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November 29, 1930 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-29

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board ia
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at An iArbor
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
hard Street.
Phones rEditorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 492 5
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News E~ditor.........Gurney Williams
S Editorial Director...........Walter W. Wild
Sports Editor..............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor ............ Mary L. Behymer
Music, IF)r, na, foolr ... .... Wi. J, Gormn
Assistant 'iq Ed or.....Harold (C. Warrea
Assistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprow
Telegraph Edior...........George A. Stauter
Wn. F. Py N. . . ..Copy Editor
S. Beach Conger John 1). Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Iarol 0. Warren
Sports A ssistants
dheldon C. Fullerton . C len Kennedy.
Robert Townsend
Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers
Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce
rhomge . Cooley Sher 9. Quraishi
George Fisk R ichard Racine
Morton Frank Jerry E. Rosenthal
Saul Friedberg George Rubenstein
Frank B. Gilbreth Charles A. Sanford
Jack Goldsmith hail Seiffert
Roland borInan I Wert F. Shaw
Morton Helper Edwin M. Smith
Edgar n"Ilornik t;c-.rge A, Stauter
raes 1i. Inghis i'atke'I erryberry
eenton C.rilrize John S. Townsend
Powers Moulton l~ol,ert D). Townsend

E d
IEditorial Comment

0 -_._




(From the Intercollegian)

Lynne Adams
Betty Clark
Elsie Feldman
Elizabeth (ribble
Emily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hoffmeyer
jean levy
Dorothy Magee
Mary McCall

Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Jean Rosentbgl
Cecilia Shriver
Prances Stewart
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
Barbara V.Wright


Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising...... -- .barle T. flint
.Advertis~.,..........hornas M. Davis
Advertising..........William W. Warboys
Service........ ....or:is 3. Johnson
Publication ............Robert W. Williamnson
Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts.................loras S. Muir
Business Secretary ............ Mary J. $enan

Harry R. Beglev I)on W. Lyon
Vernon Bishop 'A'Niam Morgan
William Brown -1. Fred Schaefer
Robert Callahan . ickard Stratemeier
William W. Davis Noel1D. Turner
Richard H. Hiller l yran C. Vedder l
Erle Kightlinger
Ann W. Verner Helen Olsen
Marian A ran Mildred Postal
It-den Bailey Marjorie Rough
3 oephine Convisser Mary F. Watts
]orrhy Laylin Johanna Wiese
Sylvia Miller
Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, Jr
The 1930 fall elections rang down
the curtain on one of Michigan's
most colorful political careers, that
B., '99, leader of the Democratic
party in this state.
COMSTOCK was born in Alpen a
July 2, 1877, and entered the Uni-
versity in 1895, graduating four
years later. In 1912 he was the
Democratic county chairman in Al-
pena, and the whole ticket he cam-
paigned for was elected. In 1912
he was appointed a Regent of the
Universty, and served in this cap-
acity for two years. In 1914 he
was elected mayor of Alpena. He
is a member of the Democratic nat-
ional committee from Michigan
and chairman of the State Central
committee. As leader of this group
he directed the campaign which
resulted in the election of W. N.
FERRIS as United States senator.
Although COMSTOCK ran three
times for the governorship and wai
defeated each time, although by
smaller majorities each time, ii
must be said that he achieved what
he started out to do. Had he beer;
a Republican, perhaps the results
would have been different. But
he joined the ranks of the Demo-
crats, because he thought that a
strong minority party was neces-
sary to insure good government
And he brought the party to th,
fore in this state more than it ha
ever been. He was an r(dent re-
former, and many of his proposal:
were made into law by the legis-
lature. During the last campaign
he advocated the repeal of prohib-
The Democrats will not soon find
a mai like COMSTOCK to take hill
place at the head of their party
He kept the Republicans on the
cuji vive constantly during his cam-
paigns, and at times this month
they were doubtful as to the suc-

The secret is not in how to study
it is how to review. . . . Try this
simple system.
Take your notes as you have been
taught to. Then buy some three-I
by-five filing cards. Look over your
notes and use a red pencil. Some
,arts are easy to remember. There
are other parts that are "the veri-
esv devil." That formula in chem-
istry or name in history or declen-
sion in Latin. These are the key
points in the lecture. Write small
and enter these high spots on you
three-by-five cards. One side o
such a card will take care of the
real posers in any lecture.
Now you have the difficult points
all together on cards. . . . ..Tuck
those cards into your pocket. Then,
during the spare moments of th
day, use those cards. The ten min-
utes before dinner or waiting for
a date, or loafing after one. Your
success in that chemistry course
isn't going to depend so much on
getting every day's work, although
that is important. It depends on
your not forgetting the work that
has preceded. You *have the key
points of this and other courses in
your vestpocket notes.
Here is where system enters. Get
busy at the beginning of the term.
You will find that your pack of
cards rapidly grows. Mix them all
together - chemistry, French, his-
tory, math., and biology. Now be
careful. Every morning select a
certain number from the pile for
review-let us, say ten. Make it an
absolutely rigid point that these
ten are read over carefully during
the course of the day. You've got
to hold yourself to a schedule.
Where, when, or how you read
them makes little difference, but
get them read and be thorough a-
bout it.
Then replace them. One card
came early in the course. You
know everything on it thoroughly.
Place it on the bottom of the pile.
It will be quite a time before you
meet again. Another you are not
so sure of. Put it in the middle.
That means you will run across it
again in, say, two weeks. Finally,
you meet a card which represents
i lecture of yesterday. It was dif-
ficult and you know that you have
not mastered it. So put it near the
op, where you will get at it again
n the very near future.
The idea is to guarantee that you
weep reviewing your entire work
luring the course of the year. Also,
.hat you keep seeing the stuff you
'ave mastered in rather long inter-.
gals, while you have the material
you have not mastered served up
o you every few days.
Another point. Do exactly the
same thing with the books you
read. Don't blame your memory be-
'auise you read through a book
nee and then fail it on an exam-
nation. Anyone but a genius will
to the same thing. Be reasonable
-and systematic. Get the hard
ooints of that book down on your
yards. One card will generally cov-
r from ten to twenty pages, de-
Dendent on the nature of the book.
Finally, you run bump into the
xaminations. If you have been
ollowing any suggestions you are
nore or less "all set." Your review
s practically done because you
lave been seeing to it every day.
[owever, you take all those chem-
stry cards out of the key pile. Go
hrough them and check all doubt-
ul points with a red pencil. Do it
gain and the puzzlers should have
t blue pencil this time. Then, fin-

.lly get the points which are still
)eyond you ken down on separabe
ards and hammer away at them.
'here won't be, more than three or
our cards. Lastly, the day before
he examination, read over your
;eneral notes carefully and then go
ho ahpicture the night before.-
The pacifism said to be creeping
n among the ranks of. some of
eading militarist in this country
:n the continent, found no greater
:xemplification than it did in the
>ost-war activities of the late Gen-
.ral Tasker H. Bliss, who died but I
He honestly believed that in ten
ears since the war that the world
lad changed. "All this talk of dis-
ramament," he is alleged to have
tated, "is because the people are
lemanding to be relieved of theirl
The heresy of a General who be-
leved in pacifism -- which might
>e compared to that of the doctor
gho thought well of Christian sci-
ne, or the bishon who conceded

this would be a oine matter for in- Mr. Hackett is new this year to
vestigation. It is obvious on the the faculty of the music school.
face of it that they are there for having come as Professor of Voice:
no good purpose . . . Perhaps the but he is an old favorite of Ann
Faculty have to have them there Aibor musical patrons. H was first
aow that the river is frozen over. heard in Ann Arbor in l3i9 when
These professors are single-minded ( he was on tour with Geraldine Far-
genkts, and their technique once rar. Since that time Mr. Hackett
perfected for a canoe may not be has matured into a perxormer of
easily altered. ripe virtuosity and has an enrviabie
reputation as a tenor in United
States, Greatpritain and Eiipooe.
I wonder what the legislature I-e has returned periodically to
w9uld say if they knew that Ann Arbor on Choral Union and
the hall named after Mr. An- MAay Festival programs. His ap-
gell (Who achieved consider- *'ointmcnt to the local faculty at
able fame in these parts by the height of his career was very
having his fireplace put into enthusiastically received.
one corner 02 an eat-jaint) had Mr. Besekersky is also new to the
been turned into one of those faculty, coming as head of the
pslaces- violin department. He appeared in
1asplendid recital last summer and
Vir. Baxter: s first violinist in the recently
In re your famous campaign to formed School of Music trio which
remove the pernicious coed from gave its first program two weeks
heir stamping grounds (i. e. my ago. He has had a distinguished
. eet-D. B.) hereabouts: career as a soloist and pedagogue
If, when strolling along on the in his native country, Russia, and
liagonal, as even the best of us do in New York and Boston, where he
it times, you chance to meet a has filled many engagements with
3oed, and who has not experienced all the prominent American sym-
;hat revulsion, and tle coed is phony orchestras.
ccuyig hexrngside of thephnoresa.
>ccupymg the wrong ifth a delaide ............... Beethoven
walk, as is invariably the case, and Mr. Hackett

We serve
at the
Where Service
Quality Reigns


I don't know how many of you Tomorrow afternoon at 4:15 in
fellows are aware that there is a Hill Auditorium, Arthur Hackett,
storeroom right underneath the tenor, and Wassily Besekersky,
lobby of Angell Hall, but I'll war- violinist, will combine in anothcr
rant that half that number are in of the faculty concert series. Piano
complete ignorance of the fact that
somebody tI suspect the B & G accompaniments will be played by
Boys) has secreted two or thrc Constance Hackett and Mabel Ro,:
2anoes in it It seems to me that Rhead.I

and RadT ios E

she carries books, as sometimes
aappens, a mere flick of the wrist
Suffices f' scatter the books for
aarasangs about. A few such flicks,
and coeds must necessarily refrain
from carrying books about just ts
3how off their assuredly superficial
earning and forthwith flunk out.
In conclusion, Mr. Baxter, Good-
Goodbye, Artie-D. B.
In the D. 0. B. for Thanksgiving
appears the following:
Cfme You Mary, Hageman:
Do Not Go My Love; Aiken:
Sigh No More (Mr. Hackett).
I think the tender solicitude
evinced over Mr. Hackett, is per-
haps the most touching part of it
* *
It is reported that there is a very
soul building on campus by the
aamne of Newberry Auditorium
which is arousing considerable
)ublic indigation. Rumor has it
2hat the administration are being
,alled a bunch of cheap-skates by
disgruntled students.
The Pherret has east reparted
that "alpha Nu has just received
a challenge from Zeta Phi Eta
(female Debating Society) to
hold a discussion on the sub-
ject "Are Coeds Human
Beings?" It seems that even
the Zeta Phi Etas are beginning
to have their doubts.

2117 Devonshire Road

Phone 7720

Havanaise .... .........Saint-Sas ts
African Dances ..Coleridge-Taylor
Mr. Besekirsky
Nell ........................ F'aure
vocturne ................Franck
La Barcheta ................ Hahn
D'une Prison...............l-a,1
Uhant Venitien.........Bemberg
Mr. Hackett
Knotting (Old English) ....Moffat
Serenade Melancoliue ..........
........ Tschaikovsky
Zephyr .. ..................Hubay
Mr. Besekirsky
Prayer to our Lady..........F.ord
some you, Mary .:........ Craxton
Do not go, m love ......1ageman
Sigh no more..............Aiken
Mr. Hackett
Last season in the flood of mys-
tery novels, George Cohan, ever-
wily showman, revived his fam-
ous production of "The Tavern," a
satiric burlesque of ' mysteroso
melodrama. With Cohan himself.
who is one of America's most com-
etent actors, in the title role, the
production was a New York suc-
cess. Cohan is bringing the produc-
tion to the Wilson Theatre in Do-
troit next week.
"The Tavern" was first hurled a
a naive unsuspecting audience in
1920. Several critics, indulging their
aabit of leaving early, wrote pro-
, ound reviews the next morning
,omplining of slight bewilderment
as to the play's meaning. For not
until the last act does it become
apparent that Georgie Cohan, then
a prolific playwright himself, was
enjoying himself at the expense of
the old school of mystery theatre.
The scene of the play is laid in a
avern on a furiously stormy night
into this inn wanders a lonely
vagabond who hopes for drama
among all the "quaint peopl'
around the fireside. He makes
rama. The play opens at the Wil-
son Sunday night for a week's run.
with matinees on Wednesday and
Starring the very lovely Lily
Damita, the Connoly and Swan-
strom musical comedy "Sons O'
Guns" was the 'necessary" show
all last season in New York. It was
the most tastefully produced and
the most varied of musical shows.
Dne of the two or three big de-
signers in the - country, Joseph
( Urban, built all the scenery; and
Charles LeMaire, equally famous
for costume creations, gowned the
east. The late Jack Donahue, who
was also co-author of the book, did
Iall the dancing and did it amaz-
ingly well. The production got very
far above the ordinary level of
romantic musical comedy.
This production, with several
necessary changes in the cast
opens at the Cass Theatre for a
week's run tomorrow night. Harry
Richman, late of Hollywood and

.. l Y " t a " T'i - : =ate .

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.3
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister
10:30 A. M.---Morning Worship. I
"'THE MAN W HO A1$Ri7s E, -, Dr.
(BIoadcast over Sanion WV )E
7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship.
Memorial Service for Dr. Arthur
W. Stallker

Cor. State and East Huron
12:00 Noon-Regular Sunday School
Fielding H. Yost will speak at the
Su-nday Evening Devotional meet-
ing at 6 o'clock. His topic will be
"Your Opportunity: What are you
going to do with it?"
Sociatl Hour at 7 o'clock.

Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, University Pastor
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Sitting in Other's Seats."
12:00 Noon-Student Classes.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's meet-
6:30 P. M.-Senior Young People's
Discussion Group Topic: "Chris-
tianity and the Family."
Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, November 3
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "Outward Bound"
based on the play by Sutton Vane,
it being a "drama of eternal des-
9:30 A. M.-Church School. Illus-
trated talks on Early Hebrew His-
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship
social half hour.
6:00 P. M.--Fellowship supper.
6:30 P. M.-Burke Shartel, S.J.D.
will speak on "Criminal Respons-

Persons who appreciate good
quality and low prices have
made a habit of reading the
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D. B. Conley, District Representative
Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia

F. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister of
9:45 A. M.-The Church School.
Mr. Wallace Watt, Superintendent.
10:4-5 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Mr. Sayles, preacher. T'op.c,
12:00 N.-University Class at Guild
H-ouse. Mr. Chapman on History
of Hebrew People.
5:30 P. M.-Friendship Hour at
Guild House.
6:30 P. M.--Discussion, Campus
Problems, Miss Lowena Crawford.

. I

615 East University
Rabbi Bernard Heller

11:15 A. M.--
Rabbi Heller
subject "Why

will speak

on this

7:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Jo-
sephine Stern will read atpaper on
the subject "The Jewish Youth
Movement in America."
9:00 P. M.-Social Hour.


I see the Grid men are to be
Feted in Detroit. Song of the
amusement committee to the cater-
er or haberdasher or whoever it is
that does things like that-"My
Fete Is In Your Hands."
h " *
Dear Nephew:
I suppose you have learned all
about mob psychology in your
classes but I saw a concrete ex-
ample of it Wednesday night at the
M. C. station. About 50 of us were
standing around in the warm sta-
tion waiting for the 8:51 to Detroit,
and one young man decided to step
outside for a breath of fresh air.
The effect was instantaneous-the
other 49 would-be passengers fol-
lowed him out the door and stood
about on the freezing platform
waiting for a train that was then
nearer Chicago than Ann Arbor.
For a few moments everyone eyed
his neighbor and one old lady said,
"Well, I'll be--- !" and then
evervhndv ilei chnenishlyb ack into I

(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard and
Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Tha Grace of God That
Bringeth Salvation."
11:00 A. M.-Servica in German.
7:00 P. M. -- Young People's
TWashington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stelihorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.---Sunday School.
9:00 & 10:30 A. M.-Harvest 1es-
tival Service. Sermon topic: "Our
Song of Harvest Home."


Division and Catherine Streets
Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector
Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant
8:00 A. M.--Holy Communion.
9:30 A. M.-Holy Communion.
(Student Chapel in Harris Hall.1
9:30 A. M.-Church School (Kin-
dergarten at 11 o'clock).
11:00 A. M.-Morning prayer; ser-
mon by Mr. Mann.
6:00 P. M.-Student Supper in
Harris Hall. Speaker, Dr. A. L.
7:45 P. M.-Evensong and Address.
(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty Sts.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
November 23, 1930
9:00 A. M.-German Service.
10:00 A. M.-Bible School.
11:00 A. M.-Morning Worship
in Enlih. ermn,.onic."Tus

409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "Ancient and
Modern Necromancy, Alias Mes-
merism and Hypnotism, De-
I I . A n -IQ 1 C, , C I, , ,

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