond that
recommended by the President.
Meanwhile, the House received
the $30,000,000 drought relief bill
from its agriculture committee and
prepared to meet the issue of $60,-
000,000 demand for this work by
Representative Aswell, Democrat,
The House appropriations com-
mittee will report tomorrow the
$110,000,000 public works appropri-
ation. Mr. Hoover asked $150,000,-
000 for this to press construction as
a means of aiding employment.
Simon, Levy to Lead Two Teams;
Practice Meet Tonight.
Howard Simon, '32L, and Nathan
Levy, '31, have been appointed cap-
tains of the affirmative and nega-
tive Varsity debating teams, respec-
tively, it was announced yesterday

by Floyd K. Riley, coach.
Both captains are experienced in
intercollegiate competition, Simon
having debated for more than three
years, and Levy for two and a half
years. The other members of the
teams which they will lead are par-
ticipating for the first time in
conference debating.
A practice no-decision debate
with Purdue's affirmative squad isl
scheduled for tonight by the nega-
tive team. Thursday night the same
team will .meet the Thdaina uni-
versity team at Bloomington in the
first conference debate of the sea-
son, while the affirmative squad
debates Ohio State here.
Freshman Basketball
Group Games Planned
Three basketball games sponsored
by the Union Underclass committee
will be played tonight at the Intra-
mural building, Harold Warren,
reenreiny-secretan off +bp nnni

Members Oppose Attitude' That
Student Council Took but l
Approve Action.
Campus Conference Considered;
Committee on Arrangements
Indignant at not being consulted
as to their views regarding the
holding of fraternity dances the
night of the J-Hop, members of the
Interfraternity council at a meet-
ing yesterday afternoon passed a
resolution opposing the "attitude"
taken by the Student Council in
regard to the J-Hop house party
This does not mean that the body
disapproved of the rule made by
the council, but rather their atti-
tude in assuming so much power
before consulting those most con-
cerned. A second resolution was
passed approving the prohibition of
fraternity dances on the night of
the 1931 J-Hop.
Minorities Object.
During the meeting a strong mi-
nority offered objections to the ac-
tion taken by the council last week
stating that the rule would deprive
many students of attending private
parties, while under no circum-
stances, would they attend the J-
Hop. It was further pointed out
that in past years the number of
fraternities holding J-Hop house
parties has been so small that the
closing of the private functions
would be of little financial assist-
ance to the J-Hop committee. Sev-
eral members attacked the enor-
mous amount of money expended
in sponsoring the dance.
Those favoring the ruling stressed
the possibility of the affair not be-
ing a financial success this year
beciuse of the business depression
unless this action be taken. The
protection of an old Michigan cus-
tom which might be abandoned
unless given added support was an-
other argument offered favoring
the ruling. V
Committee Named.
A special cornmittee was appoint-
ed by James Ward, '31, president of
the council, to consider plans for
the holding of an interfraternity
conference on the campus. They
are Carl S. Forsythe, jr., '32, chair-
man, Donald Bell, '31, and Ward.
Fraternities not paying t h e i r
dues by Dec. 19 will be subject to
discipline, it was announced. Ward
pointed out that the discipline for
delinquent members might take the
form of social probation or restric-
tion of rushing privileges.
Plotters Hear Altered Decree
Joyfully; Other Sentences
(8v Associated Pres)
MOSCOW, Dec. 8. - Five promi-
nent engineers, who at midnight
beard a fateful verdict of four su-
preme court judges that they must
die for plotting intervention in
Soviet Russia, were made joyous to-
day by commutation of their sen-

tences to 10 years imprisonment.
Three others, condemned to 10
years imprisonment by the verdict
after a great public trial that had .{
lasted since Nov. 25, were given
commutation to eight years im-
prisonment. All were deprived of
citizenship rights for five years and
their property will be confiscated.
The men whose lives were saved
were Leonid Ramsin, leader of the
conspirators; Alexander Fedotov,
oldest of the group, who had begged
pitiously for mercy throughout the
hearing; Victor Larichev, first as-
sistant to R.amsin; Nicolai Char-'
novsky and Ivan Kalinikov.
Those whose imprisonment was
reduced from ten years to eight
were Vladimir Ochkin, 30 years old
and youngest of the band; Sergei
Kuprianov, and Xenophon Sitnin.
The commutation was decided by
the central executive committee of
the Union of Socialist Soviet Re-
nublics, which declared that since
the defendants had confessed and

Elaborate Settings to Feature
Annual Sophomore Dance.
Plans for the decoration of the
Union ballroom for the annual
Soph Prom Friday night, were an-
nounced yesterday by Charles P.
Worst, general chairman.
Palms, ferns, and flowers will be
distributed in abundance through-
out the ballroom. A huge illumin-
ated "33" will be placed directly
over the stand for the orchestra.
While there will be no predomin-
ate motif in the decorative scheme,
elaborate decorations have been
Freddy Bergin, the leader of the
orchestra will provide music for the
Prom, will personally make a trip
to Ann Arbor Thursday to super-
vise the placing of the orchestral
platform, as well as to check up
on other details.
Tickets, which will be sold until
the time of the dance may be ob-
tained at the Union, as well as in
Angell and University halls.
State Committeemen Name Two
Seniors to Compete for
Rhodes Award.
Lawrence D. Hartwig, '31, and
Glenn D. Gosling, '31, were selected
yesterday as candidates from Mich-
igan for the , Rhodes scholarship,
Dean John R. Effinger, of the lit-
erary college and chairman of the
state committee, stated last night.
They will be considered within
the next two weeks by a national
committee which will select 32 men
from various parts of the country
for the scholarship. Four men wi
be selected for the honor from each
of the eight districts in which the
country has been divided. States
in the same district as Michigan
are Ohio, Wisconsin, Kentucky, In-
diana, and Illinois.
Hartwig is a member of Phi Bets
Kappa, president of the Oratorica
association, and last year was a
member of the Varsity debating
team. Gosling, a member of Phi
Kappa Phi, is majoring in English.
Following his graduation in Febru-
ary he will start work .on his mas-
ters degree which he expects to ob-
tain in summer school. Gosling at-
tended the Grand Rapids junior
college for two years before coming
to the University.
Members of the state committee
which recommended these two mer
for the scholarship are Prof. J. P
Dawson, of the Law school, M. G
Allen, grad., Rev. Weldon Crossland
of Pontiac, and James K. Watkins.
Detroit attorney, and Dean Effin-
ger. All of these men with the ex-
ception of Dean Effinger w e r e
Rhodes scholars.
Skull Injury Received in Auto
Crash Fatal to Educator.
Miss Lucy E. Elliott, principal of
the Sherrard Intermediate school
in Detroit and an active sociat
worker in Ann Arbor since her
graduation from the University in
1903, died Sunday afternoon in

the McPherson Memorial hospital
Howell, from a double skull fracture
suffered in an automobile accident
Miss Elliott was driving to Lan-
sing to attend a board meeting of
the Michigan State Teachers' asso-
ciation when her car collided with
another near Howell.
Dr. Margaret Bell, of the Uni-
versity Health service, and Dr.
Edgar A. Kahn, specialist inbrain
surgery at the hospital, rushed tc
Howell in a vain attempt to save'
Miss Elliott's life.
In 1920 Miss Elliott acted as so-
cial director of Helen Newberry
residence, during which time she
obtained her master'sdegree. Last
summer she served as dean of
women during the Summer Ses-
Miss Elliott was chosen by Frank
Cody, superintendent of Detroit
schools, to head the work of the
Parent-Teachers' association as his


Bids to

be Given Out

for New $350,000
Sewer System.
Unified County Health
Bureau Will be
Meeting last night to consider
the two weightiest problems that
have confronted the city in the
past year, Ann Arbor's -Common
Council sanctioned both the con-
struction of a new sanitary sewer
system and the incorporation of
the various health units of Wash-
tenaw county into one centralized
Meeting at first in a public hear-
ing on a city rezoning issue, the
council adjourned after an unus-
ually short session and reconvened
immediately in a special session
called by Mayor Edward W. Staeb-
ler to take action on a proposal of
the board of public works for the
construction of a sewer system on
which the city will expend approxi-
mately $350,000.
Unanimous Action,
Action to empower the public
works board to advertise for bids
immediately was approved almost
unanimously. Plans for the project,
including two features designed to
help alleviate Ann Arbor's unem-
ployment situation, have already
been drawn up by the city engineer.
Previous action of the council
3pecified that no laborers who had
not lived in the city for at least
three months previous to the
beginning of operations on the
project could b' erployed by the
;ontractor who undertakes the
lontract as long as any Ann Arbor
residents are without work. It was
further decided that no contracting
irm which casts its concrete pipe
>ff the job should be eligible to
inter a bid. This ruling assures the
Imployment of at least 21 addi-
tional men in casting the pipe to
'e used in the new sewer.
Bond Issue Floated.
A bond issue to cover the cost of
constructing the proposed sewer
system was floated by the city last
After another adjournment, the
,ouncil again met as a committee
)f the whole for the consideration
f a county health unit plan pro-
2osed by the president of the
Washtenaw county medical society.
Terming the move "the most
progressive plan ever undertaken
by Washtenaw county in the inter-
est of public health," Dr. 'J. A.
Wessinger, city health officer, told
the council that more than $24,000,
donations from four health funds,
s available to Washtenaw county
from outside sources for the estab-
ishment of a centralized health
unit for the ounty. One of these
funds alone, 'Senator James Couz-
ns' Michigan Childrens' fund, has
yet aside $10,000,000 for the estab-
ishment of county health units
throughout the state,
Together with the $22,300, which
9s the total yearly appropriation for
inn Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Washte-
naw county for public health activ-
ities, the $24,880 available from
coundations, the total annual funds
available to the new county organ-
ization will be $47,180. Since the
estimated yearly payroll of the per-
sonnel of the county unit is esti-
mnated by Dr. Wessinger at approxi-
mately $37,000, a margin of more
than $10,000 annually remains for
running expenses.
(By associated Prs)
NEW YORK, Dec. 8. - Former

Judge Ben Lindsey, of Denver, will
tell a court next Friday that he felt
he had just provocation for inter-
rupting Bishop William T. Manning
during the ascription prayer at the
Cathedral of St. John the Divine,
Arraigned today on a summons
charging disorderly conduct, the
companionate marriage crusader
pleaded not guilty.

Stage Noisy Riot in Berlin
Showing of 'All Quiet on
the Western Front.'


(BX /Issoci'lted Press) 1imean that the salvage work will
BERLIN, Dec. 8.---Boys who were be taken over by an American
babies in 1914 rioted noisly through company.
the fashionable west end of Ber- The Artiglio had been temporar-
lin tonight in protest against the ily engaged by the French govern-
alleged pacifism of the motion pic- ment to remove the hulk of a num-
ture "All Quiet on the Western ber of cargo ships sunk during
Front." the war in the dangerous waters
Prior to this the American movie off the Brittany coast. Most of
version of. Germany's part in the these vessels were packed with high
World war played tonight with a explosives and munitions intended
crowd inside the theater and one for the allied armies and long have
outside, drawn there by reports been considered serious dangers to
that Paul Goebbel, fascist member shipping.
of the Reichstag, would speak in
protest against the film. I Winter, Will Complete
Crowds of fascist sympathizers C
milled about in a 50-yard lane be- Lecture Series Today
tween a monument to war dead Tal
and the theater showing the film, The sixth and final lecture of
while mounted police dashed back the Jerome series sponsored herel
and forth attempting to disperse by the will of the late Thomas
them. Spencer Jerome will be given by
Goebbels, who led an outburst in Prof. John G. Winter, of the Latin
the theater Friday protesting the department, at 4:15 o'clock this af-
film, in which white mice were un- ternoon, in the west gallery of
loosed and malodorous bombs hurl- Alumni Memorial hall, on the sub-
ed by the fascists, was not to be ject, "Recent Additions to Greek
found, however. Prose." The general topic of the
-- lecture course is "Life and Letters
JUNIORS CLASSIF Y in the Papyri."
Classification for the second se-i. OF SONGS IN EN
mester will be opened to juniors in
the literary, music and education
schools through Saturday, while Flint Central High School Choir
sophomore classification is sched- Renders Examples of
uled for between Dec. 15 a nd Old Madrigals.
19. Hundreds of juniors had classi-
fied yesterday with the opening of "The madrigal first existed as a
the registrar's officeto juniors. musical form in early fourteenth-
More than 80 per cent of the senior century Italy," Canon Edmund H.
literary class made out their sched- Fellowes of the royal chapel, Wind-
ules last week. sor castle, England stated in a lec-
Procedure in t h e classification ture yesterday. "It took its name
process has been changed this year from the words signifying 'mother-
from that followed in previous tongue' which distinguished it from
years with the addition of several church music sung in Latin."
i_ M __ -- .ti 1.,.,.. 1- - %, Lz 71,,~o r . - - mlcln,,a 4


Four Persons Killed
in Japanese Quake
(Dv Assoc"areeI Press)
TOKIO, Dec. 8.-Rengo news a-
I gency reports from Tainan said a
s e v e r e earthquake shook that
south-western Formosan r e g i o n
' early today, killing four persons
al causing 253 houses to collapse.
edge of the madrigal.
"The madrigal was not taken up
by English composersuntil1588,"
Dr. Fellowes continued. "Its best
proponents w e r e William Byrd,
T h om as Morley, Joh 1n Wilbye,
ThomasWoelkes, Orlando Gibbons,
and John Dowland."
He went on to describe the sud-
den development of the form in
the English home, which became
exclusively its setting. It was in the
large households of the nobility
+hsf+ Re..h man oc WinhvP mra rP-_

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