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November 29, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-29

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oxirig and Dates are Fancies of religion. They are in a special
Fernando and Guillermo English class with fouir other: MAexi-

-ET EEtSIJD NIe ceased Fire CommissionerRuboorkhile tcaibo
vj.: t t:k:-S2 Atended Michigan Games _lermo,a
Annual Cnerene Sees Merits Fo 89 n Ty r s3, K . No. 2 do Th
_____ Theyro go~anfcow a
in Collegiate Fraternty ..... . . . . . . . . . ...,.,.j. . . .. . . . . . . . . .jdW ilrG er l, Tat' thc vrdict students of St. andico.
r n***in. " of theboard of firedit coin- be'ehae ased Guille
S....'~'mssioners of the city and one of on FPrnando .nd iGuillermo Ortz friends
U~ T Ithe most loyl fo)JY'cs f LTr~j.. ub~.c r, c &t.e eident of 1known~
SOCI~~ET1ES AID M~~MBERS~~ E'. ltat.h.eticSdied. at ~o'clock~M~ e le 3m2&~ ~lC
acity Studlen ='s Avc:,ages ., Thursday night, in his home at 11 i h t hm private
~W. Liberty St. Feia n and Giermo let his- ( where]
(uau Y":GfilP c~a eiknes .f several p,~ ~4U~C~c( ,hogo h o
Confeghre nceaerns n ~ 'i~ts Milard had recovered, th Aexian chief oxeCtive, academ
- _,. ; sufficiently to resumc his wrk but I m.2 fit 2toschol. thy d
(secalto7',esfered a relapse shortly after Ut- C " ..ey a rd at ;teir ~tuld-credits,
NE YRK N Y, ov 2-Te tend cing the Minnesota game. i s an41 are a tc m a .mu life English
NEchOlastic.av Y.,;ovc.l2r-he Until this yar Millard had not Fein o Ias taken1 a dcided uk- Te
teniy n:~tho '~mtmssed a single home football gamre I toY)XIffJ VflC the firs ~mtch expressi
tvnt entzi otte coon- .'.since th~e inauguration of itrosin n P .hUfarci~pwle~d drew a and fre
try is higher than the gencralechJio-. A ... 14... ,...i.legate games in 1895. This year he'.rW.&VIt. ysacdts'iicS
latic aur #ofa]i'""eun r.5 missed the opening game and the and arc popular with ther so,- h
graduates, according to a state-- Chicago game. ate-.! Benedic
met m d o a y a n E. D a- 'hi.zc yi ot. , r a n elkr, 24, etherCal Wenizel, fl, weu ..: '1e .E1 c. .,a ri-m~ btorccd pIsante crasned at tc ors3 e r the tra clmetsk ndiofgthe e ro doand Ze.. c oret : aco stude
err,~~~~~~~ charmnird t2eseo1rsup>' A -# in. Detrei. Cameramen were exludei f 2 .n 1)ort ut tro above picture was taken fromI this work he came into contact with algcrcez sr,~rvcaddge
comte f h ncf aten & zti etefni _________ __ nearly all the famous Michigan
Conference. This t , -rtont w ; .__ .1.1111111-1--l_____ - __---- athletes.
made in1 a rc r c to- -- - fl Iatladaearcos.fcii
meeting of fine, Ce fr--a t the SLF Gi J ) fLDER f..L AWARDED .activity that hasesldom be*pL
totdelegaensyivzEAn:in ~ a r' ity~~P A E R Z SFna9d33 IU~L d fi equaled in Ann Arbor. Besides hs TMES
frt eite h:;= v r .; a j ca 1 a-6u1a-work as a fire commissioner, he Ts w1~TQ
fratrniies 2 v g atetl n~m- r~i II'the owner of the Millard Press
bership of 75.0,00ne of who, °Coolidgc'o Secre'as'y of Staze up the Klog-Briand ant-wrt I rntingcmpn. ewa po
0,0arunr'aute.Given Honor for Work in oat hc i'ay cey civiized h I minent Mason, a member of inane IL 11 W INJ
The Conference, which has dur- y-noig odP c. nainnwhs ind nIwih - other lodges, and one of the city's withn* ,se
ing the last twenty-one years di- I ,tgWo Pc, ain pno ha ied, ars df whis-ch Professor Tells Txas uttndngparitLdrOgUheISOSPHBE ''L r
bansan intprininipleiowars of t aggres- aNCI
Ire unPrsctlegiiseffatrtie s o ad ovoe-ig(?' ait:' s)sion. i ts ie~ of Speech to Moden. iWorld war. PATSY RUTH M
cleefarnteasaco-opera- . e..3 -Frak M. elogwa hescrtrye;One of the most,"prized posses-A
tern of college education, has for {. Kellogg whose initiative as state in the cabinets of Prei;ent !xcu~v sions of Mr. Millard was a framed CLMI ietdb IHR Q
thv lmti e AAmerianasyssecre'tTvary Nov.st2t. ledran phot.gKelloofgYwas thetsecretare
tepast five years laid special em- imrcnsce~r fsaeldt arding and of President oocs l~ r 1Sd oar~L')poorp o otta a ae
phasis on scholarship. In each of 'world ban on wars of aggression. in 1904. He also was very proud u hiln oac
those years the Confei°ence has his been awarded the Nobel peace reiig wt nuuaino rs HOUSTON, Texas, Nov. 28- Thei of his collection of pictures of for- 1 T rilig oancea
madle an exhaustive statistical sujr- YU7C~z for 1929. ident Hoover. Upon resignation of value of public speaking in modern mer Michigan athletes and teams. Adveture__and__G
vey of the scholarship of fraternity. The peace prize award for 1930, Charles Evans Hughes fromn the business was emphasized by Prof. j Funeral services will be held at Cok
and non-fraternity men in 125 col-anoce simultaneously by the world court bench to become chief 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at theCNAD- OMN SU
leges and universities throughoutipiecmite ee os oD.jsiejfteUie Sae ewsG. . Densmore of the University of Masonic temple. The burial will hRACOIGSN
the country where there are morel iathan Soderblom, archbishop of elected in Mr. Hughes' stead. Michigan speech department in a take place at the Forest Hill ceme- NAGEL in "NUMB
than four fraternities. The data Ipsala, Sweden, and pro-chancel- Dr. Soderblom received the 1930 talk, "Practical Public Speaking for tery. _____ ___________
for 'such surveys wras funished bypeI teMdr usns xctv of University of Upaia since award in re og ninion f his peace thlodrBsnesExctie --" - -- --__________ ___
the aiiitaieatoiiso 1914. propaganda and efforts through ic
the colleges. Mr. Kellogg, who is now a jus- church unions. He is the author' e eiee eoete
"Eah o thse eas,"Mr.DuetLice of the world court at The of a number of learned works and twelfth annual convention of the
decared, "has shown consistent im- fague, and Dr.~ was the principal organizer of the Texas State Teachers association
provmentoverit~ redeesso. Fo: . oderblom a r e Christian unity conference inil today.thswrde--
the college year 19-1930 the con-' o t h exected; Stockholm fie years ago. Hie vi- "On's ucceK . thsuwoZd e- y 0 u
plete returns from 125 insthtlions ere Dec. 10 to ited the United States in 1924. Iprds largely pon his ability to in- Ip
having a male en2rLrhent of 200,000je c e iv e the- flu ence the actions of others, and
show that the fraternity noon's av- 1 wards, w h ic h . -_______ this influence is almost completely1.w rgissmvla netanoe.aeavluths"defcedbspceternpiae
cetoi' i te'ar of 173,00 0 }lit Goin~g 011 1 or public," he said. "Four essential a nd your I TCHnoiEl
percet hgheritan teaverage or__ ____of_ alls or ffctvepuli seain
ofalmnuderradiuates, and al- -. e, rabout ___ _actre: fowrour seubcealihg
most two per cent. h~Jer th'an the 83,000. -TeE zf l ro or5bet sals
average of non-fraternity men."i It has been pre- 1E".LI personal contact w ith. your audi-'
"It is genierally cease ded," Mr. <ticte d for some Mrajestic -- Norma Talmadge inI ence, act interested, and speak loud;
Dut otne,"httccnat i m e th1ia t M r. "Du "Barry, Wom-n of Passion." e zc.Uh to be easily heard. Clear.
fotrdb rtrite,,oasea-elloggwould re- Nilgan-milimfane ocie eViricn statements of
lyeve the prize. In "emt Cnro.,)bec t,hod the ;stage, land the
lyadin exra- curici1ar activi- noeCnrl
ties, have. constituitcdanl w v l;. ' :F2RANcK E oaG conjunction with Wu r - 3ert Lyteil1 and ~sy coi-nra 's, and guide the hand that
asset to colege life. valutabl~e Aristide Briand, Ruth Miller in "L,,st of tihe Lo;.c sig-n o, tie (otted line."
or not this asset has heed pu r- Frcnh foreign minster, lhe drew Wo'f." i cac .,. was based upon;
Chased at the price of scholarship ---- h 's exper+nce f conducting class-
has longL beei prac+ical public speaking for!
ha lngbena moot question. AcQlptureLxtxotto h uil eeuie fmn
That question is n longe moot. T dy Cosmopolitan C nab-Reular teom-; ayc> orporations, as well as in,
The ncrelng ~c o A 'ericn ~ S~ !ester business meeting at Lane hail cronal tramiing courses for poll-
colleges, with the ensing break- at £; o'clock. icians. offlers of fraternal o gan-
down in prsenti coaL et betwreen The, exhibit of small Aaerican .ichigan Leau-Dancing fronm za:ions, and club _a--n and women.
indviua sudntsan te aclt, sultve hih as ee so~Tnin9 until 12 o'clock. Professr Densrnore has also given
has open the way for the college the north gallery of Alumni M:- Mihga Ui--D nigfo iia ore vrSainWR
fraternity to supply cie-inspirato. cl aa hall will close today, Pro ,9Mcign'cok ac.f'': Detroit.use vr ttonWR
and personal gui ianco which wa s a Bruce M Donaldson, of the fine, ni 2ocok _ _
priceless incident to the small col- arts department, announced.
lege of formner years." The exhibition has included 30 of
Jams Wrd 'SE, ndJac Do~ithe representative works of the ; a Diya
lae ad 3r n akDa eading American sculptors and has Ni tin s l2: .00, 3:40
bin, '31, are the delegate" re iresent- prvnqiescesfllr.Dn 0 and 35c - 7:00, 9:00
ing the Michigan Interfraternity aidsmi said. The gallery will be
council.l open until 5 o'clock today.I TL Y G
A }"::'e

tive plans call for advanced
civil engineering for Guil-
nd agriculture for Fernan-
ir father is a civil engineer
is large land holdings in
rmo, called "Hill" by his
is 19, while Fernando,
as "Freddie," is two years
r.After being educatd in
schoo]s in Mt1exico City
Fernando learned to bx,
ys last year attended an
y, at Gttysburg, Pa. There
id not try for scholastic
but sought to larn the
still have some difficuty in
ng themselves in English
quently resort to characer-
ianish shrugs and gestures.
Rubio brothers came to St.
A's largely because their
Salvadore Reyes Cortz, is
.nt here. He will receive a
in chemistry this year.
MMMV Continuous
of Roya



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